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@Ibra038 are you talking about a variable in PHP or JS ?
How should I access an associative array? $array['key']; right?
var_dump($array); gives this:
      'ID' => int 1
      'USERNAME' => string 'test' (length=4)
      'PASSWORD' => string 'passwerd' (length=8)
If I do echo ' hi '. $this->user['USERNAME'] . '<br />'; I get undefined index
@BillyMathews try [0]['USERNAME']
or forget it xD
@BillyMathews what does var_dump($this->user); say ?
Sorry, I mixed dummy variables with real one
I just used $array as an example but it was in place of $this->user
@BillyMathews are you sure there isn't some space in the key ?
@HamZa I was talking about a variable in PHP, but never mind! I made it already.
and I realised my problem.. I was using fetchAll() in sql, should use fetch()
@Ibra038 well your question then didn't make sense
@HamZa Sorry, do you still wanna know what the question was?
@Ibra038 I have read your question and it didn't make sense in a php point of view
is this a good way to set password?
    $oldpass = password_hash($oldpass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
    $newpass = password_hash($newpass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
    $stmt = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE users SET password = :newpass WHERE id = :id AND password = :oldpass LIMIT 0, 1');
    $stmt->bindParam(':id', $this->user['ID'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $stmt->bindParam(':oldpass', $oldpass, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $stmt->bindParam(':newpass', $newpassass, PDO::PARAM_STR);
@BillyMathews No makes no sense
The old password will never match
passhash generates an "unique" hash everytime you run it
Oh ok so you could never compare a two hashs of the same password..
No that's what the pass verify function does
slight side question I've always wondered.. if it's unique then how can it possibly be verified?
.. I think I don't understand this properly
algo magic
How it works under the hood exactly, no clue
if ( password_verify( $oldpass, $this->user->password ) ){
    //prepare, execute new password
So I should do it like that?
A small component in what I plan to be a larger framework which will hopefully get rid of the configuration hell
Also, shameless self promotion
@AshwinMukhija Does it support overriding?
It does support extensions/overriding
If you have a configuration file which is not registered, you can write your own handler, and if you want to override the behaviour of existing types, you can do that as well. :)
I'm planning to write the translation of the configuration object to a working injected object, but that will be a little later
That is to say that you would be able to forego PDO instantiation and Conphig will take care of it
I still need to finalize how I'm going to go about it though
I also need to get the code coverage up
@PeeHaa ^
@BillyMathews very simple. the unique part is a random string that's generated and included in the output
then password_verify pulls that random string out and uses it to verify the password
if someone got a hold of my stored password hash, what's to stop them throwing it through a password cracker that uses password_verify?
- when I say password cracker, I mean a script that loops with different passwords until it passes
however, the algorithm that password_hash uses is designed to be slow
VERY slow
which means to brute-force a non-trivial password would take a REALLY long time
Check this video out:
PS: that's me giving that talk
PPS: I'm the one who designed and implemented password_hash
Sorry, dunno how long ago you wrote that as I had to restart.. is that true?
That's pretty cool
thanks! :-)
And that talk is great
so far.. I don't expect you to let up :)
:-) Thanks!
I hope it explains (or at least tries to) why the approach that password_hash takes is superiors
I already know password_hash is superior and I'm using it.. so i might finish watching it tomorrow
I'll probably absorb more of the information when I'm less tired
Very cool, I'm usually around, so if you have questions feel free to ping me
worst case is I may reply a few hours (or days) later
I just reinstalled XAMPP on windows and I've re- set up the virtualhost, but now I'm getting Access Forbidden - I'm not sure how to fix this..
would it be in .htaccess?
and if so, where do I find it? do I create it in the document root folder?
@BillyMathews hi, you can check your logs/error.log
[Mon Jan 20 02:35:29.829597 2014] [authz_core:error] [pid 7160:tid 1688] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: C:/Users/Billy/Documents/Programming/virtualhost/My Site/
@BillyMathews first check if the path exists. Then enclose the path in quotes in your config (just in case)
/me throws random stuff at the monitor
by config, do you mean in my <VirtualHost> Block?
in httpd-vhost.conf
@BillyMathews yeah
it definitely exists and the path was in double quotes anyway.
@Ocramius heading to Benelux next week?
I set the errorlog to the same path /error.log and it created the file there so it's definitely correct
@ircmaxell not sure yet - I for sure don't have a ticket, but it's a 3hrs ride, so I may change idea last minute to at least get beers :-)
well, they are sold out ;-)
I know :P
But EvanDotPro, GeeH, DASPRiD and FrozenFire are going
that's 75% of our company :P
@BillyMathews do you have a .htaccess file?
so yeah, still deciding...
