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I really hope today is "International Wear-A-Wrinkly-Shirt Day", and I just don't know about it.
welcome @MikeM.
Thanks :)
@DanLugg Why?
@DanLugg That's every day isn't it?
Everyday I have sweater vests available at least
I left em all at my parent's when I was washing em' last.
@DanLugg why you hope it's that?
@DanLugg Buy a washing machine
ha ha ha
Apartment, no can do.
@DaveRandom old school == great school :)
@DanLugg You don't necessarily have to move. You could just buy out the building and change the rules.
Or (cheaper) buy a gun and threaten the landlord
It's that kind of thinking that's gonna take you to the top.
@DaveRandom Or give the landlord a carton of beer and threaten to take it away after a few beers.
Also, corporate owned property; will have to go to head office with dynamite.
Totally doable. I know you craxy cannucks always have some dynamite kicking around. You know, in case a moose wanders into the build or something.
In case? It's expected now.
As I understand it, the best way to scare a moose out of a building is to blow it up
Sometimes we just throw lit dynamite around corners presuming.
and by "it" I mean either the moose or the building, it doesn't really matter
Totally doesn't matter. We're all lumberjacks, so another building is 5 minutes away from being built.
@DanLugg I shall cross out the word "canada" on my globe and write in "acme acres"
@DaveRandom Yeah, blow up the moose, that'll teach 'em!
I've deployed phpng on http://3v4l.org; example of faster operation in http://3v4l.org/gM8r2/perf#tabs
@DaveRandom Um, yea. That'd be a bit offensive to all of us, especially Yacko, Wacko, and Dot.
@Danack Awesome :)
Anyway, off to work with my wrinkly digs.
Check y'all in a bit.
Dumb question, are there any good or recommended patterns to follow when making a site that utilises an API? This API
Trying to think of how to sensibly structure it all
routing et al
@Danack I should reinstall PHP 4.2 ... it seems to be the fastest of the lot, though most likely because of the things that it can't do ;-)
@Jack Yeah - it'd be interesting to see the exact config for 3v4l - the timings for 3v4l.org/KMJQ8/perf#tabs imply that it must be incurring some heavy start up costs - e.g. running via CLI rather than a cgi or similar. Which is not unexpected, just would be good to not what the numbers mean, rather than just relative values.
@Jack Check out the memory footprints differences as well
Yeah, it's like back to 5.2 era :D
@Jack no, that's because of parse errors on lower versions than php 5.3
@bwoebi " ... because of the things that it can't do" :)
@Jack oh.
the "can't do" being able to parse da code heh
@hakre I never understood why people extract variables from array to be re-used as array again.
One more TSRM issue for php-src master ... allllmost there
@TOOTSKI s/ to be re-used as array again./
That too.
However not in that case probably.
@Jack what ?
@PeeHaa s/ extract variables from array//
$dob = $_POST['dob'];
$dob = ...;
$templateVars = ['dob' => $dob];
Like that, something.
@Jack here you go: 3v4l.org/NG8uN/perf#tabs
@Jack ?
@ircmaxell hehehe awesome
I am going to make the ultimate FacadeMVC framework using nothing but $$variablesVariable and closures. Ex. $$userModel = 'wow'; $wow = function() use ($allGlobals)
ow damn missing two words :|
@PeeHaa "I never understood why people"
@JoeWatkins This :)
@hakre Isn't that what PayPal does? ;-)
yes, and as their rand is very good, their site is very slow.
@Fabien So, you want to utilize that API in your application, and offer a similar URI structure to that of the API?
> Are you a Christian in tech? This event is being held to draw together a foundational group of Christians who work as developers, designers, data geeks, entrepreneurs or anyone else interested in seeing mobile and tech used to serve Kingdom purposes. One output of this group may be to organise a Code for the Kingdom Christian weekend hackathon in 2015.
@TOOTSKI whatisthisidonteven.jpg
@DanLugg It's a sigh. Can't believe really that Jon Skeet is "Christian".
It's OK, believe in deity and everything, but saying Christian or any other religion is same as saying "I'm right, you're wrong".
@DanLugg I'm effectively replicating that site through their API
@TOOTSKI I think the issue is that a meetings' attendance is predicated on something that has nothing to do with the meeting.
@DanLugg To me, it's same as racism. Like only whites meeting, but blacks can come too, but you're not welcome.
We're developers, I don't see how me being a sun worshipper has any effect on my API.
@TOOTSKI Essentially, kinda. It's prejudice in some form. But it's not even that; it's that a group of developers should meet based on being developers, not their favorite story, or favorite food.
@TOOTSKI Haven't you seen the guy? :P
@TOOTSKI religious developers are kinda rare
internet seems incompatible with religious beliefs
@tereško Not really, lots of times on Twitter I see in description "Christian." (everything else).
@PeeHaa ;P
@tereško And the areas that are compatible with a given religion are incompatible with every other.
@tereško It really isn't integrity.com
@DanLugg LOL
@SecondRikudo Awesome, have you ran though any of it? It looks good; I need to forward it onto a colleague to get her up to speed with our setup.
@DanLugg Yes, it's very good
It supports cloning and pulling too
Awesome possum. Thanks :-)
I should probably run through it myself anyway ;-) I'm no git guru.
@tereško see the pattern.
Hundreds of results, too.
For these, I think they're forced, not by choice.
> Professionally PHP web developer. Proud to be Muslim first. Politically like Congress.
So... any argument with blinded people is invalid.
Therefore, thou shall not speak about crap here.
@TOOTSKI I doubt he was Muslim first, pretty sure other people came before him
@DaveRandom He was Muslim before it was cool.
@DaveRandom :D
But enough religion plx. Unless it's about bracket location.
@DaveRandom Nope. That's the first.
@DaveRandom Bahaha
@Danack I don't care if you're a musi. Is it tabs, or spaces?
@Jimbo BOTH.
@Danack What, like, "take your religion and stick it up your (" ?
So tabs converted to spaces ;)
@Danack Oh, so you're that red haired fuck we should be beating with bats.
Q: Is this a good title? "Kitten can't speak"

