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@Leigh PM was in there at the time too I think
Poor polceman :(
a bit premature to be calling it a terrorist attack
@JayIsTooCommon News doesn't sell itself man
@JayIsTooCommon i think by virtue of what the attack is makes it a terrorist attack, at least they're not saying "IS inspired" or what not. that would be a bit sensational
@JayIsTooCommon it's a tweet by $someone. journalistic standards do not apply. that's why I linked to BBC instead of FUD :)
i know someone who works in HoP he said the guy that was shot, was shot outside his bosses office
@Andy I dont understand what you mean by "by virtue of what the attack is"
an attack on houses of parliament is in itself a terrorist attack surely, which ever way you cut it
@Andy That's not exactly true is it?
I just don't get the point of shooting some bloke who's just doing his job
That word 'terrosit' is everywhere these days.
Not harming anyone
@Andy you are indeed talking out of your arse
!!wiki terrorism
Terrorism is, in its broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. It is classified as fourth-generation warfare and as a violent crime. In modern times, terrorism is considered a major threat to society and therefore illegal under anti-terrorism laws in most jurisdictions. It is also considered a war crime under the laws of war when used to target non-combatants, such as civilians, neutral military personnel, or enemy prisoners of war. A broad array of political organizations...
@JayIsTooCommon A car ran down 5 people
anyways, stay safe. going to get lunch now
@Jimbo kinda like BLM :P
@Jeeves 9/11 was a hoax btw
@PeeHaa I know. It angers me, people were killed.
We do not know that the violence was created in order to achieve political, religious or idealogical aim. It could've just been some evil twisted asshole and nothing else. So not terrorism, yet...
fair enough re: pure definition.
@Leigh Yes, no one knows the motive so its premature to call it terrorism
What does "pure" definition mean here?
nvm btw
I have to do work now
well, what the word actually means
as in i'm wrong innit
This is bad, people say terrorist and my thoughts immediately (without effort) jump to muslim radicalism. This isn't fair on many innocents
@JayIsTooCommon they had a motive, that counts as an ideological aim in my books
I think @Andy is right, if we consider the law of averages that is.
Noun: terrorism (usually uncountable, plural terrorisms)
  1. The deliberate commission of an act of violence to create an emotional response through the suffering of the victims in the furtherance of a political or social agenda.
  2. The use of unlawful violence against people or property to achieve political objectives.
  3. A form of psychological manipulation through warfare to the purpose of political or religious gains, by means of deliberately creating a climate of fear amongst the inhabitants of a specific geographical region.
  4. terrorism c
  5. terrorism
here, @Andy
I am working with eloqunt currently...
Don't ask
@PeeHaa Do you enjoy it?
It's so fucking bad
"Makes me want to drown things"
and people
basically, to call something "terrorism" you need to know, that violence was perpetrated with a goal to enact change in society
usually people commit violent acts for personal benefit (to either gain something or protect something)
yeah i get that @tereško said i was wrong earlier.
as in, i said i was wrong to call it that.
fixed it \o/
Now pass me the soap I feel dirty
SOAP won't make you feel any cleaner
In @NikiC 's php-ast extension, there are no AST_ZVAL items, just literal values in the structure. Does that mean we are losing information about namespace qualification in certain situations?
!!lxr zend_ast_export_ns_name
[ /Zend/zend_ast.c#677 ] static void zend_ast_export_ns_name(smart_str *str, zend_ast *ast, int priority, int indent)
@AllenJB True
@DaveRandom ping
@JoeWatkins pong
did you start that extension yet ?
No I had a small work disaster over lunch, will look at it later
I'm done
will upload
Done... making that extension?
errr... lol
Does anyone knows how to get back the user last post by using Fabook API ?
Some people just have no sense of humour when it comes to fapping.
I see I logged in two minutes too late
@DaveRandom I bet you @PeeHaa does tho. he'd need one with what he's working with
@DaveRandom That didn't get flagged did it?
sure did
yeh, like immediately
should probably wait for CI, only tested in 7.1 ...
@JoeWatkins holy crap, thanks muchly
@DaveRandom yw
@JoeWatkins so would what I was talking about earlier would be classed flow control? I.e. Catching exceptions in order to post back a relevant response?
show me code, probably
Will make it my kind of sane first
pseudo is okay
Does anyone know where chrome stores php cookies? google doesn't help
@samayo Why?
!!canon xy
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

