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And really really beautiful country owned by Russians.
I have a friend who bought a 944 for £5000, spent £12000 fixing it up, then sold it for £7000. That should tell you something about classic Porsche ownership
@webarto So is Monaco, so it's only a matter of time...
@DaveRandom Hah, the friend that bought this Kia from me, has Golf G60, it's basically factory restored, I think he spent around £10000 easily.
Software developers, easy come, easy go.
@ThW In Wien, I had to pay 120€ for 4 lines on the ground, per month, along with registration and fuel etc, it's a luxury.
What a pain using vagrant on windows ...
Fuck me I love Propeller Heads + Shirley Bassey
parking space? If you want do do something different with the same space you pay much more :-)
Yup, parking rent... to be honest prices there are mad, it's 3000€ for sq/m near the center of city.
Cars in a bigger city are just not space efficient enough.
In Wien, I could get to center in 5 mins, and just leave bike there, with car, it would take 30min and I wouldn't have anywhere to park.
If I remember, some city in Germany wants to ban cars in future.
Politics in Germany are still really car centric
It gets better, but it forced by the cities mostly.
sauce ... It's natural because that's top industry (VW is biggest group).
I'm not into cars or anything, just had a large forum that was car related, so it left some impact...
I wanted to make web application @ autog.as for LPG.
@webarto Checked, It is wrong, Hamburg officials never said that
Yeah, internet and lies, nothing new.
fuelly.com <-- This is good.
@ThW using your magic, would be moderately easy to make IR emitter?
Looks nice
I don't know if it even makes sense.
Don't know I am "just" implementing a Firmata client, I it is possible with JS (Johnny Five) it should be possible with PHP, too.
Sorry I'm very uneducated about the subject, but love the idea to code it with php.
Here is an ir.js, so it should be possible.
ahh wrong this is are distance sensors
@rdlowrey I'm going to bail soon so I'm going to ask you this for whenever you're alive: have you done any experiments with optimising the block size on file system I/O in an event loop (as in second arg to fread() and similar)? And if so what's the optimum value? I've done some small experiment and am now handling 4K blocks. File system I/O in the specific situation is handed of to proc_open workers. Also don't ask why I'm writing yet another event loop, let's say that I have a valid reason.
And that valid reason involves PHP4 :/
@ThW It's still awesome.
Related to fuelly, here's automatic.
@webarto Yeah, that's why I started it. The problem are timing depended actions
They need to be implemented into the firmata server as an extended command
Did you see my last video (with the 7segment displays)?
Thanks, I didn't, can you link?
Two shift registers, here is a link in the description to the php source
Amazing, it's really great when you see that your code is powering something except pixels.
Yes :-)
I vaguely remember doing something with VB6 over serial port.
To bad the serial port is that buggy on windows php :-(
@webarto Amazing, I remember very little of my VB6 work as I was busy clubbing myself with blunt objects for the duration
I had a licence of VB 1 .. once in a time
.. I feel old
VB: Because Punctuation Is For Losers
I started to drink because I couldn't handle anymore of VB
Which would be very ironic in Australia
Then I got Delphi .. on 15 floppy disks
F*ck me that's huge, even Win 3.1 only came on 5
Or was that 95
There is this thing called LaserInterceptor, it's a small device that blocks every known speed radar (automotive), when you take it apart, it's built from simple components. I'm guessing the software is the key here, it basically returns the same IR "signal", only with more (double) power.
The thingy costs $500 and was made by fellow countryman which sold the thingy to 'muricans.
What are the 4 block things at the bottom?
Ethernet ports for sensors, which is basically a IR diode made by Osram (it costs 70€ alone).
115W or something.
115W IR power ...
> OSRAM SPL90-3 Pulsed Laser Diode
> The "Traffipatrol XR" gun was still able to punch through the Laser Interceptor in testing, but only at a significantly reduced range of 80–600 feet, versus 2000 feet easily possible without a jammer.
Which is the one that shot me.
<3 hacks
@JoeWatkins please comment on this tuning attempt :D
I'm talking here randomly just to be awake...
My brain works in git mode and I have to do svn.
@DaveRandom how's the job going? Little one got bigger?
Kid, of course. Not what she said.
Good Night
Gute Nacht
Anyone one on?
Hello world !
