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Seeing some strange behavior with stream_get_contents on Windows but not on Mac, both PHP 5.6.7
er 5.6.9
I'll get some code together for example
I run php procrunner.php
Windows stream_get_contents is waiting 35 seconds for output, while Mac is waiting until the output is there (90 seconds).
Does this look like a bug, or am I not understanding something correctly?
@joshden not 100% sure if bug or not, but Windows has special behaviors about timeouts and buffer sizes when listening on anon pipes…
you need to look that up, it's unlikely that anyone in here will be able to seriously help you with this. [Who uses Windows anyway :-P]
@joshden all what I know (because I looked it up recently) is that php uses CreateProcess with anon pipes. All stream_get_contents() does is multiple subsequential fread()s until EOF is reached.
better than array_map, i guess
@bwoebi thanks for the info. I'll look into this more. I agree with the Windows sentiment. I was just talking to a couple of coworkers today, wondering why we haven't moved to Linux yet.
@ircmaxell, is MonadPHP still active? I'm wanting to implement Either monad in it too.
Maybe it’s just me but cli_set_process_title() has never once actually worked. Ever.
> Sets the process title visible in tools such as top and ps. This function is available only in CLI mode.
Except my top command always still says "php"
Even though the function returns true to indicate that it "worked"
@rdlowrey You have to hit 'c' while in top to toggle between command and name. One is the command used to invoke the process, the other is the actual process title.
Well I feel like an idiot if that's all it is.
Because it works when I pipe through ps
Of course, ps uses the process title, top defaults to command name.
I never knew this about top. You are my hero, @Sherif :)
There's a lot of features in top very few people take advantage of.
Apparently so. I need to do some googling now and learn me some top.
I remember this because I had to do some devops work at one point and ended up thoroughly combing through top's man page to figure out some tricky bits.
kung fury, a movie crowdfunded through kickstarter the best thing in the world after the david hasselhoff true survivor video
@RonniSkansing o/
ugh, what's wrong here:
$sql= "SELECT * FROM `user_views` WHERE `user` = ':user' AND `item_type` LIKE ':item_type' AND `item` = ':item' LIMIT 1";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
':user' => "$id",
':item_type' => "$type",
':item' => "$item"
why are you encapsulating variables in strings?
like "$hello" vs $hello
'don't do that in the execute?
i saw it that way on a tutorial
Think that would work, but just unneeded
in what?
the " around the variables like "$id"
anyways... what did not happend that you would expect?
nope :'('
this is essentially what i'm trying to write:
SELECT * FROM `user_views` WHERE `item` = 1 AND `item_type` LIKE 'c' AND `user` = 1
/* $type=c $id=1 $item=1
any ideas?
@php_purest Don't quote parameters.
SELECT * FROM user_views WHERE user = :user will do what you expect.
SELECT * FROM user_views WHERE user = ':user' won't
after i repluged in the vars it said Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
hallo all i am new in php development
anybody can help me
in php code decoder
don't ask if yu can ask
@Sherif :D that worked, now to add the stuff on
aww, remove:var to look like :var
Morning @JoeWatkins
Q: alert duplicate records in csv upload

Prashant Bhattmy csv upload code is like this want to alert duplicate records which are already exists in database i am getting result with $status variable what should i do to alert every duplicate records what is way to alert every duplicate records if(isset($_POST["Import"])) { $filename=$_FILES["file"][...

hi guys
I have a very quick question...
how can we get the total no of digits in following number without using strlen
$num = 12345;
John: Assuming it's always a number, powers of 10
Starting a new process, which creates threads, which in turn create processes is not really fine ... it's batshit crazy ... — Joe Watkins 15 secs ago
@AllenJB sorry I dint get you..
@John You can determine the number of digits in any given number using powers of 10 (<10^1 = 1 digit, <10^2 = 2 digits, ...) - obviously it gets more fun if it's a decimal, but you can just split on the . and do the same with the other side
(Alternatively, you could also use mb_strlen, but I suspect that's not the kind of answer that the asker is looking for)
Gotta get down on friday
yay friday
Now Friday just needs to pass so I can get out and test my new precision barrel ;D
Friday? Ha-ha, losers, I work on weekend
@AlmaDo Oh snap, you son of a gun.
