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no, but he can edit it to actually be a decent answer
@LeviMorrison Or maybe he just likes fake internet points. You could ask him to copy and paste yours, and say you'll remove yours if he does?
Morning again
@MichaelCox no problem
@HassanAlthaf hey =] sorry been quite busy
@LeviMorrison yes, he can, he can flag his own answer and say he wants to remove it. I did this once.
Well I came here for the ping by I see people already explained the situation :P
and Morning PeeHaaaaa
Mogguh @RonniSkansing o/
Consider that maybe 2/3 of all questions still use mysql_* functions. I guarantee that if you don't mention security that most people out there will not think about it. Most of them probably have never even heard of the phrase "SQL Injection"
s/explained/got pissed off by/
@marcio I did that once. It's my only flag that wasn't acted on. I even had < 0 total score on it.
@ircmaxell I see that :)
@LeviMorrison maybe a post on SO meta about dangerous answers and point to this situation?
@marcio There's already a general question about it.
@zerkms TL;DR that answer is one of the biggest reasons there is so much vulnerable code out there
The tl;dr is post an answer that's better and it should go to the top… right?
Heck, true story. I once caught my nephew watching a friggin YouTube video detailing how to perform SQL Injection. Even provided the URL of the site. So there he was, hacking along with the video
I made him believe the FBI was watching him do it and I think that scared him to not go further
@LeviMorrison Yeah that is obviously how it works! ;)
I had my doubts but at this point I think SO needs a different approach.
Here is a specific example that I have campaigned for a long time and I still am not even close to overtaking the #1 spot.
Well, as advertised as community-driven - there should be other approach
@Machavity lol, these kids playing with sqlmap on youtube
it's community that expresses their preferences with upvotes
@LeviMorrison yea, scrw it then. The more people doing wrong stuff the better for people doing consultancy :D - I'd prefer not to look on the "bright side" but if SO rules are complacent with this, whatevs.
even if it's not general enough for you to be liked
@zerkms and many of the voters don't actually understand the problem with the content. Which is all the more reason to have the warning there
@marcio Don't forget you are also a user of said services, platforms and sites
At least I'm into the #2 spot -- I'm maybe helping some people.
@ircmaxell the content of the warning must be softer, providing a context
strongly disagree
@zerkms How about we make a strawpoll and vote on it? (Hint: you'll lose)
@LeviMorrison how about applying my bet as it is?
@marcio That's not even the worst. I went to Zendcon in 2008 and was in a security forum. The guy literally went to Google, searched for some common PHP errors and within 5 mins had a site throwing up /etc/passwd
Hint: you'll lose
@zerkms then create a meta post explaining your issue and see the response
@saurabh2836 hey
@zerkms I've already mentioned: you have a faulty premise.
@LeviMorrison I just followed both answer and the warning straight
@Machavity yeah google dorks were fun
@PeeHaa wats up !!!
if it is correct - I'm surprised I don't see a huge line of people wanting to win that prize
I can probably find a question closed as a duplicate that doesn't have an array of literal integers and I would be able to attack from a form.
That's the issue.
ask everyone here to vote for it
You are being a stupid pedant.
and close it with a reason
Now get out of this room.
@PeeHaa I don't think fixing stack overflow will impede my data to be stolen someday - ok butterfly effect - but do you have any good idea to fix this?
@zerkms then go ahead and make the post on meta talking about it and saying why you think the warning is bad, and let the community decide
where is this infamous question ?
@LeviMorrison Now that isn't really needed...
@PeeHaa He's been arguing.
He won't desist.
It's why kick-mute is only 1 minute long.
@marcio Nope not really besides trying to fix it one user at a time
@LeviMorrison did you?
Yes, I did kick-mute. It's just 1 minute.
ok, I'm going to make a meta post about that
@ircmaxell The kick-mute or..?
because I think other room owners should be notified of that (prime usage would be to better understand who's being a problem)
@LeviMorrison He is, but no reason to tell someone to get lost imo
@ircmaxell Already asked
I think @BenjaminGruenbaum requested it
@LeviMorrison should I actually?
not you doing it, but I think other owners should at least get a "user @foo got kick-muted for 1 minute by @bar"
I don't see a reason why my point of view must match anyone's else
@zerkms Your view doesn't have to match.
