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you can use it for injection...but that isn't something it does, you have to do it.
Pimple goes like this. Bootstrap (composition root), store creation of UserRepository in array's "user.repository" key. Then when framework gets to the point where it creates your controllers, it'll pull that from that arary
That's all it is, really simple
Of course, you then have to define every. single. bloody. parameter.
auryn is a complete game changer though it was a happy day when my eyes where opened to it.
@Orangepill Then when I went to C# I cried until I found something like Unity Container (might not be the right name)
I'll have to remember that if I ever delve back into C#
@NullPoiиteя i used to genuinely care, but, i grew tired of the constant meta-logic of logicality versus practicality
and the assholes
they make it really hard to feel like what you're doing matters
some people genuinely think it does^^, though we may not speak as loud
anyone familiar with codeigniter here>
@cyberrspiritt codeigniter? i use kerosene
Q: Formatting HTML in codeigniter emails

cyberrspirittI have to send an email to the user but the email must be HTML formatted. I've read other posts here but that didnt help. Here's my code from controller: public function reply_post(){ $to = $this->input->post('contact_email'); $subject = $this->input->post('contact_subject'); $head...

im having problem formatting html content into emails
yeah funny @car
yeah funny @CarrieKendall
in fact, it is very funny
you might want to read this @cyberrspiritt
I thought it was pretty clever... though pedantically, it's the spark or an open flame that ignites the code, not another, more combustible fuel.
i've searched for solutions here, didnt find a suitable answer @FélixGagnon-Grenier
you have amazingly fast reading skillz bro
@cyberrspiritt Let me rephrase what Felix said... Please spend a few hours reading through catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html ... If your question linked above gets something meaningful in the mean time, all the better, but at the very least, you'll be better equiped to not be ridiculed in the future.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier cmd+f codeigniter 0 occurences ;)
oh. I see. :S
@CarrieKendall molten hydrogen is good enough.
What is molten hydrogen?
@NikiC Hydrogen that has been compressed enough to be in metallic form. Probably exists within Jupiter.
@PeeHaa lol nice =]
still watching
ah that was funny
.. funny enough the imigrants heard bad things about Denmark and refuses to immigrate here.. they just pass trough and continue to sweden/norway
hopefully this video will fix it all =p
@bwoebi but, portability is crucial :P
Metallic hydrogen is a phase of hydrogen in which it behaves as an electrical conductor. This phase was predicted theoretically in 1935, but has not been reliably produced in laboratory experiments due to the requirement of high pressures, on the order of hundreds of gigapascals. At these pressures, hydrogen might exist as a liquid rather than solid. Liquid metallic hydrogen is thought to be present in large amounts in the gravitationally compressed interiors of Jupiter, Saturn, and in some extrasolar planets. == Theoretical predictionsEdit == === Metallization of hydrogen under pressureEdit... ===
user image
@CarrieKendall damn.
I just saw unicorns there
/me is amazed how long using sourcetree prevented me to start understanding git
Was Sourcetree originally an SVN GUI?
Morning guys
I was trying to detect IE using php
Why isn't it echoing a string in which there's a part like 'msie'
It's returning this:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
How will I know that it's IE ?
@ZahidSaeed Check this page : useragentstring.com/pages/Internet%20Explorer
Those should be all UA strings for IE
Unrelated to that - I'm having an error when I supply an array to a foreach
> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [...]
But is there any common part in all versions of IE ?
Whom can I find and go !
Maybe I can help you
Show me your code
Got it thanks
How can I help you now ?
Maybe I could help you with the loop
^ Warning is for this foreach:
So I'm fetching user id's (for testing there is just one matching all conditions) and my array $userid output before the foreach is:
[0] => 30

