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Alright I think it's time to try out these puzzles in Kotlin
5 hours later…
à propos of nothing: a colleague, talking about the latest npm stuggles, asked if other languages package managers were really any better / more "secure" (apologies to the actually security aware people for using that word) than npm, which made me wonder about composer. Are we any farther from delivering any and every server using composer to the next bloke asking to maintain a popular composer package by mail than npm?
I believe roave/security-advisories have been devised to counter that (or others), possibly?
Today's puzzle is a little bit tricky :|
"every problem has a solution that completes in at most 15 seconds on ten-year-old hardware" I cannot imagine today's puzzle having a solution like that but I guess I'm just not thinking outside of the box enough
@Alesana without looking at the problem, that language is very similar to hash calculations per second.
@Danack What do you mean by that?
@Alesana I take that back, my computer for some reason wants to load infinitely when there's an error. 3v4l.org was able to show the errors and now it computes
@FélixGagnon-Grenier That is for known security issues.
In case of an attack, this does not go far.
I am seeing the advantage of having a CS or Math degree with these puzzles
I noticed a strange behaviour with iterator_to_array(), not sure if it is a bug
why does it only show the recursive yield?
I get both messages if I use a foreach instead of iterator_to_array()
is this a PHP bug?
I don't see anywhere on php.net/iterator-to-array that mentions about this behaviour
athenaeum a library or reading room.
Ooof, today's AoC is rough
@SOFe 3v4l.org/VpHeB you are yielding the same key twice
so when put into an array the last overrides the previous
oh right
that's ugly
however, i think it's a horrible bug or behavior the fact that
    yield 55;
    yield from [55];
0 => 55, 0 => 55
@NikiC @bwoebi why???
@Wes 3v4l.org/5M9uN thanks, adding use_keys = false fixed it
where's that?
I'll add a note to php.net
yeah ik
why doesn't iterator_to_array() show a warning for duplicate keys >.<
really horrible
PHP is too error-tolerant
suitable for web devs
web devs really have a lot of fun debugging there <link> becoming <lnk> etc
suitable for sadomasochists
yeah why are we here lol
there is probably a reason the index is calculated that way though
it is absolutely counterintuitive anyway
@MadaraUchiha wdym by "rough"?
it'd be better if the input coordinates are 10000 times larger
rn I could just solve the problems by creating a 2d array of less than 1000x1000 units
SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface is not documented – #77248
lego naming a go go
about iterator_to_array(): better ask why use_keys is true by default
it's inconsistent with other functions like sort(), etc. too
@Wes are you sure that's not a bug?
looks like it is... i mean it's so bad that looks accidental
or maybe not
i mean that's like writing yield 0 => 1;
and it makes sense that keeps the 0, exactly like it would if you wrote yield 0 => 1
@Wes expected behavior.
@Wes exactly that. I even remember that it was a consideration back then, but ultimately decided against, because what do you do with yielding from [0 => 1, "foo" => 2]? [0 => 1, 3 => 2]? [1 => 1, 0 => 2]? [-1 => 1, 0 => 2]?
that bare key-less yield has a key at all is more a side-effect that we need to return some key.
And for most purposes a counter from 0 is not a bad choice there.
yeah makes sense
@SOFe Meh
now i also remember that i've encountered this before
Then you'd just jump by 10000, and solve again for the contested squares.
and i think i also asked for yield values from $array; :B
iterator_to_array() should be older then Generators (in PHP). From personal experience I want that behavior about 95% of the time.
but after a second thought, i think it's maybe better just ignoring keys at consume-time
therefore iterator_to_array($i, false)... it's not too bad, you get used to it
maybe it should be a required argument
iterator_to_list() maybe?
@ThW It is. Though in the very most iterators the key does actually not matter
it's because you don't often iterate over maps... you iterate over sequences
so i just wrote a description of something programming... and i want to conclude with an analogy: "Imagine this like ..." for example... "Imagine a bear like a big wild fat dog"... how do i say that more formally? without "imagine", maybe?
it would be easier if you'd show us the text passage in case
@Wes The bug is in iterator_to_array, which has an unintuitive default behavior...
