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@Danack so I've read a bit about acl I don't get the point of doing it that way if I already have separated function in classes. Why shall I not use "pyramidal" role management :/ ?"
Because class extending sucks.
Why does it sucks ?
Try it - you'll find out.
did you hire a professional @kelunik
get_class(NULL) return current class – #74784
danack ^
The old - whoever touched it last rule..
ugh it's still 26 degrees right now
@PeeHaa ha - only 25.5 here.
Everything sticks now :D
I feel like I fucked up that sentence somehow
Meh too hot to think about it
@Dereleased You mean works sanely in 7.2.
@Danack you mean builtins shouldn't be magically aware of their surroundings at all times?
actually - I'm okay with that.
there were other cases that were the real problem.
@Baldráni Do yourself a favor and don't take @Danack's advice. Just use composition.
"don't" ?
You told him to try it.
That poor, poor person will build half an app before they realize it is very fragile.
@Allenph Hm... I need to change the method signature about 5 extensions back... Or, and hear me out, I could hang myself
@Danack Touché.
@Dereleased I have a better solution.
I'll just use TRAITS!
@Allenph I already mentioned that option
I hate traits.
If you're using traits, you should 100% not be using traits.
I never found a justified use for traits.
You may have inferred that I am not exactly a big fan of them either
I know. Haha.
@Allenph More seriously though - if you can give an explanation of why object inheritance is generally a bad thing, that junior programmers can understand, I would like to see it, so that I can quote it.
Go click the links I posted earlier
Would you agree that no class which is extended somewhere should ever be instantiated?
@Danack If I were to try and explain it I would explain the "is a" principle. Then I would ask if they can think of any real world object which "is" ONLY one thing.
class Thing {}
class MoreSpecificThing extends Thing {}

$thing = new Thing(); // <--- that
^ Exactly what I just said in words.
could yall give me a good php router
im done with handling routing with htaccess
@user7594714 You want JUST the router?
just routing
When I get some time I need to add Regex support to mine.
That looks good to me.
in the handler function should i just use include("page") and then change $_post and $_get variables to variables set before include("page")
@user7594714 No. Really you should have a controller class. In the anonymous function assigned to your route, you should instantiate that controller and then call a method on it.
I've actually never heard of anyone using a router outside of MVC. I'm sure you can do it, but I wouldn't.
Why not?
@user7594714 That would work... basically your handler should output your response.
lets say you have a cli app, you wouldnt like that the args was used in a router and dispatched to different actions?
I havent messed with classes. I havent seen benefits of oops(can be because i havent tried it) so ive only used functional programming
@Allenph Only good way to get clean urls
@Orangepill oh okay
As your project becomes more complex there are a number of strategies that can be used to mitigate those complexities
Functional is actually a good counter-argument I didn't think about.
That would be a good reason.
But when you say "functional" I'm hoping you truly mean functional and not procedural.
@Dereleased i tried to run the code guess what it output nothing while it should output the event code.
$html = file_get_html("https://www.mkekabet.com/sportsbook/SOCCER/");
$dom = new DOMDocument();
// set error level
$internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
// Restore error level
$xp = new DOMXPath ($dom);

$coll = $xp->query('//div[@class="single-event__code"]');

if ($coll->length) {

foreach ($coll as $item) {

echo $item->nodeValue, "\n";


@Wilson Please use pastebin, gist, or 3v4l for big blocks like this. Please post a paste that includes the HTML content
@Allenph i thought they were the same, i actually meant procedural
is it really that bad?
also, does file_get_html() return a string or return an object from PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser? Because you'd want the string. Try replacing file_get_html() with file_get_contents() and see if that works
Actually i try to do functional as much as i can
I would seriously consider learning Laravel or something.
It's not the greatest, but there's a huge community and it might get you into OOP.
doesnt mvc like laravel slow your site down
Uh is this gonna slide...?
@RonniSkansing I don't like it either.
@user7594714 Laravel is a bit bloated. But, it's fine for most applications.
It's not MVC that slows it down...it's the bloat.
i get that
but most mvc are bloated
Not neccesarily.
Besides, MVC is a paradigm. You can do MVC without a framework.
@Dereleased i tried with file_get_contents() also it didn't work
@Dereleased 3v4l.org/fmF3O
@Wilson Me too. Looks like your data is being loaded in by AJAX
@Wilson There is a date component to the second URL that you'd need to figure out how to solve for, but this script scrapes the IDs
Thanks let me read it first.
@Wilson updated paste to solve the date issue. Note that you shouldn't use this code, but I'm guessing you're fairly new to this kind of thing, so this should get you started.
@Dereleased i this is my first experience with regular expression :-) i just used to hear it
@Wilson That particular regular expression, /s3\xa5(\d+)/, works as follows:
s3    ... match the literal text "s3"
\xa5  ... match the character with the hexadecimal value 0xA5
(\d+) ... match one or more digits (the "\d+" part), and capture them (the parantheses)
I noticed when looking at their API return that all those sequences you seemed interested in were always preceded by this sequence ("s3" followed by chr(0xA5)), and nothing else was. I'm sure they have a fancy API specification, but it doesn't seem to be public, so I went with what I could see
So if it was to output "single-event__players" it would look like what? i will have to go through regex to get some intro, i was wondering how fast did you do that.
@Dereleased So if it was to output "single-event__players" it would look like what? i will have to go through regex to get some intro, i was wondering how fast did you do that, they might have an API and it is not public
How fast did I do what? I think it was about 15 minutes from opening the site to find what AJAX it was running to having that little example up, and then another 5 later for the DateTime thing because I rarely do date logic in PHP and can't remember all the syntax and object names. The Regex /s3\xa5(\d+)/ wasn't even a blip, maybe 10 seconds? Once you're used to reading and writing them, something like that is nothing.
Most of the time was just (a) finding the three calls they used, and, (b) figuring out the API format
I looked at the return from the AJAX in Chrome, and then, to get a further understanding, I ran a small Perl script to give me HEX output from the endpoints
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use Data::HexDump;

my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'https://www.mkekabet.com/fsb-api-rest/bet/category/SOCCER.fsb?detail=1x2&state=IN_PLAY');
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my $resp = $ua->request($req);

print HexDump($resp->content);

# relevant line from output:
# 00000430  73 33 A5 39 36 39 33 30 - C2 CE 00 06 20 22 91 9F  s3.96930.... "..
So, as to your question of getting single-event__players --- it would depend, I'd have to see what that data is, where it lives in their API, and figure out a way to grab it
But now that it's a solved/solvable problem, I think you should try to figure out how to find the players =)
Yes let it be my exercise i will get back to you if i will have any further problem, thank you very much for your time bro.
I'm going home for tonight, but I'll be back tomorrow during the daytime US timezone. Good luck @Wilson!
Thanks bro, have a good day @Dereleased
Where can I read about how the memory representation of values has changed in 7.0?
Waaat you can write nontrivial expressions in default arguments

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