Yeah that's benji's request
@PeeHaa what?
@ircmaxell oh yeah
It's how you are doing it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Notify owners kcikban thingy
Q: Notify room owners when a user is kicked

Benjamin GruenbaumCurrently when a user is kicked from the chatroom room owners other than the one who kicked the user do not get notified of the kick. This is problematic since it leaves us with two options: Notify the room when the user is kicked with a message. We have initially started doing that but it tur...

@zerkms let it go.
ty :)
@LeviMorrison being a pedant is disallowed here?
I wish I could live test my thoughts without writing in real code…
I understand you don't like - but be professional, please.
@zerkms You keep insisting you are correct. That's fine. We say you are wrong; that's fine. But the problem is then you repeat the cycle.
@LeviMorrison just stop saying I'm wrong and it will be fine
See, this is the behavior that is problematic.
"You change; not me"
@zerkms there's a community here. The community has agreed that this is the best course of action. you disagree. I asked you to post on meta so we can have a formal discussion and let the SO overloards give us input
I'm just going to ignore anything you say for a while. If it continues then I'll flag.
But I'm done with this conversation -- if anyone else wants to have it that's up to them.
you don't want to make a meta post, yet you still insist on discussing it and playing pedant
"I asked you to post on meta so we can have a formal discussion and let the SO overloards give us input" --- I don't care that much
You have been warned.
@zerkms do you know @LeviMorrison and @ircmaxell are php internals?
@samaYo I do. And?
Well, that's irrelevant here, SamaYo
@zerkms then you don't care, and as such should drop it. Either care enough to do more than bitch about it, or don't
<-- agh, forgot how to do tags :D
almost ^
@marcio put tag:
/carresses the ignore button
@marcio well,… you need to include the keyword tag…
@zerkms Ok, just wanted to know.
@samaYo It's irrelevant anyway.
Our Internals contributions don't have anything to do with the topic that was being discussed
What is relevant is that ircmaxell and I are both room owners, and if two room owners say some behavior should stop then that is relevant.
ok, I just read a debate about integers ... and asumed it was about php
not to mention both of us have participated in several Meta discussions about this topic and as such understand the communities standpoint on the topic, where the other person actively refuses to do that very same thing
case closed, move on.
Now, let's break the ice by answering my question :)
5 hours ago, by samaYo
why can't declare(strict_types=1); be actually set inside the .ini file? why on-per-file basis?
@LeviMorrison welcome. Almost there 10K!
@LeviMorrison it would be helpful if you added how the generated query looks like
@HamZa Well, at least he got a gold medal for his efforts ;)
with those ? placeholders rendered
$in = join(',', array_fill(0, count($ids), '?')); is too much voodoo for newbies
@zerkms Good point. Will update in a moment (busy with something else)
I wonder why git main workflow is still to send patches through git-send-email, it seems hard to cope what's going on.
because nobody has updated it for PR
they have a mirror on github yet all patches are received on their ML
linus doesn't like github, afaik
Linus doesn't like something. News at 11
@PeeHaa It would be bigger news if you found something he liked
I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out why my mock's method wasn't called...
@Rangad He didn't seem to mind it so much when kernel.org got hacked
turns out I forgot to call the method of the controller ... doh!
What is the difference between Dispatcher and a Router in PhalconPHP?
@Rangad oh yes, of course. You receive a patch with 9 commits, each one becomes an email on your inbox, soo nice ^^ it sounds more like "how can somebody design something better than me?"
I should get some sleep ^^
seriosuly, if you're using an decent promise lib, the return value of then() is a new promise that's resolved using the return value of the then-d function
meaning there's no need to nest callbacks
Yeah, it has then, need to clean it up
Crusading against serving food on bits of wood and roof tiles, jam-jar drinks and chips in mugs. By @rossmcginnes - freelance online editor for hire.
