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@PeeHaa About to stream if you're around!
1 hour later…
Docker question: how do you guys go about setting up a local dev environment with API keys that only a systems team has access? Is it possible?
I don't have first-hand experience with the environment yet, but from what I understand, there are like proprietary API keys that only one team has access to, and trying to switch to using containers is challenging.
I'm just wondering if it's even possible, and if it is, how does one go about it?
@Tiffany do you have a solution for this without the container part?
@Stephen there's an existing solution, yes. I'm just wondering if it can be improved. It was a brief conversation I had with someone at my new job, but I haven't started working yet.
@Tiffany secret management is a hard problem, particularly if you're trying to protect that secret from the people sitting in front of the machine where it's running
I see
I would suggest that if you really can't distribute the key (or a sandbox-like environment key) to developers, your org could run a simple proxy, which takes requests from dev machines, adds whatever credentials are required by the API, and then forwards the response back to the dev machine
Which would take some work to implement and would be hard to justify the value with a solution already in place :/
Ah well
@Tiffany yes that's quite true. Maybe you can just adapt the existing solution to work in containers?
separately, does anyone use the paid version of the PHP Inspections (EA...) plugin for Jetbrains IDEs? (i.e. this: kalessil.github.io/php-inspections-ultimate.html#pricing-mark)
4 hours later…
@Girgias What was the problem with github.com/php/php-src/pull/5829 ? I almost tried to do a similar thing, but it came to my mind that you already have this :)
BTW I can promote the warning about the invalid callable to an exception, so that your refactor can be merged later (because it won't affect users anymore ^^ ). Deal? :P
@cmb Morning :-) Do you have any idea what goes wrong here? ci.appveyor.com/project/derickr/xdebug/build/job/… — it's only for the 7.2 tests
@JoeWatkins ahahhaa so true. its funny to see how programmers "appropriate" what statisticans and econometricans already do since the 70s and 80s
oh earlier, monte carlo simulation was invented in the 40s and 50s
it's a bit oversimple, but I do like the idea of resolving our differences with chair fights in the street
like we could have all the python guys line up on one side of the road, php guys on the other, and the ruby guys can referee since they are totally out of work since 2000
every now and then I have interviews with people who recently did ruby
it's weird
@cmb Even weirder now, now it says (after using -aoa with 7z to just overwrite), that "phpize" doesn't exist (again, only with PHP 7.2): ci.appveyor.com/project/derickr/xdebug/build/job/…
mornin o/
Dw i'n hoffi moron
@Derick 🥕🥕🥕
nom nom
@FlorianMargaine Is it? The rails boom might be over since like 10+ years but there is still alot of ruby stuff around (and maintained) like github, gitlab, brew, cocoapods, redmine and so on. RoR isn't dead either. Just not as prominent as other Languages where one Hypetrain follow (or crashes into) another.
@MateKocsis Go for it, the issue is that somewhere along the way the test runner dies, and I don't really know why
@makadev no, it's not, I was riding on Joe's wave :)
@FlorianMargaine fair enough
I've seen some Ruby jobs as back-end, probably more often than PHP
How can I sort by value in ES?
I have not been able to find any article about it
Most are either JS with node or python
kid has come home with list of school items needed for this year
on the list include "black disease" and "potion making machine"
because apparently we're sending him to hogwarts, during the plague
wait, are you sending your kids to hogwards?
doh too slow
it's a translation from valenciano, I have no idea what these things are
we're going with pencil sharpener for potion making machine
And what if everyone else has a cauldron?
@JoeWatkins HEY! Long time no see.
More importantly: rat, toad, or owl?
@DaAmidza ecmascript?
@cmb so I did grep -rinH "<parameter>\.\.\.</parameter>" . in the doc-en\en folder... is this similar to how you found the count? (I didn't include the "count" flag in my grep because apparently it suppresses output? which I don't want... at least not yet...)
and joy, there are a lot of them ...
