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Hey @Danack in videos I've seen you had curly hair. I have really long curly hair. Anything to keep it from tangling so I dont have to pull it right everyday?
Is it considered addiction if I'm downloading a foreign language version of a game just cause it has more stuff than my native language version?
@Danack that's what I was thinking, thanks for the input.
@NikiC I was looking through somewhat recent changes (my variance branch doesn't get rebased often) and it looks like Dmitry removed ZEND_VERIFY_ABSTRACT_CLASS, which was pretty pivotal for my implementation.
As per usual, he never explains why he does things.
Since he also changed the linking code I can't really tell what's going on at the moment.
Any further comments you have would be appreciated.
3 hours later…
posted on November 02, 2018

Happy retirement to that person I know who just retired. I'm jealous (and probably will be for many many years).

hi, Is there any link i can follow to "Download table's single row details in pdf onclick button using php mysqli" ? image : prnt.sc/ldjgj9
bewhiskered ancient, as a witticism, expression, etc.; passé; hoary: a bewhiskered catchword of a bygone era.
Use SNI with TLS – #77108
o/ nin
@GabrielCaruso Quoting from wiki.php.net/doc/git "First and foremost, Git does not support partial check-outs of a subsection of the repository. Because of this, the project must be split into several independent repositories, and “wrapper” repositories whose function is to define a set of submodules that make up each translation's project." - well git does have a feature called sparse checkouts. I think this would also be quite beneficial avoiding to commit in multiple repos each time.
[someone walking past my computer] wow, you have so many tabs open!? me: this isn't even my final form
i am facing one weird issue when i upload code from beta to live then my storage folder permission will automatically changed in laravel. Can anyone help in this ?
@TrickStar The storage folder needs different permissions from the rest of the files, as the application writes to it.
I expect you probably shouldn't be deploying that folder.
But if you are, you'll want to set the permissions each time you deploy.
> Directories within the storage and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server or Laravel will not run.
@GabrielCaruso Moving to Git(Hub) has been on the agenda for many, many years. At this stage, I'd rather see us completely break the current systems/tooling/etc., perhaps annoying large swathes of people, and have something usable and maintainable on Git(Hub) than try and port everything 1:1, desperately trying to maintain legacy systems/issues/etc. and not stepping on anyone's toes.
P.S. Try to keep discussions (or summaries of offline discussions) on the mailing list so folks can keep track of what is (or isn't) happening.
> I'd rather see us completely break the current systems/tooling/etc., perhaps annoying large swathes of people
I suspect that might be very small numbers of quite loud people.
@salathe some might even view breaking that tooling as a feature ;)
edit.php.net is ... ungreat
@NikiC Yes, the preview especially needs to be fixed
@salathe I believe this needs to be fixed regardless of who it upsets, edit.php.net looks like something out of the 90s, and is very inefficient.
@NikiC using a new handler for equals, single interface, tests passing: github.com/php/php-src/compare/…
@FlorianMargaine I am too human to comprehend your robot programming languages
actually if anything it's the other way round
@mega6382 'fixed' - by being replaced by something entirely different.
@rtheunissen I am scared
@DaveRandom you're too robot to understand human languages?
puny human languages. but yes.
@bwoebi Thanks for that. I've already started to study how we structure our documentation
@salathe Something that I want to do before everything is draft an RFC for raise all the points we want to achieve with this migration, and draw a roadmap. I believe we should do this to do not invest time and work on something that might not even be a thing in the end
@Danack Ahh, maintainable code
@Danack because i.replace(/(?<=\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/, thouSeparator) would've been too hard, thus we need j ...
@Jimbo some light music to do code reviews by: youtube.com/watch?v=OumXyQGOkuk
@Danack dammit, my ears, jeeeez
@Tiffany Not sure of security issues- medium.com/startup-grind/…
Good morning
@StatikStasis eurgh, the English
@StatikStasis I told my dad I'm going to make it a separate part. It'll look like the rest of his static pages, but it won't be tied together with them
@Tiffany I've never had to do something like this. We use Magento and use a plugin.
his code is just too much of a mess
@Tiffany That's a better idea.
then I'll rewrite the rest of his code using dynamic stuff. Give him the ability to use a template engine or markdown. I'm banning him from writing HTML/CSS until he learns at least HTML 4 and CSS 2
the amount of <br>s in his code... and <font> tags...
