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@bwoebi oooh in that case it makes sense and I agree :P
Basically Use: stuff stuff stuff and Don't use: stuff stuff stuff stuff
@bwoebi Don't use "broken" there, just unsuited.
> Starting to think the police have some kind of issue with me. Yes I was drunk, yes I was stumbling on to stockport road, but is that a crime. I seriously think they just have it in for naked people.
@DaveRandom ctx?
Random comment on a Facebook group
@MadaraUchiha in the end, you were / are a soft dude ;)
That's what @PeeHaa's mother tells me, anyway
Speaking of @PeeHaa's mom, did we ever get those stats of who's mom was most popular?
Yeah @Slayther, what's with the delay!? Explain Yourself.
@JayIsTooCommon Well, I only stored html of stared messages.
Now I'm creating program to cache the serialized data of all messages
;) I'm kidding - take your time :P
@JayIsTooCommon I know. :D
I like taking requests. I learn so much. And I don't have my own ideas really. :/
Sanity check please: In SQL, Sum(a) - Sum(b) is the same as Sum(a - b), right?
Edits aren't cool.
Sanity is overrated
@DaveRandom That doesn't seem right
@Slayther damn straight
@Slayther I know it doesn't, but I'm reasonably certain it is
but because it doesn't seem right I just want to check
SELECT c, Sum(a) - Sum(b), Sum(a - b) FROM somewhere GROUP BY c should (I think) always have the same values in the last two columns
/cc @AlmaDo?
(a and b are both NOT NULL)
Wait, it should sound right. Idk why it doesn't
Some guy keeps posting this link about how dependency injection is an anti pattern on my no framework tutorial :x
@Slayther inorite
@Patrick linky?
a      b
1,2,3  4,5,6
sum(a) sum(b)
6      15
sum(a) - sum(b)
6      - 15     = -9

a     b
1,2,3 4,5,6
a - b
sum(a - b)
-3 - 3 - 3 = -9
@Slayther remove the backticks, and press the "fixed font" button next to the text box
(actually it just needs a 4-space indent, but that button puts the indent in)
Or just press Ctrl + K.
I can't mention and do code at same time?
I can never remember what the keyboard shortcut is
@Slayther I think now you can
you couldn't for ages but they de-retarded the chat MD a little bit
@Slayther tnx yeh, makes sense
You can?

<?php // is this code?
^ Nope, you can't. :-(
you can
i think
oh evidently not
@DaveRandom You can't use fixed font and mention at same time
on it's multi-line reply, but not code
@DaveRandom Now that's something different altogether :P
works fine, but not code.
@DaveRandom This is code. Should mention DaveRandom...
Bam it converts to normal
Mentions @Slayther
Multiline code
But pings work I think @DaveRandom.
With fixed font
Mentions @Slayther again
and again
Stack Exchange Chat Markdown: Pissing users off since 2010
Well, it does ping you
But it doesn't highlight your name >:(
@DaveRandom Oh I totally agree
@DaveRandom Maybe we should just write a userscript that renders things properly.
I'll schedule it for Q5
Yeah, you can't reply with a multiline code.
@DaveRandom Q5 is already full of work, let's move it to Q6.
Q5 is already full of work, let's move it to Q6.
@DaveRandom you might get an overflow from one and not the other
@PaulCrovella Ahh right, true. But the numbers involved are nowhere near big enough in my use case. Good point though.
@JayIsTooCommon here
i guess he is the author and wants a free backlink, but not sure...
Ah I meant gh comment, but presume you deleted :P
That's the last one, deleted some earlier ones
Hey, I need a dev laptop with a fast CPU up to 1300 usd
Any ideas?
@kelunik Nice to know I'm not the only one who gets this, and the absurdity of it all
@Patrick Yeah, I think he can be ignored github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial/issues/54
how could i genereate a POST Request in Symfony and pass and object into it ?
newb - cron wise 10 22 * * * this means run every night at 22:10 right?
@JayIsTooCommon Right. Have a look at your server's timezone for whether it's night also for you.
@kelunik Thank you :)
ok, I have forgotten how to use PDO
was it possible to have multiple placeholders with the same name?
Only when emulating
The fact that PDO emulated and non-emulated prepared queries act differently is weird IMO
naah, I solved it by making a cleaner condition
I am starting to think that needing something like that could actually be a "code smell" for SQL
btw, do you use <> or != in SQL ?