@Alesana there was a bug, some of the solution were marked as wrong. See: reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/a3kr4r/2018_day_6_solutions
Guys in your opinion, what kind of punishment should I apply for users that flag posts randomly?
removal of that privilege
for a specific time or forever ? also how many times can someone flag a post wrongly to be deserve our punishment?
I would go with "forever"
why is it a problem when someone flags a post randomly and how do you know it really was at random?
@tereško Sounds "excessive hardening". You know, I love my users :P
maybe it wasn't random for the user and you just dont realize it
@Gordon moderators check flagged posts .. some posts are flagged really for nothing.
who defines what is nothing?
the mod should decide this based on some standards
@Gordon probably .. however we have a "description" (not required) field in the flagging system, but those users don't write even one word in there
also, I would go with 80% of false flags as the limit
also, having a mandatory flag-reason would help
@Gordon we have mods in different fields. For example a programmer-mod can review and decided only posts that are tagged with programerical tags.
@tereško I think users are too lazy for both flagging and describing the exact issue. they simply ignore it.
and is that he behavior, that you want to encourage?
@Shafizadeh collect declined flags. if percentage of declined flags in x number of flags > what you consider abusive then educate the user either through a mod or automated message. keep counting the next x flags and if it doesnt get better, ban them from flagging for a week, then a month, then for a year, then forever.
@tereško encourage .. how? giving some more rep?
you did not understand, what I said
@Gordon hmm .. sounds good. Actually we've collected flags reasons. But we don't count the reasons all be the same.
@Shafizadeh all the text is in gibberish and on the wrong side
:-) .. It's how Persian works
@Gordon no, its on the right side :P
@mega6382 sometimes the right side is also the wrong side
@NikiC I'd say the most PHP-ish sane behavior would be array_merge()-like semantics for iterator_to_array()
@LeviMorrison The two primary purposes of unset() are a) breaking references and b) removing elements from arrays. Secondary purpose would be killing properties to make __get() magic work, but eih, I don't do that much. Rarely though I do...
And sometimes it's an instruction "execute the destructors. NOW." - but that's always accompanied by a comment when I do that, it's so unobvious without.
Good morning, star shine.
@bwoebi why cant we leave iterator_to_array alone and either a) add a new magic method __toArray() or b) add an Interface ArrayConvertable with a method toArray() or c) just add toArray() to Iterator?
a,b) Let's not have bad ideas. c) Let's not have terribly bad ideas (Some iterators are not finite - let's not pretend this should even be something to be expected). d) Replace iterator_to_array by something else.
@Gordon i see why it does that :B and yes iterator_to_array should default to discard keys
SIGSEGV signal core dumped – #77250
Automatically extend PHP session cookie on each request – #77251
@LeviMorrison I have several places it is used. Mainly where I have some session set to store success or fail messages from certain operations, sends them to another page, and provides them the info in the session and then unsets it.
@Wes write another article
i am writing about automatic software testing
and since it's about pioneering stuff (pretty much), it's really hard to write convincing arguments :B
btw, one of you (probably you @Tiffany :B) will be asked to review the engrish
lol, okay
I kind of wonder if I should look for like an editor job in software... I'm great at critiquing others' stuff, but terrible at writing my own
problem is, I don't have a "portfolio"...
@Tiffany didn't you apply to be one a while ago?
@mega6382 it was like a technical writer position
and I didn't put forth enough effort in trying to apply for it
I'm trying to find an xkcd comic that talks about using like 1000 staple guns instead of one to fit the job. It's supposed to illustrate inefficiency. Anyone remember that one?
