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05:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Hmm, I'm having a bit of trouble setting up my forward declarations and stuff, anyone mind helping me?

I have the following files:
GameStateMachine.cpp, GameStateMachine.h, MenuState.cpp, MenuState.h, GameState.h
MenuState inherits from GameState.h
class GameState {
	// When we enter the state.
	virtual void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we update it.
	virtual void update(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we exit state, clean up.
	virtual void exit();
class GameStateMachine {
	// Constructor.
	// Destructor.
	// Change current state.
	void changeState(GameState newState);
	// Update current state.
	void update();
	// Get current state.
	GameState currentState();
In which file/where do I forward declare, to make this work properly?
You forward-declare in the headers and include in the .cpps.
Also consider removing comments that don't contain any information. Unless of course uni is being dumb and requires bad comments.
Like do I forward declare GameState in GameStateMachine, other way around, or forward declare both?
oh that's just my habit haha
You need both because they use each other.
Do I need to forward declare
in this too?
class MenuState : public GameState {
	// When we enter the state.
	void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we update it.
	void update(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we exit state, clean up.
	void exit();
That would make sense.
And I don't need to include any header in each other, do I?
You can have one of them be an actual include because one include doesn't make a circle, but sticking to forward declarations is easier than remembering what includes what and detecting circles.
Right, no including in headers because it causes cycles, that's what the forward declarations are for.
In my GameState.h, I get an error: saying "forward declaration of class GameStateMachine"
void MenuState::enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine) {