The code follows:
if(!empty($userid)){ $userid = array_unique($userid); }
foreach($userid as $k => $id){
normally that array would have minimum 3 id's so array_unique was for that
I can't see how that array would be an invalid argument
before it was working with foreach($userid as $id) and now even if I try that it gives the same warning
Could you do a var_dump() just before you check if it's empty?
Try removing $k => in foreach loop
Just do like this:
foreach($userid as $id){}
I did print_r to a file (it's in a cron) both with foreach($userid as $id){} and foreach($userid as $k => $id){ }
both prints above array and there is no other code in between
[0] => 30
This array is equal to $userid ?
it's the output of print_r($userid)
Let me check
Give me a second
When you feed a foreach with data that is not an array, that warning comes up - normally
^as far as I know. I can't see how is that the case here
It's working for me @Ekin
On the bit where I fetch these user id's in a while statement - I do some calculations etc. Right after the email file is included I output the html and I can see those codes have no problem as well
That's really weird then
php > $a = [30];
php > var_dump($a);
array(1) {
php > if (!empty($a)) { echo 'Hi!'; $a = array_unique($a); }
php > var_dump($a);
array(1) {
php > if (isset($a)) { echo 'Hello again' . PHP_EOL;
php { foreach ($a as $k => $v) { echo '$a[' .$k . '] = ' . $v . PHP_EOL; }
php { }
Hello again
$a[0] = 30
Seems the code you shared works fine... Sure there isn't something else in there?
I doubt the same thing
Okay I'll remove other codes in the while stmt to see then
   $userid = array(30);

$userid = array_unique($userid);
	foreach($userid as $k => $id){
		echo $k . " = " . $id;
Anyone works with wordpress here ? :P
I'm looking for material about (professionally) deploying a PHP application, anyone know something good? Google just gave me a bunch of apps to do it and even adding "best practices" didn't turn up anything recent (eg a SO thread from '09)
Well... that's a pretty broad topic, and nearly every answer includes the words "that depends".
I figure .. but is there anything I can start with (so I can answer those "depends" answers myself)? So far I've only programmed stuff but never thought about life cycles or even proper development and production environment
At the most basic level: Upload your code. Run your SQL queries to define the database structure. Test.
Yeah :D
One environment that I enjoyed working in had a quick release cycle, sometimes every week... It had 2 developers with their own local copies, a dev testing server, a staging server for the business users to test within, and 3 load balanced production web servers, 2 database servers in master/warm standby mode, 2 file servers with one in replication mode/warm standby, 2 Redis servers again with one in warm standby... and used Git hooks to transfer the PHP files to and from each server/dev box.
Make that 4 product web servers; one was reserved for admin use only, so we could run long running scripts without impacting users.
@kingkero you might want to look at deployer.org
this is just one of many "professional" tools for deployment
Thanks for the replies!
I have to dig way deeper in this stuff
Well, what are your needs, and what are your constraints? Is this an initial deployment, a feature update, or a complete overhaul? Can you tolerate downtime, do you need down minimized, or are you completely unable to have any downtime at all during a deployment? Do you have multiple servers to update, and if so, will you be doing an all-at-once deployment or rolling it out and testing as you go?
Very good questions, thanks!
We are just planning the a new project, so downtime would still need to be discussed amongst us, as the questions if we need multiple servers (and if so, how many)
I was asked if I knew anything about deployment and thought, heck why not ask in chat as I currently don't have a clue. I've written down your questions, thanks, and will look for more stuff online
I like rolling updates, personally, because it gives one last smoke test before the users see things.

