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everything is private @bwoebi
static zend_always_inline void php_parallel_copy_resource(zval *dest, zval *source, zend_bool persistent) {
	if (persistent) {
		if (php_parallel_copyable_resource(source)) {
			ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(dest, source);
	} else {
		ZVAL_COPY(dest, source);
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/parallel$ php tests/base/041.phpt
parallel streams
@JoeWatkins ok, i found that only Opcode Optimizer is using this reserved thing in php-src, and xdebug is using it for coverage. so there should be room in the max limit of 6 ;)
this is the only way I can make it work, but it's so nasty
@beberlei yeah, plenty of room normally
the reason it's part of zend_extension api though is because it's only zend_extensions that have op_array_ctor/op_array_dtor, so you can stick a pointer in there, but you need another way to free it if you don't want to be a zend_extension
which you probably don't, because they are silly ... and usually have to register a module, because they are missing important things ...
probably the two should be merged in 8
@JoeWatkins hm - does the thread close the socket before you get the value from it?
the fsock yeah
@JoeWatkins i would love to take a stab at such stuff, i don't see myself what needs to bedone, but I could if there was a well defined task ;)
it has too, can't free it anywhere else ...
but I think that's fine, I see no need for passing sockets back
@beberlei have a stab at zend_extension ?
@bwoebi but I know this isn't safe
yeah, you'll need to properly dup() it
only way to make it actually safe
no I mean it's not safe to pass a zend_resource between threads
ah for sure
@JoeWatkins "should be merged in 8" for example, sounds like a task that takes a while, but might be just tedious than actually requring deep knowledge, i am probably wrong
you shouldn't either... The actual way is to just get the fd...
and pass it to the thread ... in user land
just needs an API...
oh well, you would want to start a conversation about that before you put any effort in, the distinction between a zend extension and a zend module doesn't make sense, all of the stuff that zend_extensions do should probably just be moved over to the modules and drop the distinction, it solves load order problems, it solved the difficult stuff you have to do when writing zend_extensions like registering a module anyway ... in the end though, you would need dmitry and derick on side because
opcache/xdebug are both zend_extensions ...
@bwoebi so it's enough if I magically cast any stream to an fd and leave the rest to userland ?
Would be good enough for me
while reading I discovered that php://fd is a cli only thing, think that matters ?
@JoeWatkins hm... dunno, not for me, but for others it may
Just landed.
streams are one of the main problems with running in a server anyway, for example, output will be swalloed if you echo from a thread in fpm, and in apache it may break stuff ... it might be best to disable output in non-cli environment anyway ... but I dunno how awkward this is going to be to live with ...
Got the entire preprocessor program written. So you can do (new FFIMe("foo.so")->include("too/bar.h")->include("blah.h")->build();
Only two remaining parts are implementing the path searching algorithms to find those header files if not absolute paths.
And fixing 7.4. found a segfault in the engine when passing args by reference :)
Will upload to a repo once I get to the hotel :)
cool, busy flight then
Yeah, hand rolling multiple parsers, tokenizers, many which are self manipulative. Quite fun. The wife thought I was crazy (she's right)
@ircmaxell what exactly did you do? parsing header files for structure definitions?
(to be used with ffi)
or is that only the second step?
Anyone with a wiki.php.net account here? No php.net account, but a wiki account only?
@kelunik just to test something? because I'd be in that category
@IMSoP Yup. Does the login still work as expected?
@bwoebi precisely. But also extracting defines, etc.
well, it shows me still logged in, which is a start...
