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@mega6382 that's the main idea of reprap.org/wiki/RepRap
I know one of the 3D printers we use for teaching at one of our centers required that some of the replacement parts be 3D printed at the start.
@pmmaga slippery slope to grey goo
just wait until we add machine learning to 3D printers
self replicating machines, that a nice idea. Anyone remembers the "Dark Heart" episode of Justice League Unlimited?
@mega6382 replicators from Stargate SG-1
but Star Trek had it first
@Tiffany aaah, I've only seen SGU
there were replicators in SGA too
granted, different than the replicators in SG-1, but similar motives
@Tiffany never watched SGA either, sorry.
But, yeah, I get the point.
@Tiffany I wish series would pick one solid story and stick with it. SGA failed there. I think ST: Discovery did too
@Tiffany And also, the Cybermen from Doctor Who.
Oh, no, I don't think they qualify.
@mega6382 it's mostly a meme, because you can't print the essential parts (namely, the metal part that actually move the things around, the cables, the nozzles, the fans, etc.)
it's funny cause SG-1 should've ended at season eight, but it was renewed for another season, so they had to come up with some new enemy to eliminate, then ratings started going down, and it wasn't renewed... but the direction it was going in, granted a bit gimmicky with the Ori, still could've lasted a couple more seasons, given decent writing
3d printing a 3d printer is teenager banter
replicators are those spider thingies that are destroying the universe, right?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah, that's what I always thought.
totally copied from the borg :B
@mega6382 no they don't, they're not machines originally. They begin as humans, "evolve" into cybermen, and try to assimilate all of humanity. They're more like the Borg.
@Tiffany Yeah, SG1 kinda meandered in those last couple of seasons. I almost considered them FarScape Season 5
pretty much
@Tiffany I wouldn't say "evolve", more like tortured.
@mega6382 hence "evolve" in quotations. The initial reason for humans turning into cybermen is to escape the limits of a biological body, and they saw it as "the next step of evolution"
until they realized how terribly wrong they were
@Wes to be fair, self-replicating organisms has been around in sci-fi long before Star Trek, though, I do believe the inspiration for replicators was the Borg, so you're right.
@Tiffany Well, the already turned cybermen, thought they were pretty supreme to other humans.
And I love how daleks react to the cybermen, when they say "Its not war, its pest control". Gave me chills. :P
my boyfriend recently watched that episode, he was like :O cybermen and daleks!
Yeah, and you know, however much the cybermen "evolve", they are no match to the daleks. The daleks are a threat to the level where they are in centuries long war against the timelords
@mega6382 I found the whole part where "we will not yield," "no, we will not yield" when they first started talking funny (somehow forgot to add that last word)
cybermen are tin cans in comparison
@Tiffany yeah, that was an amazing episode.
dat ending though, one of the few TV episodes that made me tear up
Is there a better way to do this?
array_init_size(return_value, 2);
Basically, I know it is packed and will have 2 elements.
@Tiffany Yeah, a lot of people say that rose was not a good companion. But she was my favorite, I mean come on, she was the "Bad Wolf".
Anyway, this conversation is getting to fanboyish. So, I digress.
or maybe nanites @Tiffany
@Wes That was the first thing i said, "dark heart"
dunno what that is
looks poo
search for "dark heart jlu"
github.com/bwoebi/php-src/commit/… @NikiC … I'm not happy with the approach, but the best I've come up without actually having additional code in hot paths
@Allenph I'm partway through the first chapter of the regex book, and I've already learned a decent bit. If you're able to recover your lost copy, or buy a new one, I recommend it
If I bitch to Amazon, I'm sure they'll send another one.
I thought you bought it off ebay?
Fuck. You're right. I did.
contact the seller?
It's probably far too late, and too much effort for $5.
It's my freaking post man. He's an idiot. When I lived on the top floor he wouldn't bring any packages up there. He would just mark them undeliverable and leave.
ebay.com/itm/… copy for even cheaper
@Allenph what
that's a load of BS
He's cost me about $500 in the two months I've lived at this apartment.
report him?
though I feel like it's futile to even suggest that to you
if he's cost you that much money though... you should do something about it
Yes. Let me report the government to itself.
@Allenph lol
@Allenph You should go to the post office, tell them your address and whatever other info that might be required and see if they have your stuff there or not.
I have tried that.
And what did they say?
and btw use FEDEX. :P
You're reporting an individual of the (postal service|government) who is representing the (postal service|government) in a poor fashion, and is costing you money. Depending on your post office, they'll do something about it.
@mega6382 may not have that choice when buying stuff from ebay
usually it's at the seller's discretion, unless you contact them and specify that you want it shipped through FedEx, and are willing to pay extra for shipping
errr, amazing how one word can completely change the meaning of a statement
@Tiffany They never fire postal workers. My friend works there and punched through a computer and didn't get fired.
@mega6382 They said they had no idea where it was and it wasn't their problem.
@Allenph but they may reprimand him for not delivering your shit
again though, depends on the location
Meh. Government workers. They're all the same. I have no interest in participating.
I've had good luck with my post office and asking for stuff. I know not all of them are like that.
@Allenph hmmm, even in a corrupt country like mine, I've always been able to get stuff cleared from the post office.
hm ok, php 7.3 alpha has bitten our extension by setting php_stream and php_stream_wrapper_ops as const so we cant fiddle directly with stream_opener pointer anymore of the existing file and http stream. Is defining a truely C global variable http + file stream and registering it in MINIT to overwrite the builtin wrappers the right way to go? is a dependency a good idea here so that the extension gets loaded after file extension?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Another crazy dude on JRE
Ok, not sure why it's not pinned. Maybe it's a secret. But …
Happy Birthday YAML Fanboy
Waited weeks for a new chapter and it's 73 pages long with only one on Saitama -_- sigh
@Gordon that jimbo?
is making a post request with curl the only way to send data from a class to another in php?
between two methods
is that @Jimbo?
@Aurelius lol
@Aurelius What are you trying to do? xD
I have a method called add()
in class A, it decodes the body of the POST request and stores the data
in another class
B, I have a method that creates an object using class A
and uses the method add()
to store the data
since method add() has no arguments
I can't just do add($data)
the add() method gets its data from the request body
Maybe you should post some code on pastebin. I have no idea what you're talking about.
class A {
	public function add() {
		$body = \json_decode(\file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
		// ecc

