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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

well, PoE specifically
anyway that's enough of office for today, laters
I cannot tell you how much joy it brings me to have hidden an easter egg in our announcement page, waited nervously for people to find it, then watched the community discover and share it with each other. le toucan has arrived
[Overheard in the Studio] Server admin 1: Can you go find Brutus and hit reset on it? Server admin 2: Brutus has been reset. What is this mysterious admin code?! https://t.co/NmJBqkNMix
10:41 PM
@Danack re bug 77716, I believe that warning comes from mysqlnd as mysqlnd does only issues warnings, so if a warning happens during PDO::__construct, it will not honor ERRMODE_EXCEPTION
@Kalle yeah, I've had a look and it's a complete nightmare.
Tell me about it, I tried to fix it a few years back and I gave up lol
ah - I won't remind you of the details then.
I will try to have a look at fixing it, but it would probably need to target 7.4 or more likely 8 I'm guessing, as it might need an ABI break on mysqlnd.
or just wrapping all the things....
Yeah the amount of changes needed to fix it is relatively large sadly, 7.4 would be the ideal target. I can't remember if mysqli was also spewing out these or not tho...
10:56 PM
@Kalle actually - what might make more sense is getting mysqlnd to 'throw' the exception, then in the PDO code, check if an exception was generated by mysqlnd, and if so, convert that to a PDO exception at that layer.
@Danack I thought about something like that it does make a lot of sense. My initial idea was to have a flag for the connect function in mysqlnd that would silence warnings and then have PDO read if mysqlnd had an error, much like you do $dbh->connect_errno checking when using mysqli in userland
Which could potentially be ABI, but I don't know, been way too long since I dug into ext/mysqlnd
@bwoebi a team I worked alongside implemented that to allow 'DLLs' on risc architecture that didn't otherwise allow for dynamically loading code..... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOCA_Touring_Car_Championship
2 megabytes should be enough for anyone.
Hello, I am Galstaff.
11:16 PM
@Danack haha awesome
11:27 PM
where did i hear galstaff... is it a lord of the rings thing?
no that's gandalf lol
11:39 PM
Mar 4 at 16:25, by Wes
i am removing a veneer from a door. previous owner thought it was nice... underneath there is a beautiful real wood door
turns out the veneer was added because there was a hole in the door :B
i have no words to describe how bad i think locked class is
rather than fixing the clearly broken behavior, we are adding a new keyword
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