@ircmaxell well, you obviously need to for certain definitions - awesome :-)
@IMSoP Then logout and login again, please ;-)
Though, I do plan a nicer interface to ffi as part of it
that's a valuable building block towards using ffi
@kelunik yep, grabbed a Private window, and all looks sane
Cool, thanks :)
@bwoebi I have followed the spec for a lot of it, but there's a ton that's going to be ...weird... To implement
@ircmaxell If it's nice and not abstracting away any feature, I'm also not opposed to ameliorating the current API. The API sort of works, but it feels a little clumsy
@ircmaxell the C (preprocessor) spec you mean?
maybe it was always true, but clicking my own name at the top says "Action disabled: profile"
@IMSoP Yup, that's been like that forever, not sure why.
fair enough
@bwoebi yes, for C99 specifically. Though some parts I haven't got to get. Such as resolving math and stuff...
@ircmaxell #if expressions? okay I have to admit I've never wondered about what exactly is supported there
@bwoebi fully supported. :)
@bwoebi totally. Don't have a clear idea yet how to solve that, but will try
001+ Warning: fopen(php://fd/376): failed to open stream: Error duping file descriptor 376; possibly it doesn't exist: [9]: Bad file descriptor in C:\projects\parallel\tests\base\041.php on line 8
001- OK
003+ Warning: stream_socket_accept() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\projects\parallel\tests\base\041.php on line 10
windows ...
That's an extremely high value for a fd
works on travis with a proper operating system
$uNames = ['Jenny', 'Lara', 'Adam', 'Jenny', 'Sofia', 'Tom', 'Jason', 'Brady', 'Lara', 'Jenny'];
$uLinks = ['cJ.com', 'lA.com', 'c.com', 'a.com', 'd.com', 'ab.com', 'g.com', 'e.com', 'f.com', 'd.com'];

same indexed values are related.

Eg: $uNames[0] = $uLinks[0] or Jenny = cJ.com

Now I want to array_unique the $uNames and then remove the same indexed values in $uLinks. I figured putting in an associative array removes the duplicates since the $keys should be unique but couldn't figure how to achieve that. Tried foreach and for loops as follow but it keeps iterating in wrong order.
@bwoebi this just doesn't work on windows, like chris warned us ...
@JeevaRaam why are you sorting ulNames? that changes the indexes, so that they dont match anymore to ulLinks
Hi @JoeWatkins, I'm here from reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/aquer0/… :)
@beberlei Oops that's a mistake, it shouldn't be there. That doesn't solve the problem.
@JeevaRaam Take array_keys($uNames) and after array_unique($uNames) then compare arrays by keys with array_diff_key($uLinks, $uNames) and remove result from $uLinks. Maybe there's simplier way but this is what you have to do.
@bwoebi disabled on windows until we can get chris's attention
@MatthieuNapoli oh hai, give me 5 minutes
@JoeWatkins sure!
@MatthieuNapoli hi :D
@beberlei hi! I haven't been here in years ^^
Quick question. Can I just copy over a PHP 7.0 ini file to a PHP 7.2 installation?
yes you can
but it links to shared objects extension= for example, you need those compiled for php 7.2 as well
@MatthieuNapoli ok you have my attention, show me some code that you normally use to respond to one of these events
@Tpojka I thought about that but it's a big process. Creating an associative array with $uNames will easily do the work. But using foreach or for loops returns the $key value in a different order rather 0, 1, 2 it's something 9, 6, 3 ...
I done a little reading, you seem to read the events over some rest api, but not sure how response works, is it another rest thing ?
and not sure how execution works, like what do you call to get the response ?
@JoeWatkins okay, Bref runs PHP on AWS Lambda. I'm not sure how you are familiar with it but basically it's like a docker container running a master process, which AWS calls the bootstrap file. This master process is responsible from fetching "events" (HTTP requests, jobs from message queues, etc.) from the AWS API (via HTTP) and execute the PHP code that needs to be executed. You can find sequence diagrams here: twitter.com/matthieunapoli/status/1096367151546540033
not familiar at all
So everything works fine, but I get into the problem of a single PHP process handling many events.
@JeevaRaam Of course best way would be if you could reorganize your arrays to multidim array as [['name' => 'Jane', 'link' => 'cJ.com'], ['name' => 'Lara', 'link' => 'lA.com'],] in first place. Probably you can do that with some combination of array_map or array_walk.
