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@kelunik A has a DB of phone numbers which are leads, B has a new lead, but wants to make sure A doesn't have it before he makes an offer to sell it to A
looks like i will have to rename manually a gillion occurrences
@kelunik Bob has the phone number of a lead, wants to know if Alice has it because Alice doesn't want to buy existing leads, but doesn't want to give the phone number or Alice could call the lead right away
@NikiC I did think of a bloom filter of hashes, but I don't think it gives much advantage over a standard index
@Leigh Cryptographically Secure Bloom-Filters (Haven't read it, so don't know how it works. Might be relevant.)
actually the client libraries for bloomd sha1 the value before setting it
@Leigh In case of phone numbers, it's pretty easy to brute force it using hashes, because the key space is relatively small.
(something I've looked into recently for other purposes)
@kelunik yep, but an expensive hash like bcrypt/scrypt with a high cost
downside being the salt would have to be fixed
so PBKDF maybe
> (That is, the server simply sends the entire Bloom filter BFS to the client.)
@NikiC Privacy has to be maintained both ways :P B must not know the contents of As database, or they could resell that information
it would be really efficient to brute force against the BF to see what information A knew
ooooh, shots fired on internals
@NikiC Levi vs. Dmitry? :-D
@bwoebi yes
> drawn from a large domain
and large is subjective
// Write your foodDemand function below.
// Last hint: In your reusable block of code, end each line
// with a semicolon (;)
var foodDemand = Function("food"); {
    console.log ("I want to eat" + " " + food);
foodDemand ("Pizza");
For some reason I find that waaaay more funny that needed :P
that was hard to read
@Leigh saved.
quick scan, seems to be based on homomorphic encryption
@Leigh Yes, see abstract. ^^
I love those implementations I can experiment wotj.
!!urban wotj
[ wotj ] Work, normally referring to a job that is not a career which you do not really wish to go to.
while on the job?
with other tents juvenile?
@PeeHaa sounds like a typo for "with"
wotj: what you get when trying to type "with" when your right hand has shifted right on the keyboard
@PeeHaa Somebody kick @PeeHaa, he seems to have started typing random words again
even with this though, the flow of text makes it super hard to read
work other than jQuery, obvs
(not Levi's fault obviously)
oh stupid brits type as they speak. Incomprehensible...
Soorry, II'll typee iin Duutch iinsteeaadd
Good idea.
@PeeHaa hottentottententententoonstelling ... clearly
That's pretty impressively close :P
@Leigh lol
@Leigh LOL, who taught you that? :D
old dutch friends :)
I'm impressed you made no spelling mistakes in that (or did you just copy/paste that? ;))
hah, it stuck with me, they also used to make me say scheveningen and then laugh at me :x
Hahaha, yeah that's a classic. The "sch" sound is nearly impossible to pronounce correctly for many people.
I now want to go find a Dutch person IRL to find out if I can
No you can't
Willing to put money on it
I told you not to include nullable @bwoebi ...
@DaveRandom You'd probably fail... :)
@JoeWatkins I still think it wasn't a bad idea
well it clearly was, we need dmitry on side ...
But we've though explicitly noted that it may or may not be voted on
You people can only do the sch sound when choking on something I think :P
Especially for English speakers it's a hard one, they tend to pronounce it as a K like in school, or Oldskool for that matter ;-) But it actually sounds like something is stuck in your throat and you need to get it out :p
yeah but he just reads code ... he doesn't read words ...
and doesn't always read code properly ...
@Oldskool I'd imagine so but I still want to try because I still always want to be the best at things :-P
@PeeHaa Exactly ;-)
@DaveRandom aim for somewhere between german and welsh
really need that phlegm to get it right
@Leigh geographically, that would be English
his language skills aren't brilliant, not trying to insult him at all, I totally get why he prefers code ...
@DaveRandom lol
I prefer code ...
someone post a youtube video of someone saying it right, please
@JoeWatkins I do too, but code doesn't tell the meta
Let me grab one for shits and gischles
yeah but if you only read code, you only see an implementation of unions and intersections, and then a sneeky implementation of nullables, and also true and false ...
@JoeWatkins I feel like we discussed this to death in here, can we not just give him a link to the transcript for context? Or can someone be bothered distilling the transcript down to the "minutes" or something?
This is actually hard to find :|
@PeeHaa Same problem, wth
@JoeWatkins was a bit of a leap from there though.. a "hey, what gives?" would've been appropriate
I don't blame him a year is a long time to wait ...
I can't wait to end up with null? | ?void
Yeah I give up. :P
Good @Oldskool
dmitry provided an implementation of nullable returns more than a year ago, he went to propose it, so that I could move forward with typed properties, and levi blocked him, and me ...
Also as an added bonus has our minister "Schultz", which is pronounced almost the same way ;-)
now we show up with this ... I totally get it ...
Also I will try to get my mic fixed soon so I can hangouts it :P
@Oldskool there were like 19 syllables right then
@PaulCrovella hahaha, good luck practicing! :)
though if it's the one I think it is, then it turns out I snore in dutch
@PaulCrovella Yeah, that's the one :)
what does OP stand for again??
Original Post(er)
@PaulCrovella More practice: youtube.com/watch?v=YrI2-bZ7wpc
@PeeHaa cheers bud
DO we agree this IBM bluemix stuff is not about programming, but about specific bluemix interface stuff instead (besides the obvious marketing effect they are woking on)?
Would it be remotely possible to allow actual method overloading with different types instead of union types?
I think I'd rather declare two methods rather than have to deal with two possible types within a method.
