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     WHEN a.length < b.gene_length THEN a.gene_length
     ELSE b.gene_length END AS gene_length
FROM MyTable a
INNER JOIN MyTable b ON a.gene_name = b.gene_name
WHERE a.gene_name = b.gene_name **that part is redundant**
1 hour later…
Morning guys
morning @Sami
sup man ?
@AndyK Drinking coffee, waiting for my brain to wake up...
same here
hanging around
so cold here, so cold
@AndyK yeah? I had -2 degrees today, what you at? :)
in Paris right now
in Poitiers, it 's even worse
@AndyK damn! Again? customer meeting?
surgery in a few weeks time
but I like Paris
town is dirty as hell
but home is home
you can beat that
@AndyK true that, true that...
sorry to hear that though, hope the surgery goes well
fingers crossed matey
not scared
should be
I'm trying to set cheap desktop I can run quite easily
@AndyK sure let us know when you're going for it, we'll keep them crossed for you then
cheers @Shaneis very sweet to hear
@AndyK No worries man
I need to set cheap desktop
@War hey man
would you have an idea on how to set cheap desktop and set them like virtual machine you can access on demand?
those desktop would be for processing consuming tasks
you want a simple VM basically?
you running windows on your workstation machine?
if so you can just add the hyper-v service through add remove windows features then setup a vm using hyper-v
on a decent pc running ssd it should take about 10 mins to setup a windows 10 VM
you just point the VM at your windows 10 ISO (the install disk) and then it just runs like a normal machine basically
after it's setup you can configure networking / remote desktop, and if you have it running all the time (e.g. on a hyper-v server) you can setup port forwarding ect to pass through external ports from the outside world if need be
from the point of view of all other machines including those on your lan it just shows up like a normal desktop
@AndyK let me know if you need help
if it's fairly urgent and i'm not responding on here, ping me on skype (that's hooked up to my mobile so i'm usually pretty good at picking that up)
Hi , Ih ave the following trigger :
Before UPDATE ON Employee
WHEN ( NEW.id > 0)

insert into Audit_table value (:NEW.id,:OLD.balance,:NEW.balance) ;

But oracle sAys that Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.
Where is the error ?
@AndyK , please help me .
hi @War no, not urgent
but I have dev requirements and I'm lacking processing power
the IT guy, he does not know much
it feels like 80's-90's dev, you work on your own machine
no additional processing power
you want to test thing and you have your own environment only
@SagorAhmed I cannot help you as I need to run now. However for debug
look at the ORA code you have
start your thing without the trigger
and then go step by step
once you'd figured out, go for the trigger
something is missing in your logic, I can see that just by looking at your code
but I must run.
See you
hmmm ... you looking to build a test environment basically?
@War sounds like an always on test env...
yeh you just want a normal desktop box, put windows 2016 on it, enable hyper-v, setup 2 VM's ... 1 for a db server, one for a web / application server
then later, worst case you can migrate the VM's to a proper data center or migrate the services to something like azure ... or you could go the route of firing up say, azure based VM's for it
pre-configured by Microsoft, in fact Microsoft can do just a SQL instance or app instance for web stuff if that's considered a better fit
INSERT CHEMICAL(Chemical_Name,Chemical_ID,     CAS_Number,EHS,TPQ_Pounds,RQ_Pounds,last_updated)
              select Chemical_Name,dbo.SDS_GENERATE_ID(),CAS_Number,EHS,TPQ_Pounds,TPQ_Pounds,getdate() from CATALOG_ITEM1 ci
          where NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CHEMICAL c  WHERE c.Chemical_Name = ci.Chemical_Name)
This query inserts records with duplicate chemical names. I dont see the invisible problem here
is someone there ?
sorry, watching a seminar. Eh don't know your data but have you tried taking out the WHERE c.Chemical_Name = ci.Chemical_Name) from the NOT EXISTS bit?
i want to filter by unique chemical name
@codebrain you want unique, or not exists
not exists
records with same chemical name should not be inserted again
have you tried the above so?
yes, without the where clause also. all records from the table 1 are inserted
select count (distinct(chemical_name)) from catalog_item gives me 7k records. but in the above query 300000 records are inserted:\
@codebrain hmmm fair enough, I'd use a subquery, to the DISTINCT Chemical_Name FROM CATALOG_ITEM1 and then create an INSERT statement around that
oh can you give an example
@codebrain Compare the two table & remove the duplicate
isn't that a large process comparing the check during a insert
okay i will do that, i am still wondering why that query didnot filter the dupes
thanks mate
It's a suggestion
Until you fix your query
1 hour later…
@AndyK Thank you very much!
welcome @Devilius
@AndyK I am using SQL Access and got this error:
"Error of syntax" (absent operator) in the expression "CASE WHEN a.length < b.length THEN a.length ELSE b.gene_length END"
@Devilius think he's gone @Devilius, what's the full script?
heading off guys, probably be on Sunday.
If not, chat to ya again Monday
@Shaneis, you still here?
@Devilius can you please provide everything, the sql and the error code too?
the idea is this:look in a table that has entries with a gene name and a gene length, take entries with the same gene name, compare gene length, and output entries with the longer gene length
and the error is in french, so I translated what I got above
"Error of syntax" (absent operator) in the expression "CASE WHEN a.length < b.length THEN a.length ELSE b.gene_length END"
you can see it (in french) here:

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