Also, trade-off between downtime is often the data itself; if two versions of an update can work with the same data without any issues, you can eliminate downtime... but if there are any DB structure changes, you either need a very complex script to copy data, keep both sets of data live while some scripts work with your old code base and others work with the new, and finally when your code base is fully updated, you'll need to merge changes in the old data back in.
And, if you have multiple servers, you can take one out of a load balancer pool, change the files, restart the web server to get the new files loaded into memory, then go on to the next server.
Thanks alot for your input!
"change the files" - this is the wrong pattern btw. Always installing to a unique directory per version is better as it allows complete clarity about which version is being run.
(Just realized I didn't finish my thought in the downtime paragraph above...) OR, if you don't want to deal with two data sets and eventually merging them, then downtime is inevitable.
@Danack You could keep track of that with Git tags, too...
It means you can avoid needing to "restart the web server to get the new files loaded into memory"
Any requests that are still being processed by the current files can complete successfully. Any requests to the new files, go to the new files.
You'd need to restart the web server to change the web root.
@Ghedipunk Renames are atomic.
Same thing for symlinks.
apachectl --graceful (don't remember the exact command, but it gets the point across)
Not necessarily. You could fire up a new php-fpm instance for each version. Have it listen on a unique socket per version, and then just add the new socket to the nginx config, and do a reload.
All existing requests are still processed gracefully. All new requests go to the new files/fpm instance.
@bwoebi Do you think you could do me a favor and build this and run the tests? github.com/morrisonlevi/php-src/tree/zend_type
I'm getting one test that fails and can't see my error.
I'm fetching some quotes from table while I fetch user id's. which seem to break the html which is written like $html='.................$quote.......' . What should I use before outputting the fetched string from db to escape single quotes or this symbol (it doesn't seem to be regular single quote) -> ’ ?
I want to fix all of the zend_type migration issues before adding new semantics.
@Ekin Use prepared statements instead. Preferably with PDO.
Oh, remember to build with --disable-opcache.
@Ekin define 'break'. Also, you probably haven't shown the bit of code that's actually causing the issue.
@Ekin Wait, sorry, saw quotes and SQL and jumped to a conclusion... re-reading your question.
@Ghedipunk @Danack @Charles Thanks for the messages. I have to go now, will look deeper into the matter
@LeviMorrison To make dmitry happy, I would suggest to Add a u16 flags to zend_type and use flags of first type to store pass_by_reference and is_variadic.
@Ekin What are you trying to do? (Be specific). What is the expected result? What are the actual results (right-click, View Source. Don't just copy/pasta from the rendered page.)
That way, you avoid any discussion about increasing arginfo size by 8 bytes ;)
@LeviMorrison 5 mins, then I'll be back.
I'm aware of the size increase. However, I am not going to do that optimization prematurely.
@LeviMorrison Ah nevermind, I thought this was a cleanup for landing
Well, sort of.
It's pretty much required for union types to be implemented.
And it's big enough I was doing it step by step.
@NikiC Hmm. Are variadics really a "type" thing or other information a parameter declaration would have?
There's a similar question about references.
@LeviMorrison Parameter information
Yeah, that's what I thought too. Less certain about references.
Foo|...string $argOrArgs ugh
@LeviMorrison param too
Yeah, I guess the way we do references in PHP they aren't types.
You can't take a string& | int.
Also, I wonder about the portability of that anonymous struct.
It's technically C11.
@LeviMorrison not c99?
I am thinking we should move to it, honestly. The differences between C99 and C11 are fairly small.
@bwoebi gnu99 or MSVC99 but not C99
But I'm unsure about less common compilers.
@LeviMorrison oh
C11 adds anonymous structs and unions which I think are really useful.
typedef struct _zend_internal_arg_info {
        const char *name;
        struct {
                zend_uchar type_hint;
                zend_bool allows_null;
                const char *class_name;
        zend_uchar pass_by_reference;
        zend_bool is_variadic;
} zend_internal_arg_info;
This way you don't have to do arg_info.s.class_name. Can do arg_info.class_name but get the desired memory layout.
i'm thinking to implement a simple friends-classes thingy using debug_backtrace with limit and closure::bindTo. do you know if someone made it already?
>.< I hope I never see such an implementation.
@Abe Why are you trying to repeat the mistakes of other languages?
@LeviMorrison lol
@marcio I didn't click. No thank you.
@Danack oh i don't know. a namespace-protected would be enough, i guess
@LeviMorrison at least they didn't use debug_backtrace!
@marcio they did
@marcio I didn't fall for it.
wise cat
Okay.. It's so annoying to debug someone else's code. So these are all the code I have, don't mind unclosed {} as I just copied the main stuff I didn't paste all >> main cron file = http://pastebin.com/4wrRr727 included email file = http://pastebin.com/Dn7KuhYt Error I get for all runs no matter if email comes empty or correctly displaying = Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

