WHEN a.length < b.gene_length THEN a.gene_length
ELSE b.gene_length END AS gene_length
FROM MyTable a
INNER JOIN MyTable b ON a.gene_name = b.gene_name
WHERE a.gene_name = b.gene_name **that part is redundant**
if so you can just add the hyper-v service through add remove windows features then setup a vm using hyper-v
on a decent pc running ssd it should take about 10 mins to setup a windows 10 VM
you just point the VM at your windows 10 ISO (the install disk) and then it just runs like a normal machine basically
after it's setup you can configure networking / remote desktop, and if you have it running all the time (e.g. on a hyper-v server) you can setup port forwarding ect to pass through external ports from the outside world if need be
from the point of view of all other machines including those on your lan it just shows up like a normal desktop
@AndyK let me know if you need help
if it's fairly urgent and i'm not responding on here, ping me on skype (that's hooked up to my mobile so i'm usually pretty good at picking that up)
yeh you just want a normal desktop box, put windows 2016 on it, enable hyper-v, setup 2 VM's ... 1 for a db server, one for a web / application server
then later, worst case you can migrate the VM's to a proper data center or migrate the services to something like azure ... or you could go the route of firing up say, azure based VM's for it
pre-configured by Microsoft, in fact Microsoft can do just a SQL instance or app instance for web stuff if that's considered a better fit
INSERT CHEMICAL(Chemical_Name,Chemical_ID, CAS_Number,EHS,TPQ_Pounds,RQ_Pounds,last_updated)
select Chemical_Name,dbo.SDS_GENERATE_ID(),CAS_Number,EHS,TPQ_Pounds,TPQ_Pounds,getdate() from CATALOG_ITEM1 ci
where NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CHEMICAL c WHERE c.Chemical_Name = ci.Chemical_Name)
This query inserts records with duplicate chemical names. I dont see the invisible problem here
sorry, watching a seminar. Eh don't know your data but have you tried taking out the WHERE c.Chemical_Name = ci.Chemical_Name) from the NOT EXISTS bit?
the idea is this:look in a table that has entries with a gene name and a gene length, take entries with the same gene name, compare gene length, and output entries with the longer gene length