Hi @Shivam
what's up ?
Do you know when using fopen in windows XP, access always denied
but when I tried it on Windows 7, no problem detected
I use Linux only. So not sure, but maybe permission problems...
In fact, I already set the file permission but still facing that problem
Oh boy, maybe some windows user might help you better on this.
Windows users are not very common here.
Sorry :/
why the hell was that flagged
grow up people
Why is it when I try to output a © it appears as ©?
Good morning PHP! I'm building one of my first sites, and I'm tackling the task of creating a login system. I've played around with some PHP/HTML code before, and I code in other languages, but I've been reading a lot about security. I'm almost positive that I have everything covered except for protection against session hijacking. It seems hard to not annoy true users while protecting them at the same time.
I've been thinking about session_regenerate_id();, but that seems to offer limited protection.
@Hamster Are you doing: &copy;?
@AnnonomusPerson No. Just straight outputting the ASCI symbol... which I guess must be the problem
@Hamster you messed up encoding somewhere along the way
(wrong room!)
Sure enough. &copy; fixed it
It's weird why you need it @Hamster....
@AnnonomusPerson Are you using password_hash for password hashing? If not you really should.
@LeviMorrison Yeah I'm doing hashing (and not with just md5: full out 120 character salt) htmlspecialchars, stripping slashes and such, limit amounts of login in a reasonable amount of time
But are you specifically using password_hash?
@LeviMorrison I haven't finished that part, but that's what I'm using.
Yeah using PHP 5.5
I'm just worried about session hijacking. I have SSL/HTTPs but I don't know how hard it would be to hack it.
What TLS version are you using?
PHP's sessions variables aren't exactly safe...
@LeviMorrison I don't know yet... I haven't decided on hosting yet. I'm building it on my computer with XAMPP because I'm relatively broke.
I'm not familiar with preventing session hijacking.
I know that commonly people use old versions of TLS/SSL and also screw up password hashing.
I don't know about the first one (but I'll look out for it for now) and the second one I'm using 2X the recommended protection :P
I'm not sure if 2x the salt length is 2x the protection.
Security it my weakest point, honestly.
@LeviMorrison I never said it was directly proportional.
(Even though password length is exponentially more secure)
2 hours later…
@DanLugg I mean a working example.
@jakobaindreas_11 Okay, I can't troll you anymore. There is not display_advertisement() or anything like that. It was a bit of a ridiculous question. What exactly are you trying to do?
@DanLugg I want to display an advertisement
@jakobaindreas_11 From where? On what? With what? You need to give a hell of a lot more detail than that.
@DanLugg i want to display an ad in my website
@jakobaindreas_11 Hire a developer.
Seriously @jakobaindreas_11, let's say you go to a restaurant, say, a fast-food restaurant; and the girl behind the counter asks what you want, and you say "Give me a hamburger".
And then she asks "Okay, what kind of hamburger, what would you like on it?"
And you respond with "Give me a hamburger"
Now, that doesn't make much sense, does it?
@DanLugg yeah
You're talking about burgers
And you're asking open ended, unanswerable questions.
Would you like to try again? I'm sure I can help you, at least somewhat.
Are you using an ad-server? If so, what ad-server? If not, where are the ads coming from? Do you use a CMS or framework? If so, what CMS or framework? If so, does your CMS or framework have plugins/modules that support ads?
If you're not using a prefab CMS/framework, what provisions have you made in your codebase to accommodate ad generation?
Do you need to manage referral or tracking data?
@cspray Help me out here.
Can you answer ^^ any/all of those questions @jakobaindreas_11?
@DanLugg I'm not using an ad-server ads come from a tutorial site i do not use a framework only jquery.
@DanLugg not all
@jakobaindreas_11 So, this isn't even PHP related?
What i want is to display an ad from a tutorial site in my website which is hosted in Koding.com and i want to do it in PHP.
I'm not using a CMS or a framework.
@jakobaindreas_11 Okay, so why don't you just take the ad image, and link it to the destination? Is there just one ad?
@DanLugg i'm only gonna display only one ad.
@jakobaindreas_11 Okay. So, why don't you just copy the image, and link it to the destination using plain ole' HTML?
Do you care about tracking?
@DanLugg yeah
Okay, are they using an ad server?
@DanLugg I don't know what you're talking about
Are their ads managed/generated through an ad server?
