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I know this lounge is mainly for c++ code but I have some C code that I would like someone to look at. What I'm simply asking for is if I'm deallocating my struct correctly. Here is the link paste.ofcode.org/sn2MKdVpYxL3xf2LLxbDtr
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
@LuisAverhoff you don't deallocate your struct at all. You deallocate the member. And yes you do that "correctly" BUT you could make it a lot safer
What do you mean by alot safer?
void freematrix(matrix *mat) {
    *mat = { NULL, 0, 0, mat->memSize };
This preserves invariants of your matrix type.
Can you explain briefly what invariants are?
Google knows.
Alright well thanks for your help.
Concretely, you prevent double-frees because of the stale pointer. Also, you could check the invariants in creatematrix as well:
    int creatematrix(matrix *mat, size_t rows, size_t columns, size_t memSize) {
        void **data = calloc(rows * columns, memSize);

        if (data != NULL) /*In case calloc fails*/
            mat->rows = rows;
            mat->columns = columns;
            mat->memSize = memSize;
            mat->data = data;
            return 1;

        return -1;
@LuisAverhoff Or even:
void freematrix(matrix*);

int creatematrix(matrix *mat, size_t rows, size_t columns, size_t memSize) {
    if (mat->data) {
The latter would be somewhat surprising (especially if the caller holds pointers into the data). So I'd prefer to just assert
Both prevent memory leaks due to programmer error.
@sehe A quick google search details that an "invariant is a condition that you know to always be true" which is way I'm guessing you are using assert in both the create and free function.
Thanks for teaching me some new, I really appreciate that.
6 hours later…
@LuisAverhoff Rather, I assert only in one function. Both functions together keep the invariant ("data == NULL if there is no allocated memory")
2 hours later…
hey! Iam writing my first c++ program and i keep getting this error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"hello(char const*, int)", referenced from:
_main in main-c450f0.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
does anyone know what might be wrong?
4 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
can you post the full source
@sehe ?
also do you know what is an undefined symbol
@J.doe So eloquent. Question marks don't do it for me
As if there was anything unclear about moving messages to a more appropriate room [if not Stack Overflow]
hehe sorry @sehe
It's ok :)
no I mean if you could help me out
@J.doe Just answer @milleniumbug
Q: What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?

Luchian GrigoreWhat are undefined reference/unresolved external symbol errors? What are common causes and how to fix/prevent them? Feel free to edit/add your own.

