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@Ekin was he like 12?
@tereško ignorant != stupid
not everyone everywhere has access to a decent level of education, unfortunately :/
*unbiased education
@Leigh just because someone is 12, it does not mean that he's stupid
he was 35
@tereško Of course not, but also not many couples from the 'burbs are 12 year olds. If I say to you, "what are you, 12?", looks like I'm trying to insult your intelligence.
But here we are, talking on the internet, devoid of all tone and most context :)
@Leigh indeed
no that I can really blame those people
especially after today reading this in the morning: Swiss to recognise homeopathy as legitimate medicine
heh, nation of 12 year olds!
-_- uh
Hi, I need to work on a mysql view with a structure like this : `view(concern_A, concern_B, concern_C, level, [...])` where level is A, B or C and concern columns are bools
is it possible in one query to get all lines where the column concern_(value of level) is true ?
@Leigh it's like begging to insult the intelligence of an entire country
although, acupuncture isn't so bad
I reserve that one for later, when I have actually formed an opinion about it
@Leigh Homeopathy also isn't bad
Nor is it good it's just nothing magic
@PeeHaa that's like saying that paying for psychic to "talk" to your dead child "isn't so bad"
make it illegal
punishment, education
I would pay good money to talk to a dead kid is all I''m saying
To a dead kid?
Sorry to hear that
I may have been playing too much fran bow for the last hours :P
looks cool
very dark
that reminds me limbo
It is. Long time since I even started up a game
ok, I am out of here
!!wiki limbo game
that one beer made me really sleepy
nothing digh opens tab and searces manually
@tereško o/
Oh that game. I've seen that before yeah
I played that so much for a while
that's the black and white one?
I have it (from a humble bundle), never felt like playing it
I've got this code:
if (!preg_match('/\b^[a-z0-9 ]+$\b/i', $string)) { Do Something...}
So basically it almost does what I want it to do. It doesn't allow spaces at the start or the end of the string, but it will allow spaces in the middle as long as that space is followed by another letter or number. The only thing is I don't want to allow consecutive whitespace characters.
So "This String Is Legal" is acceptable but "This String Is Not" is not because it has two spaces in between This and String.
Well it did when I typed it... =)
@BruceBanEm Huh what does ^ do in there?
start of line.
ok what does \b do?
Well- I guess it should be
> The \b metacharacter is used to find a match at the beginning or end of a word. If no match is found, it returns null.
if (!preg_match('/^\b[a-z0-9 ]+$\b/i', $string)) { Do Something...}
But it works both ways in rubular.
That's what I'm using to not allow whitespace at beginning or end of the string.
Why would you need \b for that?
\b #A word break and will work for both spaces and end of lines.
yes but you don't want spaces you jst said
I don't want spaces in the beginning or end. This stops that from happening. It can have them in the middle as long as the white space is followed by a letter or number.
I'm just trying to stop the user from using consecutive whitespace now.
No it does not
...well it does in my form so far and on Rubular.
Oh wait. You have a space in your character class
If you add a space to the beginning or end it will say no match
!!regex /^\b([a-z0-9] ?)+$\b/i this works
No match.
I don't know how commands work :|
What is !!regex?
I guess I cannot test this in rubular.
A bot command
!!eval var_dump(preg_match('/^\b([a-z0-9] ?)+$\b/i', 'this works'), preg_match('/^\b([a-z0-9] ?)+$\b/i', 'this should not work'));
I've tried learning regex but yet I find them complicated, can someone guide me to the right place to learn them?
@ThW Thank you
What does the "9] ?)" do? Specifically the space and the question mark?
2 mins ago, by ThW
@zakaria https://regex101.com/
? matches the character literally
Quantifier: ? Between zero and one time, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy]
Explain Like I'm Five?
Only allows the preceding character, which in this case is a space, zero or one time?
The "as many times as possible" was throwing me.
So not two, three, or four. Just 0 or 1
That is an awesome site! I'm always amazed at jfiddler and sites like that.
Thanks PeeHaa!
Thank @ThW. He linked it :-)
@BruceBanEm that refers to greediness.. see regular-expressions.info/optional.html for more info
Thanks @ThW and @PeeHaa
ohai o/
I am presently very happy. The part I like less about my job is transforming psd's in html and css. Well I just partenered up with someone who will be doing that, leaving me with... well everything else. Life is incredible.
!!ban list
576767 (2016-03-26 16:11:43)
@PeeHaa ^ still…
I am working on it as we speak :)
reset the file?
Not nice for @FélixGagnon-Grenier to keep him hanging in there for so long :P
yeah... real sadness here :(
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I want to properly fix it
!!ban list
!!unban 576767
User is unbanned.