Good luck @jakobaindreas_11
1 hour later…
Hi Everyone
Is there anyone to chat with
Chandr, i have a problem, its simple, but I don't know how to sort it out.
What's thet?
In netbeans 8, I have a connect file, with mysqli object in it, connecting to my database, I include that file in every other file where I need to use database, but in netbeans 8 the autocompletion of the mysqli object isn't working
For example when I just type the variable name assigned to that mysqli object, like $db->
it shows the options like query etc, but its not showing.
the code is working fine, but how to fix the autocompletion for mysqli in netbeans 8
Brother Chandr, are you still with me ?
Yes, I'm also a netbeans user about 2 months ago. But I have a lot of problems with this editor like you. So, I just changed my editor to PHPStorm7.1
I never used PHPStorm, is it a paid IDE ?
or free ?
Netbeans is perfect for me untill now, but when today I was using this mysqli object, it gave me problems.
PHPStorm7 is paid, but not for me :)
I think you're using a pirated version ?
My licence is about 100 years. :)
So it means I am to change my IDE if I don't get a way to kill this bug in Netbeans.
Ends on 2112.
In 2112, we'll be bones.
What do you often use for your development ? MVC, CMS, or plain php ?
If you happy with your current net beans editor. Don't try to use new editors. It may take at least 1 week to make friendly editor.
Yes, you're right.
I'm currently developing Wordpress plugin at CodeCanyon.
Great, what's the name of that plugin ?
@Chandra So what is the name of the plugin you create ?
This plugin is under constuction. May be it released on April 5th-10th.
@Chandra I think there is too much chance of good shots in Wordpress.
Sorry, The plugin name is published when it released.
What is your job ?
@Chandra Its OK, recently a wordpress theme Named Avada is sold more than 61000 on themeforest.
@Chandra I am a Geologist, but I like coding, so I do it sometimes.
Yes, It's amazing theme. I'm also customer of this theme.
@Chandra Just Imagine, 61000*55 ($s) is a huge money for the author, even if 50% goes to themeforest, and besides they sold more copies on their own website.
@Chandra What is special about this theme, easy to use or what ?
You can find the authors of Avada at notes.envato.com/authors/…
@Chandra I wanna also develop a theme like that, wanna become millionaire in days, :)
This is very friendly to use. It is support many features.
Wow, great aim.
What is your programing skills.
@Chandra , as I told earlier I am a Geologist, but I play with coding since I was a kid. I have taught 3d graphics in an Institute when i was studying in University, I have worked in print design, web design, so I have good knowledge of Design Aesthetics, Typography, Layout etc. Besides I also know PHP, JavaScript, and all other technologies used in wordpress, so I think if I work hard I could be able to make something noticeable.
@ArifHussain Ay! You're running NetBeans 8 too!
@DanLugg Yes.
@ArifHussain I'm 21 years old programmer. I'm in this field from 17 years old.
I'm a long-ish time NetBeans user. Since the 6.X releases.
@DanLugg Its great, but it gave me a problem while I included mysqli object instantiated in another page, its not auto-completing the methods' names.
@DanLugg Than probably you'd be able to solve my problem.
@Chandra Wow, that's great.
@ArifHussain What's your age?
@ArifHussain There's actually a setting for that; if you go Options > Code Completion, select PHP, there's an option for "Code Completion for Variables". You can set it to "All Variables", or "Variables from Current File"
@Chandra Did you study the TutsPlus and Lynda.com's tutorials about Plugin Developement for Wordpress ?
It should default to "All Variables", which means what you're doing should work.
@DanLugg Let me try it.
Yes, I'am subscribed user for tuts plus. 180$/year
@Chandra I'm not going to lie, that's a waste of money.
There are far better, free resources available out there.
Yes, Realy i'm wated my 180$.
@Chandra I think Dan is right, Lynda.com is better, because they have more tutorials.
@DanLugg yes its set to All Variables, but its not working.
@DanLugg I restarted Netbeans, but its still not working.
@ArifHussain Yes, I'm atract for video tuts and tuts plus, Codecanyon are branchs of Envato.
@Achrome Morning sir.
@Chandra You're right, but the thing is that you must try lynda.com, there you can get more tutorials on Design, Development etc
@ArifHussain Hmm. Can't help you there. I don't often write PHP in the top-level.
