à propos of nothing: a colleague, talking about the latest npm stuggles, asked if other languages package managers were really any better / more "secure" (apologies to the actually security aware people for using that word) than npm, which made me wonder about composer. Are we any farther from delivering any and every server using composer to the next bloke asking to maintain a popular composer package by mail than npm?
I believe roave/security-advisories have been devised to counter that (or others), possibly?
"every problem has a solution that completes in at most 15 seconds on ten-year-old hardware" I cannot imagine today's puzzle having a solution like that but I guess I'm just not thinking outside of the box enough
@Alesana I take that back, my computer for some reason wants to load infinitely when there's an error. 3v4l.org was able to show the errors and now it computes
however, i think it's a horrible bug or behavior the fact that
yield 55;
yield from [55];
0 => 55, 0 => 55
@NikiC @bwoebi why???
@Wes exactly that. I even remember that it was a consideration back then, but ultimately decided against, because what do you do with yielding from [0 => 1, "foo" => 2]? [0 => 1, 3 => 2]? [1 => 1, 0 => 2]? [-1 => 1, 0 => 2]?
that bare key-less yield has a key at all is more a side-effect that we need to return some key.
And for most purposes a counter from 0 is not a bad choice there.
so i just wrote a description of something programming... and i want to conclude with an analogy: "Imagine this like ..." for example... "Imagine a bear like a big wild fat dog"... how do i say that more formally? without "imagine", maybe?
@Shafizadeh collect declined flags. if percentage of declined flags in x number of flags > what you consider abusive then educate the user either through a mod or automated message. keep counting the next x flags and if it doesnt get better, ban them from flagging for a week, then a month, then for a year, then forever.
@NikiC I'd say the most PHP-ish sane behavior would be array_merge()-like semantics for iterator_to_array()
@LeviMorrison The two primary purposes of unset() are a) breaking references and b) removing elements from arrays. Secondary purpose would be killing properties to make __get() magic work, but eih, I don't do that much. Rarely though I do...
And sometimes it's an instruction "execute the destructors. NOW." - but that's always accompanied by a comment when I do that, it's so unobvious without.
@bwoebi why cant we leave iterator_to_array alone and either a) add a new magic method __toArray() or b) add an Interface ArrayConvertable with a method toArray() or c) just add toArray() to Iterator?
a,b) Let's not have bad ideas. c) Let's not have terribly bad ideas (Some iterators are not finite - let's not pretend this should even be something to be expected). d) Replace iterator_to_array by something else.
@LeviMorrison I have several places it is used. Mainly where I have some session set to store success or fail messages from certain operations, sends them to another page, and provides them the info in the session and then unsets it.
and I didn't put forth enough effort in trying to apply for it
I'm trying to find an xkcd comic that talks about using like 1000 staple guns instead of one to fit the job. It's supposed to illustrate inefficiency. Anyone remember that one?
I'm updating some documentation for importing/exporting MySQL databases (to be used by coworkers in my absence in case something breaks) ... feels so good to remove documentation for using phpmyadmin
@yessure I couldn't complete it until around 2 hours after.... although I can't say it was because of the bug
I actually didn't know how to calculate Manhattan/Rectilinear Distance, quite embarrassing. But, shouldn't be a problem, I'll just Google it. Turns out, I also didn't realize that the | symbols in |x2 - x1| meant that it should be absolute. Wasted a good amount of time with that.
It doesn't help that I'm already ready for bed/half asleep when these puzzles come out
@Allenph "...Another advantage of a signed time_t is that extending it to 64 bits (which is already happening on some systems) lets you represent times several hundred billion years into the future..." And yet we still didn't learn our lesson. If we solve the issue with the Sun's red giant phase or we end up migrating to other stars, there are going to be some more disgruntled programmers in a few hundred billion years.
I wasn't sure how long before the heat death/bill chill/ big freeze occurred. Stars are expected to form for another 100 Trillion years- so I guess it is much much further than that. @mega6382
1 Quadrillion years - planets fall or are flung from orbits by close encounters with other stars...
always array @DanLugg if you are doing that just for checking the type then don't do this instead foreach($things as $thing){ assert($thing instanceof Thing); }
Codecademy has a webinar in an hour over really basic programming and C++. I'm not sure why I'm mentioning this because I don't think anyone here would be interested.