GeeH? I'm not sure if I've met him yet
@ircmaxell Gary Hockin
And FrozenFire as well
funny guy from Wales
@andho No
I'm horrific with names. Pictures I am good with, faces better
Ah yes, Gary...
It worked before I upgraded XAMPP, or is there a .htaccess file in XAMPP itself? @andho
Justin (FrozenFire) looks familiar, but is hard to tell from a photo
Gary I definitely remember
He's in #phpc - he's doing mentoring, moderating /r/php and he's active in the php docs team
Oh, I know him online very well
I meant in person
ah, well, he only was at ZendCon US
not Benelux last year? Or DPC?
hmm, nope
Ok, haven't met him (yet) then :-)
I forgot to submit for PHPBNL =_=
but also, need new topics - can't talk about proxies all year long
Yeah, I've got an awesome one lined up for later in the year
"Predicting Server Requirements At Arbitrary Scale"
Remind me to show you the calculator I built ;-)
I'm thinking about "Tracking object state - a witch hunt?"
@ircmaxell is it like igor's projects?
what projects?
well, he's building state machines and parsers and small calculators all day
Oh no
it's a server load cache efficiency calculator
@BillyMathews no there is not...
show me your virtualhost configuration @BillyMathews
lets you plug in traffic numbers, and then tweak certain variables (like average page size, cache ttl, etc) and it shows you cache hit rate and estimated number of servers required (both Varnish and Web)
you need to sell that to shared hostings
@Ocramius i would definitely be interested with that title
(if they still exist)
@Ocramius :-)
@andho I plan on making all OOP purists cry blood
<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot "C:\Users\Billy\Documents\Programming\virtualhost\My Site"
	ServerName dev.my.site
	ServerAlias dev.my.site
	ErrorLog "C:\Users\Billy\Documents\Programming\virtualhost\My Site\error.log"
we'll see, I will surely submit for DPC again :-)
@Ocramius I am half tempted to laugh and watch, and half tempted to sharpen the axe :-)
@BillyMathews yeah that's missing a whole bunch of other stuff
Hey, you took the new Zend cert, what did you think?
@ircmaxell the exam was easy peasy - could have done it while jogging (and I don't jog)
the hashing stuff was hard
Good :-)
@andho Like what? I'm sure it's always worked fine without anything else
took also the zf2 exam - I was fearing that I'd fail it xD
this is the example at the top of the vhosts file:
##<VirtualHost *:80>
    ##ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ##DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/dummy-host.example.com"
    ##ServerName dummy-host.example.com
    ##ServerAlias www.dummy-host.example.com
    ##ErrorLog "logs/dummy-host.example.com-error.log"
    ##CustomLog "logs/dummy-host.example.com-access.log" common
CustomLog and ServerAdmin both being optional, no?
@BillyMathews add this part which gives the permission to that directory
<Directory /home/andho/web/root>
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            allow from all
umm change the directory path though :P
and AllowOverride None is better if your not using .htaccess
Do I put that inside the virtualhost block, indented?
@BillyMathews yeah
Apache fails to start up.. with quotes around the directory path it works..
but still no access
@BillyMathews :/ well that's all from the top of my head
Is there any way to create a stream or other form of reusable resource from a PRNG in PHP? Specifically, can I seed >1 PRNGs?
Good morning
Right now, I've experimented with the following:
function getPrng($seed){
    return function () use ($seed) {
        // algo;
@DanLugg what are you trying to do?
@ircmaxell Pretty much exactly what I said; create multiple PRNGs seeded individually, which I can arbitrarily invoke later on.
for what
Just experimenting with some stuff.
are you trying to create a stream cipher?
No, I'd use existing facilities for that.
Although, I could just use that; more of an exercise I guess.
then what do you need a seeded PRNG for?
Basically the same reasons one would need a stream cipher; again, just experimenting.
hmm, wondering how many RSS feed aggregators don't filter for XSS...
For the record; the built-in rand/mt_rand, you can't do as I specified can you? Seed multiple 'instances' of them into a resource or other reference?
@ircmaxell ^^
@DanLugg no, because there are cases where they won't respect your seed, and as such would not be stream cipher generators, but just random sources
@Ocramius sounds like something to test :-)
Really? What cases would those be?
all zem cookies :Q_
I know that:
> The Mersenne Twister implementation in PHP now uses a new seeding algorithm by Richard Wagner. Identical seeds no longer produce the same sequence of values they did in previous versions. This behavior is not expected to change again, but it is considered unsafe to rely upon it nonetheless.
But I doubt that's what you're talking about, is it?
Ah, I was reading about the suhosin patch... thanks for the link.
