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@webarto If you have access to that one wiki page then there is another license should yours expire. /cc @salathe
@ircmaxell I just saw you had yet another blog post on MVC. How does that fit with the general idea that MVS gets too much undue attention?
Evening guys.
@HassanAlthaf itsmorning
@Gordon Model View Soup ?
@Gordon but is Evening for me. ;P
Hi guys :-)
@HassanAlthaf its always morning in room 11 ;)
Ohhh @Gordon true enough. Most of us stay up all night as well with the help of the ultimate drink, 'coffee'
Good morning
This question has gone mental I think .. +3 votes for a wreck of a question.
@Ja͢ck insta close/dv
@Ja͢ck sock puppets likely
Awesome \o/
@HamZa at least tell this guy to use basename
@nikita2206 I don't bother much with such questions
Not even sure what they're trying to do ...
What if they want to reverse the 2nd element of the array ...
@nikita2206 (or dirname())
You know when you see a question and you can see exactly what the person wants even though it's not a great question, but there are just so much fundamental misunderstandings and general horribleness that you can't bring yourself to help? stackoverflow.com/questions/27315772/…
I mean, really, Java applets. I really thought they'd be dead by now, and Chrome has been doing a very good job of killing them by making them very hard to run
Yeah it usually makes me laught :) at least this one)
but after all, I remember myself starting learning php
@DaveRandom why don't you recommend him to calculate the execution time of the Java applet and let the second PHP block sleep() for that duration? :D
that was meant ironically btw. Not that I get slapped here...
hello all
can we decrypt the mysql password if we've access to phpmyadmin ?
@AndreaFaulds The name 'fbc' in terms of functions or closures or something PHP core; you know what that is standing for?
while (!$appletFinished) {
    $appletFinished = ?><applet>...</applet><?php ;
@LeviMorrison I can't remember. Give me a moment.
almost spilled my coffee
@LeviMorrison No, I don't really know, sorry. I assume it's something to do with functions
function... bound class?
That's the problem though, I don't like to ridicule people for not understanding things, I really don't, but sometimes it's hard not to. I'd like to help but I just don't have the patience or energy
I know what you mean. But I often think people here are too fast asking questions without gathering basic understanding of how things work
Basically I'm debugging this error that I introduced when fixing static closures: 3v4l.org/M4UAv#v5430
In my opinion it's therefore fair enough to poke fun at them a little bit (not in the questions comments section of course)
@LeviMorrison Weird, why isn't that closure picking up the right scope?
It did pick up the correct scope.
I wonder what happens if you ->call it.
@LeviMorrison Oh?
Note from context Bar.
Oh, self::... so in the extending class, it'll have context Bar?
I think this function needs updated somehow: zend_check_private_int
You don't need to help me look into it unless you want to; I was just asking about terminology ^^
function being called? function b* context
I trolled …
@seldaek needs moar FIG group⸮
@ThomasDavidPlat Yeh but in this case, given that the person is probably a Java dev, moving from a back end with automagic persistent state to the PHP model of a process that starts and ends per-request and doesn't really have any persistence is hard. I can understand the mindset that would produce a question like that, and that's precisely why I don't have the energy to help the guy
I'm sure he's not beyond help, but there's a big gap that needs to be filled in and it will take a while for anyone to grasp
@DaveRandom You're probably right. Didn't think about that point of view. Guess I'm too unrelenting at times ..
@AndreaFaulds I actually think this is not a bug; going to use you as my rubber duck; ignore if you are busy ^^
@LeviMorrison I'm not busy :)
self::bar is inside of class Foo's definition
This means self is going to bind to Foo.
Bar is not permitted to call a private method of Foo.
I guess the question would really be: should self::bar inside that closure bind to Foo or Bar?
Happy friday all!!
But if it binds to Foo (which it does) then it this isn't a bug.
@LeviMorrison Should it? That's static's job, no? - wait, oh I see what you're saying
Forget the names
If I define a closure in a method of Foo, and I later extend Foo to make Bar, should that closure in Bar be bound to Foo, or to Bar?
Probably Foo.
If you use a static closure (or if the closure is defined in a static method) then it binds to the caller.
