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Hi everybody
Is "mmenu" is a good solution as a plugin for implementing vertical nav menu??
2 hours later…
Introduction: Deep Learning for Chatbots, part 1 http://ow.ly/3L9J302VZnp #ODSC #DataScience https://t.co/3YvUm23J9L
@PeeHaa @DaveRandom make @Jeeves smart
hello guys
any body having mongo query knowledge
I have an Issue in mongoQuery
morning :)
@Gordon I have been working on something like this opendatascience.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/nct-seq2seq.png
Happy Monday morning all
posted on August 08, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@PeeHaa then it doesn't work yet ;)
"Every statement about quality is a statement about some person(s)." http://secretsofconsulting.blogspot.de/2016/08/what-is-quality-why-is-it-important.html
2 minute read. very worthwhile
@Gordon Again parsing "understanding" natural language is hard
@PeeHaa yds ;)
!!urban yds
[ YDS ] Yo Dawg Shit meaning hey there how are you?
@PeeHaa nicolas cage
Ah :)
tom cruise
ah i thought we were about to list famous actors :B
morning :B
I am still saying all the stuff boils down to some sort of a search engine and nothing more
> I (Win7,64) installed Everything.exe from voidtool.com.
mogguh random one
hello guys
Can anybody help me in mongodb
"byLedgers": [
stored as above as collection:
I want to fetch result for a particulat $Id whether that Id contains in this above array
So I am wirting following query:
@kelunik Mornings
$getAllVouchers = $dm->createQueryBuilder('EduAccountBundle:VoucherGeneration');
$getAllVouchers->addOr($getAllVouchers->expr()->field('byLedgers')->Equals($id)); //Here how to use $in instead Equals
$resultTo = $getAllVouchers->getQuery()->execute();
@kelunik Do you guys have a logo yet? :D
that is not giving any result
@PeeHaa shhhhhhh
oh god :P
even I used $in instead Equals its not working
hey guys need little help in webscraping
What I like about the new one ^ is that it has that bad ass feel of one of the previous iterations of the elephpant logo
can any1 give me an idea on how to grab answers on a question number from the list of questions in stackoverflow ?
What I like about the new one is that it's basically my avatar :-D
heheeh that too :P
@StackB00m Is the data you want in the api or do you have to scape the html?
i am doing from html
using simple html dom
oh god
want me to show the code
Oh sorry. I don't do simple html
i m feeling tuff to retieve the number of answeres given to a particular questions
because its going into two different div's
@StackB00m do yourself a favor and abandon simple html for everything. there is better and faster tools for scraping html. and for this particular thing you want to do, go through the API instead.
the API has limit for this number of api calls
i wanna to do the html way rather than json decode
db.VoucherGeneration.find({ "isDeleted": false, "$or": [ { "toLedgers": "57a578b7518459d1008b4567" } ], "$and": [ { "financialYear": "2015-2016" } ] });
@StackB00m Why?
@StackB00m the current limit is 30 request per second and 10000 per day w\out an api key
bcoz i wanna learn and improve skills on html parse
bcoz not all sites have api's
rather then learning then i wanna do now
omg it has arrived! i.imgur.com/kXrBj.jpg
best money spent this year. just 30 dolla + ship
@Wes Cool, enjoy! :)
@StackB00m also we consider 30 request/sec per IP to be very abusive and thus cut the requests off very harshly. so if your web scraping does more than that, they will likely still consider it abusive, regardless of whether you scrape or go through the api
@Wes when is that from?
@DaveRandom according to the title from 2000?
i just need a solution for the answers number
rest is already done
@DaveRandom 2000 ish just before the dot com bubble burst
user image
@Wes Seems like a nice collector's edition.
it's awesomely kitsch
@Wes what's the thing on the far left supposed to be?
back in my days we used to say "surf the internet" @DaveRandom
So... it's literally the physical embodiment of a bad pun?
oh, "surfing the internet". I remember that. but you had to "go online" for that.
