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You realize that in order to download files using the torrent protocol, that you need a fully functional client, including the fact that you're also uploading data to other clients while you're connected... and that Godaddy explicitly states that this is abusive on their network. They will shut down your account and refuse to refund anything you've paid for but not yet used...
@NaiTreNo why not
And/or what in specific could you " not associate with PHP"?
@Ghedipunk I think HostGator accept that I've contacted them and they said no problem my I've taken about 7 months to build my system its perfect now I just need to download the files from torrent just 1 time no more
@PeeHaa Please man just ignore me if u don't want to give a good answer I've tried so much But I really didn't understand anything when I read that protocols thing its a really new for me.
So what do you expect from us?
A good place to start learning from or a smallll code ;)
If I understand correctly... You just want to have a copy of several files, and the easiest way to get those files is through the torrent protocol... After you've downloaded these files to that server, you don't want to/need to continue using the torrent protocol... And you can't run arbitrary applications on the server, only use PHP scripts that you've uploaded yourself... Yes?
The shared resource is a place to start
And, you don't have the experience with network programming to be able to write your own torrent client.
But you are looking for people to write code for you instead
@DaveRandom you solved the great question of the pinned messages yet?
I'd be very happy to write a torrent client for you that will do exactly what you want. I charge $40/h USD, and I like bitcoins. I expect such a project to take me at least 15 hours since I don't know the nitty-gritty details of the torrent protocol... A better solution for you is to rent a seedbox for a month, and write scripts to pull from that seedbox to your main server... it'd be MUCH cheaper.
@Ghedipunk exactly. :(
@Ghedipunk $40/h is cheap dude... particularly if you could do it in only 15 hours
@NaiTreNo what are you trying to do? I didn't understand the first time you explained. Not the torrent thing, that's how. xyproblem.info
I really would love to pay u for that but the truth is I cant handle that price I only have 32$ in my paypal
Thank you for ur help guys
And sorry for wasting ur time :(
@NaiTreNo Time's only wasted if you haven't learned anything.
Ah, paid, nevermind.
Actually I've not, I asked some Doctors in that matter in my country also they didn't know what to do :(
And still, the easiest way to do what you want is to simply use your own computer to download the files through the torrent protocol, then upload them to your server. Might take forever, but it won't cost anything extra.
Perhaps you should have asked developers instead
@Ghedipunk Damn you. Now I want to write a torrent client
You still haven't actually said what the problem is in the first place. We might be able to give you a far easier solution
I did asked many guys and professionals I don't know how they could not help
An amphp-based torrent client would actually be pretty cool... it would be a big undertaking though
@KevinMGranger To be honest, I'm asking for a free code that no one can afford.
@KevinMGranger I wanted to do a tracker with it at some point, but ideas > time
@PaulCrovella I know enough of the torrent protocol to know that there are several libraries written in PHP that handle some of the most stupid stuff that I don't want to re-implement myself... ;-)
ah, i thought you were coming at it from scratch.. k
Q: Admin Notification code in php

arshad sayedI want a php code to notify admin about any changes made in a folder by user. What i want is when user uploads a video in a folder a notification should appear for admin. Please help as soon as possible.

There might be a bit of Dunning-Kruger effect for me to run into still, as well, but I'd be writing a quick and dirty client, not one that I'd expect to be able to maintain in 6 months, and I've had fun fighting networking protocols in writing my own WebSocket server before, as well...
Related 2:
Q: A Denmark,Canada and Greece flag with CSS in a single div?