@Tiffany I'll just make everything a span, assign a numeric, unique classname to every single span and have an enormous CSS file. Don't complain, it's valid!
> no nothing
That's a double negative
@mega6382 sometimes used in slang/colloquial English
@Tiffany yeah, its just making my brain hurt
Yes, it's a double negative, yes, it's incorrect, but occasionally I hear it in spoken conversation.
"an unique"
@bwoebi he'd probably do it too... one of his class names was "Announc2" and he used it rather frequently
People need to understand that you only use "an" when the word begins with a vowel-esque sound... and not when it just begins with a vowel
No, excuse me, it was "Annouc" ...
@Tiffany Yeah, I know, but in a professional/technical article, it doesn't fit.
@Tiffany well, it gets my seal of approval :P
makes me nostalgic with all those <font> tags :P
@Tiffany it's okay, except for that <font> tag use
he uses an <h3> as a huge container
@Tiffany if it works, don't fix it
@mega6382 just rewrite it :P
Syntax enhancement for writing Lambdas – #77109
@Jeeves oh boy
@Jeeves I believe we would all like it, if there was something like that... I mean we can just copy the arrow function syntax from js
@mega6382 I remember early on when I started coming into this room, there was a lot of discussion about it
I think the TL;DR of it was no one could agree on the syntax used
well, at least they are open to the idea of shorter syntax
also, we should get rid of the function keyword in methods
@mega6382 solve the parser problems are I'm all in
@bwoebi what exactly are the parser problems?
@Gordon that might also be a good idea
@Tiffany not a fan of that "fn()", other then that looks good
@mega6382 the main issue is the parser conflict with yield $val vs. yield $key => $val expressions
you do not want to parse the latter as a short closure...
was there no agreement on using ==> syntax?
@Gordon what about making it optional?
@Gordon Someone add a RFC for better searchability of properties. I'm proposing public property $foo;
@bwoebi Yeah, it's like the same argument made Levi M. in that thread for keeping the "function" keyword
@bwoebi :D
and neither makes sense
@mega6382 yeah, think this reasoning is a bit absurd @Levi
Funny quote someone just sent me: "I should have the confidence to ask the hot girl out if IE has the confidence to ask if I want to make it my default browser."
@StatikStasis Then you will get the "no", similarly to how IE gets the "no" :P
@Tiffany Yeah, he shouldn't use <br> he should use <br />
@mega6382 The good thing is: I am using Java nowadays. So I already got no function keywords. And I already got short lambdas… and generics… and nice things.
@mega6382 But... there are those who say yes. So there is a chance. =D
Not for me- I'm happily married.
@Gordon Well, at least don't be so smug about it :P
@StatikStasis HTML5 spec doesn't require / to close tags. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic. If you are being sarcastic, ignore me. :P
@Tiffany I am.
Was thinking of some of the old nuances that have had to be done in the past.
@StatikStasis yar. Definitely a requirement of XML/XHTML
@Gordon And instead I get warnings I wouldn't with PHP, e.g. Optional<List<String>> listOptional = ...; return listOptional.orElse(new ArrayList()); .. boom, "unchecked cast" ... sigh
It is obvious that I mean new ArrayList<String>() here ....
@Gordon Most of the arguments made there against removing function keyword can be made redundant if the keyword was made optional instead of being removed.
Or there can be a directive for "declare()" that allows you to not having the "function" keyword for methods, or there can be a php.ini configuration for it
just saying
@bwoebi and your code will be much more verbose for many simple things
@Gordon yea
I prefer C# over Java any time
yeah, C# is awesome
I got glasses… so no C# for me
@Gordon And Java does not like immediately invoked short lambdas
LINQ, there is nothing like it
@Gordon those glasses don't come with C# ?