@tereško != but honestly doesn't matter
you sure?
which one is in SQL99 ... or SQL2012?
I am just worrying that one of those might be "RDBMS-specific"
Theoretically <> is ansi complaint, in practice I've never used a RDBMS that doesn't work with both
@tereško I use <>
Because no reason
lxr.php.net ~ lxr.php.net is coming soon.... finally....
^ I think they finally got a new box and DNS changed to it^^
!!lxr screw that one
@PeeHaa There were no results for that search
woot, switched to new web server last night. all working, except a few broken links that I had to fix this morning
Is this pool safe for diving? It deep ends
I don't get it
oh facepalm
Don't suppose anyone can offer some help via Skype on a JOIN statement?
Just ask here, no one is going to Skype you :P
Skype: DaveRandomXXX
that's better
I would explain here Jay but it's slightly long-winded haha.
Try anyway. I don't figure anyone is going to Skype in.
I only Skype for PeeHaa's nudes :/
@JayIsTooCommon You're not on the room 11 torrent tracker yet then eh? ;-)
Basically I am using PrestaShop and I am trying to create a bespoke PHP system to pull all of the products from the database and display them on a page. I have managed to JOIN two tables but I am now getting duplicates. I am aware that there is another table called ps_product_attribute which has duplicates in and I need to join this table to get the reference column.
@JayIsTooCommon Getting closer
Parsing html...
Generating data...
Getting history for url:  chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/32718123/history
{'content': {'text': u'hola', 'markdown': u'said: hola'}, 'markdown_history': [u'said: hola']}
Getting history for url:  chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/32718137/history
{'content': {'text': u"@taco Dammit, now I'm hungry. ._.", 'markdown': u"said: @taco Dammit, now I'm hungry. ._."}, 'markdown_history': [u"said: @taco Dammit, now I'm hungry. ._."]}
Getting history for url:  chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/32718144/history
This will be interesting once done :)
Yeah :D
I am learning many things by trying to build this
awesome :D and we'll finally learn whose mum is more popular
@JayIsTooCommon Yeah :D
Hmm.. markdown seems to be off
It shouldn't be name, it should be :id
Oh nvm
@user6618037 select distinct?
Well, can start by voting to close it as Too Broad
@Ocramius is there an easy way to run the doctrine dbal testsuite locally (without having to install all the dbs) or do I just spam PR's and let CI do it until I get it right?
@Patrick the test suite runs against SQLite by default
@Ocramius Surely we can dupe close and delv?
I've a question
I want to copy all records from a table to another and I'm using:
SELECT * FROM table1;
the problem is that the order of fields is not the same and is inserting info in different fields
I want to copy i.e: name -> name, year -> year
Make an educated guess as to what a possible solution could be
can u tell me why this returns 0 :
1 message moved to bin
what do you mean about educated guess?
@Traxstar You have been vamping long enough to know the code dump guidelines
fixed problem, thank you anyway
@PeeHaa vamping?
Q: What is a help vampire?

RobbertI've seen several posts about help vampires, but I don't really understand what is meant by that phrase. What exactly is a help vampire?

@JayIsTooCommon thanks. I tried googling "vamping" and checking urban dictionary but that had nothing relevant...
reminds me, I need to fix phpmyadmin so I can import a file without having to gzip it
Yeah that issue sounded fun to debug :>
@bwoebi Something about creating an object and not using it that just looks wrong…
@Trowski why?
Are you too used to side-effect free object ctors? ;o)
Yes, I am. :-P
For good reason ...
This is a crazy object
How can I easily count how many there were from 'locatie' SELECT * FROM subscribers GROUP BY locatie
!!giphy crazy object
@NikiC Amp\Coroutine is pretty crazy by its own premise :-P
@PeeHaa I was enjoying that.
@JayIsTooCommon my fault for using an old version of phpmyadmin, but it doesn't look to be too difficult to fix, just need to tweak web.config
You can enjoy it in gif
got it
SELECT locatie, COUNT(*) FROM subscribers GROUP BY locatie
are NAT and firewall two different things?
sending an email, I don't want ot sound like a dumbass
Yes they are
There's an internal discussion on whether to use .net or php in my company for our software.
