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@AaronHall Hi!
@Alucard You want fromInteger (year-birthyear)*365
Haskell doesn't do automatic casting of integers to floating point, so you use fromInteger to perform the conversion.
@duplode thank you, i'll check it out
ok, got it working in this form:
let ageint =
               if timeunitchoice == "1" then fromInteger (year-birthyear)
               else if timeunitchoice == "2" then 365.25*(fromInteger (year-birthyear))
               else 0
and I don't know why.
@Alucard Oh, that's right. You found out something I had forgotten to mention...
Since both branches of the if-expression must produce values of the same type, you also need the fromInteger in the "1" case.
You don't need it for the 0 because integer literals are polymorphic (i.e. they assume the appropriate numeric type as needed).
(This is, in fact, a nice little illustration of those things. I can totally see it being shaped into a textbook exercise.)
How's everybody?
I'm fine, but I'm in this foolish mode of drinking a can of coffee to make a 48h shift. :D
How are you @AaronHall ?
@AaronHall Fine, thanks :)
@Alucard I lack the cans of coffee, and so I'm unlikely to fight sleep much longer...
@Alucard that does not sound like a wise thing to do...
@AaronHall then i wish you a good sleep :)
Hey, we actually have sustained conversation-ish.
@AaronHall Better than "Hi, please solve my problem, k thx"-ish posts^^
@AaronHall My very first impression of you was a metalhead :D
@Alucard there have been those who call me... "rockstar?"
@Alucard I live on coffee, but I've read several studies that basically say if one exhibits no troubling caffeine side-effects then there is nothing to worry about
can never tell if it's ironic or not. As long as I don't find out, they might be sincere...
@Dodge well, i will of course drink lots of water, it's just that I love the kick of caffeine, and it helps somehow fighting my other dependencies.
@AaronHall Your avatar looks cool, I'm thinking of changing mine, because I don't want this vampire anymore as my userpicture. And I maybe change my username too!
@Alucard I completely understand, I watched a video where researchers dosed spiders with various chemicals and observed web building. The spiders performed terribly on the caffeine but actually not too bad on LSD. I'll stick to the coffee, however
@Dodge Coffee is nice, though I cut it down a bit lately as I was drinking it with an empty stomach too often.
@Alucard everybody is different, probably go with your gut on that one.
@AaronHall My stomach hurts, gotta make a small walk and drink some water, maybe eat something.
@duplode funny, I can totally relate to that as well. My natural cycle is to eat once a day (large dinner no breakfast/lunch) but I cannot maintain a stable mood in that case so I force myself to avoid my natural tendency to fast.
Humans evolved in a setting where if one was not successful hunting or gathering one did not eat, so my personal belief is that our bodies are predisposed to fast and then eat large meals. I'm sure most medical pros would disagree :)
@Dodge I'm a little like that, too -- large lunch plus very light breakfast and night meal.
And since I've been having lunch rather late, that extra coffee in the morning wasn't going down too well.
@AaronHall Interesting; I didn't know about that one!
> ptGHCi prompt not powerful enough for you? Press <F2> to edit the current entry at the prompt in an external editor of your choosing.
Given my penchant for pasting arbitrary snippets of code into GHCi on a whim, this sounds fun.
Times up, let's do this. :D
I'm SAJW in future :)
I found a chair on the street, i carried it on my balcony.
One man's trash is another man's treasure, let's hope it was actually trash ;)
It's stainless plastic. :D
Ok, back to Haskell. What's next, using functions, but how?
To be precise: making a function and then using it
Couldn't grasp that step the last time i played around with Haskell.
@Alucard For a quick tryout, you might have a go at making the ageInt of that program a function of the birth year.
Well, gotta go now. Good night; see you later!
@duplode i wish you good sleep
Slightly offtopic, but has anyone experience with SVN and git? What's easier to use, if one just wants to documentate his stuff?
@Alucard, oops, lol @SAJW git is what I use, super easy and github now allows unlimited private repositories as well as unlimited public repositories
13 hours later…
Embedded Haskell, everybody :D

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