user3551452When I ask a question if my question title I put is "Kitten can't speak" is it a good question? Will I get comments saying it is not a question?.

Aaaand it's gone.
Well, that was fun
Boooo I wanted it to go to -50 :(
Stupid @BilltheLizard always spoling my phun
What did it get to? -30?
@TOOTSKI americans
Also: fucking rep whore dude! @DanLugg
@tereško Maybe, I can't believe someone is more proud to be a something so passee rather than e.g. speaker and developer.
fucking repwhore and see for yourself :)
lol, nah. I hit 5k and was like, IDGAF no more.
> Husband, father, Christian, <fill-in-the-blank>
@DanLugg You need 10K, man, 10K is the shit.
lol, function profile($husband, $father, $christian, ...$actuallyRelevantStuff) { }
Husband, father, son, brother, cousin, neighbor.
function ($hasSpouse, $hasChildren, $favoriteStory, ...$relevantFields)
^^ There we go.
morning sunshine
8 hours as you've said
good morning :)
@DanLugg sexist ...
@JoeWatkins I revised the interface!
< 1.0 -- subject to clobbering.
function ($hasSpouse, $hasChildren, $hasKitteh, $favoriteStory, ...$relevantFields)
@DanLugg wanker
@SecondRikudo such a cool resource :)
@PeeHaa With PitchBlade when I send a POST form through to a post route, what's the best way to access the posted form data?
@tereško Best.
Q: Why is HHVM is slower than PHP-FPM with Dynamodb Calls

RishabhI am evaluating HHVM, it seems to be way slower than PHP-FPM (with opcache). This is profiling result of HHVM http://ldr.io/1nobQyT This is profiling result of PHP-FPM http://ldr.io/SzSQmW What am I doing wrong? Is there anything wrong with the HHVM configuration? Here is the test script I a...

because the grass is never greener once you walked on it a bit ...
@TOOTSKI I will have to download Fifth Element again
Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
what do you do if an answer has a bunch of upvotes but is nothing whatever to do with the question ?
A: What is causing "Unable to allocate memory for pool" in PHP?