Note the tag. It's a must-have.
ok let me check it out
@sehe is this method call to 'hello' ok inside my main?
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::pair<const char*, int> p = parse_args (argc ,argv);
if (p.second != -1){
hello(p.first, p.second);
Yes. The compiler will want to know what it is, of course.
If it's not _declared_, compile error.
If it's not _defined_, linker error.
here is my hello function: void hello(std::pair<const char*, int> pair){..some code.}
i defined my 'hello' maybe there is something wrong with my definition:
void hello(std::pair<const char*, int> pair){
std::cout << "Hello ";
for (int i = 0; i < pair.second; i++)
std::cout << pair.first << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
well you're passing two arguments to a function that expects one
but it is a 'pair'
which is a one object
i see
is enough then
hello(p); // you're passing a pair
hello(p.first, p.second); // you're passing two objects which happen to be members of a pair
thanks, Iam getting some other error tough , let me check what might be the problem
so strange , Iam getting : main.cpp:12:9: error: no matching function for call to 'hello'
./hello.h:3:6: note: candidate function not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 1 was provided
void hello (const char * name, int count);
but my definition for this method is: void hello(std::pair<const char*, int> pair){.....}
this means you have different code than the one you're showing us
let me see what hello.h
make an SSCCE
what is SSCCEE?
IOW post a full example reproducing the problem
and trim the unnecessary parts out
@milleniumbug sorry, the problem was that I had a hello.h file included in the header of both files and that the hello.h file the function was said to be: void hello (const char * name, int count);
That never helps :<
It's a common pitfall:
17 hours ago, by sehe
@exitc0de HAHAHAHAHAHA you have shit in main.cpp AND main.h. main.h is not include.
People get confused because they don't realize up front that code organization is a must. Otherwise, you lose sanity
Human brains are puny
2 hours later…
I have vector of pointers as one of my arguments to a method (std::pair<const char *, int> parse_args (int argc, char* argv[]){...}) inside this method I want to check if the second pointer points to "0" . like this : if (*argv[2].compare("0")) ... but Iam getting error: member reference base type 'char' is not a structure or union
if ((*argv[2]).compare("0") = 0 ){
what is the problem here?
well you're using const char*
that's your first problem
yesterday, by milleniumbug
No one likes C strings
"0" is a const char*?
std::string("0") is a std::string
does T&& variable decay to T& even when an T&& overload is present?
BTW. simplest way to convert int argc, const char** argv to a std::vector<std::string> is to use the begin, end constructor of std::vector
T&& t= ...;
but how can "0" be a constant pointer @milleniumbug
where overloaded_foo is overloaded to take T& or T&&
@J.doe because it's a C string
consider it an "unhelpful" string
@ratchetfreak there is no decaying here, what you really want to know is which values are temporaries and which are not
convert it to std::string or std::string_view (C++17) as soon as possible
ok ... i will ignore it at the moment
every t where &t compiles is not a temporary, otherwise it is (supposedly there are exceptions with overloading operator &, but we'll ignore that)
std::vector<std::string> args(argv, argv + argc); // there you go, now your arguments are in a vector of strings
and if you have T &&t; then &t compiles, therefore it is not a temporary, therefore it will invoke the T & overload, so you need to std::move(t).
so now: *argv[2] == std::string("0") ?
don't dereference it
also you have const char* at the left-hand side
why ? the pointer itself i just a pointers
@ratchetfreak did that make sense?
a bit...
I mean don't i need a value?
though it seems to defeat the purpose of T&& a bit
@J.doe preferably don't use argv at all without converting it
what is *argv[2] ?
as a motivating example: void foo(T &&t){ do_stuff(t); do_more_stuff(t);}
here foo is expected to work and not break on do_more_stuff because do_stuff ate it
therefore you have to again use std::move to signify which function is allowed to eat t
@milleniumbug it works , but i still don't get why I don't need to dereference the pointer - if I don't do it then how can I compare the value that is stored in the adress at which this pointers points to
the last user should get the temporary, but C++ doesn't do that automatically
@J.doe char is a character. char* or const char* (often) are unhelpful strings. argv is a pointer to the first element of an array of const char*s
argv[2] == std::string("0") compares an unhelpful string with a helpful string
which is a valid operation
*argv[2] == std::string("0"), if it was a valid operation, would compare the first character of an unhelpful string
@J.doe my advice: don't use unhelpful strings at all
wait let me process this in my brain
maybe i don't understand what 'argv' is
argv is a vector of pointers
of type char* ? @milleniumbug
argv is of type char**
so it looks something like [char *p1 ,char *p2...] ?
ok let me see !
anyone clever with concurrency?
Nobody. With. ClevConcur errency
@milleniumbug i understand now what you mean with *argv[2] would be the first character of a unhelpful string (although I don't know exactly what unhelpful means)
@milleniumbug did you actually just draw that?
@Asheh So, you got the joke.
I did
If you have an atomic operation on multi-processor hardware, is it guaranteed to work?
Lets say an increment operation, which is atomic
Noun: work ‎(countable and uncountable, plural works)
  1. (heading, uncountable) Employment.
  2. Labour, occupation, job.
  3. My work involves a lot of travel.‎
  4. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
  5. Come on, Nerissa; I have work in hand / That you yet know not of.
(37 more not shown…)
Verb: work ‎(third-person singular simple present works, present participle working, simple past and past participle worked or (rare) wrought)
  1. (intransitive) To do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers.
  2. He’s working in a bar.‎
  3. Followed by in (or at, etc.) Said of one's workplace (building), or one's department, or one's trade (sphere of business).
  4. I work in a national park; she works in the human resources department; he mostly works in logging, but sometimes works in carpentry
  5. Followed by as. Said of one's job title
(49 more not shown…)
But cant two processors call that atomic operation twce?
I think it is
@Asheh Yes they can. But not if you execute it only once
Atomic is just that: atomic, i.e. indivisable
Yeah, but atomic basically means "one instruction"
but you have two CPU's?
so cant that one instruction, be executed at the same time , on the same variable copied into its register?
@sehe yeah
@Asheh No it doesn't mean that. All the instructions are that. Atomic means the operation is logically atomic
so its logically atomic across all cpu's
even if i have 10000
@milleniumbug Props for motivation. I'd link to the similar SO answers. But I'd be too lazy to find them :(
@Asheh It's either atomic or it isn't. So yes.
So parallel programming is lies
Either im not understanding something, or you are saying that two threads cannot perform an operation concorrently
What it tells the CPU is to fetch/store the latest value with the proper memory model semantics (acquire/release etc). In effect it will do a memory barrier if required
so im right, this is handled on a CPU level
@Asheh Sigh. Evidently not on the same memory location
@Asheh What else is new. Yes, std::atomic<T> and variations are all implemented by compiler intrinsics.
@J.doe It's not an "official" name, it's how I refer to them because they're problematic to use and they suck in general; the commonly used term is "null-terminated string"
A few exceptions (std::atomic_store(std::shared_ptr<T>* p, ....) may or may not actually be lock-free)
Yeah well in my head I couldn't understand how the compiler could have the ability to execute multiple instructions at the same time
yet still be atomic
compiler doesn't, CPU does
but i guess what you are saying is its the variable itself
yeah sorry, compiler
en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/shared_ptr/atomic - see template< class T > bool atomic_is_lock_free( const std::shared_ptr<T>* p );
@Asheh It executes the instructions simultaneously IFF there are multiple cores/CPUs. Operations on shared memory must be synchronized, and they can be using CPU architecture-specific intrinsics. That means they can be lock-free
so this explains why
That makes them orders of magnitude more efficient than using kernel level/user space (spin) locks
is faster than
^ much faster. Also mutex, not mute
because it uses CPU architecture-specific intrinsics?
@milleniumbug but is it always that char* points to the first element of a string?
Old processors might not have it, and the standard library should probably not compile that header, or fall back to locking for things like std::shared_ptr<> as I mentioned
@J.doe (char const&)[N] decays to char const* and yes the decay always points to the first element of the array reference en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/array#Array_to_pointer_decay
@J.doe char* doesn't need to point to the first element of a null-terminated string, but if it does, then it points to the first one, or it is a zero-length string (and then it points to '\0')
sounds to me like the best way of things concurrently functioning is never to use shared memory
Note that I try to sling the right jargon around so that you know how to google fish
@Asheh That's a splendid conclusion. YES. 1000x
I like that you're drawing the right conclusions rather quickly, even though you might still be a bit in the dark on how CPU's function
That's worth a lot.
(and now it's time for me to cook. laters)
never did computer science
later & thanks
@milleniumbug is there anything like a pointer that points to a complete string?
because it was actually what I thought it was
thats why i wanted to "compare strings"
Null-terminated strings are null-terminated, and, as such, they are "complete" in so they end somewhere
Also just use std::string
You can create it from a null-terminated string, and you can create a null-terminated string from it in case you really need to
I mean , by writing *argv[1] i tought it was the value pointed by argv[1] but i didn't know that argv[1] pointed at the first element of a string...
*argv[1] is a value pointed by argv[1]. Your misunderstanding lies somewhere else
@J.doe and that is why you don't use C-strings
Q: How do I use arrays in C++?

