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being sick sucks :(
fish is also good for eyesight ..
I heard that too... put a fish in your ear before you go to sleep
@Leigh you sure it was your ear? there is no mucosa in the ear
@Gordon Medicine is different in Germany.
You guys are fans of suppositories
So maybe a fish up the bum, in your country
@PeeHaa ok, yes, a lack of vitamin A can make you blind and carrots contain A so eating some can prevent you from getting blind if you don't eat anything else containing A
@Leigh why do you think eels are all slick and snaky?
/me renames Room11\Jeeves\Tests namespace to Room11\Jeeves\GelatinRectumTests
well neither fish nor carrot i have high power spects already :P
I am trying to send mail using phpmailer .
This is the code I am using
But when I run this code , I am facing this error
Message could not be sent.Mailer Error: SMTP connect() failed. github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting
@DaveRandom lol :P
I am going to take a wild stab here that your host blocks connections outgoing to TCP port 25
means ?
in which case they will provide a "mail smart host" and documentation
@SagorAhmed means they block you from directly sending mail to remote hosts via SMTP as an anti-spam measure, it's common practice
I don't know that's the problem but it's certainly a common problem
Then how can I send mail using phpmailer ?
You would need to contact your hosting provider/ISP and ask them for outgoing mail server settings
@SagorAhmed For starters enable debugging instead of guessing
also that
phpmailer can be made very noisy and it will tell you exactly what the problem is, at least from mail client perspective
He's a bit like @DaveRandom. A lot of noise and a lot of problems
Also dnslib
but since he is using what look to be valid gmail SMTP settings I'm fairly confident in what I said about blocked port 25
@PeeHaa tonight
@DaveRandom Are you hitting on me now?
he better not be...
I don't mind, but I would rather you work on dnslib
No just hitting you
must hurt
I feel out of sync. what's the deal with this dnslib and @DaveRandom?
@Wes Oh yes sure, the unix approach of using integers that are unique to the creating system on the using system is much better :-P
why is he not finishing it?
!!should @DaveRandom work on dnslib or on something else?
@⁠DaveRandom should work on dnslib.
@Jeeves OK fine, you come do my job for today then :-P
@DaveRandom You aren't ok. You are ill.
review my pr or work on dnslib
@⁠DaveRandom should work on dnslib.
It is possible to generate illustrator file using php??
@DaveRandom lol. the bot just suggested you call in sick, didn't he?
@Gordon time. It's basically a complete rewrite. I have made significant progress (spent easily 10hrs so far) but it's complicated and long.
@abdul Yes. Should you do that? I'm going with no.
@JoeWatkins that sucks…
Although it looks like imagick can generate PSDs @abdul, start there
@DaveRandom Is there any way to do this??
I literally just told you
like right there
did you read it?
generate a pdf and convert it to ai maybe
@RonniSkansing but i want to create ai file using php code...!
yea but .ai is a proprietary file
unless you really get into understanding the format I would not spend time on it
apparently imagick has limited support for ai
But my instinct is that psd will be a lot easier, and illustrator can work with psd just fine
Q: create a photoshop file or illustrator file using php

user760229Can we create photoshop file or illustrator file by using php? I want to create a flash application that can perform simple position allocation with few type of shape, and those position and shape will be "convert" into photoshop file or illustrator file by php. May i know is there anyway to do...

Q: Editing EPS and AI (Adobe Illustrator) files with PHP

PawkaI'm looking for PHP tool to edit *.eps or *.ai files? I need to add any new shapes or text to these files. Is there any way to do this?