Using php would imply installing apache on every employees computer. Is this bad?
No it doesn't have to imply it
why would that imply installing Apache on every employee's computer?
Why would you have to install apache on all computers O.o ?
docker/vagrant/central server/magic
@bwoebi From a purity standpoint, Coroutine probably shouldn't implement awaitable, it should return one from another method, like Coroutine::run().
and what @JayIsTooCommon, why would you have to install Apache on every user's machine?
BTW this question should never result in the decision imo
!!giphy giphy
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
I was enjoying that.
One of these days I'm going to find a fun one
@bwoebi Or just not be an object.
so sarcasm is banned in North Korea
Those who are pushing php want the code to run on user's machine because servers can't handle multiple selenium instances.
I don't care about that discussion, but I know vb.net can run easily on server and on an employees machine.
@Tiffany lolwut
@TomasZubiri So how do they plan to deploy the code to employees computers?
Network share probably.
@Trowski Actually, I think we should just make the try*() functions in websocket code self-contained (no coroutine)… i.e. just use a simple when(), then, when something is thrown inside the when(), it will automatically go to the Loops error handler
@TomasZubiri Does the application that you want to run require connection to a database? And how many employees? I'm asking this out of interest, what you want to do is crazy either way
@bwoebi Sounds reasonable.
@Tiffany wow.
50 Employees tops. Yes to database connection.
I guess I should frame the discussion between php server side against .net's wherever side. Just veto this php clientside madness.
But I need some good arguments to bring up on a meeting.
Deployment and support would be a big one.
@TomasZubiri Network share?
Invest in a server. What language to use shouldn't be based on this. Having 50 instances of an application running on 50 different PC's all 50 of them connecting to the database is crazy imo
Use virtual machines.
Database is readonly and not hosted by us.
Virtual machines?
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
^ That's actually a fine response. Currently there are no voting RFCs. /cc @PeeHaa
WOuld be nice if it would clear it in that case
Clear --> I mean
BTW only 12 votes on argon scares me
RFCs lately seem to generate more noise on the list than votes.
Looks like group use was implemented weirdly
my stupidity
I still hate the slash issue :|
I think I'm gonna go with "It's not web programming, let's not use php."
@ircmaxell You coming/talking to/at PHPNW ?
@TomasZubiri invest in a server. It's worth the money. Maintaining 50 instances of the same web-application on user-end PC's will prove difficult
@JayIsTooCommon Ask @Gordon he seems to work for / has stocks of Docker :)
Or was the new hype rocket?
@PeeHaa Already closed?
Oh didn't see it. Was talking about the answer
@PeeHaa Can nuke the whole thread in 30 hours
Will deploy once outside of the sun
@JayIsTooCommon no, but I will be at ScotlandPHP
ah nice
What's easier. Running a .net Executable through the server, Or Running COM code from the php code?
I'm thinking we could use a server for UI but still not have all of our codebase written in php.
Do you guys know how to write and maintain php or .net?
@BenjaminGruenbaum a second-hand macbook pro? ebay.com/itm/…
@Danack lol
Some part of the team knows php. None know .net
Soooooooooo... :)
except me.
@littlepootis the humour escapes me.
I'm sure there are cases where a new technology might be viable.
new is a stupid reason
But, point for php. More people already know it.
Just use the right hammer for your team and use case
looks like a proper hammer
Yeah. That can't be php
googling php hammer isn't comforting.
WHAT? You never had a need for a tool like that??
It's great and does all the things!
!!should I have sleep or beer.
You should beer..
Thanks @Jeeves
@Linus You're welcome!
!!should I have (sleep or beer)
You should beer).
!!should I Pickup or '); Drop Table users;
You should '); Drop Table users;.
thepoke.co.uk/2016/09/06/… /cc @FélixGagnon-Grenier
>when test environment doesn't recreate the same issue as production T_T
[ Jeeves ] [ 319c75d ] Merge pull request #75 from Room-11/unpin-if-no-rfc Unpin previous message if there are no RFCs in voting - Commited by: Pieter Hordijk on 08.09.2016 04:37 PM
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
somebody should create an rfc for me :0
ah crash
@ScottArciszewski re: your random numbers post and RtlGenRandom - Should probably be CryptGenRandom - msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa387694(VS.85).aspx
@PeeHaa What did I do wrong?
