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posted on August 12, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by IRoyaLPhoenixI */

What kind of colleague says that?
@Fabor an honest one? :P
In which case the response doesn't make sense. Seems more like the battle of two egos :P
@tereško where are you from??
I think that was the joke
Hmmm, writing a rubik's cube solver using opengl is not as trivial as it looks.
@AnmolRaghuvanshi well, whem mommy and daddy really loves one another ...
@tereško what??
is that something releated to my question
@AnmolRaghuvanshi how do I know that you are from Raurkela?
oop?? i just wana start conversation with you!!seriously.. :)
you could've asked him about the potatoes economy, then
> PhpStorm 9.0.1 is available with full support for PHP 7 type declarations
this is best i can do? @FlorianMargaine ..)
@Feeds a title like "When I read /r/php" would've made much more sense.
If you have colleagues like that you should quit your job immediately and go elsewhere.
@rdlowrey what if it is useless
@rdlowrey Or... you could stay and teach them something.
@FlorianMargaine then a good colleague would have the Lifeskills 101 awareness to know that's not the right way to phrase it.
@Sherif and degrading them verbally first is the wrong way to do that.
Being right isn't a license to be an asshole.
@rdlowrey Who said anything about degrading them verbally first?
@Sherif feeds did
> When a colleague says that my code is useless
And what does that have to do with what I said?
I'm just suggesting that rather than quitting and running away from the problem, you could alternatively stick around and make a difference.
@Sherif I swapped the meaning of your statement, sorry. But no -- if someone want to stay and fight a toxic environment then by all means ... do it.
Leaving a shit job isn't the same as running away.
i am shy and don't how to socialize ??
@rdlowrey I've had a colleague who always thought he knew it all and every stupid thing he did was the best thing since sliced bread although it all sucked
It's only toxic if you see it as fighting. In other words, by using the verbage fight, you are only breeding more toxicity ;)
Telling him it sucked, why it sucked was the only thing that worked
You guys are taking this way out of context.
I'll just leave this here...
Design better applications with design patterns. Get Practical Design Patterns in PHP today: http://www.practicaldesignpatternsinphp.com/
@rdlowrey Or perhaps we're just providing an alternative view with which you don't agree?
@Sherif Or perhaps you're misunderstanding me because historically this chat's history bears out that you believe being a dick to people who know less than you is an acceptable way to behave.
@rdlowrey Also morning sir :)
@rdlowrey Why do I have to be misunderstanding you because I'm offering an alternative perspective? Offering alternatives actually means that you understand the other side, but have more options to offer up that could lead to similar or possibly even better outcomes :)
@Jimbo why !?
@RonniSkansing I have come up with this code tell me your opinion
if you press OK (edit) in my case you do something otherwise you do nothing
kill it, before it lays eggs
@tereško in your opinion do I use of tinyint or bit(1) for vote_value column ?
it is just 1 or -1
@Riccardo990 ?
@Sajad you would need two bits for that
good morning
sign is a bit
dont use the confirm/alert
@Orangepill morning
@Sajad tinyint
@tereško aha I see
@Orangepill ok :-)
@Orangepill morning..
why shouldn't I use it?
isn't it suitable for what I need to do?
@Riccardo990 same as before, it is ugly, bad ui/ux, write a custom dialog
Start a new project, make a form, write validation in vanilla javascript.
Do it a couple of times.
Rewrite using html5 validation
Rewrite using other libs via composer or bower.
Anybody know if there's a dev version of phpunit that doesn't break in php7 for this error?
> TypeError: Argument 1 passed to PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::onNotSuccessfulTest() must be an instance of Exception, instance of Error given, called in /home/daniel/dev/php/amphp/file/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.ph‌​p on line 851
@Sajad I concur
@Trowski re: Error ^^
@rdlowrey nope
Afaik, all broken atm
@tereško yeas I'm concur too, tinyint is more easier!
I know folks were trying to preserve BC by not making Exception the top of the exception hierarchy but this kind of thing is the flip-side of the coin and it's a real PITA. It was going to be painful either way ...
@rdlowrey Are you using 5.0?