@Wes pfft, your days, how old do you think I am? :-P
it's a surfboard :B
@DaveRandom i know. but you forgot, clearly :D
the top left one is not a monitor, it's a web browser "screen", on its right there is a screen, then an email, a guy on a computer, next line from left surfboard, computer, a hand mouse pointer, a mouse and finally on the bottom a chip that looks like a beetle
This is how i am getting guys imgh.us/scrap_1.png
"Hey Jeff, we're doing this new Monopoly special edition, can you make me a model of an email?"
need to get the answers part also if any1 can help
@Wes That's a "bug" ;-)
@DaveRandom well, that was so obvious... but why does it look like a chip? :P
I remember that motif being used a lot to represent "the millenium bug"
I guess just because chips have had contacts that sort of look like rows of legs
They don't really look like that any more actually, a modern mobo is just covered in indeterminate silver blobs with no obvious terminals, and things that are basically to small to be seen by the human eye
@StackB00m use the API :P
right, the millennium bug, that must be it
@Wes It's both, a bug and a chip.
I do miss mobos that look like PCBs you could make yourself with an acid etcher, but that's obviously a price of progress worth paying
told u @Gordon i can do it the api way, but i wanna know solution for other way
The other way is silly, though?
silly and using a crap library
The API gives you data in a rigid format, the HTML format might change at any time
@StackB00m what are you actually trying to do; i.e. why are you trying to get this data from the HTML?
What's the end goal?
end goal is just to learn
To learn how to parse HTML?
my intention is not completing the task,
OK that does make more sense then
yes to know how to parse html from 2 divs
OK, have you looked at XPath?
@DaveRandom you get my point
!!docs domxpath
[ DOMXPath ] Supports XPath 1.0
yes i did
OK, what have you got so far and where are you stuck then?
also brb 5 mins
@DaveRandom simple html dom
@DaveRandom ill send the code
@Gordon @StackB00m you should not use simple html dom (IMO)
I thought this morning was going a little too smooth, turns out I didn't have my email client open. ._.
Moin 11
why not ?
39 mins ago, by Gordon
@StackB00m do yourself a favor and abandon simple html for everything. there is better and faster tools for scraping html. and for this particular thing you want to do, go through the API instead.
!!canon parse html
Cannot find the canon for you... :-( Use !!canon list to list all supported canonicals.
The following canonicals are currently supported: errors - headers - globals - utf8 - parse html - sqli - operators
Q: How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?

RobertPittHow can one parse HTML/XML and extract information from it? This is a General Reference question for the php tag

^^ read that then come back with questions @StackB00m :-)
oops :-)
@DaveRandom Wow, just wow. Don't know how old the story is, but some companies just don't know when it time to re-invest.
~3 years ago I was working with Access 97
Why replace something that still works, right? :x
I also like their idea of version control. Just put a stack of 2000 papers in your safe :')
@DaveRandom I feel your pain.
Feel my paint! Do it!
LOL yeah that was a funny typo.
I'm sure you hire a professional that did a wonderful paintjob on your new place.
Or the previous owner did.
@Oldskool Ironically, that is better than any version control it's even possible to apply to Access 97. Or Access 2010, for that matter.
@Oldskool "works"
@DaveRandom Well yeah, obviously. Why worry about something that hasn't been patched or updated in the last 10 years. What could possibly happen?
@Oldskool Nope, it's still decorated in the slightly shabby, definitely-not-my-choice way that it was - but it's totally livable and we plan to be there for a while so there's plenty of time to decide what we actually want.
I don't understand people having places decorated before they move in, I have to live in a space for a while before I have any idea what I want to do with it
@DaveRandom Oh, well in that case I'd rather not touch your paint...
Oh it's fine, I've only licked some of it
And now it's peeling off?