576767 (2016-03-26 16:11:43)
that is... funny
Yeah. I cocked that one up real good
@Danack how's the job?
How to notice someone is trying to impersonate @PeeHaa — he hasn't fucked up in the last ten minutes.
Not bad actually....code that I have to touch isn't completely awful, and I'm probably going to be working on something semi-interesting soonish.
Good to hear that
Also, it turns out I'm not good at estimating times tasks will take.
Pff who is
Going to have to avoid finishing next weeks work tomorrow....
beats having it the other way around
@Danack You just need to find that formula you can put your estimated time in to get a real estimate… :-D
My formula has a legacy:
!!ban list
Well that commit didn't do what I hoped it did
I should have probably at least tried to run the code once before deploying
run then deploy, deploy then run - same difference
!!ban 576767 1h
Yeah I totally did...
> PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in /srv/www/Jeeves/src/Storage/File/Ban.php on line 23
Oh lol. yeah that's not going to work
13 messages moved to bin
Let me hide my stupidity while I try to fix it :P
@PeeHaa lol
lol yeah
recursion ftw
yeap :P
5 messages moved from bin
^ face it. your failures.
Didn't have to do that. There is probably more coming
is there any nice way i can generate random lat and long values
@PeeHaa it'll be ok, we still like you
within a certain specified range...
@Ghedipunk it wont return floats.... :/
@Saitama Lat/long values aren't floats. They're strings in the form of "0..180[E|W] 0..60" 0..60' by 0..90[N|S] 0..60" 0..60'"
Actually it's -90 -> 90 isn't it?
@PeeHaa yup
i want that kinda values...
Equator is 0. South of it is 0..90S. North of it is 0..90N.
lat's south of equator can also be depicted like, -xx.xxxx right?
If you convert the latitude to a decimal based angle, yes... but that's not what you asked for.
:P, well, then I am asking for that now :P ...
Goddamnit I suck
How many digits of precision?
@Saitama so think for a minute about how you might get a float within a specific range and precision out of an integer
@Ghedipunk 6
So, rand(-180000000, 180000000) / 1000000... yes?
yup, i guess this should suffice...!!!
> talked 1679 days ago
@Ghedipunk how much do you care about bias?
!!ban list
No users are currently on the naughty list.
!!ban 576767 1h
Aaaaaand crash
beat me to it
!!ban 508666 1h
@Leigh For what Saitama is trying to do? I don't care at all. They might want to use a CSPRNG, but that's probably quite overkill because if they map their lat/long values to the Earth, they're going to hit ocean most of the time anyways...
10 messages moved to bin
does the timer work?
!!ban 3942918 1m
User is banned.
!!ban list
3942918 (2016-03-31 21:02:03)
is this chat new? i just recently saw it pop up on the sidebar of stackoverflow
And now we wait
@binnyb nope....
@binnyb Nope. It's just a hidden treasure :)
Is the 11th room created on the Stack Overflow chats new? Hmmm...
!!ban list
3942918 (2016-03-31 21:02:03)
!!ban list
No users are currently on the naughty list.
!!ban ghedipunk 1m
@Ghedipunk I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
You're too nice, Jeeves.
!!ban PeeHaa INF
@Saitama I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
Feature request: Allow an otherwise unauthorized user to ban themselves if less than 5 minutes.
@Ghedipunk You are allowed to ban yourself, but only admins can ban people
Case sensitive names, then?
? Banning based on names?
that "list" dude would never last
Not to mention common names
HI guys
anybody in room ? i have an very simple question to ask . sorry to say am learning php by myself. so it would be great if someone helps
@SanKrish don't ast to ask, just ask :)
thanks Saitama
i have an array
[products] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 668231
[1] => Array
[id] => 642996184402

i need to get the value for "id" param.
i tried out few things but it says error converting array to string. no luck on my tries :(.. Any ideas?
could you show your whole code? as it may reveal some really silly mistake ;)
and use a paste service pls
ok sure
actually its an big array
so just created one row of it
I meant the code, generating the array, actually :)
its generated by an API
@SanKrish Now can you post the code, rather than the data? (Or along with the data, would be helpful as well)
so i get the response alone. so my response variable looks like the one i poste
@Ghedipunk Thanks for response and my question is to get the data from the array inside an array like i have in my example
@SanKrish Yes, I understand what your question is. What we don't see is what you've tried to do about it so far, and where your actual problem is.
i had tried iterating the array like
// $result is the array which i showed you
`foreach($result as $products => $curr_result ){


I scored way lower than you :'(
@Ghedipunk Any Ideas ?