@Sajad "concur" is a verb: thesaurus.com/browse/concur
@rdlowrey It's annoying for low-level libraries that want catch-all blocks, yes.
@Trowski No, on 4.8 ... was just wondering if the beta 5.0 series addressed that issue before updating my dep
@tereško aha :-) anyway you got my point !
Solomon Kane was an ok movie
@rdlowrey I've never used onNotSuccessfulTest(), but I've been testing 7 code with it.
I'm not using it directly -- it's resulting from an error in my test code so it bypasses phpunit's internal typehint somewhere
.. and now I am going to play a bit more Mount'n'Blade
@RonniSkansing anyway If I had an alert which tells me what to do and I choose to stay in a page how can I prevent the form from redirecting me to the action page?
(so I can't actually get any debug information to tell what the problem is because the underlying error is subsumed by the type error in the phpunit output)
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
@Riccardo990 you add a event listener to the form submit and call preventDefault() on the event
I would recommend finding some javascript tutorials/books
or etc
could you show me just an example line of code
no sorry
@rdlowrey Right, guess I should have actually read the entire error. ;-)
found it
no worries ... time for a binary search commenting blocks of code to isolate the problem :)
can I have both onSubmit and action inside a form?
@Ruben yes, that I did indeed. I'm just quite busy :\ So don't have time for investigating the case and what went wrong (or may be my understanding of the case is incorrect). Leaving wrong answer isn't an option, that's why I decided to delete it
@rdlowrey If you're using PHPstorm, just set a breakpoint on the error exception being generated ?
or any xdebug debugger.
Can't. xdebug doesn't work with php7
oh yeah.
@AlmaDo But your answer was correct! I just had a minor quibble that I was able to fix myself. Problems with my testing setup aren't yours to solve (and I believe I solved that problem too). If you would re-instate your answer, I'd gladly accept it.
@Ruben done
anyway, just wrapped the whole contents of the test in a try {...} catch (\Throwable $e){...} to get the error before it reached phpunit
@rdlowrey Don't want to use 5.0 right now?
I don't suppose anyone here uses: github.com/Block8/PHPCI
@Trowski does 5.0 solve that? That was my original question lol :)
I have an issue trying to run phpunit tests
It should, I've been throwing Error from my tests successfully.
k, will update my dep and let you know if it doesn't work (for your own edification, not because you should do anything about it)
@Trowski what do I need in my composer? dev-master (I don't see any tags for 5.0-beta or anything on the github)
Add "phpunit/phpunit": "~5.0" and "minimum-stability": "dev"
@tereško as I read in that book you've sent me, "foreign key" constraint is used to prevent actions that would destroy links between tables. So I created two table with 1 related column. I expect mysql does not let me to I insert a different value in foreign key. but it lets me ...! then when foreign key is usful ?
wait, wat?
@tereško suppose I have two table, each table has 1 column like this:
table1 (col1)
table2 (col2)
how exactly can you destroy shit with INSERT ?
I think I misunderstood you
@Sajad you can enter values in the foreign/child table but they must exist in the parent table. Plus it only works on InnoDb I think.
@Sajad Do you use InnoDB?
@Orangepill aha just InnoDB ? I use of MyISAM
@albru123 no !
please don't
@Trowski yup, works fine. Thanks.
myisam is volatile (it has a tendency to die with all of your data)
@tereško it is very better and faster than InnoDB
@sajad MyISAM accepts the foreign key syntax but silently ignores it .
@Sajad No... not really ... plus it doesn't support transactions.
@Orangepill :-) ! what is your mean of but silently ignores it
@Sajad /dev/null is even faster
@Orangepill I tested ! myisam is faster ! I tested in phpmyadmin
you should also have some reasonable expectation to get back the data that you stored in your database
just because something is faster, does not mean that you should use it
@Sajad it doesn't error when you define a foreign key ... but it doesn't make one either
@Orangepill aha I see
myisam is basically a "shitty nosql"
Does anyone have any good reads on function type polymorphism? Books or articles anything
@tereško ok, let it go (myisam or innodb). look this: col1 int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES table2(col2)
kk,good point myisam is shittyy??