Is it possible to only open index.php for all requests if the file even exists with htaccess
deadspin.com/… (watch video first)
@AbrarAhmed RewriteRule .* index.php [L] ?
root@cbe156f688be:/# php -i -c /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini | grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
root@cbe156f688be:/# php -c /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
thank you PHP :P
@AbrarAhmed Sure, just remove the condition that checks if a file by that name exists.
any MongoDb guys in this group?
ewwwww, no swearing please :)
@Gordon lolwut
@DaveRandom yeah :D
@Gordon bug report that, that's definitely wtf
Could I drum up some attention for my questions, specifically 1 and 2?
I can see exactly why it's like that, but it shouldn't be like that
@DaveRandom I guess its some switch/case immediately executing instead of first applying everything and then executing
@DaveRandom let's see if a bug report exists for that already
I suspect it only matters for -i but it's still a PoLA violation
@Oldskool Thank you very very much
It works perfect
(in that, the arg parser probably gets to -i and says "oh right, I just need to dump the info an exit" and stops processing args)
but it should be multi-pass with consistent arg eval order for all permutations of invocation, probably
@DaveRandom do u think i m parsing without reading any resource before
@StackB00m No, but that answer does discuss a lot of libs and does explain why we would not recommend Simple HTML DOM ;-)
obvious, isn't it? #php #wtf https://t.co/fIMHrrrVHG
Myself I actually prefer to just use the DOM extension directly @StackB00m, if you want a lib layer on top then I recommend FluentDOM (also linked/discussed in that answer)
root@cbe156f688be:/# php -c /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File:         /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
root@cbe156f688be:/# php --ini -c /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini | grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File:         /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
it works properly for --ini
I just checked, it works properly for -c and -d interactions as well
consistency ftw :D
@DaveRandom I tried with 5.5.9 so chances are its fixed already. can you try with a 7?
Same issue on 7.0.4/win64
couldnt find an existing bug for it
@Gordon fails on 7.0.9 as well
daenerys% php -c /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini --ini|grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
daenerys% php -i -c /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini|grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
ok, opening bug
@Gordon it's specifically -i and -m that will have the issue github.com/php/php-src/blob/…
@Gordon No problem. This version to be exact:
daenerys% php -v
PHP 7.0.9-1+deb.sury.org~xenial+1 (cli) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.0.9-1+deb.sury.org~xenial+1, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies
confirmed, -m does it as well @Gordon
adding to bug report
Q: How to use $In operatore Query builder symfony2+MongoDb

Sunil Singh RawatHi I have following query I want to fetch data by checking a particular Id exists inside array (stored as collection)in mongoDb as follows: //Vouchers collection: "byLedgers": [ [ "57a578b7518459d1008b4567", "57a30cd25184590a018b4567" ] ] So I am running query in my repository a...

Needs a third loop to process -d and -c before anything else I think
@Gordon Voted.
LOL, I guess it "don't work" ;-)
@Gordon Why is that still open? :P
oh > Not a bug
@PeeHaa It's not.
root@cbe156f688be:/# php5-fpm -c /etc/php5/cli/php.ini -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
root@cbe156f688be:/# php5-fpm -i -c /etc/php5/cli/php.ini | grep "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
fpm is unaffected
Oh, -i -c
does someone have a php-cgi sapi at hand?
Probably not because we are all sensible people
@Oldskool I see wat joe did durrr
presentiment: a feeling or impression that something is about to happen; foreboding.
Meh, mediocre wotd.
I wonder if using clickbait titles in bug databases will get them fixed faster
... I have a way too messed up build
"I used php -i -c /dead/people. what happened next mortified me"
I guess that bug would also be a good blog post btw. just describe the finding and why it's a bug in php and how to fix it, preferably with a patch depending on how far you wanna go
Is the 11 blog up and running? Haven't been following
22 hours ago, by PeeHaa
It was working at some point, but I started over and now it doesn't work anymore :)
No idea why it's so hard to set up / what I am doing wrong
Sounds like user error ;)
@PeeHaa did you see the links I linked you earlier on? that sitepoint article and the gh repo for that
I'm wondering if we should just throw in the towel and set up WP on a dedicated hyper-cheap VPS
@Gordon I don't think so
@DaveRandom Never
If it's on it's own VPS it can't do any damage, and it does technically work...