And the closure did bind to the caller Bar in this case.
But self:: still bound to Foo.
@LeviMorrison Oh, now I understand the issue. Okay, weird, why's self:: binding to Foo?
How is self:: resolved?
It's resolved at definition time.
Wait, how does inheritance work then?
@AndreaFaulds people think that? I mean come on... it's pretty obvious
Currently, self always binds to the defining class.
static binds to the called class.
Oh, huh.
I thought it was the other way around ._.
I am not surprised.
Late static binding is one of the most dynamic (not static) parts of PHP.
Absolutely horrid name for it.
So, the behaviour seems to be correct?
@cegprakash appreciated. More close votes would have been better, but that's only a matter of time — Jan Dvorak 1 min ago
Unless, I suppose, it should be making a Foo-bound closure
@AndreaFaulds The closure scope part is correct.
I am not sure yet about the self.
self should bind to the defining class.
In this case the defining class depends on who is calling it.
So it probably is a bug.
:-(. Need to go to doctor this morning.
Fever went up over night.
@AndreaFaulds Ah, just thought of something.
Well, maybe not.
Here's my thought anyway:
If self is changed to static by the compiler (because technically that's what it means here: bind to the defining class) then you couldn't call something in Foo anymore!
But that's not true, because you could always do Foo::bar() explicitly.
@ircmaxell <Inserting obligatory paracetamol advice for lowering temperature>
@LeviMorrison whatever it does, it should probably match what it'd do in the containing scope
public Foo { static function foo() { return function () { Foo::bar(); ...
public Foo { static function foo() { Foo::bar(); ...
should do the same thing
Nono, static is the key distinction.
fixed :p
static ************************'s everything up. I don't know why anyone uses this late static binding crap.
I just noticed something: you explicitly called Foo.
That will work always ^^
oh great
Replace Foo:: with self:: and then my crossed out messages would apply.
public Foo { static function foo() { return function () { self::bar(); ...
public Foo { static function foo() { self::bar(); ...
these should do the same thing.
public Foo { static function foo() { return function () { static::bar(); ...
public Foo { static function foo() { static::bar(); ...
these should also do the same thing.
They should do the same thing, they might not currently
They do.
Except the first one
Here's why.
(actually, they do work the same but they shouldn't if you follow the LSB stuff, here's why)
self:: binds to the class of the defining scope.
Well, they don't work the same: 3v4l.org/fuZGf
This is waaaaay better than King James Programming
@AndreaFaulds .. that appears to be the same to me ^^
@LeviMorrison Was the bug that it was erroring or that it wasn't erroring?
Let's use this as an example: 3v4l.org/smXjP
Note that removing the static keyword before the closure has the same behavior as if the keyword is there; that's the bug I fixed.
Here's an explanation of why self::bar() should be calling Bar::bar() and not Foo::bar.
Closures define stuff at runtime.
When you have a closure inside a method then it binds to the enclosing scope at runtime.
But remember its definitions must also match its defining scope.
Anyone on?
self would then bind to Bar because when the closure was defined, the defining scope is Bar.
The class scope of a closure should be lexical.
How to create an instance of a class (for example mysqli) which requires specific parameters?
With Auryn^
@DaveRandom I will be using that one as "content generator" instead of lorem-ipsum
@AndreaFaulds You are forgetting the closures are basically classes.
@rdlowrey boyband question for you^
@LeviMorrison Are they? I'd say static closures are static methods
Yes, yes! Exactly!
...in the class which declares them.
But when the static closure is defined the defining scope is Foo.
@AndreaFaulds No, they don't belong to the scope which declares them.
class Foo {
    static function foo() {
        return function () {
            // do stuff

    // is the same as

    static function bar() {
        /// do stuff
    static function foo() {
        return [self /* static? */, bar];
Closures are defined at runtime.
Note that what I am proposing used to work by happy accident.
But when I fixed a bug this part stopped working.
@LeviMorrison That's also true.
Well, regardless I think this has been some good discussion. I need to go work on other things.
Thanks, @AndreaFaulds.
@seldaek PHP-CS-Fixer relies on the PHP parser itself. Why would it need to uses the userland implementation ? /cc @nikita_ppv
@ircmaxell Heyo!
anyone pretty good with htaccess?