This has an error of: 'stateMachine has an incomplete type'
@Annabelle That belongs in the .cpp where you need to include the header.
the second one is in MenuState.cpp
also, I sense a disaster in you using value semantics with polymorphic classes
What do you mean? @milleniumbug
void changeState(std::unique_ptr<GameState> newState);
Oh I'll fix that after this... need to figure out the header stuff first
and GameState& currentState();
@milleniumbug Why do you think that unique_ptr is needed? You can't just put code without any explanation.
actually, I can. I could've said nothing, and yet I said something that allows you to look this up
Just remember to put forward declarations in headers and including the headers in the .cpp. Except for MenuState which actually needs to include GameState in order to be able to inherit it.
@milleniumbug That would have been the same, also useless.
also see "object slicing"
@BJovke Sure. Instead of going all passive-agressive on me, you could have contributed your own answer.
@Annabelle void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
On every call to enter() a copy of stateMachine is being made. You should generally avoid this but it works like it is.
@Annabelle Current C++ recommendation is to use void enter(const GameStateMachine &stateMachine); if you're not going to change stateMachine inside enter(), or, void enter(GameStateMachine *stateMachine); if you want to make changes on the original object.
ewww no
non-const references are fine
pointers indicate you accept null
@milleniumbug Nope. C++ core guidelines say otherwise.
@milleniumbug The reason is that when you call a function accepting non-const reference you're never sure if your variable has been changed by that function or not.
@milleniumbug Until you go to the function source and look what's happening inside.
@BJovke How does a pointer solve that problem?
Please link to the specific rule, I'm searching for "non-const" and "pointer" and nothing comes up
@nwp With a pointer the caller explicitly sees that the object might be changed.
also, the mutation is indicated by non-const reference in the signature
which is visible because it's shown in the autocomplete
Okay um I put my current code online:
Can someone please check what I'm doing wrong here?
that said, feel free to use that guideline in your code, but note that isn't actually as universal (see std::getline or std::swap for where you have non-const reference modified)
@BJovke Meh. I don't deem that benefit worthy of the cost.
@Annabelle Forgot to include GameStateMachine.h in MenuState.cpp.
@nwp I'm not an expert on C++ core guidelines (which are actually guidelines for the future, not current stuff), I accidentally stumbled upon this one few days ago.
And clang-tidy has this warning also.
I figured I needed it in MenuState.h
not in the cpp
Why is it like that?
Because the header only says "that function exists" and doesn't do anything with the GameStateMachine and therefore doesn't need to know what it is. The .cpp actually uses it and therefore must know what it is.
@BJovke There are quite a few people that disagree on various core guidelines. The most common offender being the "make everything have a default constructor even though the class has no default state" guideline.
Sorry, I'm off the topic a little bit. Take a look at this, it's derived from Google coding guidelines: google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Reference_Arguments
It works in repl.it but
on my own computer with g++
oh yeah these aren't "C++ Core Guidelines"
I get this error: undefined reference to `vtable for GameState'
Google C++ Style Guide is trash
the only redeeming factor is that it works with Google's legacy C++ codebases
But it's adopted by clang tidy and C++ core guidelines.
no, it isn't
However, it's under "readability" guidelines.
@BJovke You shouldn't follow the google style guide unless you are working on google code. You can listen to the explanation by the guy who made it why that is.
It's explained in the text why that is.
> Google C++ Style Guide. Geared toward C++03 and (also) older code bases. Google experts are now actively collaborating here on helping to improve these Guidelines, and hopefully to merge efforts so these can be a modern common set they could also recommend.
And I already wrote the explanation. When it's const reference you as a caller can be sure that your object won't be changed.
IRTA "unusable so far, hopefully it will be better in the future"
