One problem with the learning curve is that the core language is so low level, and I'm not sure where the core language ends and extensions and domain specific languages begin.
Oh, I thought having the basic concepts and syntax was enough to get started, then learn on small projects as needed. There's no senior on the room to advise and suggest a path of learning?
With Python it's pretty simple: there's a grammar file (with about 30 keywords), 80ish builtin functions, and a standard library that ships with the basic language - and if you know that stuff, you know the language.
How do I get the list of builtin functions in Haskell? Does that include Prelude?
@AaronHall yes, Prelude is the standard functions since it is imported automatically. You should check out Very powerful search engine for Haskell. You can search by name or by type.
@MehdiB. don't blame your choice on me!
@nbro @Robson is nice for running short choice snippets and sports multiple languages.