@JoeWatkins there's a holywar about pthreads in my team. Their argument against is that "it lacks docs and if we have troubles, we have no expert to ask". May I use counter-argument "I know the author" ?
there is docs in the php manual @AlmaDo :s
@JoeWatkins he-he. they are, but people want "solutions demonstrated" or so. Actually, I think they are just lazy
and yes you may ...
anyway it was just joke :p
I mean - so I will introduce pthreads in any case
cool, you know where I am if you need me :)
yep, will try myself first :p
I'm pushing to move to php 5.6 in any case
Hey guys, anyone up? I need to get some quick advice on a subject i'm brand new to
traceroute has single star for each hop... what does it mean? (I've seen 3 stars usually per hop when something's wrong... what's the meaning of only one star per hop)?
have no idea
@r3wt What is the subject?
@user3692125 it means that it didn't receive a reply from an intermediate router for a particular number of hops.
i have to implement high availability image uploading into an existing multi server application
i was thinking about using cloudinary or something.
@Ja͢ck Any clue what could be wrong?
it doesn't necessarily have to be wrong
it's like having a thick forest between you and the destination; when you give the packets enough lifetime they will reach the end, but if not, nobody will tell you where they ended up at.
@Ja͢ck But can't connect to internet... incoming works (I can ping the server from outside), outgoing does not
@r3wt I would like to pretend that I atleast had an' idea on how to help you, but alas I'm gonna have to come up with some strange excuse of being needed elsewhere <.<
Hi all
Can someone please help me in the issue I'm facing?
Q: How to provide real time notifications to the user logged-in on a social networking website which is developed in PHPFox?

PHPLoverI've a social networking website developed in PHPFox v3.7.0 I'm just a newbie to this PHPFox social networking platform, so I'm not completely aware about it's MVC pattern or other internal details like it's code structure and URL pattern. Now, in my website when user logs in he/she gets the no...

I can help you by saying the question is too broad and unclear.
@Epodax thats ok dude. I appreciate your honesty. FWIW, i have no idea either so i'm just gonna research i guess and see what others have done
@Ja͢ck understood... but usually what's wrong when one-sided works (in this case incoming)?
@Jack:Let me make it short for you. I want to implement/integrate 'Real Time Notifications' functionality into my social networking website developed using PHPFox
@r3wt i'm an AWS fanboy, so i'd say .. upload them to S3 :D
@Ja͢ck: that's it
@PHPLover Doesn't make it any less broad of a question. It's still a huge task.
@PHPLover I could read that from the question as well .. but it's unclear nonetheless.
It's like asking where the toilet in a mall is while you're a train, bus and plane ride away from it.
@Epodax: I know it's a huge task but I've become clue less so asking for some help from you people. Please help me out from this trouble. Provide me some way.
@Ja͢ck: Please let me know what's unclear to you, I'd explain you in detail.
so funny thing, if you forget a semi colon in your nginx config some very interesting things happen
@PHPLover use Sock.js and Primus to buld a real time component for your app in node.js you should move your session storage to redis or memcached. you can easily configure node.js to read php sessions, so you can authenticate users when they pup sub to their user_id channel. its going to be a tough uphill battle, but its very doable
@r3wt:Can't the concept of 'Server Sent Events' be used instead of any other thing?
I built something similar once upon a time and it kind of half ass worked but it was strictly websockets only. github.com/OpenExLLC/live/blob/master/server.js#L47-63
@PHPLover Nah, you should keep it simple and use a websockets/ajax fallback approach using Primus
@r3wt:Because I've developed one program using 'Server Sent Events' on my local machine and it worked fine. So I was thinking about implementing the same into PHPFox.
@r3wt:The main blocker in my way is implementing anything in PHPFox. I have no idea at all about it.
@PHPLover have you tested the CPU impact of the script on your machine?
is it a long running script or is invoked in some other way?
do you invoke it via commandline or the client invokes it when loading the page?