@DaveRandom travis is green
@Dereleased No, namespaced names are converted to AST_NAME nodes
@PeeHaa Just wanted to know. I never used cookies before, and am trying to find the storage.
@DaveRandom what use case do you imagine here?
@samayo Probably just in some database
@NikiC So I can safely assume that an AST_NAME node will fill the role of the associated AST_ZVAL I see in source?
I knew I had AST_NAME nodes, just wanted to make sure I wasn't supposed to be looking at parents, because that seems wrongweird. Also, what about the "name" parameter of ast\Node\Decl elements?
@Dereleased those are not namespaced, so just strings
is anyone in the uk watching news :(
@JoeWatkins Yup
Hadn't looked into if you could declare function foo\bar but I guess that would be clunky and weird. It would, however, make it very possible to guarantee yourself a job for life by making your code nearly impossible to maintain
We were talking about it an hour ago here
@JoeWatkins Got a good link?
ok, that's where I already am. I'll start reading backwards
basically, named delegate types
@DaveRandom noice
1 hour ago, by Leigh
Terror attack outside U.K. Parliament. 2 men down on road. Man with knife/machete got into Parliament and stabbed p… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/844560649745301505
we are still waiting for anything substantial to become known
it's still all in "speculation mode"
12 injured
one dead :(
the terrorist's dead. do we care about that?
No, a civil is dead
@DaveRandom Needs more laymans :) I am having trouble understanding what it does :)
but, that's just me I guess :\
@samayo allows you to check that the signature of a callable is compatible with the signature of a prototype function, i.e. you will be able to call the callable with the same arguments as you would call the prototype and it will not cause any errors.
@kelunik @bwoebi
1. php examples/ampv2/server1.php
2. php examples/ampv2/client1.php
3. disconnect client
4. server get 100% CPU

May be I do something wrong, but I adapt it from ampv1
Any suggestions ?
@DaveRandom Close enough. Also, I didn't know there was a ?string return type. Good stuff
@DaveRandom thank you for response
I am not sure that this is my misstake or it is internally from amp_v2
Hello, I'm experiencing an urgent issue with one of my applications hosted on Amazon AWS. My developer is no longer around. Stopped working as of 2 days ago on its own.

PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: fopen(/var/lib/php/sessions/ci_sessionda7cb6bdd08421acadf6dadee629fb1942abdfa5): failed to open stream: No space left on device

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Can someone please assist me? I'm happy to pay.
The error message is pretty clear don't you agree?
I'm a complete novice with AWS and PHP, it's not obvious to me.
Can you please assist me?
what difference will it make? We will speak to you in the same language
I can follow instructions efficiently.
Are you using codeigniter?
I don't think so.
Can you assist me with this Samayo? I'd greatly appreciate it and I'm happy to compensate you for your time.
I would help you, but I don't know anything about your application and neither do you. Just follow what the error message is saying.
It says "No space left on device" which you should do something about
yeah, that's the important part
@Delto the disk / mount is full. Either get more space or clean up stuff
@Delto I would recommend checking /var/log folder
I increased the space on my EC2 volume from 8GB to 16GB, but that did not resolve the issue.
If you search on github for drivers/Session_files_driver.php You will find it is a file from CodeIgniter
I had a different application that had the same issue (starting yesterday), and I cleared the log files in the /apache2/ folder, and that did the trick. But I just don't know what to do with this folder.
this application*
@samayo Okay, that's good to know. Anything I should be doing with this PHP file?
If you are this cluless, then clear everything inside /var/lib/php/sessions/ and start over. (if your site is not e-commerce or temporary loosing user sessions is not a big deal for you)
That is not a solution btw: It is just a way to start 'debuging' the error.
@samayo I'm unable to access the folder with WinSCP. Permission denied - I believe I have to log in as root (but it won't let me do that). I'm probably able to delete it through putty and sudo su -, but I'm nervous that it will break something further? I can't view any of the files in that folder.
If you know your way around ssh/putty then check the disk space for /var/lib/php first
I think it's du -sh /.. or something
@Delto Also check how many log files you have inside your /pathToYouApp/application/logs/
@Linus hello
@samayo My var/log/ folder has a lot of log files (but all relatively small in filespace), that said, I was able to fix my other application yesterday by deleted the log files in /var/logs/Apache2 even though they were small in size.
I am not talking about the /var/log but your codeigniter application log dir. Either way, your server seems to have passed your disk quote of your hosting plan, you should check that first.
posted on March 22, 2017 by CommitStrip

