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@ircmaxell interesting benchmarks for vector vs SLL stack, shows exactly what you'd expect though. I'm not convinced that there's room for an alternative implementation.
@ircmaxell hey i have a question for you
What goes up a chimney down, but doesn't come down a chimney up?
@ircmaxell Is there a real right for how to OOP? After all, different needs need different architectures…
@JackSmith you've already been asked once today not to ping people.
to other rooms.
> Google Chrome could not load the webpage because www.php.net took too long to respond. The website may be down, or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection.
i think i killed php though
i have an eval("return function(){};") that wsod's php with no errors
i mean, the closure gets eval'ed but dies when i call kit
i mean there are probably errors in my code since i'm refactoring but no errors are shown
sweet jesus.
That's.... interesting...
We could do this for PHP :3
run-tests.php requires you to -d option … with a space. … The php binary doesn't.
obviously I assumed opcache would work…
aaah, now tests begin to properly fail
how do i check in windows if php segfaults?
@Andrea We couldn't … well, except with tons of restrictions… Especially as we can't trivially see at compile-time whether the object will leave scope… except in a few whitelisted cases with no external calls, no references uses etc.
@bwoebi perhaps not for objects
but strings and arrays
@Abe do you mean look for the stacktrace?
cause normally it's obvious when a program has quit...
it's not uncommon to make a bunch of temporary strings or have one or two temporary arrays, and having them on the stack could improve perf I would imagine
@Andrea arrays, yes maybe (for the hashtable container)… strings, no, we don't know their size at compile time.
@Danack idk, the exit code or whatever it is?
@bwoebi alloca?
@Abe do you mean in a batch shell?
ah, you meant the real stack… well, we're already using do_alloca() in a few places.
I thought you were talking about the vm_stack
well, in our case, I suppose the vm stack is the one to care about
@Danack just want to check if i'm doing somthing really stupid or if php actually crashes
what prevents us from doing dynamic allocations on the vm stack?
yeah, and there all we could do is having the container as temporary.
@Andrea … the following stack frame maybe?
@bwoebi we can't extend our own?
@Andrea also, if we do it too much, we'll get fragmentation… and that's exactly what we have the MM for.
apache doesn't crash though. just blank page
no error logged or shown
@bwoebi that's true
@Andrea and that's why we don't do it.
where do temporaries live?
@Abe steal this? or the equivalent from zend....
@bwoebi ah, I figured as much
What's the main difference between compiled variables and temporaries? Is it that the latter can be reused or something?
Oh, the former are named, right?
both are actually true ;-)
So we reuse temps?
with opcache.
it's supported by the engine, but only opcache changes the ops to actually reuse the temps
Makes sense.
Why is opcache still dynamically-linked? >:/
I have no fucking clue <.<
I think someone, maybe laruence, said they were working on moving opcache into Zend
But it still hasn't happened
It's pretty ridiculous
what they did is separating opcache from optimizer code-wise.
It's just still in the same directory, but theoretically one should now be easily able to move optimizer somewhere else.
I'd like to move ext/opcache to Zend/opcache
I don't. I'd just like to move ext/opcache/Optimizer to Zend/optimizer
opcache can remain where it is.
caching isn't strongly coupled to the engine. The optimizer is, though.
Ah, okay, I didn't realise that
Cachine is mainly coupled to the op_array layout and a few more things.
Makes sense
well, the optimizer is basically coupled to the whole opcode specifications etc.
it's like another stage of the compiler
And ironically I'm currently failing to make my code work with Optimizer >.>
@Danack no errors, and shutdown function is executed :\
time to step through it with a debugger then.
doesn't help :s
if i have opcache.enable = 0 is it actually disabled or will it try to load some previously cached stuff?
is there any point to allowing opcache to be dynamically linked?
@Abe that change takes effect when you restart php, which also destroys the previous cache.
(unless you have the weird file caching stuff going on)
@Andrea yeah, to annoy devs.
> PHP_ADD_EXTENSION_DEP(opcache, pcre)
yeah of course i did that and the "weird file caching" is not involved
noticing a small activity spike in this sector
would anyone see it valuable to have a single canonical wiki q&a for "how to implement public-key cryptography in PHP"?