@PeeHaa that much I've no f-ing clue about... I avoided jumping too deep into witch-hunt territory
@PeeHaa Ah great, more wiki-like questions.
@PeeHaa meh, some (open source) libraries/products use this kind of marketing too...
@bwoebi reply dmitry, I'm not sure exactly what is being proposed either on a second read ...
@JoeWatkins I'm writing the reply right now… 5mins
can't nullables just go to vote ?
@DaveRandom I have trouble following that discussion, can you summarize the question?
I don't see what is being rushed, we've been waiting for ever ...
@Trowski would be a mess. i don't think it's efficiently possible
@FlorianMargaine Which is fine by me as long as it actually is mostly about programming
@Trowski I suspect not, because strict_types is in the hands of the caller and not the callee (I haven't thought that through entirely, it's a gut reaction).
> In a Bluemix Dedicated or Local, it's possible to create an organization (as long as the user has the right permission). Now, as a user, I would like to know who created an organization, especially when there are many Organization administrator.
@PeeHaa but yeah, that dude's questions definitely look more like customer support than something appropriate for SO
I don't see the programming in there, but if I'm wrong I'll just leave it
3 hours ago, by DaveRandom
Well in fact this is a question that I will pose the room as whole: Alice has a database of phone numbers. Bob needs to check whether a given phone number is in Alice's database. Bob does not want to give that phone number to Alice until he knows that she doesn't have it already. Alice does not want to give Bob direct access to her database.
2 hours ago, by DaveRandom
Alice won't accept leads she already has, but Bob doesn't want to leak information so Alice can't claim she already has it when she doesn't and then steal it
@DaveRandom The type system could try and match the best it can, but only cast if weak types is enabled.
@DaveRandom stop talking about me :-P
@Trowski Sounds horrifyingly complex and fragile, but I'd be happy to be proved wrong
@bwoebi He would if you'd just start leaking information to Alice ;-)
@DaveRandom I'm thinking you're right. :(
actually ... we could do it ...
@Trowski for the record, I'd also much prefer that option but I have it fairly rigidly stuck in my head that it will never happen from previous times when I've thought about it more extensively (and have now forgotten the specific reasons for that conclusion)
@DaveRandom Every time you use proved like that god kills a kitten
@JoeWatkins But would the implementation be horrible and fragile?
no, I can think of a nice way to do it
but let's see how this goes first ...
Then I wonder if that's a better approach than union types?
I'm not even going to joke about that
@JoeWatkins replied
I can't do any more stepping backwards without falling over ... please, don't make me :)
lol @ kittehmurder censoring
@DaveRandom hmmm...
@Trowski the question really is whether ?Foo or Foo|null is superior
@DaveRandom when you say Bob knows she doesn't have it already
@ircmaxell The other major consideration here is that because the plaintext is phone numbers, the entropy is very low and also will have a known length
how firm does that knowledge have to be
is it that he just needs Alice to tell him? Or does there need to be a proof?
@JoeWatkins Maybe I am mis-remembering but I thought you were encountering gc issues with union types.
@bwoebi That sort of depends on if union types passes or not.
@LeviMorrison no, it was opcache issues
@ircmaxell It's Alice saying "yes I will accept this record", essentially an agreement to purchase, so the onus is on Alice I suppose
@bwoebi Ah, I see.
yeah, bob squished them or is squishing them already ...
@Trowski right, and that's what I proposed on ml
I'm not sure it does
can't we just choose syntax ?
@PeeHaa the tag wiki for it reads like marketing material, which makes sense considering it was written by an IBMer
having any | null doesn't meant we need all of union types, it means we chose a syntax for nullables, right ?
@DaveRandom in that case, there are a few options
@JoeWatkins that's true too
but I don't see much point in an any|null syntax if we won't have unions
I think we decouple implementations of everything and first, choose a syntax ...
actually, I'm not really sure
me neither, but it's not our decision ..
@DaveRandom Something like paragonie.com/white-paper/… perhaps?
Hello, @ircmaxell ^_^
I think nullables returns should go to vote, with the two syntax choices as options ...
@JoeWatkins I much prefer <Type>|null. I find myself missing the ?.
So yes, I agree, a vote would be nice.
you want to follow up your email there with more thoughts bob, or want me to do it ?
yo @ircmaxell, hope car is being enjoyed :D
it is, very much so
Someone might want to post on meta about it, but I hate meta :| @PaulCrovella
though it had a flat tire second day driving it
which knocked it out for the weekend (dealer didn't have the tire in stock)
@DaveRandom if Bob has a collection of hash_hmac('sha256', $phoneNumber, $secretKeyKnownOnlyToAlice); values, Alice can hash any value and query Bob for it without revealing the number
@PeeHaa not it. a bunch of meta already hates me for daring to flag spam as spam
@ScottArciszewski how can she query bob without passing the secret?
she just passes the HMAC output
yes, but what is Bob going to do with that?
search for the HMAC output
and if it exists, return a ciphertext that Alice already encrypted under a different key that should decrypt to the same phone number
@ircmaxell Given that these are SMEs and aren't going to invest the computing power, it's been suggested that a hashing algo with a sufficient cost (say, 1 second) would be OK. At that rate, it would take approximately 95 years of linear computing time to create a lookup table which is OK because the financial cost of generating the table vs. the potential payout is too high to make it worthwhile.
@ScottArciszewski I don't follow this, any chance of an example?
sure, one moment
@DaveRandom linear isn't the problem
a phone number is approximately 32 bit
which means that only 7k numbers will give a 50% chance of matching
so a proabablistic rainbow table can be built in 7k seconds (which is nothing) which would have a 50% chance of identifying a random phone number given the hash

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