@r3wt : Could you please go through the entire question text so that you'd come to know what I'm expecting?
i'm not even gonna read it all. implementing SSE is bad
think about this... for every single client, you have a script running to poll for updates
wheres the problem there?
while(true){ $response = someDbActionThatIncursServerCosts()."\n\n"; }
@r3wt : You are not getting the point. The script will not keep running always for all the logged in users neither the poll will be done for it. Whenever any new notification is generated for the logged in user it should be conveyed to the user.
Oh, i get what you want to do completely. i've done it before so i already know what happens.
posted on May 29, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Pablo */

@PHPLover hire someone to build you an real time server component in Node.js with a way for you to post data to this server from your php app. In this way, we eliminate the need for polling a db for changes at all, and we modify PHP fox to just push notifications over to your realtime component, which incurs basically no cost onto your server.
@r3wt : If you could provide me the proper implementation as an answer it would be really great.
@PHPLover There is no out of the box solution for this that i'm aware of
it would probably be built with Primus and SockJS. maybe you throw in a small rest api for posting to it. some storage with mongodb for notifications to users who aren't online. its complex and there is no simple answer
@m6w6 If you're happy for me to merge without tests I'll go ahead and do that. As I say I have tested it in the sense that I've written userland code to make sure it actually does what it's supposed to and doesn't blow up in your face when you use it. I've just not had the time to create the phpt tests but I will soon (it's at the top of my FOSS list)
@r3wt : Yes, I know buddy it's a very huge task and thanks for understanding and helping me whatever you can. But look at the people who voted for closing my question.
@DaveRandom Question. My internet is fine generally but for some reason when I load up my xbox and a game called Destiny, I get in and try to load a location it's killing my internet. Pretty consistently after work. This has happened the last two days. If I am lucky I will get maybe 5 minutes before I get kicked. But it only happens when I try to load a match or location. If I sit in the idle screens it's np. Any ideas how I can start to detect where this issue lies?
FTR connecting is sketchy too. Often my internet will die first time loading up the game.
Wondering if it's router orientated or something I should speak to my ISP about again
@r3wt Or just build it in PHP using one of the multitude of platforms that are available to write event-loop based code in PHP ;-)
@Fabor Well tbh without quite a lot more data it's basically impossible to even guess, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway :-P
Gut feeling is it's likely to be a router bug, first thing I would do is update router firmware if an update is available
My DL speeds seem a lot better recently but I can't see why they'd tweak my SNR ratio without me asking.
@DaveRandom I'm hoping it is.
If no update available or doesn't fix it, next thing you need to do is get a packet capture
It's good if you have a known cause, you can easily get a small relevant capture
You still have that router knocking about since you changed recently?
You need several really, to look for the pattern
If so, how much can I buy it for?
@Fabor Yes, it's sitting in a box at home ready to be brought down for phpsc
@Fabor You can have it, I have no use for it
and I've easily had my money's worth from it, since I got it for free from a previous job
I'd more than happy to pay for it. Perhaps even pay to have it posted? My current router is a freebie from back when Bulldog broadband was still around.
That said, I'd still recommend buying a new one if you can - it's a good router but the newer drayteks have a lot of shiny features that the 2820 doesn't
@DaveRandom merged it an hour ago ;)
(this is why I bought a new one, since I needed VDSL support, and I wanted the more granular DNS forwarding)
@DaveRandom If you pick/recommend one, I will buy it. Getting too old for this disconnection wank :P
@m6w6 Ahh great. Sorry I've been so crap about this, I've just had no time to do any FOSS work recently. Even the Brainfuck interpreter I wrote recently was work related (kind of) to use as a teaching tool for a guy I work with
@Fabor Well it's not a magic bullet, it may or may not fix the issues you have... I suggest you try out the 2820 I have and when you get frustrated with some of the stuff it can't do, then spend the money (which you may never do, in which case everyone wins)
But I really don't want any money for it since I got it for free and I have no use for it, it basically has no value to me
@DaveRandom Okay. Can I pay you time + postage to have it posted down instead? Feel free to say nope as it's a bit of hassle though.