@Sjon nope
@Gordon I know this ruins the joke, but can you explain?
@mega6382 I'm TBH a little annoyed in C# to have to convert manually to arrays and lists from IEnumerables - why isn't it just one same thing in the end?
@Tiffany C = see, # = sharp
@Tiffany the joke is: why do Java developers wear glasses? Because they dont C# (see sharp)
oooh, thanks :P
@Tiffany He needs glasses cause he can't see sharp
...I should have caught that one, I know I've heard it before
@Tiffany are you one of those people who read it as "C hash"? :P <3
@mega6382 god no
and when I first saw it, I read it as "see pound," before I was corrected (this is why I need an edit feature)
unrelated to PHP, but this makes me sad
@bwoebi who knows
@Tiffany who uses quick access anyway?
I had a dozen or so "Favorites" in Windows 7 to various server folders, and I had to rename them under "Favorites" because a lot of them had the same name, so I needed to be able to differentiate between them. Instead I have to use a dumb workaround.
and yes, I had "Computer" pinned twice because I had so many damn favorites, I got lazy having to scroll to the top
Hi all, anyone here familiar with the laws on scraping review data from websites such as Facebook / Reddit?
I guess the laws differ from place to place but I'm unsure if its a big nono
regardless of laws it's against their tos
@JoeWatkins here?
How do companies like Reevoo operate then
I hope the first part of the FF7 Remake comes out in 2019.
@StatikStasis wake me up when it's released for PC
Can anyone with more C knowledge then me tell me if it's possible to use LD_PRELOAD to force REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT to a specific value? Can I somehow overload that method or change global_request_time ?
@Sjon AFAIK it depends on which SAPI you're using. In apache2, for instance, it doesn't seem possible to influence that value: github.com/php/php-src/blob/…
@pmmaga ah, I'm using the cli. I'll check how that works
I think this NULL implies it's falling back to the default
@Sjon copy the module struct and place your own request time handler in there?
@bwoebi Can I do that in an LD_PRELOADed module? Can you whip up some code or link an example? :)
I'm trying to prevent/fix 3v4l.org/bughunt/7.3.0rc4/7.3.0rc3+7.3.0beta1 where the only difference between versions is _SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']
@Sjon I don't know. With an extension you can easily - never tried to hook into PHP that early though
@Sjon You could overload the sapi_startup() via LD_PRELOAD I think.
Though overloading statically linked functions is quite a bit more messy
@Sjon If you can force gettimeofday to return non-zero somehow, it should set the request_time_... always to 0. But not sure if that's feasible
An easy hack for this would be simply setting a breakpoint there, catch it, replace the value in $rdi and continue @Sjon
@pmmaga If I could I could also modify gettimeofday's return value. Tried that, but I don't reliably know which call it is (I wouldn't want to influence other calls)
@bwoebi yeah but I cannot categorically do that :P
@Sjon why not?
@bwoebi I am excited. But also pessimistic.
@bwoebi I'd need to look into that. I'd prefer LD_PRELOAD as I'm already using that to fixate other things
@Sjon haha, I meant with LD_PRELOAD setting 0xCC as first byte in the function
@bwoebi I'm not sure what you mean, how would that work?
@Tiffany lol- will do.
@StatikStasis a concern I have with it being released in parts is the potential to make the extra "parts" paid DLC. I really, really hope they don't do this.
@Sjon char *func_start = (char*)sapi_startup; char first_char_in_func = *func_start; *func_start = 0xCC; sigaction(SIGTRAP, replace_handler, old_hanlder); and then set *func_start = first_char_in_func; again, get the register and update it (the sigactions callback parameters)
@Tiffany I just hope the Materia system is still in the game without messing with it too much.