I'd really like some solution that doesn't require learning yet another fucking tpl lang to use it
yesterday, by Gordon
this one is a useful read https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/08/build-blog-jekyll-github-pages/
eew it starts with Install Jekyll locally via the command line
^ this
yesterday, by Gordon
@PeeHaa http://allandenot.com/development/2015/01/11/blogging-like-a-dev-jekyll-github-p‌​rose-io.html
better the devil you know...
you dont need to
you only need a local jekyll install if you want to preview the stuff
@Gordon That is basically what I have done. But we are in a project gh-pages which don't seem to work that easy
The problem is
> Fork this repo, then rename the repository to yourgithubusername.github.io.
what is the problem in mysql?
We don't do that
@km8295 Looks like your table is corrupted.
Either that or you created the table with a space in the name
@km8295 lol that looks annoying :P
@PeeHaa then clone it and mv all the stuff to r11 and push it?
first thing I would do is mysqlcheck -r @km8295
@Gordon And what do we do with the guide stuff?
@km8295 Usually a matter of recreating your innodb index. stackoverflow.com/questions/25039927/…
@PeeHaa I think jekyll allows for static pages, too
@Gordon I hereby grant you the right to fuck away with it and see if you can set it up :D
Or, given that you don't seem to have much there @km8295 you could just DROP DATABASE ci and start again
Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in bind_params
what does this mean friends
It's not a variable
Read the docs
@PeeHaa because I have time for that :(
You are doing params wrongs
@Oldskool i have frm file of this database so can i recover it?
@Gordon Make time! \o/ :)
@Jes Or just use PDO, which does not have such a stupid API
3 mins ago, by DaveRandom
first thing I would do is mysqlcheck -r @km8295
Yeah, try that first. Could be something that may be fixed with that.
@PeeHaa I wish I could. I miss doing personal projects
But from my experience you usually have to delete the innodb files, drop all databases/tables and re-import them, so a new innodb index is created without errors.
@Gordon You just shouldn't have done that kids thing...
Indeed, but use the screwdriver before the hammer :-)
Yup, you never know.
@PeeHaa nah, my baby boy is just awesome… like the best thing in the world <3
Though I don't think I can recall mysqlcheck fixing any actual problems for me.
Like, ever.
@Gordon on a messy 7.1.0-dev build, php-cgi affected
@Jes It means that you need something that can be passed as reference (that is: a variable) for that parameter.
you can set the variable to value later and then execute the prepared statement. That's why it needs a variable.
@Ekn you are lagging, but thanks :)
oh. cgi. thats a different sapi, right?
@Oldskool It has for me, but only very specifically issues related to MyISAM not really being a suitable storage engine for... anything, really
@Ekn @Gordon This is technically a separate bug because the arg processing routine is SAPI-specific
@shad0wk "let's talk about stuff" doesnt sound like it's a good fit for SO
@Okay, sorry, I will update it.
I don't care about spam in any way / format / size / color
Bye for now.
@Gordon creates programming language and calls it "stuff"
@DaveRandom I probably would.
It will be an acronym for "Shut the up fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"
@DaveRandom hahahha, lol.
@DaveRandom can you open a bug, @Ekn?
Not sure, are you openable @Ekn?
Well, I'm sure she'll open up at some point.
sorry back, this is it pastebin.com/w8mtQE9X see for yourself I'm about to skype
ugh that sounded rude :||||||
ok, I'll file it
sorry... and thanks
hmm, no, I won't. package selectbox says CGI/CLI related, so I guess I'd duplicate the bug then

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