@DanLugg Anyhow, you still gave me some information about the NetBeans Settings, Thank You..
@ArifHussain I'm going to assert that there are no paid resources for web development (aside from accredited post-secondary schools which teach it as part of a broader program) worth paying for.
After i lose 180$. I'm only trust PHP manual. :)
@DanLugg A jolly morning to you, my dear sir.
@DanLugg Yes, you're right.
@ArifHussain Yea, NetBeans is pretty awesome, settings-wise. There's a lot of customization, but it still needs more features :-(
@DanLugg By the way there are too may blogs, and video tutorials which are free.
@DanLugg Yeah.
@Achrome It's still a jolly evening for me. Rum + Coke + girlfriend arguments.
Terminal listens to me though. It always listens...
@DanLugg You use terminal often ? Than CakePHP and Laravel would be friendly to you.
Urge... to troll... rising.
I want to buy dedicated server. Please suggest me for good server provider. I'm currently using DigitalOcean.
@DanLugg Let me ask you a question please..
@ArifHussain Fire away.
@Achrome Also, INSTA-------STAR!
@DanLugg I have a registration page where when you click on a country name the cities names are populated in the next dropdown, but I established this all using MySQL at the back, is there a way to do it at client side, using .json or .xml ?
@DanLugg More than 200 countries, than thousands of cities.
@ArifHussain You're probably best using server side for that.
@DanLugg But I wanna make it client side, because that functionality is used too many times on the website, so it might result in more requests to the database.
@ArifHussain Caching is your friend then.
You could dump it all to client-side: <script> var data = '<?= json_encode($rows); ?>'; </script>
@DanLugg yes, but dear Dan I never used caching, and don't have any experience of using caching.
But I wouldn't do that with 1,000's of rows of data.
Unfortunately, dear @ArifHussain I'm drunk and should probably go to bed.
@DanLugg Yes, you're right thousands of rows of data would be itself a heavy thing as HTML.
@ArifHussain You might be better off using some geo data API
^^ This. So. Very. Much.
Such geo. Very data. Much IP. Wow. Caching.
@DanLugg :)
@Achrome How, can you please give me some tip, or some link to a blog etc, where its discussed ?
@DanLugg Wow....!
Internet rule 34½: If it exists, there IS a repo of it on GitHub.
@DanLugg What type of caching should I use.
@ArifHussain I dunno, haven't much worked with GeoIP services. You'd probably want to cache results from MaxMind to limit the number of requests (and subsequently the cost)
@ArifHussain If you want to go for builtin cache, APC. If you want to use external caching, Redis.
5 mins ago, by Dan Lugg
^^ This. So. Very. Much.
Such lazy. Wow.
Speaking of GeoIP, where are you @Achrome?
@DanLugg I already have the names of the countries and the names of the cities, I just want to use it from my database, but how to cach it ?
Delhi, India
lol, just checked your profile.
Late lunch-time for you?
@ArifHussain You'll manually have to update cities and countries. It's generally impossible to keep track of changes.
@DanLugg Early lunch time
Oh, what time do you normally eat lunch?
Wow, really? Neat.
@Achrome That application doesn't need every detail of all the cities, so if 10 or 15 are missing among the thousands, it won't make a problem.
In my parts, people typically aim for 12PM - 1PMish
Hai Boopathi
@ArifHussain So, I can see you using AJAX, APC and MySQL
@JoeWatkins Yo England.
Mornin' @JoeWatkins
Yes, that's what I am using, but I don't know how to use APC, do you know some blog, where I can get help.
apc is dead ... it died ... its gone ... get used to it ...
gonna be a mechanic for the day, car making horrible noise, must investigate ...
@JoeWatkins so what's the alternative ?
version of php ?
Well, it's 3:30, and I'm drunk, and bound to wreck my repo if I commit anything, so I'm going to bed before I feel possessed to do so.
@JoeWatkins 5.3.8, but soon will go for 5.5 or something.
@DanLugg do it .... sleep ...
git commi....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@DanLugg Go Sleep, or teach me the Caching things...
Goodnight ;-)
@DanLugg Sweet Dreams.!
don't use 5.3, is unsupported, so I'll pretend you didn't say that ... install opcache with your supported version of php, it does opcode caching, if you're asking how to use apc then you don't need user caching and so don't need anything else ...
except to read about user caches ... but first, use supported version of php ...