@BJovke That is nice, but you now added the complexity of having to deal with `nullptr's. Not worth it.
It doesn't matter what the guideline is, for me it seems perfectly fine. I've had issues with methods from some library changing my object.
Although that is a decision you should make per project, not for all of C++.
well, given a typedef ... T; and a void f(T x, T y);, does f modify the input?
@nwp It's implied that you should not send nullptr. Nor it should be checked for that.
the answer is yes, when the declaration is
typedef char T[20]; and f calls strcpy(x, y);
@BJovke That is terrible. How do you express optionals now? Especially in C++03 without std::optional.
passing a pointer doesn't convey the intent well enough
6 hours ago, by ratchet freak
find the reason why the rule exists
The reason for most of google's style guides is that non-C++ programmer must write C++ code, so they have to dumb it down.
@nwp I'm not saying that this is mandatory stuff. And it has nothing to do with std::optional.
personally I'd like some indication for "stores an address of the object to use later", which I could enforce in my own code, but it wouldn't be common enough
Not everyone is in that situation.
How many real world projects actively use std::optional?
I don't know, search github and find out.
@nwp I already said two times why the rule exists.
@nwp Very few active projects use std::optional. Possibly only new ones.
Well, C++17 is kinda new.
Compilers don't even fully support C++11 and this is C++17.
boost::optional<T> was around forever though
Look at the Visual studio support for C++11.
They've caught up recently. Current VS2017 is pretty compliant.
Visual studio 2015 support for C++11.
again, you could use pointer to indicate optionality or input modifying. I'm saying it's suboptimal
What is an undefined reference to a vtable?
you forgot to define the first virtual function
Seems to be a linker error
Um I don't think I did?
@Annabelle That should be clear from the error itself, either compiler or linker generated it.
class GameState {
	// When we enter the state.
	virtual void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we update it.
	virtual void update(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we exit state, clean up.
	virtual void exit();
that's the declaration
and in MenuState.cpp
// When we enter the state.
void MenuState::enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine) {


// When we update it.
void MenuState::update(GameStateMachine stateMachine) {


// When we exit state, clean up.
void MenuState::exit() {

that's MenuState
where's the definition of GameState::enter
Oh I need to do that too?
Even if it's empty?
well, yes? how is compiler supposed to know it's empty if you don't provide the definition
I thought that's what virtual did?
no, virtual allows overriding
you didn't make these functions pure
Oh okay
@Annabelle MenuState inherits from GameState. If you don't define these functions in GameState then you need to define them in MenuState.
@Annabelle If you want to make them empty you can do it like this:
if you want it to be an abstract class, make them pure, if you don't, provide an empty definition
virtual void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine) = 0;

class GameState {
// When we enter the state.
virtual void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine) { }
// When we update it.
virtual void update(GameStateMachine stateMachine) { }
// When we exit state, clean up.
virtual void exit() { }
This is pure right?
the above ^^^ is "provide empty definition"
which may or may not be what you want
@Annabelle = 0 means that you don't need to define them in GameState, but again you must define them in MenuState, that is, you must define them anyway.
Well my main goal is to um simply be able to pass
MenuState as a GameState
@Annabelle Empty body {} will make it compile (at least that part).
@Annabelle If you have even one virtual function of a class with "= 0" then it's called pure virtual and you can't ever create a variable of that type.
I think I understand.
which is a good thing when you want people to use subclasses instead of the base class
@Annabelle So if even one virtual function in GameState has "= 0" then you cant make a variable like:
GameState a;
auto b = new GameState;
@Annabelle But, eventually, whatever function you have put into GameState class declaration, you will have to provide a body for it, that is, declaration.
@Annabelle Sorry, definition, not declaration.
Right okay. Thanks
// Get current state.
GameState& GameStateMachine::currentState() {