Can we start recommending pastie.org over pastebin.com please? The latter is full of a load of flash animations and other bullshit and I keep finding chrome processes that I lost with are eating shitloads of resources. kthxbye
so, can I insert 10in table 2 (if 10 is not exist in table1.col1) ?
so what innodb is more favourable??
@sajad no that would violate the foreign key constraint
@Orangepill ok, then MyISAM does not support foreign key !
@DaveRandom actually we should be recommending gist.github.com
@sajad but only if innodb and you don't have any weird partitioning.
@Gordon every time I see a tumblr link, I fear that an otherkin will jump out of it
@tereško it's Stan from Monkey Island
heyo. I have the domain http://7php.space idle. Anyone wanna do anything with it?
and in this: col1 int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES table2(col2) which one is parent ? and which one is children ?
col1 is the child table2.col2 is the parent
@Orangepill owkey !!
@tereško after having watched 53s of it I am not sure I am willing to invest the remaining 23 minutes of my life
can you give a tl;dw?
there are people, who think (or in some case pretend to) that they are animals, born as humans
@DaveRandom no way! It does not work on a tablet. No button.
@tereško true
@tereško I think just a crazy person pretend to like that !
@Sajad it's more of a social phenomena, caused by people who want to be special in some way, but realizing that on internet it is pretty hard to be special in any way
@tereško why should a person wants to be special ? all people are the same !
hmm .. I am not sure how to even honestly approach it, especially since I mostly agree with that statement of yours
sure you do ... you just don't know how to nicely approach it
I guess it stems from the policy to tell every child at school that they are special (mostly in usa and the "old europe")
s/are the same/should be treated equally/
then you combine it with aggressive political correctness and the wastness of internet
@Sajad in my opinion It crosses all barriers of race, religion and cultural barriers
basically, you get a generation, which wants to be special, but everything that they see implies that they are not
@AnmolRaghuvanshi correct!
@tereško what is your definition of special ?
wrong question
@tereško it can be anything ?
"what is their definition of special ?"
@samaYo :-) !
@tereško ok ... please tell me how old are you ?
and it boils down to "whatever brings attention"
The Church of Euthanasia is a new religious organization started by Chris Korda in the Boston, Massachusetts area of the United States. == Overview == According to the church's website, it is "a non-profit educational foundation devoted to restoring balance between Humans and the remaining species on Earth." The Church uses sermons, music, culture jamming, publicity stunts and direct action to highlight Earth's unsustainable population. The Church is notorious for its conflicts with Pro-life Christian activists. According to the church's website, the one commandment is "Thou shalt not procreate...
@samaYo thumbs for that..
gawd, you people still discussing religion shit?
I'm outta here then.
@AnmolRaghuvanshi 'thumbs' means 'like' ?
@Sajad yep
@tereško how old are you ? (I like to know)
30 .. I'm old
@tereško ok
@Sajad how old are u??
SO removed the age field from profile pages .. which I find kinda stupid
@AnmolRaghuvanshi 22
@DaveRandom Any way to see a list of allocated IPs on local network?
@tersko you aren't old
@tereško why is it stupid?
@tereško your speaks are reasonable ! that's clear you are have more than 25 years old !
@Fabor DHCP table is a good start
If a person wan't to share there age why prevent them from doing so.
They say, 60 is the new 30, so @tereško is 15.
depends on the actual use case and what you really want to know
@tereško look who is a communist deep in his heart here
@Orangepill what is the range of old ? If 30 is not old, then I'm a baby :-)
If you want to know what currently exists on the network the only real way is to ARP for every address in the subnet
@DaveRandom Trying to find IP of the raspberry pi on the LAN :P
in cmd, run arp -a and look for the mac address
If it's not there then use something like nmap to find it
@samaYo I suspect that my "emotional development" is only slightly above 20 ... at least comparing to general public
Found it cheers :)
@AwalGarg because sometimes it's useful to know more about the person that you are talking to. When someone tells you "I want to learn programming", it is important to know whether he/she is 50 or 15.
that lets you imply different goals and pick best approach
old people are super nice people on earth
yeah well fair enough
@Sajad when you learn where absolutes are better not be applied you'll not be a baby
@nikita2206 :-)
@nikita2206 I was born in USSR
@tereško I know this :D
@tereško same here.
oh I have a related question, in Europa, people are living with his/her family or with his/her friend usually?