@Fabor Will scope out how much it will cost in a bit
I would assume about £10. My heavy PSU was £12. Could be lower though as lighter. Don't worry if it's too much hassle though, you're doing me a big enough favour as it is.
@Fabor No I don't mind as long as it's not ££££
Better than `array_map()`, I guess: http://3v4l.org/GDahs #php #php7
Looks like @Ocramius found out how to do generic type hints...
Error message is pretty opaque when there is an invalid element though
get_object_vars($objectX) == get_object_vars($objectY)DaveRandom 13 secs ago
Or did I miss the point? I confess I didn't completely read the question...
@DaveRandom you missed
point 1: circular references. point 2: unordered properties comparison
@AlmaDo @DaveRandom github.com/php/php-src/pull/1097 this. maybe php9
that's actually why "answer there is useless - if that was about "depth", then I can easily go with plain recursive comparison. But it's about matching structure which can contain circular references
@Worf so how will it solve my issue? Ok, I will have "comparable" interface, but then I still need to implement it
sorry, let me re-read :P
it's not that I want to have "==" for object that I can implement safely
btw, I know it's still O(n) under the hood
I know that my comparison is quite custom, so there's nothing wrong to compare with custom method, not standard "=="
@AlmaDo Well converting to arrays for a loose comparison resolves the ordering problem, I'm not sure what the point of the recursion problem is though? You want to recurse or you don't want to recurse? How do you consider recursive properties equal?
btw, spl_object_hash() may also help
Can't actually remember exactly how it works, though :-S
@DaveRandom spl_object_hash() will not help: it might be different objects by nature, but with same data and structure
> And this may lead to fatal error in case when objects have circular references. Simple example
> for it I prepared here. As we can see, PHP tries to follow nested levels and fails in infinite loop -
> because by nature objects are same in content, but have circular references.
"here" is 3v4l.org/6Huqf
Looks like I suck in writing questions :/
@DaveRandom that's only because childs do not contain circular references
when they will, you'll get pretty much same fatal
and there's a third point too
> $array = ['foo', $object, &$array];
somewhere deep inside children(s) tree
@AlmaDo They do though, literally the only difference between that and your original example is get_object_vars()...
Ahh I see why, it's because your properties are private
Yeh, still fatals with public props (and obviously doesn't serve your purpose anyway)
I'm lying
yes, props are private
did var_dump, got empty array
@AlmaDo you should avoid children referencing the parent (or the opposite)
@Worf no. Imagine production DAO
and there you can have any kind of stuff (and you need that)
children could have
function getParent(){
    return $this->nodeResolver->getById($parentID);
rather than
function getParent(){
    return $this->parent;
Thanks @DaveRandom
@Worf Doesn't solve the circular ref problem, just adds another layer to it
@DaveRandom no, you compare the parentid rather than the instance
and then what if I need $this->getParent()->callSomeParentMethod() ?
it will fail if my "parent" is not an instance
@Worf Yeh but child has ref to nodeResolver has ref to parent has ref to child has ref to nodeResolver... the circular ref still exists, even if the child doesn't have a direct ref to the parent
yes but you don't compare two nodeResolvers @DaveRandom i'm saying you should implement this using an ->equals() method rather than using the == operator directly
== is stupid without equals() or compareTo() methods. no polymorphism
so like
function equals($other){
return $this->parentID == $other->getParentID() && other stuff;
Ahh I see
@Worf then if my parent id's are different, it will consider that my childs are different as well, but it's not true. Parents might have different "ids" (like you're proposing it), but the rest data and structure is same. So check will fail while it must succeed
This need to work with arbitrary objects though, right?
So it is impossible to replace instances check with some scalar value check
My snippet actually shows it quite well: objects there are different (separately created, different instances, you may assume spl_object_hash as your "id"), but comparison must yield true
@AlmaDo so given two arbitrary objects with other object ref'd by their properties, what is the correct behaviour for comparing those properties, they should be recursively compared but with a circular ref protection?
But only compared in that the property values should be the same, not identical instances?