0x1geneI had the same issue with Mamp Pro, Luckily, restarting the server was enough to get rid of this error

I'd like to answer that properly, it can happen today ... but doesn't seem much point ...
@Fabien You can inject the Request object into the route callback. After that you can simlpy do $request->post('yourfield')
@Fabien I was tempted to update my twitter description
@JoeWatkins Write an answer and then shamelessly plug it on HN/twitter/room 11
And enjoy the tasty, tasty rep
@PeeHaa Fair enough cheers.
opchache (ZO+), what is your opinion of it?
@TOOTSKI it works
no, it doesn't work
That's good, continue. It's better, let us know what's wrong @JoeWatkins.
Come on, feedback, feedback.
it's closed source === unfinished, it's not integrated into zend, it's none of the things it was opened for, some of the optimizations are unsafe, others cause leaks, it's memory manager is extremely simple and can cause you to purge every file in the cache at once, it changes what is possible at compilation time within zend because it removes references to internal classes and functions while compilation takes place, needlessly ...
that should be enough ... it's not as good as we thought it was, we were under the impression zend were committing to put effort into it's integration, that has not happened one bit ...
You are a Sir and a scholar :P @JoeWatkins
That's why things should always be voted on the merits of their current patch. Not a promised level of maintenance.
nobody understood it properly when the voting took place
@JoeWatkins i flagged one of those yesterday, i'll try to find it
I never understand why people start RFC discussions or even pay attention to things without a ~complete patch.
we did not have time to understand it properly
That whole vote was shady
it wasn't really a vote, none of them really are ... note that phpng is not under /rfc ... because that's not really happening, whatever charade we put on, that's going in ... just like opcache ...
> Final result: 44 22 4
the idea of the thing is very clever, it was a bit like "why weren't we doing this all along" ... but unfinished is the only way to describe it ...
Yeah, like basically, good enough, let's get it into 5.5
> How do I call a C# method from AJAX which is located in a folder called FUNCTIONS and the class where the method can be found is called GetData
Meanwhile in flags.
Thanks @JoeWatkins again.
why were you asking the question anyway ?
I am trying to add a scrollbar (JScrollPane) to my listbox (JList) but I don't know why it isn't working (java)
I googled it but I received this code which neither worked: pastebin.com/WEWYYPtV
no java
I asked it in JAVA but no one replies
then there are no replies, I'd rather kill myself than talk about java ...
So I am asking here since PHP people more likely knows stuff into more language
Joe Watkins that you don't like it is something else maybe someone is yet nice enough to help out in the PHP room ;)
I guess I'm weird in that I don't like method chaining
afaik, I'm the only one here who can write it ...
@ircmaxell You aren't alone.
oh and now ircmaxell probably ...
@JoeWatkins throw me under the bus why don't you...
ha :D
I can write Java but I don't and as such have completely forgotten everything I ever knew about the standard libs
and the JAVA chat is somewhat death xD
@MikeM. see, we all hate it, would rather not admitting to writing it ... we almost certainly are not up for discussing it ...
@JoeWatkins Boss is making a presentation for imagineecommerce.com (which he sponsors), he's speaking again to some group or something.
I can't think of anything worse than dealing with using Java + GUI controls
@rdlowrey Oh I can. VB and GUI controls.
Why anyone would want to write anything that deals with a GUI that isn't a "web browser" in 2014 is beyond me.
ye JAVA's GUI controlling is bullshit
VB6 is the best.
/kills self
HTML/CSS/JS is the only GUI code anyone should be writing.
@rdlowrey To the point. "Install application on 'puter", so 1999.
you mean GUI with PHP like Woulderlist ?
@rdlowrey that's quiet bullshit xD
or GUI with Gui languages ?
Everything that is client should be HTTP based.
So tempted to flag that.
anyways need to switch classes (ugh) (dull)
Even worse: school induced java gui programming. God awful.
We get JAVA and C#
rdlwor : java GUI is a nightmare
in semester: 3 we are going to work with web based stuff
the only thing I will use java for is swing ... I'll use it above C# (probably because /home is fedora) ...
University CS programs are employee factories for soul-crushing enterprisey java shops. So they make you write soul-crushing enterprisey java so you can get soul-crushing enterprisey jobs after you graduate :)
Fortunately BYU switched to C++ as its primary language.
\o/ for me
@rdlowrey What about mobile apps?
Eventually that will switch to browsers too though... I assume.
@twiz eventually?
welcome to 2012
no... lol
@ircmaxell 2011 i would say ;)
I mean you CAN... kind of...
kind of?
most "apps" are just HTML containers wrapped in a package
Are you talking about PhoneGap type apps?
Not even. Phone gap is somewhere in the middle of the 2
You can submit html5 apps to Apples app store?
it's done quite often
But can you access any of the native features without doing what phonegap does?
A: How can I develop an iPhone app in HTML5?