@Tiffany I remember the drills as cannon balls
!!xkcd software development
!!remove 1
I thought it was a staple gun, no wonder google wasn't helping
Why isn't @Jeeves deleting that?
doesn't work in other channels either
I blame @PeeHaa
!!blame @PeeHaa
always works
function recursiveMultiplySequenceBySetOfElements(...
totally clear
@LeviMorrison ping me when around pls
@Wes .
@mega6382 WTF? Why is this signed?
Doi. To go before 1970.
@Allenph But even then it only goes to 1902, i think
Well if it goes to 2038 forward it must go back to 1902 backward.
Actually it looks like that was not the real reason. It's just that C did not have unsigned 32 bit integers at that time.
I wonder if this would ever be made possible 3v4l.org/09WXC
Also @mega6382 it actually goes to December 1901.
I'm updating some documentation for importing/exporting MySQL databases (to be used by coworkers in my absence in case something breaks) ... feels so good to remove documentation for using phpmyadmin
@yessure I couldn't complete it until around 2 hours after.... although I can't say it was because of the bug
I actually didn't know how to calculate Manhattan/Rectilinear Distance, quite embarrassing. But, shouldn't be a problem, I'll just Google it. Turns out, I also didn't realize that the | symbols in |x2 - x1| meant that it should be absolute. Wasted a good amount of time with that.
It doesn't help that I'm already ready for bed/half asleep when these puzzles come out
@Allenph I was close atleast
@Allenph "...Another advantage of a signed time_t is that extending it to 64 bits (which is already happening on some systems) lets you represent times several hundred billion years into the future..." And yet we still didn't learn our lesson. If we solve the issue with the Sun's red giant phase or we end up migrating to other stars, there are going to be some more disgruntled programmers in a few hundred billion years.
@StatikStasis but most systems are only going for unsigned 32 bit, which only allows it to go a hundred years or so in the future
I was making a joke- work with me here.
@StatikStasis tbh i didn't read the whole thing at first, only the quoted part :P
I wasn't sure how long before the heat death/bill chill/ big freeze occurred. Stars are expected to form for another 100 Trillion years- so I guess it is much much further than that. @mega6382
1 Quadrillion years - planets fall or are flung from orbits by close encounters with other stars...
PDO ODBC.accdb cannot connect – #77252
100 Quintillion years - stellar remnants escape galaxies or fall into black holes...
10 duodecillion year- all nucleons decay...
1 googol years - Dark Era and Photon Age...
10^10^10^56 years a possible new big bang could occur. That will be a programming nightmare...
10 googol years - the last Wordpress site finally goes dark.
Wow... this graph really puts the length of the dark era into perspective. upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/timeline/…
PHP_SELF value differs based on path to router script – #77253
i live in the degenerate era
@Wes ibn khaldun?
i probably should not google that
@Wes He wrote about patterns of history, which he said was Conquest, Consolidation, Expansion, Degeneration and Conquest
this is why you have no friends
:B nerds
Just found a new Era graph with some interesting events in the far future. //cc @PeeHaa @tereško @mega6382
user image
TOP TIP: if you get annoyed by music while programming, try to listen to Bob Ross videos
function (Thing ...$things) {
    // will $things always be an array here, or is it possible
    // for it to be a different type of iterable?
always array @DanLugg if you are doing that just for checking the type then don't
do this instead
foreach($things as $thing){ assert($thing instanceof Thing); }
@Wes I love watching him. I've actually done one of his paintings. It is hanging in our home.
@Wes Alright, and I have been doing it for quasi-typed arrays, but in this particular instance I do want the variadic signature
ok then all iterables are converted to array
Awesome, thanks!
Codecademy has a webinar in an hour over really basic programming and C++. I'm not sure why I'm mentioning this because I don't think anyone here would be interested.
Bjarne's "Principles and Practices" is a great book to go through when learning to use C++. I went about 30% of the way through it before getting distracted with something else.
Welcome to the world, PHP 7.3.0
For some reason:
> All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies
seems appropriate.