class B {
	public function add() {
		(new A())->add();
		// ecc
since php://input is read only
the only why to send data to the method from class A
Your problem is your are directly accessing the stream inside the class
Instead of abstracting it away and injecting it into the class
is doing a post to the URL that points to the method from class A
Look into implementing some requests class
@Aurelius separation of concerns, may be way off base as I don't know the specifics of the problem domain but something like gist.github.com/DaveRandom/3ae0bdb5bb22a9f115e4faf4ef1098e6
separate and decouple the component operations
and be very defensive with validation and error handling when dealing with user input
for JSON specifically, use github.com/DaveRandom/ExceptionalJSON because I made it and therefore it is the best thing
1 hour later…
Why so quiet -_-
We're investigating an issue. Next update in 30 minutes.
So a bunch of suckers can't chat?
@Gordon LOL
@ircmaxell Yesterday
should I use PDO for a user login? what are PHPists making user login with these days?
I want to make a facebook :P
@ircmaxell Is this a satire site... oh ok it is. It's sad that satire headlines today could actually be real and hard to tell apart.
Another facebook really?
i'm going to start tonight. You shall help me.
With the number of people who came in here saying the same there must be at least 10million suckerburgs by now
@PeeHaa sudo make a the facebook
lol- I'm laughing quietly in my office right now.
But yeah you should be using pdo to interact with your database
And use prepared statements
Obligatory repost...
Q: Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?

Mark BiekLet's say I have code like this: $dbh = new PDO("blahblah"); $stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM users where username = :username'); $stmt->execute( array(':username' => $_REQUEST['username']) ); The PDO documentation says: The parameters to prepared statements don't need to be quoted; t...

I am so glad I came here :D
@Allenph That's hardly to be called obligatory
It gets posted every single time someone asks that question.
Also, how do you drink water and do you look like an alien @MisterGeeky? Required to be a CEO of a social media company.
@Allenph Really?
That would be weird
You can't search the chat for links? I was going to show you.
@Allenph water bottles delivered home from nearby store, and according to trump, I might be an alien.
@Allenph I could. Just noting it would be really weird if people post that link to a question as "should I use pdo"
I didn't mean for you to search it, I meant I tried and it didn't return results.
But I've seen it a bunch of times. Same story. Should I use PDO? Then someone asks if it's really secure enough...then that gets posted.
Oh. The title works.
Weird. I swear I had seen it several times.
Might have been other links but they may have not boxed it
Feature request: display where is the final PHP_INI_ALL variable being set. – #76541
I'm bored and in a meeting. Not seeing the memory issue here:
        zval *input;
        HashTable *ht;