@ScottArciszewski "don't."
because I could totally start that if no one thinks it's a waste of time :P
there are valid use cases for pkcrypto :P
yes, but tell people to use a library that handles everything, or something
the password_hash of public key cryptography
uh oh, my server appears to be down
indeed it does
I can ssh in
but it's slow
that usually indicates that the server is down
DDoS maybe?
I get an "SSL handshake failed" error from CloudFlare
perhaps DDoS or so, then
though CF say:
> It appears that the SSL configuration used is not compatible with CloudFlare. This could happen for a several reasons, including no shared cipher suites. Additional troubleshooting information here.
Oh, page loaded this time. So probably load
Reddit really makes me sad:
> Defining code standards for interop - PSRs 0,1,2 - laid a strong groundwork for a lot of interop.
Yes, because having brackets in the 'right' place is the most important bit in making libraries be able to talk to each other.
k, back up
@Danack common standards make it easier for people to contribute though
I need to move off the crappy VPS soon
anyway, @Andrea that blog posts lists 5 libraries for crypto
@Andrea true, but a different thing.
@ScottArciszewski I saw :)
@Danack yeah, fair enough
Q: How to upgrade PHP function parameters work with new Zend API?

GenjutsuI am working on a php extension to upgrade it to PHP7, my question is about INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS. In the previous version it is defined as: INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS int ht, zval *return_value, zval **return_value_ptr, zval *this_ptr, int return_value_used TSRMLS_DC and in the new ...

I gave an answer to this question, I hope it's a good one
A: How to upgrade PHP function parameters work with new Zend API?

AndreaIn PHP 7, most pointers to zvals (zval*) in PHP 5 have become plain zval structs (zval) - instead of passing around pointers to heap-allocated (emalloc) zvals, zvals themselves are copied. Because of this, in a sense, return_value is the new return_value_ptr, because there's one less level of in...

@Andrea nice.
ok i did a stupid danack
it's the fifth time i refactor the whole thing
by the way @marcio when you allow arbitrarily many args for icalls, you can just define zend_parse_parameters_none() to do nothing…
Breaking news: PHP7 is 10% slower than PHP 5.2 news.php.net/php.internals/89729
i ended up having complete types only @Andrea basically a generic type class A<$T1 is Foo> is a valid A<Foo>
@marcio YAY!
> One thing I do need to put on the bug list is fixing compile warnings in
the php_firebird and interbase extensions, but they do seem to be
working OK.
oh wow, I never noticed how we made the phpinfo column wider :o
@Andrea to be precise, it has nothing to do with safety, but with dmitry wanting to do things as speedy as possible … and a movq+mov is potentially faster than two movq's …
@bwoebi heh
edit my answer, then :p
@bwoebi that's true, I'll do that.
@marcio it may be slower for him because he's not using opcache
PHP 7's compilation process might be slower than 5.2's
that's well possible
@Andrea interesting, I never made any comparison. But looking at some PHP7 callgrind reports recently, the compilation cycle was too insignificant to produce a 10% diff
@marcio yeah… but Lester probably tried Hello World :-D
or any linear code without loops.
well, he is certainly doing something wrong
it's probably some trivial error, or he did poor benchmarks
I doubt it's his fault though
well, whose if not his? :-D
I also have the hypothesis that maybe his server is pushing tons of notices into log files.
@marcio that could be it too
btw I'm frequently checking and you should too
anyway, goodnight :)
good night
good night!
and I have finally hope the support for opcache finally works…
@Andrea Is the moon a he or a she? :-D
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon (Latin luna; cf. English "lunar"). She is often presented as the female complement of the Sun (Sol) conceived of as a god. Luna is also sometimes represented as an aspect of the Roman triple goddess (diva triformis ), along with Proserpina and Hecate. Luna is not always a distinct goddess, but sometimes rather an epithet that specializes a goddess, since both Diana and Juno are identified as moon goddesses. In Roman art, Luna's attributes are the crescent moon and the two-yoke chariot (biga ). In the Carmen Saeculare...
sun - he; moon - she;
Interesting :o
(anyway, the name "Luna" reminded me of "lunatic" …)
yeah, same root: Middle English: from Old French lunatique, from late Latin lunaticus, from Latin luna ‘moon’ (from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity).
@Danack Well, considering some people that's not hard to believe :-D
Luna is also a female name used nowadays in italy. not very popular though. but neither rare :B
That I know at least :-D
@Abe ...since the harry potter books?