@Annabelle So if you don't want to create a body right now just put empty body or comment out the function from class completely.
@Annabelle Yes, like that will work.
Q: Most effective way to manage a gamestate system that is easy to use?

AnnabelleI just started working on my game, mostly the game management. I plan and using game-states to make the menu's and other stuff easier. My main idea for implementing the game-states is creating a game object and passing it as a reference to classes which control the current state, then storing th...

I have this question right, so if you look down in the answer
There is a:
State getCurrentState(){
    return currentState;
Where is the currentState defined/should be defined?
@Annabelle Whenever I see getter/setter function it reminds me of Java.
Since answer has none
@Annabelle The intention here is that currentState is a private variable in the same class.
@Annabelle Of type "State". And that you cannot directly read/write to this variable but only by calling getCurrentState()/setCurrentState().
Just put another member variable in the class:

State currentState;
@Annabelle HAHAHA, I've just looked at the answer for your question:

"Here's a pseudo-code example."
"Game implements StateMachine"

JAVA, as I assumed.
@Annabelle If you want it to be simple, just make a public currentState variable and use it directly:
GameState a;
a.currentState = 1;
auto b = a.currentState;
@Annabelle Sorry, it should be GameStateMachine, not GameState.
@Annabelle But if currentState is private in GameStateMachine then only members and friends of GameStateMachine can read/write it.
@Annabelle I guess the intent here was to be able to read the state but not read it
Hence currentState is private and only getCurrentState() is provided but not setcurrentState(). Because getCurrentState() is a public member of GameStateMachine it can read currentState directly, and it can be called from outside. Probably currentState should be changed only by the class itself.
@Annabelle There is a changeState() which does something more than just setting the currentState. But it all depends on what you really want to do with your class...
Thank you
@Annabelle Anyway the code in the answer is usable.
You're welcome.
Didn't realize private variable
@Annabelle If it's public then you don't need getCurrentState(), you can read it directly.
@BJovke Use the arrow right of a (not your own) message if you want to reply to a specific message instead of a person.
@nwp Thanks. :))))
@Annabelle Go step by step. First make all class declarations and all functions with empty body. And make that compile.
When it compiles then you can add code.
Had to revert to using pointers and deletion due to bottlenecks(converting a parse tree to a control-flow graph, some nodes converge to share a single child, would have to have a vector of pointers and make sure the child doesn't go out of scope and all of that so I went back).
I didn't realize what morbid sequences of identifiers came about while I was making the destructor and constructor. I made a helper-function called "explode"(naming classes after stellar objects, superNova, explode, constellation etc. made sense),
and each constellation has a head pointer and a tail pointer, in the destructor I called "this->explode(this->head);"
and in the constructor I called "this->tail = this->head = new Star();"
A little human centipede-ish.
I hope you have sanitizers.
I'm sure the garbage collection won't be a big deal in this assignment. Though I think I've got it covered pretty well.
parse trees are pretty obvious with the ownership, and graphs are way easier to implement with a vector and indices (also, trivially relocatable)
I figured I could convert the parse tree into a tree of blocks suitable for being rearranged later into the graph. The problematic occurs when there's an if-statement which forks the graph into two directions, only to have it rejoin to the same child.
Hmm.. I made my class and everything works. But I'm a bit stuck now. How would I access the rendering window or something, so I can display to screen?
For example MenuState has:
// When we enter the state.
void MenuState::enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine) {
	text.setString("Hello, Menu!");
	text.setStyle(sf::Text::Bold | sf::Text::Underlined);
And I'm supposed to do:
to display it. Now the issue I have is, window is obviously not defined in my MenuState
it's in my main.cpp file and is looping there
Should I move it into my GameStateMachine instead?
I'm basically not sure how to structure it so I can update/send stuff to screen...
From any state as needed.
@Annabelle What is "window"?
Um it's just an SFML window
// Create the main window
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Window");
@Annabelle Ok, you need to include header file with sf::RenderWindow class declaration into MenuState.h
But that won't let me access the one in my int main()
Will it?
@Annabelle And after that "window" variable needs to be accessible by MenuState.
I think I have an idea
I'll try it.
This can be done in two ways:
make window global in file where main() is (avoid that).
Send "window" as parameter to some MenuState method.
The best is to create sf::RenderWindow with shared_ptr and send that shared_ptr as parameter to MenuState constructor in which it will be stored to MenuState's member shared_ptr.
@Annabelle auto window = std::make_shared<sf::RenderWindow> (sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Window");
Variable inside MenuState: std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> window_;
Wouldn't it have been simpler to just send the window by reference?
And MenuState constructor: MenuState (std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> window) : window_(std::move(window))