@bwoebi aha, that's a trick I've never used before. Thanks - I'm gonna try that
@StatikStasis something I read said it will be, but there might be some changes to it, but I think they will only be minor changes.
maybe adding some new ones or something
@Sjon You'll probably have to mprotect() the specific page first, they might be rxonly or execute only
@bwoebi thanks, I'll look into that
@DaveRandom hey, you said something about looking at how I had stuff mapped and requested a gist of my net use, did you get a chance to look at it?
undefined symbol zend_string_equal_val in C++ build – #77110
@bwoebi that's so horrible :D
@NikiC It is, but do you have better suggestions? :-P if you really do want to do it from LD_PRELOAD
I could guess the first call to gettimeofday (which is already overloaded) is from the sapi determining the request_time - but that's prone to err
@Sjon check in the debugger?
@bwoebi yeah that's possible too. Might be better. The problem is I'm not sure all PHP versions + hhvm do the same things in the same order
@Sjon no idea about hhvm, but for PHP very, very little should've changed to the sapi startup itself
@bwoebi I agree - it might be the preferred solution
Hello. Any ideas how to prevent messages from reappearing after refreshing page? So I can show "You are logged in" message only once.
@BlackB0ne cookies
@BlackB0ne flash messages
What does GPDR have to say about local storage?
I guess also protected.
@Allenph We can't talk about it. GDPR and all. So sorry
@Machavity kek
I believe I'm a victim of "spooky action at a distance" ... our marketing team had the bright idea to add a Wordpress splash page at the root level of our domain, and integrate it to the rest of our site. The vendor who originally wrote this code made the routing fixes cause it was over my head. What used to be our root home page, now has /home at the end of it, and then any children have the '/home/` portion omitted.
This change broke our breadcrumbs, because it tries to add /home/ for a child page's URL in the breadcrumb. I tried adding some code to check to see if the page has children to remove the /home/ from the breadcrumb link, but didn't work. So I tried var_dumping some objects and I get a Cannot modify header information - headers already sent error. Would I be correct to assume why the hell are headers getting generated, especially after I attempt to var_dump objects, but not before?
@Tiffany Because you output something
The moment you output contents (i.e. the body of the response) it means the headers should be send before that
Yeah. You're outputting before the code tries to edit the headers.
@Tiffany This is what a http message looks like requestable.pieterhordijk.com/Kjou1x
there's no clear indication that headers haven't been sent
The headers are always being generated
This server is saying "Out of memory (allocated 119537664) (tried to allocate 81 bytes)", it seems that it's allocating 112MB, but my memory_limit is 256M. I'm confused
If there's even one call to header after your var_dump you're going to get that error.
The error message is trying to tell you it wants to set more headers, but it cannot anymore bevause you output something
also page I guess is some kind of magic method, rather, the page field is accessed by a magic method
@Alesana Isn't that an actual out of memory error?
As in there is no more memory free on the machine to use
I suppose that would make sense
So the guy has to update his memory on his hosting
@Tiffany No headers are being set there. But somewhere else after your dumps
@Alesana You would have to double check it, but iirc the memory limitation ini setting gives you a different error message
@PeeHaa Thanks for the tip!
Oct 25 at 19:00, by Tiffany
I fucking hate Wordpress
@Alesana np
I see now...
the page gets "rendered" further down the stack trace
I'm half tempted to say "either I can fix it, but the "Home" link goes to the splash page instead of /home, or it'll stay broke"
You're right, I never would have guessed it
Don't suppose anyone knows the difference between defining jenkins nodes as a docker cloud and referring to a docker image in the agent pipeline block? Seems like the former allows you to spawn a container node as an executor on the fly, but the latter can only run as part of an already created node?
The XY of it is I'm trying to create a pipeline which allows builds to spawn a container and run inside that. Currently, the only node is the master node and it is configured to not run builds in parallel, so I'm trying to fix it.
I could configure the master node to allow parallel builds, but then items which aren't configured to use images will conflict
Finally, the docker cloud setup works, but I would prefer that configuration as code somewhere in the item's repo rather than living in Jenkins' config. Guess I could just export the config and shut up
@tereško btw bought XCOM yesteday, downloading the client now
hope its good
it is, don't worry
tfw one of your characters dies and he has all these upgrades (in XCOM)
@Tiffany That's what savestate is for
playing iron mode is so much more intense tho
@PeeHaa I didn't save often enough
I didn't play Iron Mode, but I might as well have
@samayo it should be
it's hard to tell if it will match your tastes though :)
one an never know
Q: Page does not reload after adding fragment to pagination

hello$m = $data->paginate(18)->appends(['sOrder' => $s_o])->fragment('startHere'); When I hover each link in the pagination they look like: https:/domain.com?sOrder=quality&page=2#startHere https:/domain.com?sOrder=quality&page=3#startHere But, when I click to go to any other page in the paginati...

