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SELECT t.total_votes, t.flag ....
I want if t.flag == 1 then t.total_votes be null !
is it possible in mysql ?
if any one willing to help plz help ans is not satisfactory
@Sajad you can have IFs in SQL
@tereško how about case when ?
well, yes, that too
but does not work, look this please :
` t.flag = 1 then t.total_votes = null else nothing`
that's not how you use it
@tereško look, I want to set a value for a column after then , your link did not do that
the CASE statement is the column
first tell me, Is it possible I set a value to a column after then?
conditionals in SQL doe not affect other columns
I want if a comment is flag, then does not show its total votes number , how implement it ?
I am not 100% sure .. I dont have a live DB to test on, but ...
SELECT commentID, (CASE flag WHEN 1 THEN null ELSE total_votes) AS total_votes, timestamp FROM Comments
something like that
ok wait I will check it ...
but keep in mind that I am pulling this out of my ass without testing that code
does not work
I think I should use of SET
what the fuck are you trying to do ?
SET is used in UPDATE statements
I did it !!!!!!!!
(case when c.flag != 1 then total_votes end) as total_votes
yes, set is not useful in this case ! although it is not just for update
I am simplifying ... and kinda playing Mount&Blade
@tereško yes you are ... :-)
@tereško I want to ask a question in SO, please check this title (for english grammer):
how to define a nested array as asymmetric
correct ?
I get a feeling that "no"
what do you mean by "as asymmetric"?
I mean is :
'0' => array('0' => 'test0', '1' => 'test1'),
'1' => 'test3
got it ?
well, that kinda works
@tereško no, look this:
$arr[0][0] // output: test0
$arr[0][1] // output: test1
Now I want to output of $arr[1][0 or 1] be test3
there is no way to really do this
do you know what I want ?
yeah , you basically want:
    ['test0', 'test1'],
    ['test3', 'test3'],
@tereško exactly :-)
without having to define the repeated values
^ this is not really possible
ok tnx :-(
why did you need that?
long store, when a user opens a post in my website
I need to check 6 parameters
1. he gave a vote to this post ?
if yes, it is vote up or vote down
2. he did favorite this post ?
3. he did put a comment for this post ?
4. he gave a vote to the comments ?
5. he did flag a comment ?
6. the number of votes (for each comment and for post)
this sounds more like a database design issue
So I don't want to use of if(){} for changing the color for example vote up
@tereško no, my database is perfect ! I'm sure
code is never perfect :P
then, I use of array() instead of if() and set the key of array on what I need
@tereško mine it is :-)
do you really need 3. item there ?
@tereško no, I don't check there is comment or not, I just fetch them
ok, so you have two queries there
yes I have
fist one retrieves Post and user's related activity
and second retrieves all the comments and user related activity
@tereško you are really smart ! and full of experience
@tereško I'm serious !
.. you are making it worse
I am not sure if this works , bout you could write something like SELECT Posts.content AS content, PostVotes.value AS vote FROM Posts LEFL JOIN PostVotes ON (Posts.postID = PostVotes.postID AND PostVotes.userID = :userID)
+ add another join for UserFavorites
(I am making up the table names here)
in essence: there are pivot tables (google it) for favorites and votes between Posts and Users
@tereško here is my query for posts and depend things
hmm .. yes, that what I was trying to write up here on the chat
and you get a similar query for the comments
@tereško tnx, I told you, my codes are perfect :-P
@tereško exactly !
but then you don't need all that "array nonsense"
I am wonder, I ask you 2 question about my website (by the way I don't know english), and then you told me all the structure of my codes ! Who you are ...!!!
@tereško I need
how change the color of favorite star from gray to yellow ?
see this bit here:
    WHEN `favorites`.`id` IS NOT NULL THEN 'has favorited'
    ELSE 'has not favorited'
END AS `user_has_favorited`
you probably will want it changed to something like
    WHEN `favorites`.`id` IS NOT NULL THEN true
    ELSE false
END AS `user_has_favorited`
@tereško I have this data ... I need to use them in html for changing UI
then in the PH side you just do <a class="star <?php echo $post['user_has_favorited'] ? 'active' : ''; ?>" href="something"></a>
look, when you give a voteup, I should show you (always) a orange arrow
@tereško aha ! emmm, yes, your approach is fine
@tereško oh no, your way is not good, because :
you used a if(){} on the way of each comment ....
that is not optimized
you used a if(){} on the way of each comment ....
that is not optimized
you used a if(){} on the way of each comment ....
that is not optimized
hmm .. well, those if's wont be all that many, but ok
I createad a array, and set the key instead of using if(){}
    WHEN `favorites`.`id` IS NOT NULL THEN 'star active'
    ELSE 'star'
END AS `user_has_favorited`
you can do this
<a class="<?php echo $post['user_has_favorited']; >" href="something"></a>
but this kinda pushed your presentation logic in the DB logic .. really shitty from architectural point of view
and those few IF's are not actually expensive operations (that single SQL query will take more time than those IF,s .. even if you have hundreds of comments there)
@tereško oh oh oh ! you sexed with PHP !! removed if and array, very goooD !
not good
it as terrible idea for perspective of "good practices"
@tereško I believe that is very good, I will do that
hmm .. actually there is a 3rd option
    WHEN `favorites`.`id` IS NOT NULL THEN 1
    ELSE 0
END AS `user_has_favorited`
so for html ?