oh right, SVG is probably a much saner thing to do anyway
@abdul hahahahah cc @DaveRandom
@JoeWatkins GK085187207GB <-- PO tracking number for router, sorry I didn't manage to get to the post office while they were actually open until yesterday
The woman was very vague about the delivery time obviously, but she said "probably by the end of the week"
@DaveRandom yay, cool, thanks muchly :D
I ahve 3+ years experience in web devlopment
I am working in an IT comapany
I want to earn more now.. Any idea?
@HaninderSingh Hi working in an IT comapany! Mind if I just call you comapany?
what do you mean?
!!urban dad joke
[ Dad Joke ] An embarassingly bad joke. Often demonstrated during wedding or 18th/21st Birthday Speeches.
Its a web development company
"Chuck Norris does not use exceptions when programming. He has not been able to identify any of his code that is not exceptional."
@HaninderSingh ask for a raise/change company
Chuck Norris was the orginal sculptor of Mount Rushmore. He completed the entire project using only a bottle opener and a drywall trowel.
@HaninderSingh work harder
I see #11 is in a typically helpful mood today
We need a canonical for "Can I do X in PHP?" - Yes, yes you can. (You may have to write it all yourself, and it will probably still be a terrible idea after you've finished)
Can I do PeeHaa's mum in PHP?
I thought that's what Jeeves was
Anyone got a minute to help me test something, need you to connect to a VPN and tell me what LAN IP address you get for the connection
Can you just connect to remote.redstarfm.com user: temptest, pass: temptest?
not connecting
back to the drawing board :-(
i'd get someone else to test before you do, may be me
No I can't connect from my phone either
ah kk
so im trying to go on my index.php and its coming up a blank webpage with no code, if i put another php file in the same location, it will run just fine, has anyone else experienced this
!!canon errors
Q: How to get useful error messages in PHP?

CandidasaI find programming in PHP quite frustrating. Quite often I will try and run the script and just get a blank screen back. No error message, just empty screen. The cause might have been a simple syntax error (wrong bracket, missing semicolon), or a failed function call, or something else entirely. ...

dat ^@RachelDockter
but if the php code isnt running, surley the errors wont get to be displayed
or am i misunderstanding it
Just humor me and read / do what the posts tells you to do
im trying lol nothing is working
ok nm i fixed it lol
Anyone ever have issues with the symfony profiler repeating its template over and over?
@RachelDockter as heard on 4chan: pics or it didn't happen
show us your code
@Wes The wrinkles look awkward.
dw i fixed it now, the problem was i was including a php document that didnt have any code
How does it look without?
so it just came up blank
the wrinkles? :B
if you mean the random lines i left in it, it's just a sketch
is that meant to be an elephant
reason no 1 i don't want to be a designer anymore: i'm tired to tell people "it's not finished - it's just a sketch"
@RachelDockter A great elephant. The BEST elephant.
@Wes Use a watermark SKETCH
which is the reason i don't make mockups sketches anymore
i only show the finished product
@Wes it's the same in development tbh
because people can't understand "work in progress"
"it's not finished, it's a PoC"
@Trucy "Great! When are you deploying it?"
@MadaraUchiha My answer to that is now "Well, as soon as you signed paper agreeing that you forced me to deploy a SID application"
how to generate psd file using php??
It is possible
@abdul Give it up.
Turn and walk away, while you still have your sanity.
@abdul everything is possible, but this is a really terrible idea
PSD format is a fucking nightmare
anyway, i hate drawing spirals
and i don't know geometry
@abdul why do you want to do something like this?
given a linear spiral of T turns in a circle of radius R, how big the circle radius must be for the continuation of the same spiral, but with T*2 turns?
it's not diameter * 2 apparently, and i don't know why
(spiral is not logarithmic)
i want to create a file in any format using php..So i asked
square it?
@abdul You can create any sort of file with PHP
As long as you know the format you're about to use.
(we should have a "Can I do X in PHP?" "Yes, the only limit is yourself", with a link to html5zombo.com)
HTML is easy, XML is easy, JSON is easy, PSD is not.
i just set some plastic on fire by accident and it smells disgusting
i think its toxic too lol
do you often set stuff on fire by accident ? :B
@RachelDockter Can confirm, burning plastic releases toxic fumes.
well it hasnt been the first time
I have to say, I've never accidentally set something on fire...
brb buy lunch
Can anybody know how to get the extension of google drive file. This is the sample url "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v2/files/0B3IyBUAo_RyFUVZXVk9fU1dtcEk?alt=medi‌​a&key=AIzaSyD7drb1hYIZn-Q3WXp5pHwQVz8sVQSo6us"
I need to identify whether this url file is document or pdf
Any ideas ?
@BalasureshAsaithambi Pull it down and look at the file headers?
@BalasureshAsaithambi do a head request and extract the content-type header
@Machavity @Trucy @Leigh Thanks for your suggestion. i will try those options
`curl --head "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v2/files/0B3IyBUAo_RyFUVZXVk9fU1dtcEk?alt=media&key=AIzaSyD7drb1hYIZn-Q3WXp5pHwQVz8sVQSo6us"`