@samayo Are you willing to help me over Skype? I'll compensate you for your time. To my knowledge I have upped my volume for my AWS EC2 instance from 8GB to 16GB last night. This was successfully applied, and is visible on the volume. So does that still mean it can be a disk quote issue? I've looked at my usage stats on AWS, and nothing appears to be at capacity.
@bwoebi Could you please fix amphp/mysql? Pool::init returns null in case it's called in the first tick, because addConnection defers.
This also fails the test in Amp v2, as yielding null is no longer allowed.
@Delto I wouldn't mind taking a look. But I can't promise anything, meaning I won't be able to 'fix' your issue, unless it's completely rudimentary
@samayo, Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. I'll make a private room and send you my Skype name
@kivlara composer update installs - Installing amphp/amp (v1.x-dev ba8335a) Cloning ba8335a329 from cache, not Amp v2.
Warning of incompatible declaration for ReflectionClass::newInstance() – #74292
Dad, I'm hungry. Hello, Hungry. I'm Dad
trying to remember where some code is in a file, having no luck >.<
@Feeds he is right. 99% of anything sucks, so not even one out of these 40 would be good :B
@Tiffany File is too big. Refactor ;)
it'll be a snowy day in hell when I refactor this codebase. Mainly because I don't know where to begin, and it's not mine.
@Tiffany Begin with splitting the one file into separate files.
@kelunik it's already split decently well into separate files. It's just poorly organized.
a file can be in three or four different folders
@Feeds have you looked at those jquery plugins !?!?
all 40 of them are made for "one specific usecase"
@Tiffany you had that project with 10k line files ?
(someone was ranting about it couple months ago, but I cant remember who exactly)
@tereško probably @DaveRandom, and I think I know what he's talking about. That script isn't part of the website codebase, it's a random library function script file for a low key task.
otherwise, I think the longest file is maybe 300 lines? maybe 400? and those are probably javascript
/me has been looping youtube.com/watch?v=K7cO6_GpM8A entire day
well .. someone did rant about it
though it wasn't a couple months ago, maybe a week-ish ago
so might not be it
the codebase I work with is split up as an MVC, but it's not a true MVC structure as the controllers do way too much work
Mar 1 at 19:34, by corey
Actually it only lags with more than 10k lines, but I work with enterprise applications so I need to get this fixed.
@Tiffany I usually call it Rails-architecture
there's an includes directory, which has several dozen sub directories, a lib folder which holds the models and controllers, and "base," whatever that does. Each function the website performs is a module with a controller and model and sometimes a view. The file I'm looking for, should be part of the view, but it's in another random fucking folder
I know how I can find the file... I committed it to git a couple weeks ago, just need to look in the history
I have a 3 memcache servers. I want to understand how memcahce determines which server to pick to push and pull the data.
When I use memcache method to get the data, it returns empty. But I point to individual server the I would get it from the 1st server and rest will return empty.
hi guys
anyone got experience with Twig here?
What's twigging your twig?
i'm using it with my custom framework
i need to create a custom filter
according to symphony docs after extending the Twig_Extension call and what not
i'm to register the service in service.yml
i'm not using symphony so i dont quite understand how to go about registering it
Have you asked this on SO?
no i haven't
I already forgot (thank god for that) but I had read about custom filters some months ago, and the doc was very straightforward.
I noped out of Symfony before it gave me a brain aneurysm
the docs still point to use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition;
and since i'm not using, i dont quite get it
i thought twig n symphony were supposed to independent of each other
@MueyiwaMosesIkomi You can just add it the the Twig_Environment you create.
@samayo eh
@kelunik thanks, think i got what i was looking for
kinda feeling bad for laughing at that but...
where is everybody tho
Order of extensions loaded in php.ini affects function calls – #74293
@NikiC (or whoever) will the tail_call ever get executed in zend_ast_export_if_stmt? Isn't the child[1] of the AST_IF_ELEM always going to be AST_STMT_LIST even if empty? Would the condition not need to be something like (ast->child[1]->child[0] && ast->child[1]->child[0]->kind == ZEND_AST_IF) ?
!!lxr zend_ast_export_if_stmt
[ /Zend/zend_ast.c#869 ] static void zend_ast_export_if_stmt(smart_str *str, zend_ast_list *list, int indent)
@Dereleased no
are you looking at php-ast output by chance?
because that's normalizing everything to STMT_LIST
the raw output can have an if as a direct child
ok cool
Why are you reading the ast_export code?
You shouldn't ask questions I don't want the answers to -_-
@Dereleased Are you by chance reimplementing github.com/tpunt/php-ast-reverter?
God I wish it were that simple
actually, no
I wish I weren't doing it at all
but reason has already failed
so I'm just doing the thing that the guy who could stop my paychecks has asked for
@samayo omg. is that the death note I think it is? omg.
I hope it'll be good.
@Jimbo daaaaamn, just noticed that your mail went in the backlog
I still don't know available dates - need to wait till EOD tomorrow. Sorry again.
@Ocramius since you're here, does the Dutch PHP conference give the keynote speakers a complementary ticket for their partners? Also, apropos of nothing, are you looking for a boyfriend?
Is there a way to call methods added to a class by a trait statically?
Did you try it?
Also, you could just use a normal function.
What do you mean?
I haven't tried it yet. It was more of a curious question than one I need answered right now.
I'll test it.
@Danack @Ocramius if you are, just remember that beards are overrated and that I don't have one.
@pmmaga you mean 37.8%?
let's settle on 57.1% :P
It's okay, 83% of all statistics are made up.
@Sara Let's just agree that this stat is not made up.
@ircmaxell THEN I AGREE!
@Sara YAY!!! ... wait ... does that mean you agree to agree? or agree to disagree? or disagree to agree to agree? I'm confused...
I disagree with disagreeing
well, in that case
Question if anyone here knows: what's a CPU specification string like E-p32:32-i64:64-f128:128 called? It determines pointer and native type sizes of the CPU
!!search what's a CPU specification string
I kinda want to write SDL2 bindings for PHP. I really shouldn't, but…
Oh, we already have an OpenGL extension
hi, i was trying to use facebook's php-webdriver github.com/facebook/php-webdriver cant figure out how to run the tests.. can anyone help?

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