$translate = ['active', ''];
<div class="star <?php echo $translate[$post['user_has_favorited']]; >"></div>
@tereško it is exactly what I do ! using of array()
@tereško anyway tnx buddy
then how did you end up with
    ['test0', 'test1'],
    ['test3', 'test3'],
mean of "end up" ?
"arrived at" .. as in "arrived at the conclusion to use that array of yours"
@tereško look
first of all, I need to check one thing :
I am getting a craving for cold cold beer
this comment is from current user or other users
@tereško do you want to go ?
I still have some tea
@tereško you are addict :-)
I need to check that X comment is from current user or other users
so, I will show you a close shape (for removing this comment) Or vote up and flag
for checking this, I need to a array:
array("0" => 'current user', "1" => 'other users')
so, current user dont need to orange color, but other users need to the color
anyway, I need to a nested array just for first key !
when you are selecting comments for a post, you already know the current user's ID
just put it in the query
@NikiC @bwoebi ping ... I'm puzzled by something rather simple ...
it should be simple ...
@JoeWatkins no, you cannot put wiped cream on beer
@tereško but I need to fetch all comment, and put some class for just other comments
@Joe pong
@tereško ok never mind, I know what I do :-)
@Sajad you just add another CASE statement in that query
and really thanks for your Consultation.
@NikiC so I have some totally pointless code I'm working on for a screencast on php7 extensions, and I have a leak that I cannot explain ... it's dead simple code, could you have a look for me ?
(only one test)
get a leak from emalloc() in create_object of $child
@tereško oh indeed, when I send you a message on skype, do you get it ? or blocked me ?
I don't need to do that ...
sorry for wall of text folks
@JoeWatkins one Z_ADDREF_P on the child too much
@Sajad no idea
but why ?
I add it to two different arrays ?
Yes, but you end up with refcount=3
Because it's intialized with rc=1
ok, now it's time to get that cold beer
the first reference is returned
so either you drop one addref or add an extra dtor
@tereško still don't want to accept my request ? I promise don't ask you programming question on skype !
let me look again
@JoeWatkins Wait, aren't you creating a circular reference here?
don't think so
I mean you're adding the child into the array of the parents and set the parents on the child
oh yeah
And you don't have a get_gc handler
oh crap
that's going to make for a complex example ...
if it's for an example, I'd also recommend using the reversed object layout + offset
Otherwise people will learn the wrong thing...
well it's going to develop during with that kind of stuff, and iterators and what not ...
the new lectures from CCCamp15 have begun coming in: youtube.com/user/CCCen/videos
gotta go now
thanks niki
I've never used get_gc ...
looks scary
@JoeWatkins I've been getting an error when using a closure within a closure with pthreads. I have a class extending \Thread with the following constructor:
    public function __construct(callable $function, array $args = [], $autoloaderPath = '')
        $this->autoloaderPath = $autoloaderPath;
        $this->function = $function;
        $this->args = $args;
If $function declares a closure within it, I get Error: zend_mm_heap corrupted
in 7 ?
Not on construction, but when the function is invoked.
To clarify: I can invoke $function, but I get zend_mm_heap corrupted when I try to invoke the closure declared within $function.
some lights please
How is it impossible to get /index, /foo /bar as arrays?
it does not make sense
@Trowski I don't have a 5 dev environment at the moment, do you have a 7 one ?
@JoeWatkins No, I'll have to compile that.
I'll be around later tonight and will have a bit of time to get a 5 env going, but if you could test against 7 I'll have a much better idea where to look, assuming it's gone in 7
okay so ...
I'm looking for an idea, because my one is too difficult ...
I'm looking to write an extension during a screencast, I need an abstract, one or two classes showing return types and paramter types with some simple responsibilities ...
doesn't matter what it is, can be pulled from your ass ... if anyone has any suggestions that won't involve circular references but are a little meaty (maybe depend on something from ext/standard, look at krakjoe/animals on github for the sorta thing I was going for) ... holla at me
I'm off out for a while ... lata
@bwoebi ping
@rdlowrey I thought at lot about it, and it honestly just makes sense for it to be global as it should be considered an engine that everything else is based upon. The 'nextTick' requirement is exactly why promises and coroutines need the loop, but that means you need to pass the loop to everything, which quickly becomes tedious and pointless.