@samaYo you are russian born ... thought you where from Eritrea
@Sajad I left home to live in dorms when I was 15. I got in a school that was in a different city.
good evng all
@Orangepill I feel a Russian inside :)
@Abe eek
@tereško OH !! when you was 15 ???! you are really a man !! are you come back to your family after school ?
@NikiC i knew it
why we have != and don't we use !($lol == $bar) instead, then? :D
@Sajad your english is failing. Try reword that one.
@Orangepill Would you review something for me?
@samayo sure
@tereško Now, where are you living ? next to your family ? or single ? or still you are in dorms ?
@samaYo it expands ones arsenal of swearwords quite a lot
single, in a different city
@ScottArciszewski pashol v zjopu
@Orangepill great, I will ping you then once I push it to github. Have some valium by you side ready just incase . :)
@RonniSkansing one more thing could you please check it out paste.ee/p/oIk0E the html part and the js part paste.ee/p/A1juu
@RonniSkansing when r is true you go to another page when r is false you stay in the form page
hey @Riccardo990 dont use tables for forms
I know it's just an example
and dont use onsubmit=".." on the form element
I rebooted everything
also put your js script it the bottom before the </body>
this is very important but do you get at what I wanna do?
it is in the end and show you
Ask them if they really want a partial user
and if they say says, create it
@RonniSkansing Why? Most scripts are (and should be) loaded in the head element
for favorites tables I need to ON DUPLICATE KEY DELETE ROW, is it possible ?
@MarcelBurkhard they should? I thought that blocked the shizzle
and that elements might not be loaded into the dom
google translate has failed me
new link your edit
@RonniSkansing so what next?
@Sajad no
@tereško so I need to something like toggle
what is your suggestion ?
Google Dictionary was a decent addition to my chrome extensions. Please everyone use more complex words.
> I'm anispeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericombobulation.
to display an indicator for an item that is already in favorites, you will need to know which one is in the favs
if you know that, why not just use a different method for adding and removing favorites
@tereško haha, ill star it just because it's the first swearing in russian I have ever witnessed here
.. someone will get offended
@tereško look, I want to show the number of favorites for each post
@nikita2206 but the here is the funny part, people here say that latvians do not swear in their own language .. for that we use russian
@Sajad I am not entirely sure what it is related to your question
@tereško I think this is a good idea:
catch(PDOException $e){ if ((int) $e->getCode() === 23000) {remove row}}
but why would you have an 'add to favorites" option when you already know that the item has been favorite'ed?
my point is that you are looking at this problem from the wrong angle
@tereško aha, I undrestand what is your mean, I need to a dis-favorite :-)
look at this chat and stars
@tereško How is the racism there btw? Would I get stubbed in the subway or something? I hear in Russia it's a common thing.
@Sajad just delete the row in that case
hey guys, not strictly PHP error, but i;m hoping someone can aide me. I have ubuntu as my desktop OS (this is a new thing for me, always been windows before this) today it said i needed to upgrade the distro, so like a fool i said "sure why not" clicked the button and boom off it goes. BUT, 8 hours later, which is a joke; the installed has crashed, something to do with MySQL 5.6 and passwords. My question is, the installer is currently 60% through installing updates.
@Orangepill the problem is: I can not delete on duplicate key !
Can i just restart it and it'll be ok, or will that ruin everything? Or does it remember and carry on
I think this is the issue i'm going through: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.6/+bug/1435080
@sajad why would you need to ... if you want to delete it delete it... trying to delete on insert is just weird
@samaYo we treat foreigners more as a curiosity. Keep in mind that there are probably like 20 blacks in entire country. And even less asians. You might get stared at by children, but not attacked.
but the bug is from the point of view of using apt-get upgrade, vs. apt-get upgrade-distro
@Andy nothing to worry about imho, if update breaks something, you can always downgrade .. but ask it in serverfault
@samayo, i've already posted a question, hoping someone can look.