Content-Type: application/msword
!!get googleapis.com/drive/v2/files/…‌‌​​a&key=AIzaSyD7drb1hYIZn-Q3WXp5pHwQVz8sVQSo6us
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Vary: Origin;X-Origin
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Encoding: gzip
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:25:38 GMT
Expires: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:25:38 GMT
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Server: GSE
Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="35,34"
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
@PeeHaa You broke it
blame balpha
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Vary: Origin;X-Origin
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Encoding: gzip
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:29:23 GMT
Expires: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:29:23 GMT
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Server: GSE
Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="35,34"
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
still doesn't work with the URL not-fucked
oh wait Jeeves probably still gets the fucked one
How did you unfuck it?
I didn't see what was going on
@PeeHaa Oh man.. you have to do work with that shitty API ?
Nop not me
oh. Shut up then.
Request must specify a valid HTTP URI
@PeeHaa no, don't. Sorry @pee
muckrake: to search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or the like, especially in politics.
how about
║ [19 hours, 28 minutes and 28 seconds] without an accident ║
║                since [2017-02-08 18:05:04]                ║
It's the looong timeout
Connection to tcp:// failed: timeout exceeded (30000 ms)
very funny
I would argue that stream_socket_client() should have errored there but whatever
last one
@DaveRandom pssh This is PHP. Just suppress the error and move on. YOLO
@DaveRandom Probably because some dnslib issue
redirects work great for ssrf
@PeeHaa chat inserts a zwnj (I think, something like that) every 80 (?) chars with no whitespace
I tried to write an un-fucker once but I confused myself
wow that is stupid even for balpha
Request must specify a valid HTTP URI
It's not as simple as it seems as first to only strip the right code points
Either http:// or https:// URI scheme required for HTTP socket checkout
That's artax
well back to being sick
No no no
(btw, Valentine's day is in 5 days, order your present now if you have one, this is not a drill)
It's all me and my glorious code @DaveRandom
oh right sorry that's true. Thanks @PeeHaa!
np mate
RT @kidd_kong78: https://t.co/0qOWtXBVjC
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:40:27 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 244
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Does anyone know how to transfer files from ftp server to local ubuntu
download =p tried a search engine?
@AbrarAhmed The same way you talk with any server
With a client
> It is not recommended to use the function overloading option in the per-directory context, because it's not confirmed yet to be stable enough in a production environment and may lead to undefined behaviour.
^ Not stable yet, never was, and now it's deprecated. :-)
@kelunik So I should stop using PHP?
danger.systems could be useful
> Danger runs during your CI process
That is generally true
!!should @Machavity stop using PHP or should @Machavity continue using PHP?
@⁠Machavity should continue using PHP.
@MadaraUchiha Sorry. I didnt mention how to ... with SSH on Local Server
@Gordon Needs some theme music
@Jeeves Thanks
@Machavity You're welcome!
@Machavity maybe this will do: youtube.com/watch?v=BulFwGSi8bc
Guys, let us say that I have an associative array that is represented like this:
$var['value1][value11][value111] = 1
and let us say that I want to go three keys deeper and add that 1
how would I add "[]"/dimensions in an associative array?
or loop through them for that matter
Sounds like an xy and smelly
Is it possible to make a function that resides on its own file and takes relative paths as parameters?
I'm having trouble figuring out how to resolve to the caller's file directory.
@Machavity :P
@TomasZubiri Tried __FILE__ and __DIR__?
@TomasZubiri I will make a wild guess and go with: you are trying to do something bad
@kelunik Windows is a whole other ball game :-P although in the very strictest sense that's true. You will occasionally see a notation like \\.\C:\foo\bar, although explorer does not understand it
@tereško Trying to pass a list of files to a function...
And in the calling code, I have the relative path. So I either make the function take relative paths, or I get the absolutePath from the relative path before every call.
@Machavity That returns the directory of the Include file rather than the file which calls the function.
why can't you just pass a list of absolute paths?
Because most of the php code is done on relative paths. like glob
@Trowski do you know if there is a specific name for objects whose methods are all mocked, except the method that is under test?
maybe @Gordon knows? sorry for the pings :B
partialMock ?
Gonna go for just not using relative paths anywhere in my code.
maybe. maybe that's more generic
Maybe you should invent a word.
@Wes you mean you mocked the subject under test?
@Gordon mock anything (sibling methods) except the method under test
@Wes Is your class not doing too much?
@PeeHaa it likely has hardcoupled dependencies
you deduce that from what? :B
@Gordon no, i'm writing a mocking library thingy and i wanted to have that
@Wes You talking to me or gordo?
both of you
i want the method under test to be the only real thing that gets executed
@Wes If you need to mock part of the thing under test it sounds like it has too many responsibilities
... have too many responsibilities?
I can't see why you need to do it otherwise besides what gordo said
i want to mock nothing in the specific right now
is parse error in php is actually compile time error?
@DaveRandom Hah! never even looked at it that way. awesome
you guys sometimes with your "you are doing it wrong" and "the class has too many responsibilities"
well... does it? :B
i just want to do the right thing if it's easily doable
What is :B, I see people using it all the time and I have no idea what facial expression it's supposed to represent
"Cleetus Emoji"?
tongue splitting @DaveRandom
took that from @Wes. it's apparently to be used when "awkward moment"
Clearly your tongue does a thing that mine does not
puny times a'brewin there I thought r11 had wits
@DaveRandom I use it to represent goofyness. I also took it from @Wes
@JayIsTooCommon correct:
Is there a sane way that one could implement a data structure that is a dictionary where the values are objects of a specific class and the keys are the values of one of the properties of the objects? where lookup time is < O(n)
Oh right so "Cleetus Emoji" is actually pretty accurate then :-P
@DaveRandom a hash table? are the values of the properties of the class mutable?
if those properties change, you expect the key to change as well?
@Wes yes that's the point, I have a set of "people" that I want to hold in memory, and I want a dictionary (hash table, assoc array, whatever you want to call it) indexed by numeric ID and another indexed by name, where name is mutable
legacy code where making the objects immutable is not really practical
At the moment by-name lookups are done by iterating the set, just wondering if there's a way that it can be done in less than O(n) worst-case
you basically need to observe when key changes, and adjust the data structure in consequence
if you have mutable keys you can only index by handle id, not by value
in fact that's totally obvious
i wouldn't do that though :B
with immutables it would be much better
100% agree, but it's a 3-5 day rewrite vs. a half hour hack
These things have their fingers in all sorts of pies
thankfully in this env I have gigabytes of RAM to play with
@DaveRandom You can quite easily do lookups of < O(n) if you have expensive inserts :)
@Leigh expensive inserts I'm fine with, they don't change very often and they get looked up a lot
I'm just going to put an event invoked by the property setter that emits the old and new values
It's a horrible hack but this application is one gigantic horrible hack, this is really nothing
at least my code will have comments unlike the entire >1000 class codebase
@DaveRandom Actually a hash table should give you O(1) for both insert and lookup
It's a Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, I assume that's implemented as a hash table
A: Why is Dictionary preferred over hashtable?