        ht = Z_ARRVAL_P(input);

        if (zend_hash_num_elements(ht) == 0) {

                HashPosition pos = 0;
                HashTable *ret_ht;

                array_init_size(return_value, 2);
                ret_ht = Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value);
Appears to be leaking; get stuff like this when I exit:
php > [Thu Jun 28 14:26:24 2018]  Script:  'Standard input code'
/home/levim/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_hash.c(226) :  Freeing 0x00007f08a2e62600 (56 bytes), script=Standard input code
[Thu Jun 28 14:26:24 2018]  Script:  'Standard input code'
/home/levim/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_hash.c(124) :  Freeing 0x00007f08a2e67280 (264 bytes), script=Standard input code
=== Total 2 memory leaks detected ===
Anyone see the mistake?
@LeviMorrison you're reverse-leaking
Hash APIs do not manipulate the refcount
You need to do that yourself
The items I've inserted don't need refcounts (integers) so do you mean on the initial array or something?
Anyone know if there's an internal class with a static property?
What is reverse-leaking? I'm not aware of this term.
I didn't understand what I need to do. I need to do Z_TRY_ADDREF_P to something or other?
@LeviMorrison yes
To the items in the new array or..?
though your actual problem is that you're overwriting input
Ah, I forgot I was doing that. My brief look indicated that it was a read-only variable, not a read/write one.
While we're doing that... i.imgur.com/T8F8wY9.gifv @PeeHaa
@NikiC Is there some easy way to get the zvals equivalent to $array[0] and $array[1]?
@Wes :D
Stayed in the goal.
@Fabor Awesome edit :D
Basically I just want to do return [$key, $value] lol
@Fabor don't they were cups?
There are soooo many functions I don't know which ones to use :)
@LeviMorrison your code is fine, you just need to use a separate zval and addref
@Tiffany Not all athletes do. I always did- many did not.
I don't want a separate zval; I want it to use the zvals in the array I initialized.
@Fabor omg i am stuck in this loop now
I have an input array and an output array. I want to copy the first key and first value as the first and only two items in the output array.
The trouble seems to be that zend_hash_get_current_key_zval_ex is writing to the zval* I give it; I thought it would return a pointer to the key in input array.
So I need the address of the 0th element of the output array.
Which function gets me that? I initialized with this, so it should have the memory:
array_init_size(return_value, 2);
ret_ht = Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value);
Guess I'll incur a copy because I don't know what I'm doing.
Is not not as simple as inserting the zval you just read and doing an addref?
To do the insert (which gives you the addr) you need a zval to insert. The trouble is that zend_hash_get_current_key_zval_ex does not return the zval* of the key; it has an output parameter, which needs a memory address.
I guess I could insert null, get its address (I think it is returned by the insert op) and then write the real value to it and add the ref.
zval key; ?
And then &key to zend_hash_get_current_key_zval_ex
No idea if that'll work just an idea. :p
yes, that will work and is the sane way to do it
of course you can also do an insert to get the address and then directly write into it, but that's a rather convoluted way of achieving things
@NikiC yeah, you cannot coalesce the cache_slots for static props for both bp_var_w/is and bp_var_r/rw if you move the check before the caching
Time to head home. See ya later!
@bwoebi lol
I was just looking at that and came to the same conclusion ^^
that sucks
hm, might be best to just move it back to where it was
I was hoping to have it applied automatically for all users of get_static_property (including reflection)
@NikiC yeah, best to just revert that I guess
@bwoebi Even better, check in both places
The same we do for normal props
@NikiC That obviously works too and should be future proof if we ever allow unset() on static props
@bwoebi yep
Memory leak during verify_peer_name validation of a SAN SSL certificate – #76542
@NikiC Maybe "sane" for ZE but the C way would be to avoid the temporary...
Also, it's annoying that the API isn't symmetric.
zend_hash_get_current_key_zval_ex takes an out parameter; zend_hash_get_current_data_ex returns a value.
Does this look correct now?
zval key;
zend_hash_get_current_key_zval_ex(ht, &key, &pos);
zend_hash_next_index_insert(ret_ht, &key);
@LeviMorrison It has to, because there is no zval corresponding to the key
@NikiC Fine, make the value function match the style then.
I could remove the _P and the & probably.
@LeviMorrison without the addref that's correct
I guess I misunderstood an earlier comment, then.
@LeviMorrison You need the addref only for the value
value = zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, &pos);
zend_hash_next_index_insert(ret_ht, value);
Look fine?
Key: Populates a new zval, which owns it's value (no addref necessary). Value: Returns pointer to existing storage location (addref necessary)
@LeviMorrison yeah
HashPosition pos = 0;
HashTable *ret_ht;
zval key;
zval *value;