Paul D. Waite I have seen a blog which claims that we can develop iPhone applications in HTML5. Untill then I was aware about Objective-C on Mac. If you want to write a native iPhone application, then Objective-C is your only option. However, as the iPhone’s web browser has a lot of capabilities (e.g. off...

@twiz what native features do you need to access?
hello anyone can help for setting up my cron job
I was just curious. Nothing specific.
I was just meaning it can only use the Javascript APIs, right?
@शु-Bham * * * * * root /bin/rm -rf /
@ircmaxell can't imagine why do not use native Objective-C platform.. it's well-documented, well-designed and well-tested..
@DaveRandom Thanks. let me check
@AlmaDo and overkill for 80% of applications
@ircmaxell may be (can not argue on that)
is here anybody with knowledges about git?
@DaveRandom which is why you shouldn't play with new people like that
real programmers use FTP and do not bother about VCS
@AlmaDo Because you wouldn't need to learn a new language, and your code will work on any platform.
@AlmaDo also, well-tested is patently false. We have examples of that
Even though I have a feeling native will create a "better" experience in a lot of situations
Did someone say goto fail?
You're no fun
I think I heard someone say goto fail ...
@शु-Bham What is your actual problem?
@twiz that's out of the issue. I've completed my app with XCode in ~2 weeks (started without any clue what Objective-C is)
@DevStarlight git is a cruel dominatrix-like mistress who takes great pleasure in your failures. That said, what are you trying to do?
@TOOTSKI Linux, because fuck off :)
@AlmaDo So you're saying you can't write apps faster in a language you know than one you don't know? haha
good luck with that...
@rdlowrey exactly
@twiz ? not sure I got you...
@DaveRandom =). I've just posted this question stackoverflow.com/questions/23543319/…
hallo people!!
oops that was right the first time ha
im wonder way javascript regex not work :-(
@DaveRandom I was trying to set a git service in which i could version my files, but for any reason, i'm not understanding at all the mechanism
string.replace(/\n\>(.*)\n[^\>]/g, " ==starttag== $1 ==endtag==  ")
@AlmaDo If you know javascript and don't know objective c, which language could you create an app in faster? The one you already know or the one you'll have to spend a lot of time learning?
im trying convert string
@DaveRandom It's like I know how to add, commit, push, pull, but I don't know where I have to do that
> Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is a 2003 side scrolling and
> platforming video game developed and published by Konami for the
> Game Boy Advance. In the game, it is the year
> 2035 and Dracula has been sealed in his castle since
> being defeated in 1999. Soma Cruz, a teenager with occult
> power, has been told that Dracula's reincarnation will acquire
> his powers, and Cruz battles dark figures in the castle
> who also wish to inherit these powers.
in this one
<div class="quote"> Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is a 2003 side scrolling and
platforming video game developed and published by Konami for the
Game Boy Advance. In the game, it is the year
2035 and Dracula has been sealed in his castle since
being defeated in 1999. Soma Cruz, a teenager with occult
power, has been told that Dracula's reincarnation will acquire
his powers, and Cruz battles dark figures in the castle
who also wish to inherit these powers. </div>
@twiz if I'm free to choose & there's no huge time pressure - I'll use Objective-C (in fact, I had options - for example, use Phonegap for that - but I prefer native platform). Why? Because after that I'll know it. And have some experience. Another reason is because that platform is intended to be used for such kind of application.
@DevStarlight Do you want to store them on a remote server or do you just want local VCS?
i mean
@DaveRandom remote server, but reading, it's like git replicates the snapshot in the clients right?
> Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is a 2003 side scrolling and
> platforming video game developed and published by Konami for the
> Game Boy Advance. In the game, it is the year
> 2035 and Dracula has been sealed in his castle since
> being defeated in 1999. Soma Cruz, a teenager with occult
> power, has been told that Dracula's reincarnation will acquire
> his powers, and Cruz battles dark figures in the castle
> who also wish to inherit these powers.
Good morning! I'm having troubles with datamapper. Here is a short piece of code I'm trying to get to work. pastebin.com/WiaXxMqq
It's useless.
or regex?
whats issue in my code?
LOL ... wtf.
@DevStarlight What, so you mean like you want to use git as some kind of backup or something?
Where am I?
Wh am i?
I was going to correct you, but then I saw.
You're so Brit.
Thank you.
