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@StatikStasis open.spotify.com/album/0pez5RFl6PmHgp9YyzFrkW you might like this song (specifically the Game of Thrones and Skyrim mashup)
7 hours later…
Quick question: Why doesn't this work? is php inside html inside php not possible? <?php
$progress = 40;

echo “<progress value="<?php echo $progress; ?>" max="100"></progress>”;
no its not possible because you dont need it
echo “<progress value=$progress" max="100"></progress>”;
will do
yeah I tried that before, but it still gives me an error :/
because you have to escape the " chars inside your html string
ohh I see, thanks. ill try get it to work :)
I got it to work with this echo "<progress value=\"$rankprogress\" max=\"100\"></progress>";
Thanks again
read something about string concatenation
thats what you need
will do
1 hour later…
Need to nuke my laptop, and debating which distro to out on it. Been running kububtu and love kde, but considering something like elemental.io or maybe just stock Ubuntu... Any thoughts?
/me is still happy with kubuntu, kde
@salathe do you know who has access to php's packagist account?
@Sean printf('<progress value="%s" max="100"></progress>", $rankprogress); is a lot easier to read for me.
I prefer just <progress value="<?= $rankprogress; ?>" max="100"></progress> in templates
@PeeHaa an account, or the package/vendor namespace?
I prefer <🍺 value="🍺" max="🍺"></🍺>
be careful not to get 🍺 and 🍻 mixed up though
@salathe Both I guess :) I am thinking about putting up some packages to be shared across the web repos of php
Right now in specific looking at what I currently did for master and work that has been done for bugs
otherwise your page will look like 💩
But might be really useful across the board at some point
@DaveRandom What if I like them both? Can I at least nest it?
@PeeHaa you can, just don't try and use 🍺 and 🍷 together or everything will be really slow for ages, typically everything is useless until around lunch the next day
Typically everything is useless until around lunch anyway
you can mitigate the problem somewhat via careful use of 🚬
why does docker delay in tracking file changes?
possibly because you set it up with rsync?
@PeeHaa I don't think there is a special account for PHP, but I can add packages under php/* ... I'm not sure what permissions model Packagist uses, to give others access or not, to be honest.
@salathe unless it's changed, the permissions model is 'one person has permissions' to add packages under a top-level name.
@salathe k cool. Currently waiting on a reply for peter (kokot), btu at least I know I can bug you
@Danack cool, then I have the power. :)
@salathe With great power comes great... fuck it, adding rebecca black repo \o/
@PeeHaa btw, we do already have a repo for sharing code between the web/* repos: git.php.net/?p=web/shared.git ... not sure if that's what you meant by sharing?
@PeeHaa ooh nice idea >:)
@salathe yeah that is currently included in master too, but I was more thinking about proper composer packages to be shared instead of the horror that comes with submodules and random html headers and css
Not sure why I hate on git modules so much though. Might just be me
@salathe thanks, I swear to be as much active as possible, already did some work today
@Danack I saw that info somewhere, for now trying to prepare local env using Docker with PhD inside and got proper build using it on my local to make my life easier and avoid installing any additional tools locally
I'm pissed off with it though.
Docker on OSX is really slow for the manual build.
Like 'invalidates the whole point of putting it inside a container' slow.
In particular, it just can't watch for file system changes without bringing both the container and the host machine to a crawl. Which is not totally unreasonable given the number of files that the manual is built from.
I seem to remember an issue with mounted volumes being slow as fuck and the docker people basically ignoring it. Is it the same issue?
@PeeHaa Cool, I'd have no problems with making infrastructure work with and use composer.
But given the efforts Microsoft are going to solve the performance problem, and so it's now only Mac that is slow, Blaargh.
@PeeHaa not ignoring, just not being able to do anything about it.
Also, master.php.net says it's using... PHP/5.4.11-dev. *facepalm*
It turns out that file system abstraction layers in userspace, are never going to perform as well as native file system in kernelspace.
@salathe yeah it is. I started a rewrite locally which works fine on 7.3 , but then I noticed there is already a lot of work done on bugs. So now trying to get together instead of me doing my own thing in a different way
@Danack :(
this is why Microsoft announced this: omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/05/…
I would love to be able to jump into any php site at some point and it all being the same infra wise where possibe
@PeeHaa So what you're saying is, you're having a Peter Party but haven't invited me. :(
Once I get a hold of him (pinged him off list for now) I will include you too for name's sake :D
@Danack I'll give it a try
@Danack yeah makes sense
@salathe are you a "PECL administrator"? If so, could you remove Scott and Miko from the Imagick maintainers?
I apparently can't despite being a 'lead maintainer', either through the web interface or by uploading a change package info.
@Danack No, I don't do anything on the PECL side of the fence. Derick should be able to help.
🎵🎵 Let the voice of love take you higher 🎵🎵
I have a weird issue in my PHP code that i would like to share here, if i could get any help
@IsraelObanijesu Don't ask to ask, just ask. If someone is able to answer, they will.
I have a script code that sends data to the backend using navigator.sendBeacon() . The data is sent whenever the page is unloaded. Hence, in my PHP code i receive the data sent from the script code and store it in my DB using prepared statement. However, the weird part is that the data only get inserted into my DB once (i.e. once a data is already inserted into my DB, unless i delete the previous one, a new data does not get inserted).
I hope i was able to explain that as succinctly as possible. Thanks in advance
@IsraelObanijesu How are you handling pdo errors?
or are you using mysqli (in which case I am very very sorry)
No, i am using prepared statement and i didn't handle any query error
Does you database table have an non auto increment primary key?
@IsraelObanijesu Well if you do not handle errors and you are hit by an error I would know what to do next
or something other unique which blocks. But PeeHaa is right. Get the error message and you will get further
@user3655829 i think there is something wrong with the auto increment primary key
so i dropped the table and created it again, and now it's working well. Thank you very much for you help
@PeeHaa, ok, i would add a code for handling query errors. Thanks for pointing that out too.
Thank you all for your help. I appreciate
@bwoebi the concat precedence RFC was supposed to a couple of days ago, have you forgotten?
supposed to what, over
supposed to!!
I don't know, the page says it closes on the 14th, the email says the 15th, and today is neither of those. :P
He's trying to mess with our heads!
I suspect a bunch of the "no's" to the secondary vote weren't really paying attention. Who would vote "no" to having a deprecation before a breaking change?
Wait hold on, in PHP 8 will there be a deprecation notice for the unparenthesized expressions?
@salathe no. And even worse doesn't refuse to compile.
@Danack oh, eww.
In that case I want to change my vote :D
@salathe Well technically the vote is still open ;-)
@salathe yeah, was busy yesterday
but no I haven't forgotten
oh, I fucked up:
[PHP-7.4 cbc90b1f6e] Merge branch 'deprecate_concat_add_sub' into PHP-8.4
close enough.
4 messages moved to Trash
@Danack I have no idea how I managed that - guess I mistyped something in vim while committing?!
@bwoebi Happened to me too :D I think I accidentally Ctrl-A
@pmmaga yeah probably, because on different systems different editors open … and I first thought it would be nano
@salathe now it's all merged :-)
nothing .. what about you?
\o/ I haz a new, better job starting next month
thanks :)
1 hour later…
@PeeHaa 2020 tv series en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowpiercer_(TV_series), in case you haven't watched it, you should watch the 2013 movie. snowpiercer
i might go ahead and even say it's the best scifi movie i've watched in the last 10 years
@LeviMorrison basic idea of the relative offset tree: https://gist.github.com/rtheunissen/e420755d57ecc9b1cb86c06cbdbf4f95