> Feel free to paste a link to your question. Introduce it first with a brief description.
@Tiffany I'm trying to add a fragment to pagination links in Laravel, using something like this $m = $data->paginate(18)->appends(['sOrder' => $s_o])->fragment('startHere'); fragment is added to the links but when I click link, page does not load.
@Tiffany You've got me worried about them monetizing it now. One of the most anticipated games ever... you know there are some business people at the table discussing how they can milk it for all its worth.
@StatikStasis they did make Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia which I feel is a fan service game. There's no need to purchase their in-game currency, because they throw tons of it at you by just playing the game.
though, I have been tempted this weekend because I kept having shitting luck trying to get a few weapons I want.
Whoo finally got a much-needed raise
^ Noice.
@Alesana 🎉
@Alesana congrats!
how much percentage-wise btw?
if you don't mind me asking
How does one even get a raise? Do you ask for it or is it upto the employers to decide?
@samayo If you think you deserve it, ask.
@Alesana Gratz!
If you think you maybe deserve it but not quite, still ask.
Or switch jobs. I jump like 15-25% every time doing that.
I'm sure everyone would think they deserve it
But it's risky.
@samayo Where i work we get raises annually, its called "cost of living raise", there is a meeting with HR before you get it, in that meeting you can ask for whatever you think is fair, and then they provide a counter offer and you agree on something in the middle
@mega6382 That sounds like a great idea
@Allenph I like the idea of jumping jobs, but I hate the interview process
@mega6382 19% :D
19%? That is not a raise bro, that is a new job :)
@mega6382 That parts easy for me. I can sell that I know how to code better than I can actually code, so.
@Alesana Very nice
Thanks guys :D
@Alesana Wow. Congrats man.
@mega6382 That's why you do it while you're nice and comfy in your current job
And not when you're fed up and stressed and now need to search and interview in addition to that.
@Allenph there's a guy here who quit because he got a better job. When his position became open, he applied back and is now working here again. I'm assuming they reclassified the job and he got a better salary.
funny how that turned out
@MadaraUchiha Yeah. That's what I do and sometime I do something rash.
@Tiffany Rofl. That's funny. I actually have seen that more than I expect in this industry. (People leaving and coming back that is.)
True story.
@Allenph I remember a Dilbert comic about the lazy engineer quitting and coming back as a consultant and being paid like three times what he was making... lol
@Tiffany That was true back then, and it's true today too.
@MadaraUchiha he's A/V, but I'm sure it would be pretty similar since he does a lot
@Alesana CONGRATS!
You can get crazy high salaries as a consultant, even while bullshitting about knowing stuff.
I'm planning on staying on after this contract ends...you don't think they'll pay me less do you?
I was expecting a bump.
@samayo The squeaky wheel gets the oil. But a rusty cog gets replaced.
Well, I mean it will be the first time I actually worked for them technically @Tiffany.
But I just assumed they'd pay me more than I make now to get me to stay. Cheaper than training someone else.
@Alesana That's really good. Average in the US for a standard annual increase is around 3-4%. 6% is pretty common if you've done really well. Anything above that is usually from requesting. However, if you're at a VP or higher level 15% increases and higher are very common.
@StatikStasis I have some numb and dead keys on keyboard. What shall I do? breath your wisdom onto me Sensei :)
@MadaraUchiha Definitely this. I keep my resume updated annually. It's easier to look for a job when you don't have to have one. Interviewers can smell if you're desperate.
@MadaraUchiha Staying at a job for too long can definitely cause your salary to stagnate. Sometimes it takes an event like this for them to reevaluate an individual's worth.