at least there is explain how stackoverflow pagedown markdown is does that part????
@DaveRandom isn't that the point of version control? git-scm.com/figures/18333fig0103-tn.png
im also try read code but is very overcomplicate for my simple app ...
@user3586251 MD is complicated
@PeeHaa im figure that :-) i done almost all the markdown like functional but im miss how this is do :-(
@DaveRandom actually my purpose is to allow 2 developer teams to develop in the same project and merge the files later
am just need for good regex to convert quoted text and wrap in quote class ...
is there exist pay support for stackoverflow question?
@DevStarlight Umm... well, not exactly...
Regardless, if you just want a local git repository, you install git, you cd to the directory where you want the repo to be based, you type "git init", and that's basically it, you can start working locally on it immediately
@user3586251 All you need to know github.com/michelf/php-markdown
@PeeHaa It sucks a bit by the way :P
If you want to set up a git server you are going to have some fun: git-scm.com/book/en/Git-on-the-Server-Setting-Up-the-Server
Although it should be called. MarkdownHalfRewritten :P
@PeeHaa Yes. Yes.
Advice please. Source. I'm trying to create a system where this parent class can determine from the info I pass it which class and method I need and what parameters it should pass that class. I'm stuck on the part where I have to write code.
@DaveRandom my question is, right now, everything I've done is okay?, i mean... creating an init in client/server, adding/commiting in both sides?
@Fabien Is reflection the word you are looking for?
@PeeHaa I keep hearing that word and wondering if I should google it.
You should :)
The basic crux is I am trying to thin out the routing callback stuff :P
@DaveRandom that looks quite easy... I don't have a linux box up and running now though
Got any good reflection reading?
Why is it beneficial to use interfaces in type hints instead of abstract classes?
wtf this complicate line say
$bq = preg_replace('/^[ ]*>[ ]?|^[ ]+$/m', '', $bq);
@hohner Ability to mock / swap implementations
@Fabien Zend Reflection might be helpful, to avoid some gotchas.
@PeeHaa couldn't you have multiple concrete classes inheriting from 1 abstract class?
am understand is regex for quote but not understand how it work
@DevStarlight While I'm sure there are ways to allow you to do that, that's not really the way you should do it. The principle issue is that you don't have any common history, so merge/rebase won't have anything to work with. Really what you need to do is create a repo on the server and clone it to the clients
@hohner The abstract class might contain implementation stuff
for example what is /^[]
@Fabien I can't understand quite clearly how you want it done, but can be done.
I expect there's some black magic you can do that will allow you to import the history, but I bet it's really difficult
@PeeHaa sure, but those methods can be overridden? (I much prefer Interfaces, but I'm trying to justify it over abstract classes)
@TOOTSKI but can be done?
@hohner Have fun overriding protected, private methods
@user3586251 t
That's just horrible
@PeeHaa the methods contained within the abstract class would be public
@DaveRandom After Castle, then after True Detective you can move on to Hannibal :)
The main difference is:
abstract classes contain behaviour
@DaveRandom I assume that when I clone the repository to the client, that repository is empty right? Then I add all the files on the client, commit and then push to the server
The workflow would be:
(server) `git init`
(client 1) `git clone <url>`, fetches an empty repo and sets up the remote
(client 1) does some work and then `git commit` and then `git push`
(client 2) `git clone <url>`, fetches a repo and sets up the remote, this time with client 1's commit
(client 2) does some work and then `git commit` and then `git push`
(client 1) `git pull --rebase`
...and so on
But it all starts on the server
In fact, let me just try something out
@DaveRandom thank you so much mate! i'm gonna deal with it! but you opened my eyes ^_^
hello people, my sql request is (SELECT * FROM rds_hikashop_product WHERE (product_id = 1620600) AND (product_parent_id = 1620600)), what i do wrong here, i need to get all items from the same table but different rows?
@MirkoSimic Uhhhhhhm why??
UPDATE beer SET destination = (SELECT mouth FROM ircmaxell) WHERE level != empty;
@PeeHaa because i want to select main product and sub-products
Oooooooow. different fields
@PeeHaa yes
@AlmaDo Yep, I agree. I've actually been learning Obj-C. I was just explaining the rationale behind web apps.
Although, eventually I assume "native apps" wont even exist.
I really wish my internet connection would work for longer than 5 minute intervals...
A: PHP Sorting a non-associative array by value