The thing is... It sends the mail correctly on one run, sends it empty on the second one.. As the only difference per run is the changing quote, I asume some quotes break the html.
sorry forgot commenting on this one pastebin.com/4wrRr727 line 35: $userid[] - line 67 foreach($userid as $k => $id) - line 74: include email file
We don't seem to have a struct somewhere that looks like this:
struct {
    char const *ptr;
    size_t size;
Is that correct?
We only have smart strings and zend_string, right?
I am trying to extract some of the common operations for arg_info and internal_arg_info into functions.
It's fairly common to get the name of the type and its size at one time.
We don't seem to have a suitable struct to return it in.
name of the type and its size?
@ircmaxell Basically, yes.
if (fptr->type == ZEND_INTERNAL_FUNCTION) {
        class_name = ((zend_internal_arg_info*)arg_info)->class_name;
        class_name_len = strlen(class_name);
} else {
        class_name = ZSTR_VAL(arg_info->class_name);
        class_name_len = ZSTR_LEN(arg_info->class_name);
Was busy helping my sister with Latin… sorry. Anything I can help with @Levi ?
@bwoebi Just the issue I pinged you about.
Okay, so issue still exists… few min
uh, I guess I need to disable opcache first…
@tereško how are you? your illness have passed? are you ok right now?! anyway, I wish you all the best.
I meant of "I wish you all the best" was: I hope get health.
@LeviMorrison so, you're wondering why no fatal is generated, right?
@bwoebi Yeah.
any php gurus here?
anyone familiar with vagrant/puphpet?
Assertion failed: ((((*(pz)).u1.v.type_flags & (1<<2)) != 0) || (((*(pz)).u1.v.type_flags & (1<<1)) != 0) || (((*(pz)).u1.v.type_flags & (1<<5)) != 0)), function zval_refcount_p, file Zend/zend_types.h, line 813.
Abort trap: 6
@LeviMorrison … the zend_test_func() expects two params
@LeviMorrison well, nah, that's misleading
that's just zend_test_func being buggy…
echo "<table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' class='tablehead' style='background-color:white;'><tbody><tr class='stathead'><td colspan='5' style='background-color:#0B3861;color:white;'>$equipo_a vs $equipo_b | [MLB] $juego_liga <div name='live[$k]' id='live'></div></tr><tr class='colhead' style='text-align:center;'><td>$juego_hora</td><td>A GANAR</td><td>ALTA/BAJA (6.5)</td><td>RUN LINE</td><td>ALTA/BAJA (3.5 | 5to inning)</td></tr><div id='odds'></div></tbody></table>";
anyone know what the problem by printing done? this within a loop "for"
<div name='live[$k]' id='live'></div> //is a ajax div
@LeviMorrison well, the ZEND_ACC_HAS_RETURN_TYPE flag isn't set
@jcrashvzla You haven't explained what you expect to see and what you're actually seeing, so... no, nobody has any clue.
Chances are, liberal use of var_dump() will help you solve the problem yourself, though.
@bwoebi omg, i just noticed you always use … rather than 3 dots #ocd :D
@Abe On a mac it's easier to type.
@Abe Feels faster for me to type alt+dot than three dots^^
the alt key being just below the dot
oh sorry, the problem is only printed on one index.
lol, didn't know that
@Abe are you using mac too or why so surprised?
… -- alt+; over here...
the "ajax div" is printed on a single index but, if the loop has several index only look in one.
using windows, and you don't get a shortcut for that on windows :P i thought you did Alt 0133 every time
@Abe that'd be a bit too much work :-D
yep :P
You want to place the complete code?
@jcrashvzla stripped down example to reproduce the problem
@bwoebi I reviewed my patch. I don't seem to change anything that would affect that.
I'm not sure why it fails on my patch but not on master.
as a more generic answer,you generate html as text using variables without escaping - any variablecan contain html and/or breakyour output.
@LeviMorrison well, let me have a look…
validate the html response using the developer tools in the browser
Does anyone know how the files in phpunit/tests/Regression/ are used? (see here: github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/tree/… )
.@ThW example:
for loop here
[div print]//index1
[div print] //index2
close for bucle

i get [div print]//index1
and I want to have
[div print]//index1
[div print]//index2
That is not even real source.
my real code
You're using PHP to generate HTML that is modified by JS,so the first step is always to validate the generated HTML source. So you can decide to debug the PHP or the JS
<link charset="utf-8" href="./css/tablaodds.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="./js/ajax.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>refreshdiv_live();</script>
//Obtener fecha
$fechaabrev = strftime("Sat, %b 17, %y");
//[Variables globales]
$xml = simplexml_load_file('http://sportsfeeds.bovada.lv/basic/MLB.xml');
$juegos = count($xml->EventType->Date);
// Create multiple XMLHttpRequest objects (one for each DIV)

// The AJAX function...

function AJAX(){
xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
return xmlHttp;
catch (e){
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); // Internet Explorer
return xmlHttp;
catch (e){
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xmlHttp;
catch (e){
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX.");
return false;

// Timestamp for preventing IE caching the GET request (common function)