@Naruto whats your problem in htaccess? Maybe I could help.
@HassanAlthaf I know how to block all direct access, so block everything in the url that ends with .php, but the problem is that is causing my ajax calls to fail.. Is there a way to say deny all on .php but allowed 1 specific path?
Q: How should I adjust the orientation of the image captured and uploaded from smart devices using jQuery/PHP?

PHPLoverI'm using PHP, jQuery, AJAX, HTMl5, Bootstrap framework(v.3.3.0) for my website. I'm allowing user to capture photo using device's camera and upload the same to the server. The issue I'm facing is when I upload such captured image the orientation of image saved on server changes. That means if...

uhhh @Naruto try StackOverflow.com
@ircmaxell That thing is broken completely...
/cc @Ocramius
@HassanAlthaf ye I'm still googling :) but was worth a try asking here aswell :)
Happy friday everyone =[ !!! (yay partyhat)
@webarto they kinda fixed it
@RonniSkansing o/
Ronni, my friend!! :D
but I won't use it since it caused fatals in doctrine/common for me and a few gazillion users
@RonniSkansing your noob friend has been waiting for you to get help. (LOL)
github.com/mongofill/mongofill/issues/23#issuecomment-36469658 <-- that's a horrible sign. modifying a variable directly without SEPARATING() it first... sigh
lol whats up @HassanAlthaf =]
Uh, nothing much. :P
\o @Naruto [=
@Naruto wut?
How do I define a session associative array slot with http?
@Ocramius Possibly, I'm out of date... was broken :-)
@HamZa wut?
@Naruto Could you expand on "Is there a way to say deny all on .php but allowed 1 specific path?" ?
@ircmaxell It worries me that seldaek has to ask such a question.
@HamZa I have an htacces, and I block everything that ends with .php, so people can't directly access files..., but now my ajax calls keep failing, because they are direct access.. Is it possible to allow a specific path which contain all my ajax call files? (more clear?)
@HassanAlthaf, Not sure what you mean with a session associative array slot, you mean like, in this new way of writting a application, how should you access $_SESSION ?
@Naruto ajax calls == client calls so if you block client calls you also block ajax calls
@LeviMorrison why?
@ircmaxell Can I ask... why the php implementation? (except why not answer)
You need another class that isolates this stuff, It would not be via. the http class
no, meaning the pecl extension is doing nasty things
@ircmaxell I would hope seldaek's level of skill would be sufficient enough to understand why.
not everyone would need to be an expert in everything. Plenty of competent devs have never worked with AST to know the difference between AST and a Lexer
@Naruto So you probably will need to allow some .php files to be called
@RonniSkansing do you recommend me to write a module for this?
@HamZa I think I'm explaining bad? I don't want users to type in xxx.xx/xx.php, but problem is if I block that and make an ajax call, that gets blocked aswell, can I leave 1 path open that has those files that are allowed to be called with .php?
@HassanAlthaf I would recommend you to check packagist.org/search/?q=session and see if you can find a lightweight package with docs you like or write a small wrapping class.
@Naruto so basically put all your php ajax calls in a sub folder ajax
@RonniSkansing Aye, thanks man. ;)
No problem [=
@HamZa that's what I've done so far, but can't seem to figure out how to allow access / re-open them
@Naruto show me your current htaccess
good weekend to everyone, see you on monday
@SergeyTelshevsky cyaa
@SergeyTelshevsky have a good one
@LeviMorrison thanks, worked just fine :-)
@webarto Do you know of any modern PHP graphing libraries? Ones that don't spew warnings, notices or stricts?
@Naruto #Have you tried?
<Files "~/ajax/*.php">
    allow from all
Also maybe the path isn't correct?
@HamZa mm, tried with what you gave me no succes, gonna try some stuff, not sure if the path is correct or not, tought it was..
Everywhere ($a and $b being strings) ($a ^ $b) ^ $b === $a, but not always in PHP…
@bwoebi orly?