857 tweets, 32.5k followers, following 28 users
@marcio I'm certainly not the person to argue with about git best practices. I'm still recovering from nuking an unpushed repository this week ;) Anyway, the world built some incredible tooling around git.
It's their choice to embrace it or not. If they believe that their current workflow is good enough leave them be. Still it's a good thing to discuss possible improvements and alternatives and if you dislike the way they handle it (as many non-kernel/git-core devs do) use something that suits your need. You won't convince anyone on the kernel site anyway.
On the recent topic of microframeworks: This is what I call micro ;D
@Rangad what is the point to minify it?
There is no point in minifying it despite loc/bytecounting. And it's not my code anyway.
I see, it's to say "4 LOC"
@Rangad wrong
that is micro mvc
router, orm, sanitazation, http ...
@LeviMorrison It's good (and for the record: I upvoted it long ago)
@samaYo no, it's actually "crap"
at least Ranged's linked code was a gimmick
@tereško I know it's a crap.
That's why it's a gist
eiw, don't use comma-syntax for class variables
static private $globals = [
		"get"    => INPUT_GET,
		"post"   => INPUT_POST,
		"server" => INPUT_SERVER,
	], $session, $routes = [], $pdo;
Hello :)
@ircmaxell I was just trying to fit the framework under 100 lines of code. as part of this challenge
that's the very definition of "misguided"
@tereško to you everything is :)
In addition, something like that should/could be used to make simple static php sites. The ones with only a contact page, or when in need to include header/footer.php across file and trivial things like that.
woot! 3.4 MILLION people reached :-D
oh, finally.
> This account is temporarily suspended for haters gonna hate. The suspension period ends in the year 2065
man, that totally needs to be a real suspend reason
Teehee, 632k seems unreasonably high for my answers/questions.
\o/ This is finally my highest scoring answer.
@LeviMorrison not anymore
I made the difference. I just realized, you had two 69-rated answers :)
I don't care about the website/web app one.
Please give me the vote back on the SQL IN() one.
For the record - answering questions on Imagick is the exact opposite of a good way to farm for rep
These days I don't even try answering questions unless I see one that has high upvotes with poor quality answers.
Watching the new questions feed in is depressing.
I'll look at the ones with bounties sometimes as they are sometimes higher quality.
apparently if you give bad answers you gain more rep, the sql-inject-me-pleas answer is still being upvoted
that's why I never cared for rep since the first day I used SO
For the php tag you really needed to be here years ago. These days most PHP questions are complete garbage.
Too bad I am one of the late comers.
If you want to earn rep in the PHP tag I suggest looking at the bounty questions.
the other factor is that this reputation-at-any-cost system is a waste of resources from an individual perspective, so I never really engaged on it - some people may find it truly rewarding though
I have heard that some employers can make assumptions based on your SO reputation. Not entirely a decisive factor but, enough to tip the scale to your favour.
Their assumptions can go either way.
A lot of rep either means good or wastes too much time online :P
I'm testing something - could someone do me a favour and star this for the next few minutes gist.github.com/Danack/6bd30de6247bc5148986
Er - the gist in the link please.
@LeviMorrison seriously, I hadn't done it in a while, and did for a bit today. HOLY CRAP
Thanks - Githubs api for checking 'starness' of gists is I think both stupid and broken.
@ircmaxell Yeah, very easily 50% or more are not salvageable.
@marcio I enjoy helping people in meaningful ways. Most of the new questions are not good questions though, so it's hard to help in a meaningful way.
It seems like many people asking questions are more interested in just doing a thing rather than learning how to do a thing.
It's way more rewarding when I get the rare comment along the line of "I don't entirely get the answer, but I think I get the gist and am working through to understand it."
I've had like 2 of those, and they're great.
That rarely happens, but when it does ... \o/
When I'm thinking about a big problem, I sometimes distract myself by solving small problems ;-)

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