@cmb sorry for all of the pings, can you advise what <parameter>...</parameter> should be changed to? or will I have to go through each file individually and change it based on context?
@Tiffany No Java / Spring Boot / Spring MVC? Might be a regional thing but I was expecting Java to be more widespread than Python, at least for Backend Dev.
@StatikStasis yo
do you guys know some simple statement that would throw an Error (not an Exception) ?
does anyone have an idea what could cause an insert statement sent with mysqli_query() on PHP 7.4 fail (MySQL server has gone away) when the input parameter is large? The max_packet_size is the usual suspect, but it's set to 1G.

What the interesting thing is, the query works with a 16 777 169 bytes long string, it hangs forever with a 16 777 170 bytes long string, and fails on any larger input.


function foo(): int { return 'bar'; }
oh thanks :)
@MateKocsis it should be max_allowed_packet, failing at 16MB looks like the default setting for the mysql cli see docs also did you check out the docs for gone away fault? In any case it looks more like a mysql side problem.
@makadev I saw a few that used Java, but it was a small portion, probably even fewer Java positions than PHP
though, most Java positions were labeled as "software engineer" or something, not usually "back-end developer"
@makadev Thank you! Unfortunately, it is surely set to 1G. And interestingly, the query works with HHVM (we're currently migrating away from HHVM to PHP 7.4) until 60 MB of input size.
@MateKocsis sounds like a lot of "fun" to debug..
Q: Take the value of a custom field service

TiagoI created a custom field called Chave. It appears on the PRODUCTS / SERVICES screen. I need to get theVALUE from the Chave field, inside the clientssumary.tpl file. I tried it this way: {php} echo $params['customfields']["Chave"]; {/php} But it doesn't capture the value. How to do this? Than...

Optimizer pass 6 removes variables used for data binding ・ opcache ・ #80083
Do we have any tests for the fn_proxy part of zend_call_function that moves the address of the target function between requests? I'm guessing no, but figured I'd ask.
Basically, I had a bug in ddtrace and am trying to think of how to ensure the address changes between requests so my tests catch the issue.
How can I make a closure in C that calls an instance method?
Essentially Closure::fromCallable(), but in extension code.
Ah, zend_create_closure. I always find it after I ask here.
Though that raises a different question, because I'm not sure what the zend_function pointer should be.
zend_std_get_method() requires a zend_object pointer pointer and a zend_string… there must be an easier way…
@Trowski Are you getting the method by name or..?
@LeviMorrison I know the method name already. I essentially just want Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'method']).
is 'method' static though or a parameter or..?
They look up the class, then look up the method in it's function table. They fall back to the get_method handler only if it's not found in the table.
Another fun way is to check if it's callable, which will set the function_handler field of the FCI: heap.space/xref/PHP-7.4/Zend/…
@LeviMorrison Thanks, seems zend_hash_find_ptr(&ce->function_table, tmp); was what I was looking for.
I recall something about an interned zend_string, is that right? Something where I can reference a static instance but not have to deallocate it?
I think the macro has to do with KNOWN_STR or something.
Why would I get a "1 memory leaks detected" warning when I've exported USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 ?
hi, I've been learning PHP since around 18-20 months; people say ("I have a thinking) - learn more MySQL- what does it mean? Like going over all the things that are in the docs? Or maybe some udemy course or YouTube vids? I mean probably not all, but learn what is needed, the most beneficial
@Trowski Yes?
kind of, where would I go to do that (like edu url source)
"learn mysql" in google.com seems to be a direction, but maybe I could get some better info
I mean, I've been working on LAMP websites since around 10 years, I know what MySql is; I know Linux Admin (I read like 5 or 6 the best books on the topic)
I'd look at schema design, normalisation, and optimising queries.