<?php echo rand(); ?>
oh joy, SimpleXML
Please use a third party site to paste large chunks of text, such as pastebin.com ... Also, you were asked to use the least amount of source code to replicate the problem. This request was so that you can more easily see your issue and get you to see your solution. Remember, you're the one maintaining your site, not us, so it is in your best interest to get intimately familiar with how to troubleshoot problems on it.
We're happy to point you in the right direction, but we often feel it is a better use of our time to give you strong troubleshooting skills, than just dismiss you with a quick solution that won't help you tomorrow.
(Also, it's easier for us to stroke our egos when there's less code.)
Oh wait
I see, different struct.
@LeviMorrison that's arg_info
_Static_assert(sizeof() == sizeof());`
^ Wish we could do that stuff already :/
Prevent stupid mistakes like this that waste so much time.
@LeviMorrison took me also few times looking back and forth to realize it's actually not arg info ^^
C11 pls!
c99 with common extensions is fine xD
sorry for the code
/me waits to get slapped
@Ghedipunk C++ has too many bad parts…
@ThW You… are going to … EAT ELEPHPANTS?!!? BLASPHEMY!!!
@Ghedipunk that was in comparison to C.
@bwoebi I did, already :-P
C has just one bad part, random access without restrictions.
@ThW Burn him alive and may he spend the eternity in hell!
Hehe :-P
How can one man eat 6+ Elephpants though?
I uploaded the stl to thingiverse, but it will take a day to confirm the account
I should have made it more obvious that I knew that C++ wasn't an option, than just putting "/me waits to get slapped"...
@bwoebi Thanks for your help. I've fixed it up and rebased off master. No errors \o/
@LeviMorrison \o/
conditional breakpoints are an awesome thing.
for fuck sake
… I really hope that person is trolling.
I really think he isn't
"from first of the words" or "from the first of words" ?
Q: what are your guys preferred or favorite set of priority terms ex: High, low etc...
@tereško erm…
@Sajad From the first words... but that sounds quite formal and a little archaic... More context please.
"How to remove all specific characters from the first of words?"
"How would I remove all special characters after the first words?" (Note: "first words" is still a bit ambiguous. If you can specify exactly which words, that would be better.)
I got it, thanks
Hello guys
Is there a stream that can be used in the "include" like in include 'data://text/plain,<?php echo 123'; and accepting written?
Sorry my bad english (i am brazilian)
@RowAraujo it looks like you can register your own stream wrapper php.net/manual/en/class.streamwrapper.php
@tereško lolol
@LeviMorrison so was thinking about totally eliminating that code...
Working on LISP-optimized keyboard project http://t.co/azOfVO4wDx
@ircmaxell That was exactly what I expected :-D :-D :-D
@bwoebi looks too bloated, they could remove the space key.
@marcio well, we need something to actually indicate that we want to run the code?
I uhm… maybe should close this browser window with 211 tabs… These things eat memory.
Sadly having only 16 instead of 32 GB RAM on this Laptop.
211 tabs, are you still using opera 12?
It was the only browser that handled more than 120 tabs (with tab stacking) without crash.
I regularly use over 150 tabs on Chrome
and have for years
A C programmer is one who, when told not to run with scissors, responds "it should be 'don't trip with scissors.' I never trip."
does chrome has tab grouping, 150 seems unmanageable without grouping
I open new windows after about 80 tabs, and then continue
there are extensions that do it
not to mention new windows
It's been almost a year I don't open chrome for more than a 15 minutes debugging session. I'll check it out again.
(only tab in my chrome is Netflix because it just works)
@Fabor yep, I saw :D
@ircmaxell I saw this happen today on Hacker News in a discussion about LibreSSL vulnerabilities
@ircmaxell Just need to support compile-time zend_string*.
@ircmaxell interestingly, that's probably sufficient for writing lisp. you could use lists of nils as identifiers, numbers, strings, etc.
@LeviMorrison make one, it would complement our macros :)
@ircmaxell I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
@Andrea either we need manifold macro nesting (logarithmic) because compile-time hash calculation because read-only memory… or well, C++' constexpr.
@bwoebi set h = 0
@Andrea and then?
h=0 just means hash hasn't been calculated yet
Is it possible to test PHPUnit without building it? stackoverflow.com/questions/22161455/…
hmm, interesting… turns out my webserver running PHP 7 ended up with a process on 100% due to an infinite loop in zend_hash_find_bucket (Z_NEXT() being referencing circularly)
Wow. Never knew stack had chat. This is where all my stupid low-quality questions should have been resolved.
@bwoebi BTW, scary that this only broke one test.
Anyone is using laravel?

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