@SanKrish You'll want to go down one level deeper into your nesting... and you don't need to store the key in a $products variable...
foreach ($result['products'] as $product) {
    echo 'My result ID is: ' . $product['id'];
Reddit's warrant canary has been killed...
i guess you made it
@Ghedipunk thanks for your help :)
Hi, anyone knows why I get error message when I input any number larger that 100
if (strlen($_POST['headline'] >= 100) {
echo "error"
Shouldn't it be checking the string length?
You're missing a parenthesis.
@Ghedipunk Good eyes ;-)
@fortrustit you have a syntax error :)
Ahhh yes I typed it wrongly. but still I can't input any number larger than 100
Errrr I made another syntax error
Copy/paste the line rather than retyping it here... I have a feeling your parenthesis is misplaced in your actual code.
yes you're right, I missed another parenthesis
@Ghedipunk Really?
More specifically, the site's owner saying they can't discuss the conspicuous lack of a warrant canary reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/4cqyia/…
@Ghedipunk Wow people are really stupid...
"Maybe they removed it voluntarily" that's not how a warrant canary works...
There is a possibility that their legal guys said that having the canary itself is risky... but it's more likely that yes, the canary worked as intended.
just know that @rdlowrey is the man
I'll put a note on my fridge.
@ircmaxell we've always known
@ircmaxell You mean like … he's doing high magic with code? yeah :-)
Some day I'll be as good as @rdlowrey is today … :-D
I'm hoping @Joe's RFC goes live after midnight
@Andrea You're currently +0100, right?
@bwoebi Yes, British Summer Time.
@Andrea The one on typed properties or..?
@LeviMorrison No no, the hivemind
@Andrea about merging Nikita into Core?
@bwoebi yes
@Charles In which case they would have said "Our legal guys told us the canary was risky, so we removed it"
@Andrea It'll then trigger_error("Code not smart enough. Execution rejected.", E_NIKITA_POPOV);
@bwoebi when Nikita is integrated, there shall be no errors. He, or rather the parts of him that remain, will rewrite your code for you
@Andrea oh … I thought he'd do QA on a very high level then.
Because… you know why self-fixing code is bad … All that forgiving constructs in PHP leading to weird and weirdest behaviors.
@Andrea how much drama do you want to drum up tomorrow?
@Leigh She'll leave PHP. Again.
I'd need some help, but I was going to go with PHP dev fixes mt_rand() typo with another typo
@Leigh php-src/php <3
we have 29 minutes
The repo is yours, do your worst, that's all I got :P
come up with a plausible April Fools' RFC
@Andrea you mean 89? You're not UTC now ;-)
git commit --amend, you have time
@bwoebi heh
Anyway … what's wrong with this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
@bwoebi no no, tomorrow is special
tomorrow is both a friday and april fool's
we must do something special
@Andrea I see, you don't know what I did. @PeeHaa would've immediately noticed.
but damn I'm glad I had my headphones in for that, it's a good song
@bwoebi I haven't noticed yet
@bwoebi ah, noob mistake, you do know links are trimmed
they've done... something
^ fail
It's been a while :(
@bwoebi Nice.
Hello, Dejan.
Hello Levi Morisson :)
@LeviMorrison I mean… it's already that day here … hehe, fuck timezones :-)
oh, no, it's the same video
comments threw me off
Btw. @Andrea as you didn't notice: I've linked to a different URL … try the displayed URL…
@bwoebi yes I know
4 mins ago, by Andrea
@bwoebi I haven't noticed yet
I thought ^^
@bwoebi I thought it was something else
@Andrea nah, I'm boring ;-)
please only do Aprils Fools if they are i) funny ii) likely to fool people......the way that some sites (particularly slashdot) just post obviously false stories, is deeply unamusing..
PHP is the best.
PSA: april 1st is phpinfo() egg logo day. be sure to check phpinfo(). especially if you're using PHP 7!
You have 12 minutes to commit a GUID that redirects to rebecca black
@Leigh hah
even if I committed it, it wouldn't affect all the servers out there
(but only on Fridays)
pretty sure we could hijack the request, force out a Location and then abort
but... so many SAPIs...
in JavaScript, 8 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
dude. I got fooled by my own prank
@Danack But sometimes … the weirdest stories are actually true … like M$ integrating bash…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you're welcome :)
yeah......the old switcheroo.
Ahhh, that day I suggested a certain domain was available.. /me chews on his pipe stem
I'm still quite proud to see that it is being spread
you did good :)
Happy phpinfo() Easter egg logo day! https://ajf.me/test.php #PHP #PHP7
Good morning...
Happy Friday all
how would i be able to convert 1.5hr into minutes? i have tried to do it like this: pastebin.com/pka1vxhw but it only adds hours

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