@StatikStasis That was pretty good. Got me for a second.
pretty crazy that it's release day already
where has the year gone by -- said by me each year, the past eight years
Haha, woops - Ericsson just issued statement saying outage impacting multiple countries across multiple mobile networks for 8 figures of users impacted was caused by “an expired certificate”.
@StatikStasis hehehe
So.....anyone else got access to the github actions? I have, and I would love for someone to explain it to me....
@Danack Is actions that flow diagram thingy I seen a while back?
increasing number of tests loading wrong extensions – #77254
Microsoft bringing Flow to Github? but instead of a simple GUI, it can be programmed be a devops engineer
@PeeHaa yes. it's meant to be an alternative deployment system so that people don't need to touch kubernetes or Jenkins (unless they really want to).
@Jeeves someone is salty. is that banned guy?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier one of them
@NikiC Why is the bug there? Maybe I don't fully understand yield from.
[55] shouldn't care about preserving keys or not because in this case the result is the same, yes?
@LeviMorrison because iterator_to_array works on the assumption that iterators don't have duplicate keys
Which is a very, very bad default assumption
...is that documented anywhere?
I probably have some bugs in my code.
@LeviMorrison yield from $array; is like foreach($array as $key => $value){ yield $key => $value; }
so you don't get integer keys reindexed
the problem with iterator_to_array is that by default it keeps the keys, so an iterator producing the same key twice will result in an array with one entry only
Oh, I always explicitly use that parameter.
I thought for a second iterator_to_array was being implicitly called as part of how this was implemented:
    yield 55;
    yield from [55];
But he means that how you displayed the result is flawed, not necessarily the result being flawed.
today our website has 20% less users than yesterday :-( .. I feel bad
it's a Thursday
@Shafizadeh I would compare to last Thursday, or a Thursday similar to today, if last Thursday was a holiday or something
@LeviMorrison are you referring to?
thursday's gone with the wind
yeah .. one day before holiday .. people have gone to a short travel as their weekend
my baby's gone with the wind
@Shafizadeh so chin up :)
sure :-)
@Wes You'r baby? Do you have kids ?
it's a song
baby could be your woman also, like in this case
oh .. I see
btw guys, did you remember I was complaining bout the Ram of my server which is filling sometimes and the website will be down? Well, I fixed the issue by caching data somewhere ..
@Danack Someone got fired lol
@Alesana I missed updating a certificate on one or two servers, but it didn't affect over a million customers
affected maybe a couple dozen, lol, and was able to fix it in 10-15 minutes
@Tiffany Same happened here, I had auto-certbot check daily if they needed to be updated, but for some reason something randomly removed my DNS settings so I couldn't resolve any hosts. I didn't realize, and it couldn't reach the let's encrypt server, so it couldn't renew the certificate
uh oh
for me it was just getting a CSR put through our CA and updating the server with the response
but at the time I didn't have access to the CA site, so I had to send the CSR to a coworker
dailymotion.com/video/xoq3as @Shafizadeh is this available in your country?
@Wes Well currently I'm using a proxy and yes it is available. To be honest I cannot turn the proxy off for about 30min .. I will try it later and let you know about lack of using a proxy and being available
i didn't ask you if that's censored, just wanted you to hear the song :B
migration73 doesn't exist. – #77255
> i didn't ask you if that's censored
@LeviMorrison a bit late but yeah, I'm pretty sure I have, and will again? I'm not really aware of reasons why I shoudn't. I think I used it in contexts where I have to compare elements between arrays from checkboxes or something like that.
Kind of did :P
i didn't mean that :B of course i just wanted him to hear the song
Yeah I know I'm just being silly
/me waves
@Alesana asked if it was censored for the purpose of listening to it 😛 I'm being pedantic
@Tiffany I was being pedantic as well :P
@Jeeves this refers to a broken link on the front page php.net 7.3.0·Release Notes·Upgrading --- the Upgrading link goes to the URL in the bug report. It would've helped if that user added that to the report though. -_-
I love this room. Has anyone ever thought about trying to do our own Room 11 Holiday Gift Exchange... or would no one be interested in that? Hmm... on second thought I think my impulsiveness may be kicking in from my second dose of ADHD medicine which makes me really happy. //cc @Tiffany
@Wes ah :-) nice song
@StatikStasis my medication suppresses my impulsive tendencies...