I am not getting what this "more about MySQL" is as related to PHP / Symfony 5, type of thing
thanks! I will write it down
And (not knowing how you use Symfony), perhaps how to avoid the 1+n problem
(google will explain what that is)
@StatikStasis :-P
@AndyRogers Then after that, perhaps have a look at tuning queries by making the right indexes.
thanks again (I will be starting the Symfony 5 edu, I have not gotten to this yet)
would something like a good Udemy course on MySQL be a good direction?
or some top YouTube vids for "learn mysql"
I haven't seen any, so I can't say
Now if I have a zval which is an object, how can I call a method on that object?
or kind of research more?
I would probably type the phrases into google, and see what it says :-)
thanks a lot for the info @Derick
@AndyRogers you need to go build something. Rather than just asking questions about how to learn.
Aug 22 at 14:41, by Danack
@AndyRogers no. And I think I've said this to you before. Go and talk to your doctor about your massive OCD problem.
Aug 22 at 14:46, by Danack
Jun 3 '18 at 18:49, by Danack
We've got a new rule; no-one is allowed to indulge your OCD behaviour. Everyone is going to just tell you to get and talk to your doctor about your OCD.
ohai eleveners
11 days until I start my new job, coincidence?
Thanks :)
Technically pending a drug test and background check but those should be fine, dunno why they wouldn't be
drug test?!
You have to have this |........................| much drugs in your system to be able to work for us
<insert common knowledge about FBI having difficulty hiring cybersecurity experts because they all failed drug tests>
@Derick Are drug screens prior to employment a foreign concept in the UK?
I'd never heard of it. Neither in Norway or the Netherlands.
s/UK/anywhere but the US/
@Derick becomes even more confusing when recreational marijuana is legal in some states but illegal in others o_O
ohai cspray o/
We're a very litigious society, unfortunately. People can and have sued over just about everything you can think of. Legal costs and insurance claims cause a rise in insurance costs (which most of us hate insurance companies here) - so there are certain liabilities a company may incur- one way to get lower premiums is by having a drug screening process.
This can differ from business to business- not all businesses do this... but most of the big ones do. // CC @Derick
We also get lower insurance premiums because we have random drug screening policies and procedures in place too.
That's after employment.
But but but freedom!?
@PeeHaa And don't you forget it! =P
You're free to go somewhere else if you don't comply. Insurance can get complex and differs from state to state.
Insurance people are even worse than lawyers
When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, the insurance companies tried to get out of paying claims for homes that were destroyed even though they had flood coverage. They would try to get out of it because of something like... "There are significant lime deposits in the foundation which would require different coverage." @PeeHaa
ugh, ffing googlebot taking my site down again
They get out of claims over technicalities all the time. It's pretty ridiculous.
@StatikStasis more of a 'two drink minimum' thing going on.
@Danack "you just be this tipsy/drunk to work here"?
@PeeHaa Oh! I'm seeing a lot more activity in my streams since I started multi-streaming. I got a new sub, and several new follows on twitch. Seeing a lot more activity each stream- which is great! Meant to ask you- on SMB3, are you doing speedruns or just casual play?
Also, 'well did you bring enough for everyone'?
@Danack lol
@Tiffany not at work, but for socialising, when that was a thing that occured.
@Danack A lot of places, mainly the ones that have less to lose... mainly if they don't have stock holders, don't adhere strongly to this. One place told me a few years ago: "You will be fired if you're caught selling drugs... but not for using. Just don't sell them- bring them here."
@StatikStasis aye that's their business model
@StatikStasis Casual play right now. Trying to get back into smb3 after a loooong while
Have mostly been playing smw romhacks in the recent past
Which are super crazy and hard :)
Incorrect UTC offset per Olson TZ Database in Asia/Almaty. ・ Date/time related ・ #80084
2 hours later…
Aaaand I'm back to Travis passing and Appveyor failing. This is getting to be more trouble than it's worth. :-(
@Crell It always feels that way with big projects :/
This is one of the reasons I was getting fed up with Drupal even before everything imploded. :-(
@StatikStasis Isn't this one of the most busy rooms on SO? ^^
@IluTov Probably... but it had been two hours. Which is uncommon at this time of day.