I also tried the optional loop injection, but that was almost worse than requiring the loop as the first argument, since then within an object if you wanted to pass the loop to another object you had to provide all the default arguments as well... it was a real mess.
I think I need to make it very clear that the loop functions are accessors to a swappable object and people will understand it's a global, but not a permanently fixed global. For this paradigm a global makes a lot of sense. People are just too used to the web SAPI where objects only live for a short time.
@Trowski Did you already (start to) write the blog post?
@kelunik No, not yet.
1 hour later…
user image
/me sighs
there is any solution for initializing a variable in a array ?

$arr = array("0"=>$var);
$var= 'test';
echo $arr[0];
I want the output be test
2 days ago, by Ocramius
I already labeled Laravel as "Be thankful for all the refactoring/cleanup work hours it produces for me", and simply filter it out from all of my twitter stream otherwise
please check the code codepad.viper-7.com/aGdEbF
i am trying to get "location":{"driver_longitue":"78.50000000","driver_latitude":"17.36670000"}
i am trying to get longitude and latitude
in josn
in json
if the count is 2
i am getting only one time
good evening every one
if the count is 2
i want to get driver longitute and latitude 2 time
in location parameter json
please help with this error
hi @Danack
hi @AnmolRaghuvanshi
can you help with my error
if the count is 2
any know
@taylorotwell @ircmaxell @dsheetz @driesvints if Devs come to me and talk decoupling I would say fine but do it in your time not mine.
no one knows
@ircmaxell wow
about my error
Honestly, I think Taylor needs to learn when it's best to say nothing at all. He's so easily goaded in to conversation. And I use the word conversation lightly.
@Trowski +1 for all of that. I agree 100%.
What Taylor doesn't seem to realize is the kind of tight coupling laravel promotes is capable of destroying a startup.
If you reach the point where your business is successful enough that you need to really investigate horizontal scaling your entire investment in technology to date is lost because of that coupling. You're looking at having to rewrite everything because of design flaws in the framework you chose up-front when scaling wasn't important.
@rdlowrey remind me to tell you a story about that...
It's not just some pie-in-the-sky purist ideal. There are real consequences to those design decisions.
because you are more on the money than you realize
The way I see it (just my opinion, but ...) there are two really good reasons to acquire a business (generally the goal of every startup).
1. market share -- it's a business with a large number of customers you want to acquire
or ...
2. the business has solved the difficult technical challenges of scaling to a large number of users
A RAD framework doesn't solve the technical challenges
Guys, logically speaking
How is horizontal scaling related to the framework?
What would be teh best way to Load comments on a post using PHP and MySQL database
Logically speaking
@FlorianMargaine The problems arise when the framework enforces coupling of domain logic to the point that you can't split out functionality to more scalable architectures.
Damn I only deal in illogical resolutions.
Would it be better to either A: Get all posts from server and individually check for replies on each post
OR to load each post and load their comments at the same time?
@FlorianMargaine think less about horizontally scaling, and development velocity scaling while horizontally scaling
@Matthcw why not just pick one, and see if it works okay or not?
But I am using the mysqli bind params
@rdlowrey @ircmaxell hm.. That makes more sense
and every time a post has MULTIPLE comments, it loads that same post multiple times for as many comments it has
instead of putting all comments into a single instance of the post
@FlorianMargaine any one factor is trivial to solve. solving all of them at the same time becomes a cripling problem
@Matthcw Just load the post and all comments in a second query.
But this may be because I search for posts and replies in the samee mysqli query
Do we have a way of doing code coverage in 7 with PHPUnit?
Oh ok, I was just checking with the guru's I didn't want to make a rookie mistake and overuse bandwidth
@ircmaxell I see what you mean, indeed
There's a section on the DB Antipatterns that specifically uses comments as an example, solution was storing the IDs in an Alternative Tree Model
Q: What are the Options for Storing Hierarchical Data in a Relational Database?

orangepipsGood Overviews Generally speaking you're making a decision between fast read times (e.g. nested set) or fast write times (adjacency list). Usually you end up with a combination of the options below that best fit your needs. The following provides some in depth reading: One more Nested Interva...

Or use mongodb and be web scale
Say what you like about Uncle Bob but this is still one of the best talks I've seen to emphasize the importance of decoupling your programs from a web architecture:
@rdlowrey do you know if there's an available transcript (or subtitled video)?
Hmm ... not sure. He's given that talk many times. One of the online videos may be subtitled. Would just have to ask google.
@Trowski Yeah, phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text.
I think you'll need 4.8, 4.7 may work, but I'm not sure.