You keep a reference to the head and tail nodes, and bottom-up rebalancing is O(1*) when using red-black or weak-avl trees. We only rebalance when a new node is created, and load factor will be ~1.0 when using only deque ops (because we never overflow). We never have to split nodes up to the root like RRB / B-trees have to.

The only weaknesses are the O(M) movements during insert/remove, and the log2(N) lookup time, due to the binary branching factor. Also having to c
It's tough to say which one is better without measuring constant factors, etc. I suspect RRB would be better overall but significantly more complex (I think so anyway). Having the O(1*) push/pop/shift/unshift could make a big difference though, rather than log32(N) with node splits up to the root. No idea honestly.
I was told there would be no math.
from perf perspective, should i use recursion or Closure?
I'm finally making progress in figuring out how to solve this code challenge in Java. I still feel incredibly dirty writing Java, but stuff is starting to make sense. I may need a long shower when I'm done with this challenge.
!!> $str = 'foo'; $str[1] = 'b'; var_dump($str);
[ 7.1.25 - 7.3.5 ] string(3) "fbo"
@Tiffany Why do you feel dirty writing Java? You are in the PHP room, for goodness sake!
At least we have functions.
just a general question. If you are a senior php developer, should you be able to deploy a basic server setup on linux?
@NickMaroulis "senior php developer" is an ambiguous title
what one company expects of a "senior php developer" can be vastly different than another company's expectations
@NickMaroulis you need to know how to make your code appear as a site on the internet. If you've only used something like heroku before, and so haven't had to configure a server, then fair enough.
but if you've got no idea how to deploy stuff, then no, that's something you need to be able to do as a senior imo.
!!should I take a break or continue working
You should continue working.
You expected a bot to condone taking a break? @Jeeves only gets a break when he dies!
/me waves
/me drowns in the wave
one time forever please tell me what do you guys mean by "wave"? What I know about wave meaning makes no sense here
@Shafizadeh It means waving your hand, like you do when you say "Hi" or "Bye"
@Ekin congratz \o/
@Shafizadeh like this 🙋‍♂️👋
Use containers instead!
Then you don't have to handle non-debian distros!
You know, I would really like there to be a decent cross-platform php version manager.
@LeviMorrison I actually thought about that. And may do that...
@mega6382 this could be that ;)
@ircmaxell Let's hope so, I don't have any experience in making something like this, but I would still like to help, so if you have anything for me I'll be free over the weekend. :)
@Ekin CONGRATS! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
@ircmaxell looks a lot like phpbrew
yeah, I realized that after tweeting
Automatically switching versions is a cool idea though, haven't seen that around.
rvm does that (Ruby's version manager)
TFW staring at code for 30 minutes and can't figure out how to make it work, and I've reached the equivalent of semantic saturation for reading code.
I guess I should go for a walk.
@Tiffany something we could help with or something to take on yourself?
@rtheunissen it's Java code
@rtheunissen so does NVM(for Node.js)
@rtheunissen if you're curious: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/46238489#46238489 (plus the messages I have below the code snippet)
@mega6382 That's what I get for not having used rvm or nvm. :/

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