@DaveRandom objects are same if graphs, which are representing, are same
github.com/SQiShER/java-object-diff @AlmaDo you could port this to php :P
@DaveRandom RE: Event Loop in PHP. I'm using HHVM so such libraries are out of the question for me.
I can think of a userland way to do it but it'll be pretty expensive...
actually I did it
@r3wt ...use vanilla PHP then? :-P
in the question there's an (incomplete) DFS approach
@Ocramius I assume the generic variant of this would use a closure hinted on self and rebind the scope?
@DaveRandom nah, i shudder at the thought of going back
but still the idea is to handle graph for both objects and check if they are same
atleast until 7 is out
Wow, there's someone in here actually using HHVM?
What do you do with it?
Here's a 90 server install running cakephp on hhvm cryptsy.com erm looks like they went back to php
@AlmaDo Oh wait, I've just realised you're on to something with the serialize() idea, you just missed a step, hang on let me test something.
@DaveRandom haha, no man. Good luck with serialize :D
function objects_are_equal($a, $b)
    $a = (array)$a;
    $b = (array)$b;


    return serialize($a) === serialize($b);
1. (array) $a will convert only "first level" => fatal on ksort() as it uses comparison
2. there may be non-serializable entities inside
Then the answer to your original question is "no".
yes you can do it
what are you doing?
we are doing shit
So, you can do it with fair DFS
@AlmaDo Yes you can do it, but there is no better way of doing it (that I can see)
@DaveRandom yeah, and that was my question, if I can do it better
next question would be "how to safely clone an object" :p
so to duplicate all entire stuff as well, preserving all relations and structure
and that stuff I "researched" here stackoverflow.com/questions/28239751/…
But still will be grateful for nice answer
or else - let PHP devs do my work and implement both things in PHP itself (:
@AlmaDo i'm trying to find out a nicer solution but i believe you should avoid that structure. let's put it this way, it's data duplication. you are holding the same relationship in two different places
also you want to compare both identity and value at the same time. you chose one or the other, not both. imho
@Worf you can't, it's business-model objects
what does that mean?
that those are object which were designed for maintaining business-logic (so business-entities contain circular-references by definition); and that you can not just "avoid it", it's how it is now. And yep, codebase is couple of millions rows, so.. you could imagine how painful would be to "refactor this little bit"
no, you don't have an aggregate root since everything is referenced circularly
so that's probably an error :P i can't say to be an expert tho
basically you don't have an unique entry point. every instance is an entry point in your case, and that's the problem
what's the "entry point" ?
the aggregate root
what's the "aggregate root" ?
it's a ddd term
ok, what does this has to do with DDD ? Oo
well, DDD teaches a lot about aggregates design
and you shouldn't have children referencing parent that way, but only by id / hash / uuid
maybe @DaveRandom knows more about it?
((aggregate root) -> ref instance -> ref instance -> ref instance) -> ref by id -> ((aggregate root) -> ref instance -> ref instance -> ref instance)
'-------------------  the aggregate  ----------------------------'                 '-------------------  the aggregate  ----------------------------'
so if it's only about the way of representing (replacement real instances with their ids) - it will fail for mee, see above why
if it's about domain modelling (huge part of DDD) - then it's impossible and also see above why
basically two aggregates should reference (if needed) each others by id, not holding instances
in your case the aggregate is referencing itself (the aggregate root) but it's the same
It doesn't answer my issue. Basically, if the problem is same, to match structures against each other, it will be a pitfall in same sense (but with longer way to stuck)
i see your point. i'm saying that there's no clean solution for that and you can only try an alternative design imho
i could also be badly wrong, you should try summon the room OOP experts
man my english's getting really bad :(
eh.. modelling is already done
posted on May 29, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Frankie */

@AlmaDo ouch
@AlmaDo tell me more about your design. do instances have an id?
@Feeds no way is that real
can i ask somthing about codeigniter here ?
@raymondspark Pretty sure you just did :-P
But seriously, there's not a lot of CI love in here, not sure if anyone knows it that deeply
Is it documented what is the max file name length for Phar::buildFromDirectory() ?