@andho I found this in httpd.conf:
good night, I'm off
# Deny access to the entirety of your server's filesystem. You must
# explicitly permit access to web content directories in other
# <Directory> blocks below.
<Directory />
    AllowOverride None
    Require all denied
@ircmaxell see you dude
^I changed it to AllowOverride All and Require all granted
@BillyMathews I've never seen the Require directive. So does it work now?
@ircmaxell Night sir; thanks again :-)
@BillyMathews you can Require all granted just in your virtualhost <Directory> block, but if it's just your development machine I guess you can ignore security
I didn't think of that
I would have to still change AllowOverride to All though, right?
@BillyMathews AllowOverride is to give .htaccess permission to change Directives on the fly
oh it's not for other directory blocks
@BillyMathews so if you don't use .htaccess you don't need to allowoverride
can I ask you a question about classes? :P
@BillyMathews sure
for composer to manage required libraries does it need more then just a github reference?
I have a class
in the construct function I connect to db
    $this->connection = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->sqluser, $this->sqlpasswd);
gosh, 4:30 AM and still nothing works...
Javascript, Y U SO Javascript?!
then I have a child class
public function __construct($user) {
    $stmt = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :user LIMIT 0, 1');
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in C:\Users\Billy\Documents\Programming\virtualhost\My Site\include\user.class.php on line 9
gist it
gist it?
@BillyMathews did you define your instance variables?
class YourClass {
    protected $_connection;
hm.. not in the child class.. do I have to?
it is declared in the parent
@BillyMathews that would be in your parent class
@BillyMathews is it private or protected?
it's actually public
@BillyMathews post the two classes in a pastie
@BillyMathews is the try-catch actually executed?
you probably shouldn't catch the exception there
Where should I?
this - just don't catch the exception
@BillyMathews exceptions should only be catched by code that can handle them
Change your privates to protected in your Database class
@Orangepill no need
@BillyMathews think about it: what useful things can you do here with an exception? Probably none
@Orangepill shhh
@andho sorry
@BillyMathews what @Ocramius said
@andho so should i change private to protected or not?
@BillyMathews no need
And, I figure that is the only PDO stuff going down so I catch PDOExceptions and log them
@BillyMathews nop
@BillyMathews do that somewhere else
@BillyMathews it's out of the scope of this class - this basically defeats the entire usefulness of exceptions
@BillyMathews but if you have a PDOException the rest of your code probably doesn't need to execute
the idea of an exception is that you can throw it in a deeply hidden part of your app and it will "bubble up" until somebody notices it
if you catch it already in the code that causes them, then you have hidden failures
but i am logging them at source
so better having a "fatal ... blabla ... uncaught exception at .... " than catching them early
@BillyMathews but you are not HANDLING the exception
@BillyMathews yes, but your code is broken, you have an inconsistent state there, since $this->connection is null
and that's because you are not "recovering" from the exception
if you cannot recover, then log and rethrow:
your error is logged, and loosened into oblivion
try {
    ... do stuff ...
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    $this->errors[] = $e;
    throw $e;
you're totally right - i removed it and it gave me a PDO exception that I wasn't finding
this re-throws the exception and avoids some errors - but it will still cause problems since you cannot use that object anymore (inconsistent state)
so yeah, better not catch in there at all
@BillyMathews PDOExceptions are in all cases I can imagine, Application level Exception which needs to be handled by your "Application" :thumbsup:
Ok lesson learnt
If you want you can abstract it out as DatalayerException but still it needs to bubble up to Application level.
@Ocramius thanks
So maybe now you can help me with the PDOException.. :p
And by no means should a User object ever extend a Database object....
@Orangepill still beginner level - calm down :P
@Orangepill yeah, that would be a loooooong topic :)
this is what made me quit trying to learn back end twice before.. I just do everything wrong
@BillyMathews what does the exception say?
@BillyMathews I did it wrong for at least 6 years, and I still find a lot of what I write being wrong the week after
now been writing wrong things for 13 years :P
@BillyMathews try with utf8
    $this->dsn = "mysql:host=".$this->sqlhost.";dbname=".$this->sqldatabase.";charset=utf-8";
yes, you are writing utf-8 - not sure if the engine understands that -
oh? That's how i thought you were supposed to do that
@Ocramius i got you on record now :P
@BillyMathews I'm not sure tbh, let me check
@andho pfft, my porn archive is far more scary
@BillyMathews does it work if you remove the utf part
@BillyMathews follow the errors. BTW what's the PDOException message?
I think it should be utf8 as opposed to utf-8.... not sure though
yeah, it's utf8, not utf-8
checked in doctrine's codebase, weird though
utf-8 worked before I updated xampp
@BillyMathews maybe the mysql version installed doesn't support it?