You forgot an exists check. Fixing it when the current cat video is finished
!!changelog and !!version could be combined to show !!up-to-date → yes / no
Usage: !!changelog [ <profile>/<repo> ]
@Jeeves 12 hour format… seriously??
em, that was me ^^ can improve
err yeah didn't notice it. git blame @Ekn :D
@kelunik oh yeah. that's useful for a quick check
I was thinking of adding a method that gets last x commits as well, but not sure how exactly or whether it'd be useful
Imo it is. But kinda sad you cannot use the same format for multi lines
yeah true. I imagined it like [<repo>] [<sha>] [<sha>] ...
@Ekn It would be useful to have !!version diff to just show a link with not deployed changes.
@DaveRandom hahahahahaaha. actually pretty accurate :D
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
aaaaand again
things are no longer on fire in my office \o/
@kelunik oh right, that'd be useful indeed
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
@Saitama hm?
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
@kelunik is there any example, using aerys-session?
@PeeHaa ...nothing in voting?
wait, why is "sorry..." pinned? :-P
@kelunik made it so that it also cleans up old pins. At least that's the id
@Saitama github.com/bugcache/bugcache < Session part should be fine as implemented.
@DaveRandom I thought somebody else did that and not jeeves?
@PeeHaa Should have done that already?
@PeeHaa I thought it did that already?
Wait wat. What did I just pull? :P
/me is mucho confused :P
maybe it doesn't
I forget
hang on
hanging on
It unpins also if no new RFCs are to be pinned instead of only when there are new ones so the pin can get replaced.
uhhhm yeah that. I was utterly confused for a moment what you were all saying :D
@kelunik It doesn't have a lastpinid?
I guess the currently pinned message is just manually pinned?
I kinda doubt that
hmmm I just pushed somethign stupid btw
Once again I made things worse
@PeeHaa Yeah, already commented.
how stupid is it for me to ssh in to the test server so I can then ssh into my work machine?
On the up side, we now 2 ** 9 commits
You and your numbers fetish
[ Jeeves ] [ 6a02e95 ] I blame Chris Wright - Commited by: Pieter Hordijk on 08.09.2016 05:12 PM
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
let me check the storage manually
speaking of rfcs command, there was also this
btw if you are trying to get it to unpin that message it probably won't, the pin ID won't be in there
Why not?
Was it indeed a manual pin?
Dunno but it would have been removed from storage by now github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/…
Or was it just removed because bad programming as usual?
We are getting that message, therefore the unset() call has definitely been made
I need to do something like this ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://server:port -D 'org\serviceaccount' -W name=personToSearch mail in php. How do?
yes but that should have also unpinned it :(
just need the email address for the person
@Ekn fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it
brb food and boring stuff like that
@PeeHaa Yes but if it failed at some point for some reason, and then that unset() happened anyway, then the next time it wouldn't even try to unpin anything because it has no idea what to unpin
Try adding that message id as the last pin id manually
@Saitama github.com/bugcache/bugcache/blob/master/src/Authentication/… saves the session to the request to prevent loading it twice.
already got it :D tho thanks
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
OK that's weird
@DaveRandom I have been running for 13 seconds, since 2016-09-08 17:23:20
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
Right yeh it does work @PeeHaa, just the pin ID was missing from the data file. I put it there manually and now it has unpinned it
looking at the logs I think someone must have pinned it manually
If you're following DDD what are you opinions on calling a bounded context X and having an entity in that domain model called X. I have an entity called Challenge and I'm having a seriously hard time coming up with a name for the bounded context. Challenge is the best name I can come up with yet. I've exhausted the thesaurus
journalctl -u jeeves -b --no-pager --since "2016-09-08 12:00:00" | grep Unstar <-- only one hit, and it's the hit that worked
The word Challenge covers everything in this bounded context. It just fits. But for some reason I've a problem having an entity called Challenge in the BC since it would be the same name as the BC. Maybe I am over thinking and it is fine to do this and isn't a sign something is wrong with the design
holy shit
Considering it's almost friday. Let's all take a moment of silence to honor this true hero dumpert.nl/mediabase/6877321/c42e3e0c/de_bierheld.html
Pieter and his dumpert.nl links…
It's just a perfect filter for internet crap for mew

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