fredoverflowC++ inherited arrays from C where they are used virtually everywhere. C++ provides abstractions that are easier to use and less error-prone (std::vector<T> since C++98 and std::array<T, n> since C++11), so the need for arrays does not arise quite as often as it does in C. However, when you read l...

but in your defense it wasn't your choice since argc and argv were given to you, but you can still make your life easier
1 hour ago, by milleniumbug
std::vector<std::string> args(argv, argv + argc); // there you go, now your arguments are in a vector of strings
thanks ! I think I get it more now than before !
1 hour later…
@milleniumbug I'd use { argv+1, argv+argc } personally.
argv[0] is not reliable / trustworthy anyhoops
@J.doe it's an array of arrays C-style strings. Of course things get smurfy
@J.doe That's std::string, and they compare just naturally like you expect
(Where "naturally" is "lexicographically elementwise")
@sehe yes, its just that
int main ()
// declare simple variables
std::string obj5 ="alex";
char obj1 [6] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };
char *pd1 = &obj1[0];
std::string *pd3 = &obj5;

std::cout << pd3 <<std::endl;
std::cout << pd1 <<std::endl;

return 0;

pd3 prints "hello" , but pd1 prints the adress
I will consider a "null terminated string" with cautious ,
pd1 prints the adress of "alex"
@J.doe because it's a f-ing pointer :) coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/708433fb6a493474
so pd1 is not a pointers?
Lesson 1: use proper naming. You'll just confuse the hell out of yourself by chosing disorienting variable names
@J.doe an effinf pointer is very much a pointer
So, to use the value of the pointer, write pd1 (which is indeed an "address" more or less).
To use the value of the object pointed to by pd1, write *pd1 instead. This is very very elementary.
My coliru link shows what's happening and some more.
let me check
Bit late :)
never to late ;)
@sehe with the risk that you go crazy: but std::cout << *palex << "\n"; you need to dereference. std::cout << pobj1 << "\n"; no dereferencing . so I guess pobj1 has adress "Hello"
since the first output gives "alex" and the second output "Hello"
3 hours later…
@J.doe Not at all. That's static polymorphism for you.
Now mentally replace foo by operator<< and you have (more or less) exactly the explanation.
@sehe I will check it tomorrow my head is aching :( . I ll probably be here everyday from now on if u don't mind :)
btw can I also use coliru ?
for further questions
@J.doe sure what's the problem
Of course. It's a public website
And yes, it's a god send for those SSCCE's
thanks @milleniumbug and @sehe
Say hi to @StackedCrooked in the lounge. He made Coliru
can't find him


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
but hi @StackedCrooked ! take care - I need a rest now
:) sleep well
any one
how will we perform it using dfs
in above example how we will print 5 after 4 or 4 after five if we use stack
just one more question before I can sleep .if : int const * anumber = 100 , then anumber is also a constant reference
since it refers to it self

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