@JackOfBlades Then you have to take care that "window" outlives MenuState instance. With shared_ptr this will be secured automatically.
I figured since she said it needs to be accessible in the entry point(i.e. main), it could be created there, then passed in through to each object.
Oh okay
@JackOfBlades Yes, but that's C style, to pass the parameter every time. If MenuState obviously cannot function without "sf::RenderWindow" then window should be provided to constructor.
Well no class can work without the window
Since they all have to update it
And the safest way to share it is with shared_ptr.
Well, all the states have to update it.
Anyways shared_ptr... okay
@Annabelle Yes, so the logic implies that class needs to receive the window in constructor.
And window needs to exist until all objects using it are destroyed.
This implies shared_ptr.
Of course, this can be done in many ways, but shared_ptr is a no brainer and it's automatically safe.
And then you just use it with window_->… in MenuState.
When MenuState is destroyed shared_ptr will release reference to window.
Got it! Thanks
should I make variable inside menustate
as private?
Why is
MenuState (std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> window) : window_(std::move(window))

Like so?
Can't we do: window_(std::move(window))
inside it?
w/e i'll do it normally..
It's just a style choice called an "initialization list".
If you want to do it inside, you do this:
this->window_ = std::move(window);
Oh I see. Okay.
It crashes.
time to open up the debugger!
It doesn't compile if window_ doesn't have a default constructor. Also if it does you default-construct and then assign which is usually less efficient than just constructing.
Come to think of it: isn't a window(if there's only one intended, not more) arguably the one type of object whose presence in the global scope is tolerable or even sensible? What risks would there be under those circumstances?
Probably that sooner or later you want to make a second window.
And that people yell at you that you are doing your singletons wrong.
Please don't make the window a global / singleton. I'm in the process of removing a singleton from a library, as it happened that now making a second object is desirable. It's a lot of work to remove the singleton; fixing it touches a large amount of the surface area of the library. Not fun
Ah, didn't think of that those kinds of changes may be planned for some future sequel/version.
Usually, as far as games go(which SFML is for), they tend to just remake the entire thing from scratch each sequel if they feel like the old mechanics aren't good enough anymore.
The point at which you find you need more than one instance could be halfway into the development of the project.
That's why I'm taking the architecture course next year. I was in this horrid group project this year - the guy who designed the back-end, I'm convinced, broke a few of the Geneva conventions.
Also um... for a shared pointer.
I don't need to do anything special in the destructor do I?
No, but if you're using a shared pointer you need to rethink your design
Oh I was just using it for the window
since every state needs to access it
and I don't know a better way
How about a pointer?
Why a regular pointer compared to a shared one?
Cleaner syntax, and its clear who owns the pointer (or rather nobody should delete the object)
std::shared_ptr is a code smell. It's actually really rare that you have to use a std::shared_ptr. In most cases, you can use a std::unique_ptr<T> for the actual owner, and pass around T* for everyone else
Shared pointers are for when you object creation function moves data somewhere and then suddenly stops existing, like with a coroutine/thread. But also you're not sure where you moved the object. But also you moved it to multiple places. Anyways, shared pointers are for hacking around multi-threaded code, maybe.
So should I um, pass around the window to my constructors?
pointer the parent?
Kinda hard to explain, so I have this now in my main.cpp:
sf::RenderWindow *window = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Window");
Which is basically making a new window.
Not sure what you're writing but object management in GUIs follows a scene graph model, where parents delete their children.
Trying to write a game.
Use Qt
Is this for an assignment?
It's for fun
And just trying to learn/always wanted to do it
@Mikhail ehhh, I'm not so sure about that. Qt is good for general purpose GUIs, and you can certainly use it for games. But it's not terrible to use other libraries either (e.g. I've heard SFML is nicer for games)
So my MenuState is like so:
class MenuState : public GameState {
	sf::Text text;
	// Constructor.
	// Destructor.
	// When we enter the state.
	void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we update it.
	void update(GameStateMachine stateMachine);
	// When we exit state, clean up.
	void exit();
So I need to be able to update window with the text, using window->draw(text);
I assume the best way to do so is in the update function.
But I'm not sure where I should be passing the window pointer.
@Justin Its got good OGL support, which helps when you need to draw text, etc. But yeah a game engine might be better :-)
I was thinking about having a private variable that's an sf::RenderWindow pointer?
So, a better way is to have a render() function that is called by the window manager
the render() function will run the global state OGL commands
I would encourage you to take a look, maybe with pen and paper, about how these gizmos are setup in Qt.
well the render() function is basically the window->display() which is in the main.cpp file.
But I still have to put the stuff in the window
`GameStateMachine.h:14:13: note: 'GameState& GameStateMachine::thisState' should be initialized
GameState &thisState;`
What exactly does this mean? Says I need to initialize it, but I'm not sure with what?
So in your class GameStateMachine, you have a member which is a GameState &. In C++, references need to be initialized. If you have a GameState object in the constructor, you can initialize thisState to that object.
use a pointer
half the fucking problems in this chat can be solved with pointers
Oh I was using pointers before. Hmm.
I personally don't ever use a reference data member; if I want it, I use a pointer
Well reverted it.
This smart pointer cargo cult needs to stop :-]
Okay! So it compiles.
But it crashes when it runs
Using gdb
I figured out it's this:
// Change current state.
void GameStateMachine::changeState(GameState& newState) {
	// Check if we are in a different state. Exit if so.
	// Set newly passed state as current one.
	thisState = &newState;
	// Process/do the entry for our new state.
use CLion or an IDE that doesn't suck
and it's crashing at the exit();
well I was using gdb
and sublime to write it with
but also use CLion
I'd use CLion if it was free @Mikhail . I use sublime + unix terminal
@Justin Its free for students
As somebody who makes money contracting, I think its well worth the cost
except I usually do Windows
Yes, sadly I'm not a student at this time :( . I did make use of CLion when I was a student
@Annabelle Is thisState null at that point?
But honestly, all the tools on the terminal are enough for me. gdb is a perfectly fine debugger (tbh I like it more than any other debugger I've used).
Clion is like $200 bucks which approaches the cost of cup of coffee
That's like 50 cents a day
I'd buy CLion once they get it to a point like IntelliJ. Last I've heard, it's not quite at where I'd want to use it; I'd probably be reaching for sublime + terminal again
what makes it so good?
JetBrains makes the best IDEs that exist IMO
I really like Sublime and my terminal so far..
It's like exactly as I want it
sounds barbarous
Smart completions, similar to what's in sublime (except it's even smarter). To me, that is the biggest draw of an IDE
clion has syntax highlighting, style checks, best practice checks, fancy buttons to step through code.
It probably also has automatic imports, which is another thing I'd like
Yeah, it will highlight unused imports, although its frequently frustrated by Qt
Lack of Qt support is a big problem for ReSharper C++
Ah ha!
Anyways, much better than the NERDTree + vim bullshit I tried to pull as an undergrad
thanks for the null comment justin
	// Check if we are in a different state. Exit if so.
	if(thisState != nullptr){
	// Set newly passed state as current one.
	thisState = &newState;
	// Process/do the entry for our new state.
	if(thisState != nullptr){
This worked
Wait I just realized that that doesn't make sense.
Because if (ptr) is equivalent to if (ptr != nullptr)
I didn't see the if....
gtg, though, gl
Ok bye
05:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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