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@Trowski uh … I remembered the function being called advance() and not wait()? (Message class)
1 hour later…
what do you call a class that calls an API
e.g. there are multiple geo IP APIs
so i would write a class to interface with the google geo IP API
or if yahoo has a geo IP API, i write a class specifically for that API
I dunno, I might call it an SDK as well. Depends on the context.
GeoIPService, GeoIPServiceProvider
how about client?
mornings :B
Client is also good
@bwoebi wait() seemed more appropriate since you're "waiting" for another chunk to arrive and separates it from Iterator. I don't have a strong opinion though, advance() would be fine too.
so bad they did it in a bloody desert
any one have a idea about how can i do over 2500 request to google geocode api, because google have 2500 request limit.
> 36 ISIS fighters killed by US 'mother of all bombs
a 300 million dollars bomb for 36 "isis fighters"
posted on April 14, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Wes really that expensive?
@JoeWatkins pong
I just adulted. Halp.
I've jsut read mailing lists Kelt Dockins mail and one idea looks interesting - I'm talking about strict mode - I wouldn't name it like that but am thinking of class guard which won't let assign dynamic properties without need to declare __set() - anyone find it usefull?
@DaveRandom oh I think I solved it ... was going to ask if you had an smtp server I could abuse ...
I saw some implementations in my big bal of mud where class checks if dynamic property is being set, which doesn't exists in that class, but is in some extending classes
And kind of keyword which would block assigning dynamic properties might be a cure
Ohh... whatever I think I'm bullshitting right now nvm :/
@JoeWatkins oh, well no anyway, even I've not reached the level of masochism required to run an internet facing SMTP server
yeah I shut down all that stuff when I adopted gmail years ago, but it's been a real shit to add an alias so I can send as [email protected] (required for some part of release process)
they don't make things very easy
Ah right yes they really don't make that easy any more
they used to
yeah I remember just entering gmail smtp servers and using it years ago
I have mine set up, and a select few @daverandom.com addresses, but it's a real PITA to add more now
but now you gotta configure the org, then the account, then generate a password if you're using 2fa, it's very shit ...
It makes sense for their PoV, but yeh it's not a great UX
like everything about email
I hope that one day something like signal will completely replace email
I finally understood microservices, yay
@DaveRandom I run a mailserver :P
morngin all
PeeHaa O/
Look at that number \o/
happy Friday all
yes \o/ finally!
check inbox
hi u'll
anything from me @PeeHaa ?
php account
cool, no on behalf of header or anything ?
Just replied
cool, ta
@AdilIlhan o/
it seems to be rebecca day today
ugh tnx @JoeWatkins you made me read a mail from Y in the morning
I just saw it too
do you know about HKDF ?
@JoeWatkins Not enough. cc @Leigh halp. I am currently judging it based on the fact I don't know enough about it and whether I understand wtf is said.
And it's kinda confusing me
reads like an attempt to enforce what was just rejected in RFC
Also every time I read mandatory I highly question it
s/highly/strongly/ ?
words that have lost meaning:
that is all ...
Sorry can't very English this early
@JoeWatkins :)
He should first fucking fix these crap examples php.net/manual/en/function.session-regenerate-id.php before doing any more damage
what I can say without knowing much detail about HKDF, is that we don't use the manual to document the best practices of usage, we use it to document the prototype, and that is all
Exactly what I said yesterday in my mail
"Current session_regenerate_id does not handle unstable network well. e.g. Mobile and WiFi network. Therefore, you may experience lost session by calling session_regenerate_id."
I didn't know that
@AdilIlhan I only heard from him that being a problem
Maybe it is a problem who knows
openssl_seal/whatever doesn't go on and on about the best way to use it, and it's use cases, it contains synopsis, what it does and the meaning of parameters ... I don't think any of this belongs whatever
@PeeHaa him? who is?
But crapping all over the docs for every single future reader when only a very limited subset of people has an issue with that is wtf imo
@JoeWatkins Exactly
Gonna reply that again after smoke
@AdilIlhan certain internals person whos name starts with Y
morning o/
Yeah that happens
i thought the internals' official language is English
It is
can i send Turkish message? lol
is the Y core developer of PHP?
i guess, no
@AdilIlhan hayır
\o/ I remember words
@PeeHaa what is your mother tongue? english?
@AdilIlhan Dutch, but I learned some turkish words the last months :P
Y is a core dev, but is just terrible at it ...
@PeeHaa det er godt!
my team leader learns Dutch :)
@JoeWatkins I call it a corky dev
You have to be old enough to get the reference :P
@AdilIlhan heheh
IMO It is better to write a broken english than the one that requires Google Translate
hey, anyone know anything about the reliability of $_SERVER['_'] when the cli binary is called from a shell script?
I have never seen that before
should be fine
argv[0] is the php filename
not $argv[0], argv[0]
What in specific are you trying to do?