@DaveRandom yes. If strlen($a) != strlen($b).
xor on string truncates the longer string to the length of the other and only then does the xor op…
@bwoebi oic. I think truncate the longer string is the correct behaviour there, you'd rather pad the shorter with nulls?
Which, btw, would not still not result in ($a ^ $b) ^ $b === $a always being true
@DaveRandom no, behavior is okay, it's just sometimes confusing
@LeviMorrison Sorry :-( What do you need it for?
@DaveRandom I just made use of that implicit truncation… it's just an observation
@webarto Our graphics libs generate way too many warnings, notices and stricts.
We need to find a new PHP library or switch languages for that.
Simple things like pie charts, line charts and bar charts.
@LeviMorrison maybe a C library and you can write a simple php ext around it?
(worst case, better than having to go through another stack)
Hi, all
can anyone help me regarding to URL Rewrite in .htaccess or Wordpress
What help you want?
@LeviMorrison Why PHP and not something like highcharts in the frontend?
I want to rewrite this url http://www.rk-re.com/floor-plans/?area=Arabian-Ranches
@Patrick too heavy on the client-side
to look like this one http://www.rk-re.com/Arabian-Ranches-floor-plans
@DaveRandom can you help?
uhhhhhh @Mubeen1992 is floor-plans a foldeR?
it is wordpress and it is a page
@Mubeen1992 Why not rewrite it to http://www.rk-re.com/floor-plans/Arabian-Ranches?
@AndreaFaulds client requirment
Ohhhhhhh, Client requirement.
we want 5% share to help. ;)
Just kidding
Check Google
i had tried this line
`RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)-floor-plans/?$ /floor-plans/?area=$1 [R,NC,L] # Temporary Move`
but no use
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)-floor-plans/?(.+) /floor-plans/?area=$1 [R,NC,L] # Temporary Move
Try that?
@Mubeen1992 Might need to be ^/([A-Z...
WP doesn't have a router? (Haven't used it in a long time..)
I'm sure there is a plugin for it...
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)-floor-plans /floor-plans/?area=$1 [R,NC,L] # Temporary Move
@Patrick It does have a router, we're adding a rewrite rule on top of it
@HassanAlthaf Again, maybe you need a / after the ^
Uhh yea.
Oh yah you do i guess
RewriteRule is so awfully finicky
I usually solve that with ^/?
@DaveRandom in this case it's non-optional though
@AndreaFaulds s/ly finicky//
@AndreaFaulds Should be just handled with PHP routed through index and stuff, much more verbosity...
@Mubeen1992 try ^/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)-floor-plans /floor-plans/?area=$1 [R,NC,L] # Temporary Move as per @AndreaFaulds and @DaveRandom idea.
@AndreaFaulds Doesn't matter, it's at start-of-subject. I'm not aware of a case where that can break anything.
hell, you can get a normal feedback from PHP based router
It only works with a start-of-subject marker though
How hard is it to code a router in PHP?
in .htaccess it either works ... or you get error page with no data
@tereško +1, but this case is WP
So all bets are off in terms of sanity
Guys, Python vs. PHP for Web Development.
What do you prefer? :P
Well, given that you asked that question in the PHP room...
Then its.. PHP? LOL
I'd imagine the overwhelming majority in here will say that, yes
how many of you listen to songs while coding?
@HassanAlthaf Current status.
What do you mean?
@HassanAlthaf @DaveRandom @AndreaFaulds i am getting PAGE NOT FOUND
@Mubeen1992 hmm, I wonder if WordPress's existing RewriteRule is conflicting?
@HassanAlthaf I mean... Current status
I used this code in wordpress function.php file but no use
function custom_rewrite_tag() {
    add_rewrite_tag('%floor-plans%', '([^&]+)');
add_action('init', 'custom_rewrite_tag', 10, 0);

What do you mean by that @webarto
I see a MacBook.
Nope, you see Asus wannabe :-)
Oh, it looks similar to MacBook
.. talking to tiny people again ?
@tereško lol pls
@webarto btw, who is mukuru?
@DaveRandom Sort of Western Union for Zimbabwe, birthplace and grave of Kohana framework :-P
Kohana is African, get it.
Ahh I see. You work for them?
Most of Kohana core devs worked there, until they've gone berserk, sort of like @salathe.
