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@Pizzalord make it live!
what it is, is functional programmers have no problems to discuss in a stack overflow chat room, apparently...
Sorry guys I've been teaching tonight...
2 hours later…
6 hours later…
morning everyone
2 hours later…
@Pizzalord morning!
@AaronHall i just had a funny moment at my internship, my intern account has more rights then the company's admin account
@Pizzalord Be careful, don't abuse it.
@AaronHall i won't abuse it, but it is funny when your internship mentor comes to you because you have more rights then him
2 hours later…
@AaronHall Gave a functional programming presentation at a meetup this week.
@Code-Apprentice nice. I did a recursion last night in class too!
@AaronHall you "did a recursion"?
like Ground Hog's Day?
I demonstrated recursion with a simple IO function instead of using a while loop
nice! what language?
I was asked an interesting question...and probably gave an incorrect answer. Does Haskell have limitations for recursive depth? Like in stack-based languages, you can get a stack overflow if you have too many recursive calls. Does Haskell have that same limitation?
Q: Haskell recursion and memory usage

Doug StephenI'm quite new to Haskell, and I'm getting comfortable with the idea of replacing loops with recursion. I'm fiddling around with a pet project, and I wanted to test some text input functionality so I wrote up a little command line interface that repeatedly asks for input until it receives a speci...

thanks for the link. I'll check that one
Python has an arbitrary limit because that sort of recursion will end badly in Python, while Haskell seems to optimize for recursion, especially, perhaps, tail-calls, but you can still run out of memory, at least for non-tail-call recursion.
yah, I've read that tail recursion can be easily optimized and that Haskell does so
which was part of my answer
I don't think any of my examples were tail recursive, though, so I couldn't easily illustrate the concept.
@Code-Apprentice Here's the code we made in class: github.com/aaronchall/NYU_Python_Spring_2018/blob/master/…
@AaronHall did you warn your students about the pitfalls of such a recursive solution?
Yes, I explained that's why we use a while loop for the play_functions function, line 72...
1 hour later…
Hello bro
@Aaron Hall
I need some help in haskell syntax used in cryptography algorithms
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan post your code in here if it's like < ten lines... otherwise make a gist or a pastebinit thingy
-- $ runhaskell magic.hs
-- Output: 35979253760252124533044326983738660434153

module Main where

n = 0x10000000000000000000000000000000055

secret = 0 -- forgotten, find it!

a x 0 = x
a x c = a (x + 1 - (x + 1) `div` n * n) (c - 1)

m x 0 = 0
m x 1 = x
m x c = a x (m x (c - 1))

e x 0 = 1
e x 1 = x
e x c = m x (e x (c - 1))

main = print $ e secret 31337
But you may get better help by asking a question on the main site...
this is task give to me
his code was run on a megacomputer but we lost our secret. Can you find it?
@Aaron Hall
I have low skills in Haskell
can You get this secret for me :*
I did not find any answers on the main site :'(
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan My first suggestion is to use more descriptive names. Single letters like e, x, and m hide the meaning that is useful when you are asking for help.
I have low skills bro I try more hard but I can't find the secret :"D
I also suggest that you post a question on the main site. Be sure to read stackoverflow.com/help/mcve and stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask first. These both have tips to help you ask a question that will attract the answers you are looking for.
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan What is your goal here? Do you only want the answer or do you want to improve your programming skills?
Looks like a puzzle to me... but I don't nerd-snipe that easily...
nop I need the secret from that program only
then you came to the wrong place. We are here to help others learn how to be better programmers.
plz bro
I come here to get help in my task :"(
I charge $100 per hour for freelance jobs.
Will accept credit card or bitcoin.
I'm not programer ?
I'm securtiy researcher bro I need only to find solve for this task :*
good luck
@Code-Apprentice you can't help me in this task bro :/
I'm not your bro. And I don't have time right now.
I learn more about @Haskell from http://learnyouahaskell.com
but I'm worng