@StatikStasis we've have to give addresses out to people... I don't own a P.O. Box
@Tiffany First 15-30 minutes after mine kicks in it can boost mine.
@StatikStasis Well, that is a good idea, but people here are from multiple continents
@mega6382 True
shipping to Turkey was like 50 dollars :(
shipping == going ?
@Shafizadeh sending a parcel
@Shafizadeh mailing a package
@Shafizadeh No- shipping means... yeah ^
oh I see
I mailed one to @Ekin, it was expensive. Hell, I think shipping costed more than the cost of the items I was shipping, lol.
@Tiffany Yeah, I remember that, I believe you sent her some chips or something
and sunglasses. The online store would only ship to the US, so she had it shipped to me, then I shipped to her. I added the potato chips. :D
@Tiffany Yeah, that is a very big issue, a lot of stores only ship to US
Or some European countries at best
wondering if it's related to sanctions, like if they get fined for shipping to a country we're sanctioned against or something of that nature
probably a number of things that they don't want to deal with like custom laws at the country of entry, so on and so on
could be
PHP Version => 5.6.30-0+deb8u1 – #77256
I've just rescheduled my AWS devops exam for the 6th time
What is wrong with me?
@mega6382 Is it hard?
@StatikStasis I don't know, I've just been rescheduling it over and over and not preparing for it at all
Oh- I thought you had taken it that many times.
@StatikStasis well I might be dumb but I am not that dumb :P
@mega6382 You're definitely not dumb =P
Alright, off to another meeting.
@mega6382 think of it like a final... and trick your brain into believing "I can't reschedule this, this will make or break my grade" as if you're in a college class
@Tiffany So open a beer and light a joint and give up?
@PeeHaa so you dropped out of college?
or never attended...
Dropped out. I had other interests at the time
@PeeHaa It seems to have worked for you
That makes me more confident as someone who never attended university
@Alesana For me personally it was the best choice I could make back then. I hated it
I guess it would be both industry and person dependent how it would work out
I can see that. So far it's worked out for me, I don't have the highest paying job in the world but I see a lot of people coming out of university making less than I make.. I would still be in university if I went that route.
Keeping in mind that university is very very expensive, it didn't make much sense
@PeeHaa opening beers and lighting joints?
@Tiffany Those were my interests when I dropped out of high school. I still got my GED though
For me it was the other way around. Most of the people that went to uni went for a management title and got paid way more than me when I started
@Alesana like @PeeHaa is really depends. I don't have my degree, but it is something I want to achieve in my lifetime, more of a "just because" thing than for professional development. I also know someone who has worked at Microsoft, loads of startups and now the Pokemon Company who never attended college.
@Alesana To any future employers reading this. A) That's creepy as fuck what are you doing and B) This is a joke
however was originally a python developer and stuff
value of variable assigned in a switch() construct gets lost – #77257
he never really had a pure web dev job
@Tiffany I plan on going to uni for CS or Math when I get a chance, but it will be when I'm already making the money to do it instead of borrowing money to do it
or work somewhere that pays for it for you :P
like a college :P
Not a bad idea
to be fair though, when I was attending college, I was living with my mom who was considered poverty, and I got a ton of grants that more than paid for my tuition and books with money left over
have to find a college with cheap tuition
@Tiffany beers, joints and other recreational drugs
in the lolwat chapter today: blog.hackster.io/…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier lol
Trying to build PHP manually, getting "ext/standard/basic_functions.c:49:34: fatal error: zend_language_parser.h: No such file or directory"
@rtheunissen do you have bison?