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PharException' with message 'tar-based phar "C:/.../00085.tar" cannot be created, filename "this_file_name_was_102_chars.long" is too long for tar file format' in C:\...\index.php:25 Stack trace: #0 C:\...\index.php(25): PharData->buildFromDirectory('C:\\...')
@NikiC thanks
wow , Thermaltake has made a carbon copy of R5
@tereško I'm thinking of building a silent PC based on an R5. do you have any experience with it?
well, there is one sitting on the right of me
in that case, can you recommend it?
it looks fantastic in the reviews, but nothing beats personal experience
I really like it, but you might find Define S, depending in what setup you actually want
i'm not going for a water-cooled system
and it would be nice to have the option to put in a DVD drive later (though i'm not going to put one in to begin with)
well, yeah, I dont have a drive bay
but yeah, Define R5 is a nice case to build in
@JoeriSebrechts what fan setup to you intend to have ?
i was pretty much going to follow the advice from this guide: silentpcreview.com/Quiet_ATX_Gamer_R5_Version
my last experience self-assembling was 15 years ago
since then nothing but macs, but i'm getting out of that and getting back into PC's
there's nothing pre-assembled that looks nice, runs fast and can play games (if i'm getting a pc, i'm doing it properly) that isn't mac-priced however, so self-assembly looks like the best path
my experience was similar , though I was living in cheap laptops for about 10 years
and then I dumped 2.5k in building a gaming pc
@JoeriSebrechts will you be streaming stuff ?
actually ... what will be the main workload on that box ?
primarily software development, but i also want to be able to play AAA games
then you need a video card, because that's not included in that list
which also means that you will probably have to pick a different PSU
yes, at the top, the asus strix
oh ..
I somehow registered it as "motherboard"
but, here is the thing: hold out for few days
i'm not buying for another month or two
How do you say "... is the job of the scheduler" but in proper language?
in the process of selling our apartment
part of the proceeds will be "repurposed" :)
Computex will be happening in few days, which will have a lot of HW annoucments
as long as the announcements then don't take months to materialize ofcourse ...
@NikiC "should be handled by the scheduler"
@JoeriSebrechts prices of the older stuff will be affected almost immediately
good to know
@NikiC or s/handled/managed/... you get the idea. Or is this not what you were looking for?
nope, that doesn't fit
I'm looking for something along the line of "is the [fancy noun] of the scheduling stragety"
I guess "responsibility" would do
raison d'être?
if you want fancy ...
@JoeriSebrechts That's poetical fancy though, not technical fancy ^^
don't reinvent the wheel, they said #programming #programmers #dev #devs #developers #developer http://t.co/RiWgcHeDI6
@Worf just what M.C. Escher was looking for ...
@JoeWatkins my brain
@JoeWatkins I see nothing wrong there. Look like perfectly normal PHP behavior.
@NikiC hehe
hey, reminds me
was this ever... err, accounted for? viva64.com/en/b/0277
it was interesting, at least
@DaveRandom ping
for no reason
Anyone here familiar enough with Regex to help me search a string for an occurrence of "--" but only if it's not followed by another "-"?
may anyone suggest a nice package/class for validation/sanitization/escaping?
@MrHunter i think you're looking for negative lookahead: regular-expressions.info/lookaround.html
I currently use that
XML is fucking terrible... except for XPath, XQuery, XSD, etc.
@FlorianMargaine that would not validate int
@SergeyTelshevsky respect\validation
@samaYo what?
@FlorianMargaine it will cast big int into floats
I look into trying this
@samaYo because there's no bigint in php
maybe some of you worked with it?
I have a little concern about the browser inspector...
@samaYo what about dynamic calls?
Why does the network tab shows the full formdata including a sent password.
@MikeM. because that's how it works
@SergeyTelshevsky define: dynamic call
not using static calls?
nvm found it
I think it supports both, check it ... i'm on my phone
me wants to create something like that, someday
hello all,
I want to get users events from facebook using php
can anyone help me
@RavinderKumar why not check facebook's api? developers.facebook.com/docs/apps
yes I have checked php sdk
but unable to get users events
@samaYo * shakes fist *
: D

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