This violates PSR-4 because it's not in a directory named Dash, right?
Or am I misunderstanding PSR-4
Not necessarily.
is .tech tld a good alternative to .io for open source projects?
PSR-4 lets you trim the package out of the path, if you then configure your autoloader (composer) to recognize that.
@mega6382 I'm partial to .dev
I actually have a free .tech from github student pack, and I was thinking about creating an opensource project, so I thought that I might use that domain. .io is very expensive btw
So, here is the idea for the project, its a micro framework(like slim, lumen, silex, expressive etc) called phpast(pronounced fast), what do you think? the main motivation for me was the name really :p
Will it actually run quickly?
Who knows, my plan: it will be php8+ only, completely based on decorators.
So, it will be kind of unique(unless the others start adopting too), so that is why I want to try it, I think it will be fun. :D
@Crell Ah okay I wasn't sure. The only thing I saw in the examples with 1 namespace, it was in the directory of the same name
Fully Qualified Class Name: \Zend\Acl
Namespace: Zend
Base Directory: /usr/includes/Zend/
Resulting File Path: /usr/includes/Zend/Acl.php
> A contiguous series of one or more leading namespace and sub-namespace names, not including the leading namespace separator, in the fully qualified class name (a “namespace prefix”) corresponds to at least one “base directory”.
I feel like it's a little bit unclear there
But I guess Dash is the "leading namespace separator" so it would only apply to things after that
@Alesana what are you doing?
@mega6382 Nothing just trying to understand the PSRs
That was just a package that was moved to a different repo so I saw it
But now I'm looking at Laravel 8 that just came out and I see they moved src/Illuminate/Support/Arr.php to src/Illuminate/Collection/Arr.php while keeping the namespace as Illuminate\Support. I don't know why they would do that but surely it breaks PSR-4, right?
It defines it in the composer.json though so maybe that makes it okay
PSRs are just suggestions, you don't necessarily need to follow them all, I remember that there were some internal disputes amongst their team a while back and some even left. So, take them with a grain of salt.
@Alesana Officailly, depends how they configure the autoloader. It's definitely not recommended usage, but that hasnt' stopped Laravel before...
@mega6382 There's always people coming and going in FIG. :-) It's still alive and kicking, though there isn't much in active development at the moment.
PSR-4 is virtually universal at this point.
Yeah the autoloader was configured correctly but it's just odd. I guess they're trying to modularize their support package while not making breaking changes
At least it seems that way
I'm always trying to learn the right standards for things so whenever I see something like that I always have to figure out whether they did something wrong or if my understanding is wrong lol
@Alesana well, laravel lives in its own little world, so I suggest you take some other package as an example, that might be more helpful.
Good call. I just happen to be updating our Laravel apps and services
Which effects a lot of other packages
So a lot of good opportunities but I suppose if they're all Laravel related they're not so good opportunities haha
Laravel is one of the more insular PHP sub-communities at this point.
Memory leak in mailparse_msg_create/mailparse_msg_free ・ mailparse ・ #80086
Wordsacpes Puzzle Solver ・ *General Issues ・ #80087
@Crell I am just surprised at how self-absorbed many laravel developers are, I have literally heard them say things like "how to get array count in laravel" etc, its like they completely disregard the underlying system.
That used to be more common. A lot of people spent tens of thousands of hours and a decade trying to change that type of behavior in PHP. So, yeah, it's really annoying to see it coming back in Laravel and no one in leadership there trying to work against it.
Laravel is to PHP as Ruby is to Rails: Its advocates don't understand there's more to the language than just that framework, and think of them as synonymous.