bison is already the newest version (2:3.0.4.dfsg-1)
careful not to hurt your arms, the repetitive hammering movement can be straining
@NikiC this might be a dependency ordering failure in Makefile
@rtheunissen touch Zend/zend_language_parser.y and try again
If that doesn't work then PHP does not recognize your bison
@Tiffany sounds like a plan
@PeeHaa That is literally what i did :P
@mega6382 panic is usually a good motivator
@Tiffany yeah, but i am more like "at the last second" kinda guy
So, panic usually doesn't hit me until the last second
@NikiC I'm trying a clean build, will get back to you asap
Getting "php-src/Zend/zend_ini_parser.c:1129:0: error: unterminated #ifndef" now so something is weird. I'll just clean it all out and try again.
Build success. :|
@NikiC it's failing on my comparable branch only.
Oh wait might need to regen the vm exec
Always forget that..
... unintentionally I discovered a paper that targets PHP as a backend for Idris.
The idea that a language with dependent types that is focused very intensely on code correctness would compile to PHP is... abomination, perhaps?
@LeviMorrison I didn't even know that there was a language called idris
@Sjon This is very cool, awesome! That might be expected behaviour, but I compare with the python repl and realize that simply typing scalars does not print the value. I'm not even sure it's possible to extract the result from a silent php script, or if it's desirable, but figured I'd speak about it. Thanks for that tool again!
(scalars, or calculations, or string concatenation)
that's just php repl behavior, no?
possibly? there's a php repl? it's the first time I actually see anything like this, I think?
@NikiC @bwoebi building okay on master, failing on rt-comparable-2
this might not be the right angle to approach this, but my thinking has been thus: repl stands for Read Eval Print Loop, hence I thought it'd be logical that it prints scalars without writing "echo". I'm totally ok with simply changing my expectations :)
Nothing in the diff stands out to me.
@rtheunissen I don't see anything obvious either
@NikiC just built okay, so must be something left over from a previous conf. Sorry for wasting time here.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier php -a
it's been there for... a long time
I'm not sure how to take this information. On one hand, it's awesome. On the other hand, holy shit I'm so n00b. Think I'll crawl back under my rock and get heavily drunk to process the shame.
> I believe (but cannot prove) that PHP developers have souls.
there are no "souls"
when you die, it's the fucking end
lights out and thanks for all the fish
frantically recompiles with --with-readline
> Installing PHP CLI binary: /usr/bin/bin/
er... did I misconfigure something?
I configured with --prefix=/usr/bin
It did what you told it to do.
@Danack sounds like this is related to the certificate expiration from earlier... which you originally linked to...
I think I've successfully got this installed with the --prefix=/usr/bin configuration option before
@Tiffany yeah, it's meant that about half the population of the UK has lost access to using data on their phones: bbc.co.uk/news/business-46464730
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you want --prefix=/usr
heh, thanks :)
wow, an php interactive shell. fluck me sideways with pineapples. all these years.
quick question
I'm trying to replicate a POST request
I am sending a Json where one of the variables is [email protected]
that variable contains two illegal characters '@' and '.'
for example { param1 = "one", param2 = "2", [email protected] = "thing"}
@J.L.Louis That's not json
it's the Post body and the post data is a json
No it's not
Whatever it is you just shared it's not json
@tereško There's that cheerful spirit! =P
Heading home- later
there's gotta be a better way to write this... [tag:not-php]
if '18A' like '%'||part_of_term_code||'%' then
  week_format := 'First 8-Weeks';
elsif '18B' like '%'||part_of_term_code||'%' then
  week_format := 'Second 8-Weeks';
elsif 'some other code' like so on and so on...
not sure if a switch is appropriate, but I need to use wildcards I think...
god dammit
hm, maybe I can get by without wildcards, doesn't hurt to try...
It feels wrong to use a switch, but PL/SQL doesn't have classes, I'm not sure how I could make it clean
oh wtf it's 4:45
preq_quote() started to quote '#' since 7.3 even though it's not listed in docu – #77258

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