I think it's ~4.8 (though you're likely using ~5.0 anyway with 7 so should be fine)
It'll break with anon classes, but everything else should work fine.
@rdlowrey Yeah, you need ~5.0 for 7.
yeah, anon classes are still broken with code coverage but that's actually a phpunit problem and not a phpdbg issue (as @kelunik discovered earlier today)
Hey I changed my email address so unsubscribed from the standards mailing list from the old one, but couldn't subscribe back from the new one. I get the initial confirmation email but replying with a blank email does nothing :/
Q: How to use a variable in a string concat that is defined later?

SajadI have a variable in an array that is empty. I give it a value and echo it but it remains empty. Here is my code: $arr = array('0' => '<a href="www.example.com/vote.php?id='.$end['id'].'">'); while($end = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $end['id']; // if I echo it, it will be a number, for...

Getting Errors, but MYSQL is emmaculate
//Load replies for THIS very post
$sql_get_replies = "
SELECT r.id, u.id, u.username, r.reply_content, r.reply_date
FROM replies AS r
ON r.user_id=u.id
WHERE r.post_id=?
ORDER BY r.reply_date DESC";
$stmt_rply = $db->prepare($sql_get_replies);
$numrows = $stmt->num_rows;
$stmt_rply->bind_result($reply_id, $user_id, $username, $reply_content, $reply_date);
Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in
Who here can point out the error, or is mysql just being moody today?
@Matthcw do var_dump($preparedStatment) or whatever you've called the prepared statement variable and then contemplate the manual about what value is returned by the prepare statement method.
Sure thing
I would also like to add, that this query is inside another queires while(stmt->fetch()){ loop
Does that change anything?
It explains it yes...you can't have multiple queries being executed at once in MySQL.
@PeeHaa is there any way to get the paths here chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/25108079#25108079
Ohhh, so what do I do, basically I am loading the post in the outside query and while inside this query as part of the rest of the post content, I am querying for the comment data
I'm missing something obv.
@Matthcw I would recommend reading the slides here and then thinking about tree structures in MySQL. Alternatively using a temp table to hold the data would not be terrible.
Pages about 50 to 60 I think where he talks about storing comments in sql.
Or just reorganise your code to not have multiple queries being executed at once.
Danack, I found a solution but I am ot sure if it is good, I decided to open up another connection just for that?
Good idea?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is one of those things where you want to get it working first, and then worry about optimising it later.
good link or book for reading mysql
Danck you're awesum
There is one thing i need to tell i some how manage to come online to clarify my doubts on programming i saw people refering this website for help or guidance[may be] i am not asking anyone to write program for me i just need some reference.I don't have any degree nor i can afford to go any degree college any how i can afford for diploma course......i some how can read and write and interested in programing .....
Stop flagging, people.
kk,i think it's in-appropriate for room
@Optimmus I suggest something like codecademy.com/tracks/php
@AnmolRaghuvanshi k - fyi flagging is only for stuff that needs to be dealt with immediately by mods.
@Danack i am sorry for that didn't know that.... :(
Why would internet browsing sometimes act like it's on 56k yet speed tests still say you're at high speed. :-/
@Fabor packet loss or shitty routing?
Not like it's consistent too. Just sometimes these things happen. Pretty annoying but meh, watcha gunna do.
morning v2
Mainly sucks when I want to do some online gaming though. Destiny netcode/servers are notoriously bad but couple it with iffy internet and you got yourself a shitty-time. :P
Damn internet. Even youtube videos are buffering
anyone knows how to enable RRDTOOL on wamp64?}
This is more of a general question... does anyone know if I can merge 2 internet connections from 2 different routers on 1 network so if one goes down it draws from the other?
@Chris the general answer is yes.
Let me explain a little bit more. I have a router using ADSL (telephone line) and the other router uses wireless internet, I want to set it up so that if the ADSL goes down the other one kicks in
I am currently only using the ADSL router
@Chris I believe the term you might need to google is "Multi-Homing" or Multi-WAN
I think there might be another term as well - as those don't sound familiar...
@Chris Yeah, this sounds more technical:
In computer networking, the term link aggregation applies to various methods of combining (aggregating) multiple network connections in parallel in order to increase throughput beyond what a single connection could sustain, and to provide redundancy in case one of the links should fail. Further umbrella terms used to describe the method include port trunking,link bundling, Ethernet/network/NIC bonding, or NIC teaming. These umbrella terms encompass not only vendor-independent standards such as Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for Ethernet defined in IEEE 802.1AX and IEEE 802.1aq or the...
Thanks, however I was hoping there would be a simpler way to achieve what I want. if it is too complicated I would rather do waste too much time on it
What platform are you on? If windows - technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831648.aspx
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