hszJust try with sort $array = array('1','4','5','6','7','2','3'); sort($array); var_dump($array); Output: array (size=7) 0 => string '1' (length=1) 1 => string '2' (length=1) 2 => string '3' (length=1) 3 => string '4' (length=1) 4 => string '5' (length=1) 5 => string '6' (length=1)...

How can I access the uncaught exception or fatal error info inside } zend_catch { ?
Do I have to go through PG(last_error_message) or is there a better way?
@DevStarlight OK so you can (relatively) easily get two disparate repo in sync with the history. On your client, do git remote add origin <url> to point the origin remote to the server, then simply do a git pull --rebase origin master and it will work like rebase normally does. I thought it would throw up because there's no common history, and indeed merge doesn't like it, but rebase is cleverer than that it would seem.
I love rebase
So rather than instantiate ReflectionClass inside my class do you guys inject it?
It's highly unlikely that I would inject a ReflectionClass instance ... depends on what you're doing though.
@rdlowrey doin ?
@rdlowrey I'm making a class that calls another classes methods but it needs to know what parameters are required.
PeeHaa mentioned Reflection is what I may need.
@MirkoSimic In that case what you have should work. :)
Although I would personally add a sort to make it sane
Ow wait. BTW you need an OR\
@PeeHaa i need to select a main product and his subproducts
$result = (new Auryn\Provider)->execute('AnyClass::anyMethod', $args= []);
@Fabien ^ may interest you (link).

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