I think it's clear Taylor is more interested in growing the Laravel enterprise than he is interested in benefitting the PHP language
That being said I do think a lot of Laravel developers who are used to using other languages wouldn't use PHP if it weren't for Laravel
Laravels eco system looks pretty cool but man that framework does some horrendous stuff. laravel.com/docs/7.x/facades#real-time-facades
@Alesana yeah. with things like forge and what not it seems to be that way
@IluTov Yeah I am still confused on why that's a thing. A year back I almost used it but then I was like "nah that just looks dirty"
@Crell I completely agree, I really hate getting into arguments with those kind of people
@Crell It's the same thing that was happening with JavaScript and jQuery
@IluTov and they have nothing to do with the actual facade pattern, I don't even know why they are called that
"How do I get an input value in JavaScript" - someone gives jQuery answer
or, "How do I get an array count in jQuery"
@Alesana that still happens, I told the frontend guy to create a popup modal and gave him a page where I will be using it, and he created it with jquery even though the site wasn't even using jquery lol
@Alesana 8-10 years ago, JavaScript had none of the nice stuff it does now... either you were an elite JS dev like jQuery's creator or you used jQuery
@Tiffany you are partially correct, but it was still very powerful, and the vanillaJS project shows that quite well.
Possibly closer to 8-12 years ago... I think 2008 was when I first discovered jQuery.
But honestly I am very glad that js has fetch now, it is a lot of help
The vanillaJS project came well after jQuery's heyday.
c+ open mode messes up file on fwrite() ・ Filesystem function related ・ #80088
yes, because they needed to educate people, that JS is very self sufficient and over reliance on jquery is not necessary
But that was after JavaScript started evolving with ES5
Possibly 4?
That was when you didn't need 100 million dependencies to run a js application.
Circa 2005/2006, Javascript without jQuery was basically unusable.
Anything interesting required writing twice; once for IE, once for everything else. jQuery papered over all of that with a nice interface.
And most of what made jQuery useful is now part of the standard JS browser API, and supported everywhere.
@Crell oh yes, the IE support, the realm of nightmares
Ugh, I was doing front end dev when IE6 was around, but it was near its end at that time
@Crell well it did shape much of what the web looks like today, I can't imagine how many developers started with jquery, I remember using jquery before I even knew what js was, and was just adding random scripts from the internet
One of the most painful things is watching someone install jQuery on a site that didn't already have it to make some simple changes
This is like "back in my day, we had to write our code walking up two hills, in the snow"
Yep. I used to be a big jQuery advocate, back when JS wasn't usable otherwise. Around 2014/2015 JS got good enough that you didn't need jQuery anymore.
"and then walk back... uphill, both ways..."
And polyfills are a thing now, so manual IE support is not needed anymore
Use of undefined constant is suddenly fatal ・ *General Issues ・ #80089
The only time I see it these days really is just for PHP developers making prototypes that need JS
@Tiffany back then I was 10 years old and barely had a computer with a dial up, so I don't know what it was like back then :p
@Crell is this you? twitter.com/phphugs
@mega6382 I was molded by dial-up
It is not, but it's the kind of thing I would do. :-)
There's been a long running mystery about who that is. Several suspects, but no one has owned up to it.
Granted, what I used was nothing as slow as the veterans used
@Tiffany 14.4K massive represent
although admittedly we got a 28.8 around the time I started being allowed to use it
@DaveRandom At best I had only 8K, the usual was 2K to 4K, and the cards were expensive
I didn't get online at home until we could get a 56K.
@mega6382 how old are you, out of interest?
22 yrs old
(I'm 35)
But I live in a third world country
I didn't see my first dsl(no wifi) until 2010
OK, seriously, this makes no sense.