Tiko BalyanDenmark,Canada and Greece  Please answer                                             

Why isn't there a close reason for "just asking us to write code for them"?
there is: "too broad"
@KevinMGranger We actually need a WTF cv reason
^ I've been using too broad, I guess it is the closest
2 hours later…
More super-important NASA footage. This is a pixar movie waiting to happen: https://t.co/3pH1gFmkbz
@Ocramius ?
100$ it's rebecca
i never win
what the hell is that?
I don't know, but you owe me $100
i will donate em to @PeeHaa's mom :B
@Wes It's tradition to take stuffed animals on Soyuz capsule flights. During launch, they're attached to a bungee as a low-tech G-force gauge, so that the passengers can get an estimate without looking at that specific gauge on the instrument panel.
@Wes that's not how bets work.
@Ghedipunk that's awesome
They also plant a tree, sign the door of the hotel room they slept in, and pee on the tires of the bus that takes them to the launch pad... Russian spaceflight is awesome.
they pee on the... wtf? why?
Because when Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, got to the launch pad, he had a full bladder, and the launch pad didn't have a suitable bathroom yet. Now it's an optional tradition (most female astronauts and cosmonauts opt out).
> Female cosmonauts are, of course, not obligated to participate in this ritual, but they've been known to bring along their urine in vials ready to dump on the tire so they can be part of tradition anyway.
@Danack please use alternative for upstream tracker: abi-laboratory.pro/tracker or archived site version: upstream.rosalinux.ru
@aponomarenko you help run that?
@Danack yes, I run it on my hosting.
cool. This project makes me sad sometimes: abi-laboratory.pro/tracker/timeline/imagemagick
@Danack I'm trying to add all "live" and popular libraries from the old tracker to the new one.
@Danack the developer of the imagemagick said that he consulting this page.
Yeah...they're getting better at maintaining the library, and it's helped that they've moved to git, and have a repo available through github. The changelog is still kind of lacking...
is there a tool like recast/jscodeshift for php?
can nikic's php-ast turn ASTs back into PHP?
@Danack please tell me if you'd like to see more libraries in the new tracker
@mpen github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser can. Though not like recast, it's not formatting-preserving
@mpen For php-ast there's also github.com/tpunt/php-ast-reverter
@aponomarenko I will do. luckily I don't have to touch other libraries much. I'll put a link out on the Pecl mail list asking other people if they need a lib adding. Presumably, opening an issue at github.com/lvc/abi-tracker/issues would be appropriate?
"a few things" is more or "some things" ?
@NikiC what's the difference between php-parser and php-ast? aside from the latter being an extension. do the 2 projects not do the same thing?
@Shafizadeh Depends on context. Without context, they both generally describe a small group.
Ah I see, tnx
@mpen php-parser is purely userland code and works on PHP 5.x. php-ast exposes the AST that lives in PHP 7, and hooks into the actual PHP parsing.
would earning the zce be worth it?
@Danack do you have a minute? i want to write an rfc :B this is how it will work, roughly gist.github.com/WesNetmo/0589ccd4f17012909b51 i am writing few examples and i think i have a decently solid idea now. any advice?
@Wes you probably ought to go to the pub on Fridays.......but also proposing new ideas should introduce only one concept at a time. We don't have union types yet....and including them just make it harder to understand what you're proposing.
i'm not going to include them in the actual rfc though
and... i'm waiting for Formula 1 FP3 to start :B but i have plenty of beer :B
You just include them here to try to confuse my tired brain? ;-P
lol, well it's easy. you tell the class you are decorating A and B, so the decorated instance must be A and B as well
i'm thinking i should work for a ZCE for 3 months before i go for the test
@Wes Question A: Do you actually need control that fine grained?
why do you say it's fine grained? i actually had a fine grained one but was too extreme and possibly have more disadvantages than benefits :B
Because if you don't, you have the must simpler route of a new magic interface
@Wes Fine grained as in "doesn't delegate everything"
Ah no, magic interface wouldn't that easily
at least not without making it based on the return type signature of delegate
well if you create a decorator you want everything to be delegated except the stuff you want to decorate. so it's not everything :B
@Wes yes. I mean everything you did not overwrite
Your version is more fine-grained than that
You allow delegating only specific interfaces
ah i got what you mean, well sometimes you want to decorate only a parent in hierarchy
for instance in guava there is the forwarding hierarchy that wrap mutable collections exposing only the methods required by immutable versions of them
all immutable versions of collection forward to the equivalent mutable one, by exposing only a part of the methods
so it's not always 1:1 with the wrapped object
makes sense?
class MutableHashSet implements Set, Collection, MutableSet, MutableCollection{}
class ImmutableHashSet implements Set, Collection delegating Set, Collection{
    private function delegate(){ return $this->mutableHashSet; }
also works with inheritance as delegate would be specific to the class (private) so each class in hierarchy could delegate to different things
is anyone in here zce certified?
how hard was it for you to pass the test?
$a = 1;
//this doesn't cause a syntax error, why not?
$a = 2;
echo $a;//outputs 2
Is this strange behavior/feature described in the manual somewhere?
I encountered this question but it doesn't point to an official source:
@Ultimater { ... } describes a block
Blocks are valid PHP syntax
It doesn't have to be attached to an if or function to be valid.
(They're silly, since PHP has no block scope, but not invalid)
Hey =9
happy frydai/caturday
@Ultimater It's not strange....but it's not described very well. php.net/manual/en/control-structures.intro.php
> In addition, statements can be grouped into a statement-group by encapsulating a group of statements with curly braces. A statement-group is a statement by itself as well.
It's convenient when you have code like:
if ($foo == $bar) {
    //do stuff in here.
And you want to quickly try commenting out the if:
// if ($foo == $bar)
    //do stuff in here.
will be valid code...but it's basically a left-over from C programming....where you can limit the scope of a variable to be inside a block. Which isn't present in PHP.
{{1;}};;; is valid code
So is:
/* go away markdown */  chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11/php
hey @Danack
@RonniSkansing ev'nin
I think we talked here and now for bout a year.. ... can I ask you,, do you have job...work?
Finding out on Monday.... :-)
got my fingers crossed
Just like... really. r11 really has helped me out..
it went from 0$ a hour
Went for a final interview today.....they're very likely to make me an offer....so my time of freedom may be coming to an end....
generators are so sexy
Well that is really exciting @Danack best wishes
good luck danack
@Wes btw - I have sometimes wanted to be able to magically reference the parameters of another function - which is similar to what you're doing there:
function foo(int $x, float t) {...}
function bar($extraParam, $magic_params_of_foo) {
    echo "extra param is $extraParam";
From how I know you, I would hire you any day of the month
I have zero idea how that could even possibly work...but it would be nice.
Could you tell me.. the average.. pay.. for someone like you,.. how much would that be yearly/monthly?
Atm I am making 34000 DKK a month
function foo(int $x, float t) {...}
function foo(int $x, float t) {...}
function bar($extraParam, $magic_params_of_foo) {
echo "extra param is $extraParam";
you mean?
that works though :P
And I am really interested in exchanging info about sallery.. not that I am looking for something higher.. just courious how you get paid compared to me
in your country
@Wes yes, but getting the params by reflection on function bar also works......trough magic.
@RonniSkansing I'll DM you.
i've started using it in factories
function make(int $a, float $b, string $c){ return new Baz(...func_get_args()); }
@Danack thanks man I know its private info so I really appreciate it
not so much private....just a lack of decorum.
okay... well I just recently left my current job and starting a new on the 1. .. but when I quit.. I asked everybody exactly what they get paid... and it was really nice info.. I think most people would benefit from sharing it
atleast in local
maybe not so much web.. but it would still be nice know.. like I know my own skills. but how much would the pay be for a real expert
as yes I consider you that =)
@Danack is the DM you sent me yearly
if so, consider moving into the Danish marked
someone like me.. is paid bout 42 611.3921 UK£ a year
and we both know you are much more advanced than me

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