… lol … ^^
> Jack Smith has invited you to join JavaScript. See your invitations.
third time now
@Danack what makes you think i read the harry potter books or even watched the movies
@JackSmith blocked
got invited too
I think some mod should have a small look… like e.g. @MadaraUchiha …
@JackSmith you really are bad at taking advice aren't you?
IDK why but this conversation about the moon reminded of this movie Coherence, it was interesting to watch even though the science part was BS.
(stay away from the imdb reviews)
@Abe Never implied that you did, just that someone has that name in the books. And you could read them, the books are reasonably good.
i would rather read a phone book
and no anyway. we had Luna's even before harry potter
do you have Luna's in uk too? you guys have many roman originated names
(and yes, i know britain was a roman colony. saying that you have more roman names than other roman colonies)
Hi there, are you able to echo php in a html table caption
This is what I have which is not working - <caption><?php echo htmlentities($row['battletag'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></caption>
is there any lounge for algorithms ? all i see are language specific lounges
If I have that exact code but inside the <td> tags in a table it will display fine
And if I have just <caption>Hi</caption> it will display hi as the caption
@Abe names are all over the place - resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/… just like words, we've just been collecting them for the past 1000 years.
i mean, you don't often see "isabella" in anglophone countries, except uk
NOOOooooOOOoooo warning: this video contains images that may hurt the sensitivity of some people
That moment where you realize you did a change to zend_vm_execute.h, ran php zend_vm_gen.php and make … and have to redo everything again in zend_vm_def.h ...
It took me just fucking eleven hours (excluding interruptions) to add opcache support and fix remaining bugs…
Why is coding C that exhausting…
But seriously… 9 hours of debugging with less than 2 hours interruption … it's seriously some serious fun. Coding is one third of the fun… debugging the other three quarters.
1 hour later…
@bwoebi Jack Smith again?
getting soaking wet first thing in the morning sets the tone for the day I think ...
@JoeWatkins phrasing, context.
I'm British, it's raining ...
nuff said ...
Fair enough
@MadaraUchiha Hey man, I got +14 rep and it said serial voting reversed.
What does it mean?
@HassanAlthaf It means that someone downvoted you 7 (8) times, and it was reversed automatically by the system
Any idea who it was?
i was wondering if how does youtube check the videos similarity like its from another uploaded video , and the video will be muted
can you enlighten me?
I think it compares the data between the videos?
Or perhaps depends on user generated flags.
@HassanAlthaf I can see who it was (we can see unusual voting patterns)
@MadaraUchiha Mind telling me who that person was?
Did you make anyone angry that would want to make them revenge downvote you?
Not really. I don't have much enemies.
@HassanAlthaf I can't expose that info, sorry
Oh ok.
I'm a jovial guy who likes to enjoy life.
Lol nice, is that yours? @JoeWatkins
no, phil tweeted it ...
Is that a Tortoise?
@JoeWatkins I'm trying to get my destructive stack iterator to work but I'm getting an "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" after the first iteration, every time. Where would be a good place to start debugging that? I had a look through all the cases on lxr where that error comes up, but nothing obvious came up.
@rtheunissen Are you trying to implement a stack or... trying to use a real stack in your computer system?
@rtheunissen show me code
Can do.
Here or issue?
@JoeWatkins Is pthreads a way to write Asynchronous PHP?
pthreads is an Object Orientated API that allows user-land multi-threading in PHP.
parallel != asynchronous
So is multi-threading different from Asynchronous?
Oh, what is the difference?
Oh, Asynchronous === Parallel?
Oh shit
Multi threading === Parallel
in the case of pthreads, yes
not always
Nice title btw.
You would make an awesome writer.
@JoeWatkins assigned.
instead of copying code into bug reports, link to source, I would ...
Reading that post in the meantime.
Source is not committed.
Could just do that I guess.
zval *value;
    stack_pop(s, value);
    return value;
You are yoda right now.
you already know where the problem is ...
Is that C?
So I know that you shouldn't return anything that's on the stack. So a zval, passed by reference to stack_pop wouldn't work, right?
the iterator has a zval for you to use
copy to that
then on next get_data dtor if !IS_UNDEF
Nah it just expects me to return one. Unless I reuse the obj one?
Wait there is no obj one.
It's just a single zend_object_iterator arg.