I'm off, see you tomorrow \o
@RonniSkansing are you there?
@Orangepill look at stackoverflow, you can favorite a question, and can get back your favorite again (dis-favorite)
but you reckon it could be OK to just stop it? (Should i do it through ps aux | grep "vivid" and then sudo kill ##### ?
)* as there isnt a 'close button'
@sajad to remove from favorites just delete the row from the favorites table given the user id and post id
delete from favorites where user_id = :user_id and post_id = :post_id
@Orangepill when I run this query ?
@sajad when :user_id wants to "dis-favorite" :post_id
@Orangepill I have just one button (star shape). your mean is I put two button ? favorite | dis-favorite ?
@sajad now you just change the action that the button performs based on the state of the button (which should reflect if the post is a favorite or not)
I can't believe I'm writing a PHP library and refusing to release it until it has a complete test suite. So un-me.
@tereško I'm used to the starring, but jokes, condescending and denying public service is what ticks me off.. also, didn't think there would be so few asians .. it must be pretty homogeneous society, though probably not becuase you share a lot with other soviet states
@Orangepill aha, your mean is dynamic action
yea I think it can be good ! tnx
not dynamic action but dynamic dispatch on two different actions...
@Orangepill I got it, I got it !
but I think my way is more easier @Orangepill :
try{ insert favorite }
catch(PDOException $e){ if ((int) $e->getCode() === 23000) {delete favorite}}
$e->getCode() === 23000 means duplicate
So I need just one path for my button !
@samaYo "being condescending" is something that has to be learned .. so that's not an issue. Same goes with the jokes. And only issues regarding public service might be language related (you might get a postal office where nobody knows english). And the easiest way to get brownie points here is to know bits of language (that related to fact, that there is still a significant portion of etnical russians, who havent learned local laguage even after 50+ years being here)
@Abe Hey:
> Proper support for symbols imported via use function and use const;
PhpStorm 9.0.1
delete from table where col1 = '1' and col2 = '2';
delete from table where col1 = '1', col2 = '2';
and or ,
from not form
delete is like update ? or like where ?
@Sajad this one
@tereško tnx
@LeviMorrison mexican wave! i.imgur.com/HYAWuVj.gif
@sajad delete from table where col1 = '1' and col2 = '2';
@Orangepill tnx
he's right
@LeviMorrison link to the bug report, though?
Don't have it available.
okay, because i'm watching several bugs about function/const imports and they are all still open
please someone tell me the mean of these:
OMG (I kew it: oh my god ;-) )
I really need to them for chatting with a english person
check urban dictionary
^^ that.
or simply google them
@Abe I checked them in google.translate. but it does not show me anything
SO = stack overflow, OP = original poster
@Abe tnx. also I found LOL (means laugh)
It's likely that I'll cross 300,000 lifetime flight miles this year
BRB - be right back
also, OP in gaming context means "over powered"
wtf is what the fuck
there is also AFAIK (as far as I know), IIRC (if I recall correctly) and IMHO (in my humble/honest opinion)
@tereško aha ! thanks !!
@tereško very good !! tnx
is there any up-comping bday..
oh, and FFS - for fuck sake ... usually followed by a facepalm
@tereško :-) !!!
Speaking of ffs, someone managed to get php.lol - was it one of us?
every definition in that old blog post of mine was pure sarcasm btw
"Trolls are slow and non-responsive. Don't be a troll-- post every 10 seconds if you have to." etc
@ScottArciszewski you should look for a way to remove it from the archive
For storing data into mysql databases on my social network website
should I use prepared statements for everything or can I used stored proceudres?
@ScottArciszewski thank you .. now I can sound more intelligent on the net
just wondering
@Matthcw yes you should
@Charles Nope
@samaYo Darn.
@Charles we have php.wtf it's close enough :)
but not as funny
moar true =]
I think you don't understand what the prepares statements actually do
@Matthcw prepared statements have nothing to do with stored procedures
@tereško nah, I've moved on past that website
@Matthcw Yes, prepared statements <3

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