And with AWS Lambda you can respond to HTTP requests (the event is the HTTP request). Here is an example with Symfony: github.com/mnapoli/bref-bootstrap-benchmarks/blob/master/a/…
LambdaResponse show me that
as you can see, I turn the event into a Symfony request manually, execute Symfony and convert the response back into AWS's format
Now where it gets fun is when trying to use PHP-FPM
does it also slow it down when you use fpm ?
because that way we benefit from FPM's isolation between requests. An alternative to FPM is booting a separate process between each event (aka HTTP request) and manually populate global variables, or rely on PSR-7/framework abstractions of those variables)
@JoeWatkins you can see some benchmarks results here: github.com/mnapoli/bref-bootstrap-benchmarks#results PHP-FPM is solution E
"Bref 0.2 (baseline)" is booting a separate PHP process for each event.
so you can see that PHP-FPM is faster than "Bref 0.2 (baseline)" because thanks to FPM we don't boot a new PHP process for every request (i.e. CGI vs FastCGI)
Now I tried to do something with forks (pcntl) to even avoid the overhead of the FastCGI protocol (to pass the request from the `bootstrap` process to the PHP-FPM worker). This is described here: https://github.com/mnapoli/bref-bootstrap-benchmarks#solution-d You can click to expand the code example. I was surprised to see that performances are not so good…
I think this may be because of "copy on write" of forks… I don't know… Anyway.
This is how I got into the threads business ;)
you can use parallel
Maybe I can have a single bootstrap process that spawns a thread on each HTTP request (there is only 1 at a time in lambda so no concurrency/load issue) that guarantees isolation, without overhead
ah! nice!
how is aws priced ?
this is the big thing: you pay per actual execution time. Between every event/request the whole container and bootstrap process is frozen. You pay only for the time spent processing a HTTP request. It can be very very cheap in some scenarios compared to paying a whole server. Try it here: s3.amazonaws.com/lambda-tools/pricing-calculator.html
So just to be sure: parallel (and threads) are OK to have a whole Symfony/Laravel application run in a single thread? (i.e. not just a small task but a whole HTTP request lifecycle)
the calc says you pay per execution, presumably that means per event ?
Right yes I missed that part sorry. It's usually a combination of both time and number of execution.
In my cases with PHP it's often between 100ms and up to 10s (for larger jobs) so I usually think about the time.
link me to a basic symfony app
In the latest version of Bref we run PHP-FPM, so it's very much like any other Symfony application. There are however some differences (logs, filesystem, etc.), you can see a documentation about that here: bref.sh/docs/frameworks/symfony.html
not familiar with symfony, avoid it like plague
@Tpojka $unique_info[$uNames] = [$uLinks]; This does work exactly as I want but when I put it inside a loop to automatically assign then it doesn't work. In foreach($uNames as $i => $value) the key value $i doesn't iterate in order.
on top of threads and forks I've been playing with a custom PHP SAPI: `php -L index.php`. You can see it here https://github.com/mnapoli/php-src/pull/2
The idea is to keep a single process (no overhead of booting anything) but clear the PHP environment on every loop execution. Exactly like PHP-FPM, but without FastCGI.
@JeevaRaam I'd format that properly first. 3v4l.org/kAiXW
@MatthieuNapoli that is a really cool idea
@beberlei nice! While it makes a lot of sense for Lambda, I'm thinking it may also be useful in other scenarios like queue workers, where we run a single PHP process to handle messages from a queue in a loop.
That way we still run a single process, except every message is handled in an isolated PHP execution. No memory leak, no global state being shared, etc.
yes for queue workers its really nice
of course slower than just running multiple in one "cli request", but more php
Right. From the tests on AWS Lambda (github.com/mnapoli/bref-bootstrap-benchmarks#results A vs G) this is only 1ms slower per invocation (aka event/job/HTTP request). Still it's slower, but not by much.