Bjarne's "Principles and Practices" is a great book to go through when learning to use C++. I went about 30% of the way through it before getting distracted with something else.
Haha, woops - Ericsson just issued statement saying outage impacting multiple countries across multiple mobile networks for 8 figures of users impacted was caused by “an expired certificate”.
@LeviMorrison yield from $array; is like foreach($array as $key => $value){ yield $key => $value; }
so you don't get integer keys reindexed
the problem with iterator_to_array is that by default it keeps the keys, so an iterator producing the same key twice will result in an array with one entry only
btw guys, did you remember I was complaining bout the Ram of my server which is filling sometimes and the website will be down? Well, I fixed the issue by caching data somewhere ..
@Tiffany Same happened here, I had auto-certbot check daily if they needed to be updated, but for some reason something randomly removed my DNS settings so I couldn't resolve any hosts. I didn't realize, and it couldn't reach the let's encrypt server, so it couldn't renew the certificate
@Wes Well currently I'm using a proxy and yes it is available. To be honest I cannot turn the proxy off for about 30min .. I will try it later and let you know about lack of using a proxy and being available
@LeviMorrison a bit late but yeah, I'm pretty sure I have, and will again? I'm not really aware of reasons why I shoudn't. I think I used it in contexts where I have to compare elements between arrays from checkboxes or something like that.
@Jeeves this refers to a broken link on the front page php.net 7.3.0·Release Notes·Upgrading --- the Upgrading link goes to the URL in the bug report. It would've helped if that user added that to the report though. -_-
I love this room. Has anyone ever thought about trying to do our own Room 11 Holiday Gift Exchange... or would no one be interested in that? Hmm... on second thought I think my impulsiveness may be kicking in from my second dose of ADHD medicine which makes me really happy. //cc @Tiffany
@mega6382 think of it like a final... and trick your brain into believing "I can't reschedule this, this will make or break my grade" as if you're in a college class
I can see that. So far it's worked out for me, I don't have the highest paying job in the world but I see a lot of people coming out of university making less than I make.. I would still be in university if I went that route.
Keeping in mind that university is very very expensive, it didn't make much sense
@Alesana like @PeeHaa is really depends. I don't have my degree, but it is something I want to achieve in my lifetime, more of a "just because" thing than for professional development. I also know someone who has worked at Microsoft, loads of startups and now the Pokemon Company who never attended college.
@Tiffany I plan on going to uni for CS or Math when I get a chance, but it will be when I'm already making the money to do it instead of borrowing money to do it
to be fair though, when I was attending college, I was living with my mom who was considered poverty, and I got a ton of grants that more than paid for my tuition and books with money left over
@Sjon This is very cool, awesome! That might be expected behaviour, but I compare with the python repl and realize that simply typing scalars does not print the value. I'm not even sure it's possible to extract the result from a silent php script, or if it's desirable, but figured I'd speak about it. Thanks for that tool again!
(scalars, or calculations, or string concatenation)
@NikiC @bwoebi building okay on master, failing on rt-comparable-2 https://github.com/php/php-src/compare/master...rtheunissen:rt-comparable-2?expand=1
this might not be the right angle to approach this, but my thinking has been thus: repl stands for Read Eval Print Loop, hence I thought it'd be logical that it prints scalars without writing "echo". I'm totally ok with simply changing my expectations :)
I'm not sure how to take this information. On one hand, it's awesome. On the other hand, holy shit I'm so n00b. Think I'll crawl back under my rock and get heavily drunk to process the shame.
there's gotta be a better way to write this... [tag:not-php]
if '18A' like '%'||part_of_term_code||'%' then
week_format := 'First 8-Weeks';
elsif '18B' like '%'||part_of_term_code||'%' then
week_format := 'Second 8-Weeks';
elsif 'some other code' like so on and so on...
not sure if a switch is appropriate, but I need to use wildcards I think...
god dammit
hm, maybe I can get by without wildcards, doesn't hurt to try...
It feels wrong to use a switch, but PL/SQL doesn't have classes, I'm not sure how I could make it clean