@samayo lol- you just have to evaluate yourself and what value you add to the company. Is it hard to replace you? Is it easy? Have you made yourself indispensable or are you just a cog in a machine that can be swapped out effortlessly. If you do add a lot of value then you just have to come to the table with your facts. It's important to keep up with your accomplishments and you HAVE TO make yourself seen.
@Allenph it's possible
@samayo You should decide whether you want to request an increase now or at your next annual review. If you do it at your next annual review, then schedule a meeting half between now and the time of the review. Let your supervisor know that you're really wanting them to give some thought to your annual review this year because you would like to receive a significant increase because you feel you add a lot of value to the company because you... rattle off some of your list...
@Allenph I was work study, then became a temp worker who had slightly more hours than a student worker, then got promoted to a temp position that made way more than I was making previously (minimum wage)
@samayo This allows management to take notice that you're expecting something more this year. If you wait to ask until day of- chances are budgets are set and you're asking for something unexpected and it's easy to turn down or push it off until a later time because it was unexpected. If you prompt them early enough they are thinking about it and you're keeping yourself on their mind which can lead to a bigger increase.
No one is a better advocate for you than yourself when it comes to salary negotiations.
to my knowledge, the only way to get a raise here (other than the annual raises we get that's approved by the board) is to find another job
Do your homework- find out average salary ranges for your job title and specifically for your area.
@Tiffany A college? Yeah I bet. Or become a head coach of the football team... unless you're purely an academic school.
@StatikStasis no, we have sports, but no football
unless you mean soccer-football
Any of them bring in millions of dollars?
oh not even close ... that I know of
@Tiffany No, I meant REAL football. American football. =D I'm kidding everyone - don't attack me.
@StatikStasis Cue the Europeans getting their pitchforks
yeah, really. Had to add an edit there.
well, anywhere that isn't the US basically. I don't think there is any other country that calls it soccer...maybe Canada... but Canada cares more about hockey anyway
Yeah- we're an oddball.
It doesn't really make sense that we even call it that but it's too late to change that now.
Rugby everywhere else doesn't use as much equipment as we do with American football. I don't know if the rules are any different.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… yay wikipedia has something on it
Rugby looks crazy. It looks like people playing American football but without the rules.
I need to research what the rules are because I do find it enjoyable to watch.
@StatikStasis Yeah! My roles in the company grew to be doing way more than I originally was hired to do, and I was working a lot more than I was supposed to. At 6 months I just told my boss that for where I am and what I'm doing, and the fact that I don't get health insurance, I don't feel like I'm being compensated what I should be
@Alesana remember taxes too
php-win.exe corrupts unicode symbols from cli parameters – #77111
it's ridiculous that they don't take taxes out
Yeah, technically I'm a "contractor"
@StatikStasis thanks, great advise
I'm a contractor but they take my taxes out. o.O
@Allenph you probably work for a business that is far more organized
@Allenph It depends on whether the IRS can classify you as an employee or a contractor.
No idea. Kind of miss doing my own taxes.
Because it was far easier to fudge.
If you're truly an independent contractor then you have to complete a W-9 and provide to them so they can report those costs to the IRS and issue you a 1099 each year.
reminds me, I'm probably going to owe the state money for this year cause I haven't fixed my W4
If they are taking taxes out on you then they are probably taking on the responsibility of 1/2 of your social security and medicare costs. Otherwise you would have to pay self-employment taxes which means you cover the whole thing.
@StatikStasis Yeah. That was a real crusher when I had my own company.
@Alesana did your employer have you fill out a W4?
Because it compounded by number of employees.
@PeeHaa is ***** you on Steam?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yes ma'am
@bwoebi Can you tell if phpdbg is displaying opcodes correctly for DECLARE_CLASS on master?
class C implements UnknownInterface {
	function m() {}
L1-6 {main}() /panfs/pan.fsl.byu.edu/scr/usr/97/levijm/php/php-src/tmp.php - 0x7fc3a7272140 + 2 ops
 L3    #0     DECLARE_CLASS           "c"
 L6    #1     RETURN<-1>              1
That's really it? Seems odd that UnknownIterface doesn't show up in opcodes at all.