I know for sure windows did that trick to me once >.< latin1 only
it works now with utf8
In my databases and tables, should I always use utf8-general-ci?
except for case sensitive obviously
that is the collation
encoding of the connection = how characters are transmitted back and forth between you and the server
collation = how data is sorted and filtered
I wish strings would just be fucking arrays already.
collation is less relevant and can be usually changed later if the DB is not too large
encoding is very relevant - screw it up once, pain for the rest of your life (or the life of your app)
@BillyMathews fyi you may as well start using utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_ci.....because surprises are bad.
@Danack utf8_unicode_ci
why mb4?
@DanLugg Aren't they kinda .... $string[4] works
@Orangepill I'd really like if array_* just worked on strings.
@Ocramius because mysql sucks - stackoverflow.com/questions/8709892/…
They're byte-arrays, but they're kinda not, but they sorta have ArrayAccess, but they don't actually, etc.
utf8 != able to store all valid utf8 characters
@Danack yeah, but why mb4? Doesn't unicode_ci cover it?
@Ocramius I don't think so...hang on, I've got a note somewhere.
@DanLugg that's a lot of internals rewrite you need there :P
@Ocramius I didn't say it wasn't ;-) I'm just saying that currently, it's fucked.
i just wish you could use the array functions on object that implement the ArrayAccess interface
If I've said it once, I've said it a million times; array should be Traversable and array_* should type-hint Traversable.
@Ocramius I don't believe it does. The non-mb4 collations are definitely separate to the mb4 collations, and I don't see how they could be compatible. i.e. SHOW COLLATION LIKE 'utf%'; has separate entries for 'utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_bin' 'utf8_unicode_ci' 'utf8mb4_general_ci' 'utf8mb4_bin' 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'
But yeah - just use the mb4 ones now, and never think about it again...
can someone tell me why this is invalid SQL
    $stmt = $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE users SET email = :email WHERE id = :id LIMIT 0, 1');
it worked before I updated XAMPP!
@BillyMathews let the exception messages flow
@DanLugg but you don't gain anything by implementing Traversable.... I think ArrayAccess and Iterator would have to be a baseline for doing anything meaningful...
@Orangepill Traversable can be passed to foreach it's the only thing checked; IIRC Iterator just exposes the hooks to userland.
So, in the case of array, since it's implementation is tucked away in core; it wouldn't need to have be an Iterator.
I could be wrong, that's my understanding of it.
@BillyMathews the update syntax doesn't state that you can have an offset
@BillyMathews you can just give us the Message part of the exceptions here. no need for a pastebin
@DanLugg I see ... you can't implement Traversable directly ... you have to Implement Iterator .... so Traversable typehinting would be the way to go.
@Ocramius I don't understand at all..
@BillyMathews seems that the last "0, 1" is wrong. Simply use "1"
@BillyMathews the "0" in your "LIMIT 0,1" is the offset. This is not supported in UPDATE statement
ahh I see
Thanks :)
@BillyMathews your not even half as bad as the usual suspects around here. So don't fret it
hey, I just saw this ( i.imgur.com/2UWeADx.png ) as a terrible example, and I wonder what would good version look like ? I imagined instead of nesting going for seperate, but that wasnt much different anyway.
@user3002686 like this:
@user3002686 { { much { } { { { nesting } very { { { complexity } } so amaze } } } } } wow.
if (!$_POST['user_name']) {
    $msg = "Provide username";
if (!$_POST['user_password_new']) {
    $msg = "Provide new password";
but that looks like validation, so I would use a validation thingy
using other peoples thingies are always good instead of writing from scratch
validation thingy ?
I thought about @andho's version but, both seemed equally readable and only a preference
guys, how is validation handled in Symfony. Personally I like Zend_Validate
@user3002686 it's more readable. 1) no nesting. 2) you can see invalid cases easily
why would we want no nesting, anyway ? if it wouldnt be for readability?
@user3002686 nesting is difficult to read. For example if I asked you what is the error message for if (!isset($user['user_name']) { how long would it take you to find it
as opposed to non nested version that I showed
same time?
but i get your point
if you think it's readable it's good for you. If the rest of your team can read it that's good for your team
just imagine the nesting going on and on
and imaging alot more statements inside each nesting
even without readability
imagine having a finger pointed at the screen and following every possible path
now draw how many paths your finger can follow with one and the other solution
in nested version it will run till first invalid, and in seperate still same(assuming exit) ?
but yeah, I think seperate version is superior too. Its just, where I got this image it was presented as something horrible and it didnt look that bad to me.
that's because you didn't need to work on that code
where would you add a new validation ?
I see
Cyclomatic complexity!
I also looked at zend validate because you mentioned, and this framework functions seems really useful. I wonder if I can use zend or whatever, without obeying their MVC patterns, just for functions ?

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