Wow Dejano
You work at PHP?
SHA1 file hash in MySQL; dual purpose of identifying the file (disk name) and naive deduplication. Should I CHAR(40) or BINARY(20)?
@HassanAlthaf We all do :-) Some more, some less, some none :-P
Omg thats like greek Dan
I dont tho
@DaveRandom Yeah, started at 1st Dec. First office job. It's good, but remote is not bad also with a good communication, tho you might get more work done via office, brainstorming and stuff.
@DanLugg I'm a fan of binary forms for hashes in database, that said I recently stopped doing that in one fairly important way: password_hash()
I prefer to think of hashes as integers
@DaveRandom password_hash kicks back a sorta-base64 by default anyway, no?
Very big ones, but integers nonetheless
^^ Yes, I do think of them that way, 160bit integers.
@DanLugg Yeh but it has to, because it encodes more info than just the hash
@DaveRandom Right of course, salt, etc.
Well, I suppose it doesn't have to, but it makes sense to do something printable
And it needs to be uniform
(obligatory Batman reference)
@J7mbo Naw, the weekend was a write-off, the beard flew south for the winter. I should've taken a picture, there was a flock of them.
@DaveRandom Oh, I thought password_hash kicked back non-uniform length.
lol, I haven't used it in so long already, too much infrastructure crap to work on.
@DanLugg It's always the same length at the moment because only bcrypt is available, but it could change in future
There's a note about it on the manual page concerning the suggested size of db columns
I'm pretty certain it recommends varchar though
@DaveRandom Ah, okay. I think I absentmindedly VARCHAR(255)'d it in the past :-P
(in that case)
but for a straight SHA I would prefer the binary form
^^ Yes, uniform. But I'm just deliberating CHAR vs BINARY only because I'll have to HEX/UNHEX the binary data because URLs.
@DanLugg That's what it recommends, by happy coincidence
> Therefore, it is recommended to store the result in a database column that can expand beyond 60 characters (255 characters would be a good choice).
@DaveRandom Yay, serendipity! (I probably just read it, and forget having read it)
@DanLugg Ahh well if URLs then char would be the better choice, probably
It's a question of how you will be doing the comparisons I suppose, to minimise conversions and assist with indexing
^^ That was my thinking; it's a storage toss up. I mean, disks are cheap, but it's still better to optimize storage IMO.
If you are worried about 20 bytes per record when they are used to access files... how big are the files??
@DaveRandom Well, you can still index a BINARY, and comparisons would then have to be UNHEX(:hex_input)
1 byte files...
2 byte ^^ ;-)
> uses SHA1 to deduplicate files with only 65536 byte permutations
CRC32 ftw
lol, they're all images/video, so yea. 20 bytes worth of hash column is going to be piss in a lake.
CHAR it is!
I'll light the fire
I'll probably fall into it. Or, I'll be in such a state for that to happen in T-10hours
Also, congrats on the radiator :-P
@Patrick I've ported several graphs to use JS and that works quite well.
The problem is that some of our graphs represent a LOT of data.
Too much to pipe to the client (the image is significantly smaller than the data) and on top of that JS would have a difficult time rendering the charts with that much data.
^^ Now that's a euphemism.
@Fabor I'm almost certain that my love isn't your only desire.
gdi now I have that in my head
/me starts putting together an all Take That playlist marathon
And I thought today wouldn't be productive :P
@LeviMorrison phantomjs + something like github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/examples/colorwheel.js ?
Needlessly complicated solutions ftw!
posted on December 05, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Omnomnom*/

user image
Do we have this? If we don't, we should do.
@DaveRandom can you help?
@DaveRandom Isn't that what grep is for :P
@Feeds I will have to watch Dr.Who newest episodes now
@Feeds we haz unit tests for that >.<
@webarto I've gone beserk? :)
@Ocramius really?
@tereško yeap, and behat user stories D:
I am only one in this fucking workplace who even knows what the point of unittests is
@tereško be a consultant
Ok, I'm dragged away by Stevie Wonder
@tereško on the minus side: I'm not working this month
only OSS
SQL views derived of views... dis gon b gud.
aw deeer

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