@kelunik A has a DB of phone numbers which are leads, B has a new lead, but wants to make sure A doesn't have it before he makes an offer to sell it to A
@kelunik Bob has the phone number of a lead, wants to know if Alice has it because Alice doesn't want to buy existing leads, but doesn't want to give the phone number or Alice could call the lead right away
// Write your foodDemand function below.
// Last hint: In your reusable block of code, end each line
// with a semicolon (;)
var foodDemand = Function("food"); {
console.log ("I want to eat" + " " + food);
foodDemand ("Pizza");
Especially for English speakers it's a hard one, they tend to pronounce it as a K like in school, or Oldskool for that matter ;-) But it actually sounds like something is stuck in your throat and you need to get it out :p
yeah but if you only read code, you only see an implementation of unions and intersections, and then a sneeky implementation of nullables, and also true and false ...
@JoeWatkins I feel like we discussed this to death in here, can we not just give him a link to the transcript for context? Or can someone be bothered distilling the transcript down to the "minutes" or something?
dmitry provided an implementation of nullable returns more than a year ago, he went to propose it, so that I could move forward with typed properties, and levi blocked him, and me ...
DO we agree this IBM bluemix stuff is not about programming, but about specific bluemix interface stuff instead (besides the obvious marketing effect they are woking on)?
@Trowski I suspect not, because strict_types is in the hands of the caller and not the callee (I haven't thought that through entirely, it's a gut reaction).
> In a Bluemix Dedicated or Local, it's possible to create an organization (as long as the user has the right permission). Now, as a user, I would like to know who created an organization, especially when there are many Organization administrator.
Well in fact this is a question that I will pose the room as whole: Alice has a database of phone numbers. Bob needs to check whether a given phone number is in Alice's database. Bob does not want to give that phone number to Alice until he knows that she doesn't have it already. Alice does not want to give Bob direct access to her database.
Alice won't accept leads she already has, but Bob doesn't want to leak information so Alice can't claim she already has it when she doesn't and then steal it
@Trowski for the record, I'd also much prefer that option but I have it fairly rigidly stuck in my head that it will never happen from previous times when I've thought about it more extensively (and have now forgotten the specific reasons for that conclusion)
@ircmaxell The other major consideration here is that because the plaintext is phone numbers, the entropy is very low and also will have a known length
@DaveRandom if Bob has a collection of hash_hmac('sha256', $phoneNumber, $secretKeyKnownOnlyToAlice); values, Alice can hash any value and query Bob for it without revealing the number
@ircmaxell Given that these are SMEs and aren't going to invest the computing power, it's been suggested that a hashing algo with a sufficient cost (say, 1 second) would be OK. At that rate, it would take approximately 95 years of linear computing time to create a lookup table which is OK because the financial cost of generating the table vs. the potential payout is too high to make it worthwhile.
@ScottArciszewski I don't follow this, any chance of an example?
which means that only 7k numbers will give a 50% chance of matching
so a proabablistic rainbow table can be built in 7k seconds (which is nothing) which would have a 50% chance of identifying a random phone number given the hash