$_SERVER provides a lot of different keys according to the environment
thats from environment because there is _ environment
is resolved executable path
^^^ that
is _ a standard thing in a shell provided to subprocesses? I've never seen it before
no it is not afaik
as said I never seen it before
@PeeHaa when you call $_SERVER from cli then $_SERVER provides the php path
execute env in shell
Never seen underscore in the thing
ok its definitely not a php thing
@JoeWatkins @PaulCrovella @DaveRandom @Leigh @salathe @NikiC I am kinda unsure about what I am doing now gist.github.com/PeeHaa/fdda50fe2539b38306d6bda91cc33c12 halp
still deciphering if its posix or a shell specific thing
mega ping deluxe
@Stephen it is php thing
but i didn't get what do you want
@AdilIlhan no, it isn't. It's PHP reading the $_ from the environment.
I have no underscore in my array
a shell script with sh -c 'env' will show "_=./testlauncher"
or whatever file you called it
yes obviously
wait wat
Well yes, but that's not really portable
Why do you need that?
➜ ~ sh -c 'env' | grep ^_
The underscore variable is set at shell startup and contains the absolute file name of the shell or script being executed as passed in the argument list
I think I said that 5 minutes ago ...
THat ^
@PeeHaa - a wrapper script to call php via env with -d parameters
At least on windows it doesn't work like that
I know windows
But still
/usr/bin/env php -d phar.readonly=false
That's at least one thing where it is not portable
right and thats why i originally asked
And @JoeWatkins already said what the answer is
@PeeHaa LGTM
@JoeWatkins I wish somebody else from the docs team would give me a hand, but I don't blame them from not getting involved :P
when it comes to Y. they have learned there isn't much point in talking because nobody is listened too
@Stephen your original question mentioned "shell script" which isn't much to do with portability ... I don't know or care about windows ...
im worried about portability between shell
it seems to work in Dash
do you want to get executable path of PHP?
@JoeWatkins Yeah I know :(
portability isn't just about "make it work on windows"
if so, you can use PHP_BINDIR
@JoeWatkins I do :)
@AdilIlhan no, i want the path that was actually called - so it could be a php file, a phar file, or a wrapper (which in turn calls a Phar/PHP file)
possibly PHP_SELF
that will always be the phar or php file i believe
yeah whatever php executed
oh by wrapper you mean shell script
do you need to care about windows ?
for now, no.
cross that bridge when someone on windows complaons
May I ask why you need to know the calling script?
for help output
make the wrapper a php script ?
Do you have an example?
saying "Usage: foo.phar blah blah" is no good when it won't work just running the phar
Why would you care about the calling script instead of the actual "binary"
i need to execute via php -d phar.readonly=false
you can't do that in a shebang properly
#!/bin/env php -d phar.readonly=false
Normally you don't see the calling script in the output, but just the binary
will hang
right but as i said
even if i make the phar file "executable" with a shebang line
it won't work for all features
hence, a wrapper shell script, which actually calls php
yes but why do you need the name of the wrapper?
so that when someone runs 'wrapper --help' i can show them "Usage: wrapper Foo Bar"
not "Usage: File.phar"
because that won't work
I think it's too early for me to understand what you are trying to do :P
It's probably me
Hello Everyone can you please solve this Quesion magento.stackexchange.com/questions/151635/…
Magento issue
crying child time
Imma let somebody more awake try to help you
literally, not any of you
morning o/
Sorry for all of us :P
/bin/env won't always work either
krakjoe@fiji:/usr/src/php-src$ which env
krakjoe@fiji:/usr/src/php-src$ /bin/env
bash: /bin/env: No such file or directory
@Stephen can you pls sove this issue ? magento.stackexchange.com/questions/151635/…
@AmareshTiwari Don't ping random people
That's just rude
maybe ship a makefile with an install rule and set the path to php (and whatever else you need) directly ?
IMAGE: Passengers on a United Airlines flight today https://t.co/osVpyq1GZ5
/path/to/php -dwhatever.config=value
this works
as shbang
@AdilIlhan hahahahaha
So much win
@JoeWatkins which env returns "/usr/bin/env" you try to access to "/bin/env"
@AdilIlhan indeed, to show that there isn't some symlink, that /bin/env is not portable path for env binary
@JoeWatkins i typoed, script is referencing /usr/bin/env not /bin/env
still ... makefile ftw
oh even better.
me so stupid
the wrapper isn't dist, its built.
thank you for inspiration gents
also the crying has stopped!
PHP makes you amuse
@Wes could you be a good boy and release versions with a proper description? <3
It makes it so much easier for people like me to find out what changes are in
git commit -m "$(git diff --staged)"
since when are clients allowed to mail me rebecca black links?! what kind of world have we entered?
@Naruto lol
I like your clients
it's just 1, but still.. they never seem to stop suprising me :D
Also lol @Wes just got hit by the final cult
Is there a synchronous way to shorten a biltly api
I am using JSONP data type
Please help!
actually url generated is not copying to the clipboard
using document.execCommand('copy')
smells like javascript ... so ... we don't care ...