^^ greek
ZVAL_UNDEF it in the iterator ctor, then destroy it on each iteration and on dtor of iterator if !IS_UNDEF ...
I did not know that existed. :D
Cool will do. Thanks for pointing out that struct.
fix that first, it's going to do strange things ...
you are corrupting heap, in effect
Could you briefly explain why what I was doing, was broken?
your zval* is not allocated, when you ZVAL_COPY(not_allocated, value) you are trying to copy the sizeof(*value) to unallocated heap address ...
so you break shit ...
make sense ?
Right. My intention was to just copy the pointer.. ie not allocate anything.
if (return_value) {
        ZVAL_COPY(return_value, value);

that's not what this says ...
Mm initial intention. I peeked first, copied, then popped.
and it wouldn't make sense whatever ... for pop ...
gotta take misses to work, afk ...
If I peeked first, copied that, then popped?
How does Laravel do this:
You have a Model.
And it holds some attributes.
It magically creates methods to get and set
those attributes
lets say you have an attribute Username.
How does it generate that
@HassanAlthaf check out __call I think
Oh god, that is magic. Thanks @rtheunissen
@HassanAlthaf yes, and you should avoid adding magic to your codebase
@tereško Lol, why's that? :P
@HassanAlthaf Because magic is by definition what people don't understand.
well ... think it through
why did you need to ask "how laravel does it"?
Because I saw it on Laravel framework
because the "how" was not obvious
Imagine trying to do $i++ only for $i to increase by 10, because someone overloaded the ++ operator (some languages let you do that)
Well, imagine you're developing an ORM.
You could use this magic.
To generate entities
@HassanAlthaf You can always use magic.
With clean methods to fetch the attributes of the entity. (variables).
Whether or not it's a good idea, is a different thing.
JavaScript for example handles it a lot more gracefully, because it was designed to do so.
@HassanAlthaf that's simple. Just use "data mapper" patter instead of "active record"
(In JavaScript, you can create the PHP equivalent to classes on the fly, and it's not even dirty)
@tereško That ^
@tereško Would you mind linking me to some document that talks about data mappers and active records?
@HassanAlthaf Well, @tereško is still writing a canonical he promised me about it 2 years ago
What's a canonical? @MadaraUchiha
thought you should read the entire PoEAA book if you want to start learning about architecture
@MadaraUchiha oh .. lol
sorry about that
pastebin.com/vAwz65Bn So that is bad.
@tereško I did start reading it. Just don't find much time to do so really..
@HassanAlthaf a funny thing about it: it will not catch $foo->GetBar()
@tereško Ye because if I ever create the library I was talking about, it will follow the unofficial PHP standards.
emm .. in PHP methods are not case sensitive
I see.
Then a simple hack would be lowercasing the first three characters I guess?
Bubble wrap I'm tired
Damn, never knew PHP methods are not case sensitive.
neither are classes
wow.. lo
So, what was the other idea you had?
Instead of this approach?
did you loot at the two links above
Yeah, but it seems like the language is too complex for me to understand.
what you were think of making would be along the lines of "active record"
which combines persistence logic and domain logic in a single entity
.. and thus you end up with a problem
No, no, no!
My plan was to just implement dynamic getters and setters.
Does it still count as whatever logic?
@JoeWatkins a destructive iterator is so useless come to think of it.
You can just pop everything into an intermediate, then push back again in whatever order you want.
I kind of agree, but that could be because we don't understand why a destructive iterator is useful in the first place ...
also, I don't think the suggestion was to provide only a destructive iterator, but provide one as an option ...
but I'm usually wrong ... I dunno ...
It's because "you can only access the next element by removing the previous".
Sure, that is true. But you can argue that the iterator just rotates it.
It doesn't actually "guard" anything.
Just creates an obstacle to work around.
Even if you say OK NO ITERATOR FOR YOU, then just pop everything into a list, iterate that, reverse it, and push everything back again.
But with that logic... a stack is just an inconvenient list.
@ircmaxell could you please explain why a destructive iterator would be a viable idea here? I want to believe..
maybe just sugar ...
or maybe because a non-destructive one doesn't really make sense for a stack ... because ...
6 mins ago, by rtheunissen
It's because "you can only access the next element by removing the previous".
> just pop everything into a list, iterate that, reverse it, and push everything back again.
Iterator, voila.

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