1ms is ok
you should track 99% percentile, average and minimum might be misleading
But it doesn't remove the duplicates.
instead of the $nameLink[$key] it should be $nameLink[$value] but changing that inside the loop jeopardize everything.
yes, especially since on Lambda cold starts are very bad. Those benchmarks were while building v0.3, now that this is stable and released I want to write actual benchmarks of Bref itself, both warm executions, cold starts, etc.
mnapoli.fr/http-performance-bref-0-3 is the best I have at the moment
the overhead of loading symfony is huge
just a few ms
@JeevaRaam But now you have something that you can use meaningfully. Probably on this question/answer. Study array_map and array_walk functions.
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src/bref-symfony-demo$ php -derror_reporting=0 parallel.php 0
Finished without threads in 9.03 seconds
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src/bref-symfony-demo$ php -derror_reporting=0 parallel.php 4
Finished with 4 threads in 2.84 seconds
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src/bref-symfony-demo$ php -derror_reporting=0 parallel.php 8
Finished with 8 threads in 1.39 seconds
100000 runs
but this is without anything outputting anything, because that skews results rather a lot
@Tpojka Okay, Thanks I'll learn that and give it a try !!
You're welcome.
it only starts to make sense if you have very large number of executions because the overhead of loading symfony is not slight, it's the vast majority of a response time
you'll have to come up with ways to pass arrays/strings back and forth rather than response objects, but it will work ...
when a response is nothing yes, but in my experience symfony overhead is 10ms for lightweight stuff, everything else is much slower
also putenv is not thread safe, I found out about this a while ago, but didnt' do anything about it yet, hence it's disabled ...
The overhead of loading symfony will be there anyway if we use PHP-FPM. So I don't really expect things to get faster, only to avoid the overhead of sending the HTTP request to FastCGI via a socket.
> also putenv is not thread safe, I found out about this a while ago, but didnt' do anything about it yet, hence it's disabled ...
ah good to know!
it's not php's fault, I mean the underlying thing is not thread safe
@MatthieuNapoli in a long running, non seperated script the overhead is only once for many requests, so joe is right about that
Is that correct to say that parallel is like pthreads but with a simpler API?
well, it sort of is php's fault, but it's a well known thing
yes, but some of the stuff you could do in pthreads won't work in parallel, you can't pass objects around being the main thing ...
there's no reason why you should use putenv() at runtime (after init)
but then pthreads serialized everything complex and parallel doesn't serialize anything ...
@beberlei right. That's like using Swoole/ReactPHP/Amp/etc. The problem with this is that you loose isolation between runs. I think this is fine, just not for everybody. So I try to compare similar things: PHP-FPM with parallel (because there is still isolation).
oh I didn't use isolation in the real sense, the kernel is shared among responses
@MatthieuNapoli there does exist preloading...
@JoeWatkins ohhh nice! I completely missed that. I see you use global to import the global variable. Could you also use ($kernel) in the closure that runs in the thread? I assumed that wasn't possible with parallel but I re-read the readme and that is not mentioned as "something not supported".
no lexical, global was just quick, presumably you'll have some container for the kernel and can call a method to fetch it
@bwoebi Yes that will be very interesting. However that will only help the preloading of the code. It won't help with the code that actually has to run every time (booting the kernel, registering arrays of events, initializing classes and their properties, etc.).
/me waves
Made it through passport control. UK I am in you :)
I gotta sleep, if you need more words, you know where to find me @MatthieuNapoli
@JoeWatkins good night, thank you!
nn && nn(all)
Also, hey @MatthieuNapoli and welcome :)
thin mints <3
heh, playing around with the internals is fun, when I manage not to segfault everything because I know no C whatsoever ;)
@IMSoP 😛 perfect way to learn
break something, figure out how you broke it, fix it
I just managed to make a build that echoes the return value of a constructor
lol :) nice
trying to understand more about how the compilation and VM works, and injecting extra opcodes
@ircmaxell hi!
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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