Michael MadsenFor what it's worth, a Dictionary is a hash table. If you meant "why do we use the Dictionary class instead of the Hashtable class?", then it's an easy answer: Dictionary is a generic type, Hashtable is not. That means you get type safety with Dictionary, because you can't insert any random obje...

    public IUser CreateUserEntity(IRecord Record)
        var user = new User(Record);

        this._usersById[user.ID] = user;
        this._usersByName[user.FullName] = user;

        // Update the index when the name changes
        // No need to unregister this handler, the user cannot be updated after it has been removed from the indexes when we destroy it
        user.NameChanged += (oldName, newName) {
            this._usersByName.Add(newName, user);
that's all it needs
+ event on User, obviously
\o levi
@DaveRandom So... the opengrok stuff seems stable-ish.
@LeviMorrison Indeed, I've not be checking it that regularly but it's never failed when I have
Also tomcat hasn't gone over once
I have a cunning plan for docker image v2 but have been struggling to find time to do it, and @PeeHaa keeps shouting at me about amp/dns
/me shouts at @DaveRandom about lxr, louder than @PeeHaa is able (because probably drunk)
is it possible to change the file ending with str_replace?
Or does str_replace do that?
did you try it?
I did
but it did not work
tried pro version ?
so I am curious if it supports that or that I may made a mistake
trial does only \n or \r but not \r\n
@Dejan you are thinking of line endings, and enterprise version ...
@JohnDoe2 you know this doesn't mean anything, at all, right ?
show us what you tried exactly ...
> because probably drunk
@DaveRandom How hard can it possibly be. It's just an addressbook
@Danack how's the new project?

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