Dmitry changed this code somewhat recently, so I don't really know what's going on yet.
@LeviMorrison This has been merged into do_bind_class() (-> do_link_class()), yes
This is problematic for me :(
Unbound interfaces are now stored in the zce and not the op_array
I don't see how in this new design I can delay verification in my variance implementation.
@LeviMorrison why?
i.e. how exactly is interface binding related to delayed verification?
For consecutive type definitions that need variance checks I delayed the verification opcodes until after the last type definition.
@LeviMorrison If it's needed, I don't think there's a problem with you reintroducing the opcode
class A {
  function f(Y $b): X {}

class B extends A {
  function f(X $b): Y {}

class X {}
class Y extends X {}
// need verification to happen here, not after each class
@LeviMorrison can you keep a list of classes that need verification? Attempt to process the list after each definition?
@ircmaxell Can't process B after its definition -- since X and Y are defined later in the file but needed now to verify B we'll trigger an autoload which will fail.
@LeviMorrison can you halt and retry later?
not PHP, but templating engine related (it may be too specific of a question to the template engine and if it is, I'll ask a dedicated channel, but figure since I'm looking for the cleanest way, someone might provide insight)
I have three types of content that must be outputted to a page. If a type exists, it is listed in a table cell, and if any other types for the specified day exist, they are output in table cells as well (all one table row).
Which is cleaner to do? Select all of the nodes in one (template engine) variable, use a foreach and check the type with an if/then structure, or should I select the nodes of each type into their own (template engine) variable and loop through them? The latter seems less clean. (selecting all nodes from an XML file using the templating language...don't ask...)
@Tiffany He should but, I don't think he will
@Alesana wtf
@Alesana will you receive a 1099?
or you'll have to fill it out manually. Ewwwwww.
@Tiffany According to the other employees who have worked there for a bit longer, there's pretty much no records of how much I make
@Alesana are you working in post-USSR country now?
so you'll have to calculate all of that by hand to make sure your stuff is legal, that's so annoying
Haha no I'm in the US. I'll calculate everything as close as I can as self-employed. As long as I do everything as accurate as I can I don't think the IRS will be too worried
@tereško Speaking of post-USSR, I did some more digging into Latvia because I was Googling around looking at the world's oldest still living languages...
History of the East Baltic is waaaaaaaay different than I thought.
do tell
I am currently watching how FélixGagnon-Grenier is suffering in ONI
The Vedas and Sanskrit all came from the same Indo-European culture which expanded and survive to a large extent in three surviving distrinct populations, the German Baltics, the Lithuanian Baltics, and the Indians.
It looks like it was the predominant European culture for quite some time and reaching from India to Spain.
those where Gauls, which is a very broad description
@NikiC I think splitting out the call to zend_do_link_class from inside do_bind_class would do the trick. It looks like do_bind_class is called in only this one place.
@tereško is he streaming?
@Tiffany no, but steam has this built in feature, where you can watch others playing, if they are in your friendlist
ahhh, wasn't sure if that required him to do something so it'd display to you
Okay, so when doing the compile-time verification we build a list of unknown classes, and build a list of classes which need verified. After the last consecutive type declaration we emit a ZEND_FETCH_CLASS for each unknown class, and then after that we emit a ZEND_VERIFY_CLASS for each class which needs verified.
Oh, and then restore the previous lists -- because nested type declarations are a thing e.g. an anonymous class inside of a method.
@tereško 4/10 suffering
I think these duplicants are fucked, one way or another
gotta find a way to manage all these gases
@FélixGagnon-Grenier make a proper power grid and start burning coal
yeah, I'll have to look for design examples, I'm quite unsure how to proceed with that
I always end up having wires breaking everywhere at once
@tereško have you played Dwarf Fortress?
I hear it's like Rimworld, but without the graphics :D
it's been forever since I've tried it, I believe it does come with some ASCII-like graphics, like some MUDs, and I think there were mods for graphics too
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