@ArifHussain APC is dead for 5.5+
no APC is dead ...
APC is kill. no.
What would you use for 5.4.x?
nobody is going to work on it anymore, it's got like 2 commits since opcache was merged ... apcu replaces the user parts ..
I wasn't aware APC was killed off.
@JoeWatkins So you mean I should use PHP 5.5 with opcache.
yes, that would be sensible ...
@Achrome APC is moved to Pear or Pacl, or completely dead ?
not officially killed off, rasmus said he's out, a couple of people will give it emergency fixes, but it is as good as dead, when it used to have a bug, rasmus was about the only person brave enough to investigate it, apc is the most complicated part of php or was ...
@JoeWatkins and may be the most powerful too ?
Btw, I'm not sure OPCache will serve the purpose of caching data values
no it doesn't ... apcu does that part ...
Yep, figured it out.
@ArifHussain, work with APCu, instead of APC
You should be fine
So now as a beginner in the Caching world, what should I use ?
I dunno if you've ever run a busy site in production without a cache ... its nearly impossible, an opcode cache I mean ... so it's not the most powerful, zend is still that ... but php is pretty useless if it can't cache opcodes ... so you need one ...
@JoeWatkins So now as a beginner in the Caching world, what should I use ? APCu or opcode cache ? or they're the same ?
not same ...
urm ... does someone else wanna do this ...
@JoeWatkins Achrome suggested to use APCu, is your suggestion also the same ?
@ArifHussain OPCache caches your PHP scripts. APCU serves as a key value data store used to store frequently used data
There's a huge difference between them
@Achrome So what should I do ? I am stuck, please tell me about some great book or blog which solves my problem.
So, in your case, you would be using APCU to reduce hits to the database and faster data retrieval, since that is what you would want.
Just go through the docs
That's generally the best way to start.
if that doesn't help, there are a bunch of tutorials available, if you just google it.
@Achrome Thank You Brother, but I always use books to learn from , and sometimes videos, I am not used to suing docs.. :))
If you are not using docs, you are doing something fundamentally wrong.
@Achrome If you have already used, you might know which one is better ?
I haven't actually used APCU so far.
I have used APC and OPCache
@Achrome Thank You and others who discussed my problem.
@JoeWatkins Thank You.
@JoeWatkins OPCode cache is almost never enough. You also need to cache/share static data between requests in real-world.
preaching to the choir my friend ... I maintain apcu ;)
@JoeWatkins apcu isn't available on php.net
@ArifHussain you can think of the manual as the definitive php book ... it really is the only place that the people who write php write down how it works ... there is no better source of information ...
I know !!
apc documentation will do ;)
@JoeWatkins But APC documentation will teach me APC, not APCu
same api
thts the point ...
if I wrote a cache it wouldn't have that api, the point of apcu is to provide a drop in replacement for those using apc already, bound to it's api ... so there's not really much point in duplicating a whole section of the manual ...
@JoeWatkins that what's the difference, how I would know that I am using apcu, not apc, if the api is the same.
apc is both an opcode cache and user cache ...
@JoeWatkins So it means its something like using PDO, than shifting from one database to another ?
@JoeWatkins If I use APC, and when APC is not present it will get the APCU ?
stop, read the next few sentences until you understand them
@JoeWatkins Where is the difference ?
@ArifHussain PDO is just a wrapper, while APCU is not. :)
@Leri I am talking just about the api, same api for all the databases.
apc is both an opcode cache and a user cache
in recent versions of php, opcode caching is provided by opcache, a core extension
the user parts of apc are provided by apcu
apc and apcu by default have the same API, there's no different documentation because they have the same functions with regard to the user cache
pdo has nothing to do with anything ... don't be confusing, it's 8am on a saturday ...
@JoeWatkins :)
@ArifHussain Read up on wrappers. :)
@JoeWatkins So where should I tell PHP that I am using APCU not APC ?
@Achrome Thank You...
I wonder why the downvote ?
@ShankarDamodaran look at the comments?
@bwoebi, Yeah I did
and the code didn't cast the string to octal
@bwoebi So d is not equivalent to 0-9 in regex ?

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