No one in js room to ask to..
still if any idea !
@cv-pls kaput
not running, I just left my FF window open
oh :P
@DaveRandom can you suggest !
I can be suggestive
It's true
wanna come over to my place later for some fun?
I don't do Javascript though
at least, not if I can avoid it
or if I'm avoiding doing something else
related: @PeeHaa I think that the twitter icon should be black
It's a bit too eye catching
Thought the same thing
k well I will fuck around with it later and maybe bundle it into Chrome/FF extensions
that way can sanely add config for auto-send and tweet command
Yo dawg
oh btw @PaulCrovella img.shields.io/badge/… renders like this for me on Win Chrome:
Chrome insists it has rendered it using Verdana
I get the same result from version using GD measurements
which I suppose is encouraging in the sense that my behaviour is the same as shields.io
@DaveRandom if it only stretches into problem territory with a way-too-long badge I wouldn't worry about it
@PaulCrovella sure, it bugs me though
@DaveRandom Is that an svg issue?
@PeeHaa seems to be, shields.io uses verdana as the reference font when computing the width, Chrome uses verdana to render it, they come out different
I assume this is because they kern differently or something
but it only seems to be an issue with rounded glyphs (e, a, b etc)
in Android, 29 secs ago, by OcuS
but it's true in a way: I think I'd rather lister to RB in an infinite loop than using laravel again
@DaveRandom Can't you just gd that shit into a png?
@PeeHaa Boo! The message exceeds the 140 character limit. :-(
Well that's way more expensive than just spitting out some XML
but it's true in a way: I think I'd rather lister to RB in an infinite loop than using laravel again
@DaveRandom True
BTW @DaveRandom the messageresolverunwrapperdeluxe is borken
At least for tweet
I wrote it and therefore it is perfect
I will look at it later
no worries
!!issue the messageresolverunwrapperdeluxe is borken
this just crashed my browser properly when in a function like the last comment, on 7.1.3 fpm
@adam yo o/
@DaveRandom not getting that when I force verdana here btw
@Ekin fun
@Ekin and on 7.1.4?
trying in a bit
Hello Everybody,
@FlorianMargaine same, crashes
well, infinite loop
so that bug is indeed a valid one
probably nothing to do with fpm, try in cli with opcache enabled and optimizations on ?
(so we can write a test)
I Use GeoCoding Api in my site for getting acurate location and I have 10k location but, google map have limition 2500 process per day. so, anyone have a idea to process over 2500 location in one day.
@GuRu Buy more
you can probably pay to get more?
no any further solution?
@GuRu no
@GuRu you get what you pay for. If you pay nothing, expect nothing.
@JoeWatkins optimizations on? could you gist me that or point out which ones?
you already have 2500, which is more than nothing.
ah right
to be sure it's an optimization (which looks highly likely), you can turn them off and verify the bug goes away
Is there any way we can make api call through proxy ?
just pay for the service
with different ip is it possible ?
of course it is, but it also may be possible to detect that you are abusing the service
so they block the ips right
if you're not making enough money from whatever you are doing to pay for the services you need, then you're failing already
well I have but I think my client doesn't so Thats why I am thinking these alternates
your client needs to pay up
for last time proxy ip and different ips its not good way to implement right
using free proxies is a terrible idea (other people will likely be using them, and they may already have their addresses blocked), so you're going to have to pay for access to a vpn, or pay for additional ips ... so it's totally pointless, this will complicate the implementation because it necessitates load balancing at the point of origin, which will make it fragile and cost money ... just pay for the service you need
I see it happens on cli as well when opcache is enabled
okay good, then we can write a test ... ever wrote a phpt before ?
@JoeWatkins sorry if dumb, but should I test it with any other value here?
try opcache.optimization_level=0
the bug should go away, I think
thanks for the advise @JoeWatkins @PeeHaa @FlorianMargaine
yeah it does go away
@JoeWatkins don't think I did yet
so we need a test with INI section to make it fail, open a PR, or attach to bugsnet, then someone only needs to fix the opcache bit (which is a mysterious pile of magic, and I have no fucking idea where to look)
or check in tests directories in php-src
was doing the latter, thanks
Thanks @NikiC!
using a 1366x768 screen is a form of self abuse
(I'm stuck on a laptop for next 4 days or so)
seriously - this is terrible
how much screen size you prefer to use and why it's terrible?
+1 @NikiC
although it won't work ... he going to ask you to point out which bits are wrong, even though you just done that ...
and the response will contain the word mandatory, obviously ...
I would love to revert the hell out of it though :P
@Linus my home setup has 3440x1440 ... but I think the minimum would be 1920x1080
"please stop treating PHP like it's your personal project." -fin-
@tereško :P that's too much i rarely seen that much screen
@Linus trust me - it's not too much
if you can afford it, that is a good investment
@JoeWatkins where in tests would this belong?
ah right, okay
Holy shiit people

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