array_init_size(return_value, 2);
ret_ht = Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value);

zend_hash_get_current_key_zval_ex(ht, &key, &pos);
zend_hash_next_index_insert(ret_ht, &key);

value = zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, &pos);
zend_hash_next_index_insert(ret_ht, value);
To change this for getting the last element I basically just call zend_hash_internal_pointer_end_ex before array_init_size, right?
Err, after init but before zend_hash_get...
I wish so badly that we can fix this: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63217
@rtheunissen We can.
Maybe I'll try get us most of the way..
It's an optimization that we'd like to keep but only if we are sure it's an array, not an object.
Ask NikiC and bwoebi but I think optimizer should be able to handle this better now.
@NikiC @LeviMorrison this is the old PR that we can resurrect? github.com/php/php-src/pull/2607
Or should I open a new one and close that one?
mime_content_type returns false mimetype for svg files – #76543
@rtheunissen just so I'm clear, the blocking issue is/was that the constant string is converted to a int at compile time and what goes into opcache is the same as if a constant int had been used, so the fact that it was originally a string in the source cannot be known at run time?
I believe so, yes.
I'm not nearly familiar enough with php optimisations to patch this effectively though. Will need some help for sure.
It's annoying. I have this documented in some recent code of mine: github.com/morrisonlevi/Ardent/blob/…
Move it to a variable? BOOM, optimization is gone.
This should generally be improved anyway, but I don't know much about the optimizer portions of the engine.
Basically if the offset is a string literal after propogation and the type of the thing being subscripted is known to be an array then it is free to do the conversion before emitting bytecode. Otherwise it should not.
Yeah it's no good and should be fixed. Like you said, if we know it's an array we can optimise, otherwise we should just pass the variable through as is.
But I'm not sure if we have that metadata available.
this is probably dumb in many ways but... can't it just store both versions of the value against the op, so the "optimised" version is first, and sending specifically to array access can check for there being a second (i.e. original) version and use that if it exists? Would use more mem but not in any meaningful way, a valid numeric string is implicitly not very big
@DaveRandom I would just pay the cost of the conversion at runtime instead of bothering with all of that.
potentially a "can be converted" flag could be added at compile time, to at least skip the run-time check for non-numeric strings?
Is it possible at compile time to know if it's an array or object?
in some cases
Removing the optimisation entirely wouldn't even be such a bad thing. Who uses literal string offsets in arrays anyway?
A few people, probably.
The important thing is that we fix the behaviour first.
And performance second.
Yeah a few people sure, but the practical cost of removing the optimisation is tiny imo.
@rtheunissen I'm pretty sure our optimizer has this info, if it's known.
Cool. So we convert if we know it's an array, otherwise we leave it.
There's no converting at runtime though, the array just receives the string as it was passed.
In the same way that it would a string variable.
@rtheunissen pragmatically I agree, but as usual I fear that pragmatism may not be a strong enough argument to win a majority
Would removing it affect the behaviour of $foo[true] or $foo[0.12354]?
I assume those either warn or are silently converted to ints at compile time rn
(100% assumption though)
Not sure what handle_numeric_op does exactly, let me check.
I could be wrong, but it seems to call _zend_handle_numeric_str which attempts to parse an integer string.
!!lxr handle_numeric_op
@DaveRandom Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
So my guess would be that the bool and float would reach array.c (but could be wrong, again, I would hope that the compiler is smarter than that)
@NikiC and @bwoebi are the heroes we need here. ^^
zend_handle_numeric_op sorry.
yeh they seem to be left untouched 3v4l.org/NvNPu
Can't say I've ever seen $array['123'] before.
i have, but only in legacy code
like, PHP4 legacy code
there will be people that do it, and I can imagine a scenario where I would do it, but that scenario involves assoc arrays so I'm not sure the optimisation actually helps there anyway?
and also it's a scenario that I have never yet encountered and specifically involves interfacing with a poorly structured, externally defined data format
It's an optimisation that only applies to a very, very rare case.
I'd wager that taking out the branch entirely has more of an impact.
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