@Code-Apprentice sorry I'm verry sorry :'(
can you help me plz I need the secret only from that Haskell Code :")
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan Don't apologize. Just learn to accept suggestions and follow them. No more begging for help. If you want to participate in this chat, you need to show that you are willing to learn how to do it yourself.
@Code-Apprentice ok
can U learn me how i can do it for myself :*
I learn Haskell but I wrong to solve this task
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan ok, I probably thought about this too much, but you have recursive functions, a missing input, and the output. You might try stepping through various constants to solve by brute force or you might try to reverse the functions for an analytic solution somehow (which would require more brain power, intelligence, and Haskell knowledge), but the first is something you should be able to do yourself, and the second is beyond the amount of time I wish to invest in it.
Of course, it's probably too complex for a brute force solution and you need to do some sort of simplification.
What I'd like to work on is figuring out how to make Haskell more friendly to notebooks.
Especially those like orgmode and Jupyter notebooks
module Main where
import Prelude
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Text.Pandoc.App (convertWithOpts, defaultOpts, options, parseOptions)
import Text.Pandoc.Error (handleError)

main :: IO ()
main = E.catch (parseOptions options defaultOpts >>= convertWithOpts)
             (handleError . Left)
This seems to be pandoc's main.
I don't get Left, though - where does that come from? Prelude?
Found it using hoogle (from the links!) hackage.haskell.org/package/base-…
@AaronHall Left comes from Either
it's a constructor, IIRC
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan Learning how to solve problems is important. This often has nothing to do with a specific programming language, such as Haskell. Instead, it means describing the problem in natural language (English or your native spoken and written language) and then working out a solution in that same natural language.
Reading books like Learn You a Haskell help you know what tools are available. The foundation is always in using words to describe a solution.
@Code-Apprentice I think the main I pasted in is a good example of word-choice conveying semantic meaning (for the most part).
I also appreciate how the imports explicitly list the names being used.
@AaronHall This is different than the point I was making, but probably related. After you use native language to construct a solution, those words often inform names for identifiers in the code to implement the solution.
They apparently have to explicitly import Prelude because they're using their own custom one (and have this declaration at the top: {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}) - here's a link: github.com/jgm/pandoc/blob/master/pandoc.hs
Strings as linked lists of characters seems very inefficient.
Makes sense that they'd have their own prelude
I have read all your wonderful words
thank you very much :)
I hope to be one professional in haskell to solve my problem with myself
I have benefited greatly from your advice as you are right
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan thanks for sharing your interesting problem, I wish we could be of more help. I do not know that it would be on-topic for the site, though. Perhaps you can find a mailing list or an IRC channel that would be able to help you more (or tell you that what you want is impossible).
There's some similarly recursive functions mentioned in the context of "the halting problem" (if I recall correctly) - and they take a very long time to compute very simple inputs, so it might not be possible.
Back to Pandoc - it seems to me that Pandoc might be exemplary of a good Haskell application.
thank you too bro
can you give me some one or IRC channel can help me in my problem :)
you Best :*
#haskell? Maybe also ones relating to cryptography.
@AmrAbdAlkrimHassan (botbot.me/freenode/cryptography-dev ?) I recommend you be careful not to appear needy. Put the code in a pastebin or something like that, point out that the problem is interesting, and you'll probably nerd-snipe some people who will be interested in commenting on your problem, as it actually is interesting.
thank you very much
I wish I could bring you this wonderful work
3 hours later…
Happy Haskell weekend...
@AaronHall I am competing in a chess tournament this weekend. Hopefully I can win a game or two.
@Code-Apprentice Good luck! Remember pawns go first! :D
(I learned that from X-men...)
@AaronHall unless you move the knights first
Just kidding. I was on the chess team in high school, actually...
@AaronHall I've played chess since I was very young. But I only recently got into competitive chess with a rating and all. This is something I should have done in elementary school.

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