@mega6382 I definitely have known where at some point but... where?>
@Crell its not that they weren't available, its just that we couldn't afford it
@Crell that surprises me a little, although I now realise that I think of you as being older than me for no good reason
I am older than you. I just didn't have a modem at home until midway through high school when I started running the school's student web team. :-)
@mega6382 ah yeh that's a place where old school modems probably stil exist in abundance I suppose
@DaveRandom yes, I use 4g myself, but my mom still has 4mb dsl modem.
the great thing about analogue over copper is that it will go like a billion miles and there will still be a usable signal at the other end
I started using the internet when I was eight or nine o_o
it'll be a shit quality signal, but that's way better than nothing
@mega6382 yeh but 4mb is probably fine for her I'm guessing (like just email and shit?)

Travis passes tests. Appveyor and Azure fail. The error message indicates basic_functions_arginfo.h is missing. Which... The last line of make tests output is:

rm /home/crell/Projects/php-src/ext/standard/basic_functions_arginfo.h
although chunky ass images on FB/insta will suck on that
Which... what?
@Crell we didn't have dial modems, there was a chip in the computer where we would connect the landline cable directly.
@DaveRandom yeah, and whatsapp and facebook at most
/me just wants to get this thing merged before RC1 tag, because if not he's going to be pissed. :-/
@Derick This may well be related to the 7.2.33*-1* release (that fixed a low severity libcurl CVE issue; I didn't wanted to bother the RMs with a new release; had that recently, but was a more serious issue). I'll provide a PR on Friday.
@Crell that smells of cleanup-after-error
Whazat mean?
There are no test fails.
i.e. that last line of log output is unrelated to the cause of the error
you are looking at logs of cleanup operations that happened becasue of a failure further up
Well, the file legit doesn't exist, it seems. So I don't know why travis DOES work.
Do I need to rebase this damned thing against master yet again, perhaps?
But... no, travis is happy. So it shouldn't be that. I don't know how it's happy though.
Rebase All The Things
git rebase -i HEAD~1000
that'll sort it
in other words, sorry I can't help, but when you have inexplicable errors then "turn it off and on again" is always a goods shout, and rebase is kind of like turning history off and back on again because it triggers a complete reindex of the whole thing
that's a pretty weak argument for running commands at random though
Well I did it anyway.
@Tiffany TIL about PSR-8
@Crell live fast and die SIGSEGV
@Crell Is it a Windows only test? Some tests are skipped in some environments.
I don't think so? But I'll push a rebase in a moment and we'll see what happens.
AppVeyor is failing for ~24h; I'll have a look at that ASAP
Oh good.
Well, just pushed new rebase. And leaving it for now.
@Crell When tests fail with weird errors it helps to look at master and check if it fails too (or other recently opened PRs).
Is there a dashboard to see what master does?
@Crell Well I just go to github.com/php/php-src and check from there ^^
Hm, that says it's building.
@Crell You can just look at the one right before that ^^
ci.appveyor.com/project/php/php-src/builds/35140444 for example, does this failure look anything like yours?
@DaveRandom this gives me Tron vibes
Yeh but you can get this cream from a chemist over the counter these days, clears it right up in a couple of days
Incorrect character detection with unicode escape sequence ・ PCRE related ・ #80090
@IluTov Nope, different errors.
@Crell It is highly unlikely that if your PR build properly before that after a rebase it's the cause. Also always look at which tests are failing, if they aren't remotely related to your PR just comment with "CI failures unrelated", because CI brakes for the most random stuff APT on 32bit was broken yesterday, the JIT is borked due to some changes by Dmitry, etc
Well, the error is that basic_functions_arginfo.h is missing. Which it shouldn't be, but is related to what I'm doing since I'm modifying stubs. So... I don't know what is going on.
Which... wait, wtf? According to the diff, that file is being deleted. Why is that file being deleted?
And then how is Travis passing?
That shouldn't be the case
I fully agree. :-)
So... something in my test run is deleting the file, and that got picked up by a git commit. Because... why?
There is an rm command running on that file on make test, but only on my branch. If I switch to master and run it, it doesn't happen.
... Wow.
Adding the file back manually via copy paste from the master branch caused the rm command to go away, and let me regenerate it.
I... don't understand.

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