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Doesn't coredumps include sensitive information? #10895
@Krzysiek Often, yes.
@Krzysiek They contain the full memory contents of the process at the time of the dump. This can include credentials, private keys or PII.
Someone may want to remove them from issue.. Likely it's too late anyway
phpinternals.news/97 "But I'm also seeing that experienced developers can make this mistake. I am triaging issues with an open source software written in C. And I've sometimes seeing system administrators posting their full core dump, including their TLS certificates there, and they don't really realize what they have just done. That's really an issue that affects laypersons, and professional administrators the same."
@TimWolla Are you able to remove old version from edit history?
@Krzysiek Yes, I've now done so and also commented.
Great :)
bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php It might be a good idea to add short note that coredump should not be shared, some people may be not familiar what that file is.
@MateKocsis I am agree with Rowan's suggestion, except he put 8.3 when I think it should be 8.4...
@Krzysiek shared publicly
@bwoebi Depending what you would classify as "shared non-publicly", trusting random internet contributor with sensitive data is not great idea either.
@Krzysiek Yes, sure. But I can tell you though that there exist some issues I would never have resolved without the actual core dump and not just a backtrace or "correspondence debugging".
@bwoebi Fair enough. A note what that file actually contains would be helpful though.
I don't object.
core dumps are usually useless without the exact same binary though.
In the issue binary was included in zip
@Krzysiek There's a large difference between “anyone that is able to read the bug tracker” and “a longtime contributor to the programming language that runs your business”. Ideally the coredump can be reproduced in a testing environment and thus doesn't contain any production secrets, but even then I would not share it to the general public.
@TimWolla I don't object :)
Top-tip: For crontab */2 * * * * runs a job every two minutes. * * * * */2 does not run a job every two minutes, even though it kind of looks like it might.
Bad-tip: * * * * * (($(date +%M)%2)) && command
Doesn't that need to set an exit code to work like that?
1 hour later…
It works in bash, ((...)) is setting exit code to 1/0 depending on calculation result
$ ((0)); echo $?
$ ((12)); echo $?
Is there a way to restrict parameter type to backed enum with string backing type using Psalm?
1 hour later…
here's my terminal setup from vscode's settings.json on win using ubuntu terminal as the default
"terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": {
"PowerShell": {
"source": "PowerShell",
"icon": "terminal-powershell"
"Command Prompt": {
"path": [
"args": [],
"icon": "terminal-cmd"
"Git Bash": {
"source": "Git Bash"
"Ubuntu-22.04 (WSL)": {
"path": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\wsl.exe",
"args": [
oh, that formatting :/
anyway, the thing in "args" specify which distro should be launched if you want non-def, otherwise you don't need them args. you can see all and check defaults by wsl --list
TY, I'll try that.
I'm blind it is just StringBackedEnum type
@brzuchal StringBackedEnum is from PHPStorm stubs. Psalm has only value-of<T> which can return BackedEnum value type.
I am reaching semantic satiation of the "collection" word
What is a collection. Does it contain items? is it an item? where does it end? do we have meaning?
do we need meaning? I just don't know anymore
an essicollectial crisis?
2 hours later…
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier I just call the source of knowledge a repo. And a repo is a thing that you ask questions of.

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