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@PLB what API is this?
How can i install H264 Streaming Module on apache in windows ??
@crypticツ this
At what age you started programming in PHP?
@adrian 19 for me
@adrian.s php 3.2 just came out I think
@PLB they don't even bother to use an HTTPS connection for the API, why would you put your users at risk and send their info unprotected?
Um, I have one more option. I can use my own API password and avoid users to use their owns. So I have to think about securing only one password and that's not a big deal.
I was wondering what would be the perfect age to introduce someone to programming. In my case, I want to introduce my nephew to PHP (he's 14 years old)
However I don't want to pay at the first stages because I have no idea if it will be successful.
@Adrian.S 14 is a good age...I started programming at 9 (commodore basic)
@crypticツ Because creating secure server that will support sandbox for all those languages is time and human resource consuming. And I have neither.
It's System Administrator Appreciation Day. Say thank you to your SysAdmin now!
it's also Friday
@Gordon I suppose that would be me in my case =oP
did someone post Rebecca yet?
Should I introduce him to other language first like Javascript, or straight to php?
@crypticツ then feel free to show yourself all the appreciation you got ;)
@PLB k
@Adrian.S Javascript would be more engaging for someone just starting.
I always thought and think, it is better to start with strongly-typed languages.
I answered here, but later realized that this should be deleted as it's not constructive
@DaveRandom I did fresh new install of OS, installed Nginx from repos, and have compiled PHP but have not yet run make install so whenever you have the time I can take the next steps and hopefully get PHP running on server.
@adrian.s You could start him off with LOLCODE
lolcode.. lol never heard of that.
I'll check it out
@Mr.Alien I don't think the last one is not constructive... there are valid a measurable reasons to adopt one approach over the other.
@Orangepill that's just awesome. made my day. :D

@Orangepill These types of questions are always closed.. It's opinion based...
It's turing complete see
@Mr.Alien probably a dupe of stackoverflow.com/questions/10197593/…
@Mr.Alien there is a couple of objective technical implications for using external or internal stylesheets. If you point those out, it's not NC. The most convincing point for using an internal stylesheet is obviously the speed increase due to not having to do an additional http request.
@Mr.Alien You missed smaller download and availability to cache separately from content as advantages.
@Gordon I guess the quest must be having a better dupe with thousands of views.. let me search for that...
@Gordon @Orangepill minifying ? and also the php css? dynamic stylsheets
@Gordon Oops, I guess I should delete my answer
@Gordon I got that totally wrong, I wrote the answer for inline styles vs stylesheets lol, when you wrote the http part, I sensed that something was fishy ;)
ROFL ^^^
^ just shove the crap away to the dupe.
and good mornings btw.
@hakre mornin
@Gordon depends on the request. it's known to work better with caching.
I guess It will request everytime if the leverage caching is not set
Excellent morning.
@estrar lolcode was created as a proof of concept for this . It's a vm for efficiently running dynamically typed languages.
Greetings, anyone could help me with SOAP call respone type in PHP?
@Gordon Given yesterday's idea another look and came up with two functions instead; array_all() and array_some(), pulling from JavaScript ;-) github.com/datibbaw/php-src/commit/…
I make a call wich returns response as classResponse even return class name is "classFault".
   zend_fcall_info_cache fci_cache = empty_fcall_info_cache;
 zval **args[1];
@Jack Indentation fail.
<ns1:classResponse xsi:type="ns1:classFault">
like that
But I dont get, where it makes ns1:classResponse not classFault.
@rightfold Whoops ;-) it's vim I swear!
Dont know how to formulate correctly the question, but the idea is this. Anyone knows where to search for info?
Do you use tabs?
@rightfold I do, but instead of yank and print I used Putty's copy/paste =(
Tabs are the root of all evil.
My problem is that vim doesn't show whether it's tabs or spaces ;-)
@DaveRandom Morning
@crypticツ Do you actually need anything non-standard? yum install php is easier, although DIY is commendable
I just need to get settled at work then I'll take another look
@DaveRandom gimnnor
@Gordon Hey, I've seen a php-benchmarks suite referenced on the mailing list archive but can't seem to find it. It has the DeltaBlue benchmark for PHP at least. Happen to know where I can find it?
I think @crypticツ said before that she compiles in a few extensions.
@Gordon I have thanked myself but it didn't sound sincere and all I've succeeded in doing is getting my own back up. I now fear that next time I have an IT problem I won't fix it just to spite me :-(
@DaveRandom pastebin.com/DzLm6T4v yeah I think I need to compile =o( Settle in, I'll bbl eating and watching a late night movie.
@hakre everything depends
@Jack who is this dattibaw you keep referencing?
@LeviMorrison nope. sorry. no idea.
@Jack Bad .vimrc is the root of all evil.
@DaveRandom :)
good morning @tereško!
Happy Friday!
oh yeah, it's friday today. have to get some papers ready and then off to the public pool before the weather gets crazy today.
I've seen a php-benchmarks suite referenced on the qa-mailing list archive but can't seem to find it. Ping me if you can find the source. I'm particularly interested in DeltaBlue.
@Gordon That's me (too) :) you can tell by the avatar heh
Hi, which JavaScript framework is better with Laravel 4 ?
@Anshad.Musafir Better then none or which one?
Backbone , Ember or Angular ?
@Anshad.Musafir You ask me? Or is it just you can't decide and want a dice? Hmmmm .... finally it's clear, it's Angular! :)
Which one are you currently using and why doesn't it make it?
@hakre I am using angular, but the ember is look like laravel.
why exactly do you need a javascript framework ?
because coding javascript is hard.
@tereško Yes, I need to do some functions in clientside
@Jack heh, looks like everyone but me can write PHP C
@Gordon Really? You can write C though I assume?
@Jack I am very interested in javaScript
@Anshad.Musafir native javascript is perfectly suited to provide "some functions in clientside"
I've done some work on pecl/oauth before; that's how I got started :)
@tereško But we can improve performance and reduce our code right?
you CANNNOT improve performance by slapping on a javascript framework
@Gordon You are not alone. :) I could not compile php source properly to get started.
@tereško I don't think so.
@Anshad.Musafir frameworks always ship with more than you need, so you trade performance for functionality and the not-need to write code.
however frameworks most often are only useful in starting situations. in the end they are a block on your feet and hinder you to evolve.
i think he assumes that frameworks are made from rainbows and unicorns
as most projects get crushed relatively fast, frameworks do the job :)
@Gordon: Not only say thanks to your sysadmin, praise them :D
@hakre k. It's friday, I am going for prayer.
some frameworks are made by killing kittens though.
@Jack Have you used any PHP framework?
@Anshad.Musafir I don't know the Goddess to pray to for JS questions.
But there must be one.
@YogeshSuthar I have used Silex a couple of times now.
I hate stupid people.
A: weird php eregi behaviour in wamp and xampp

Madara Uchihaeregi is deprecated! Use preg instead. See: How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP?

@Jack What's your impression of Silex so far?
It's DEAD what more do you need?!
@hakre well , christians have Isidore of Seville .. but I suspect that he must be part of some other superstition system
@hakre It's kinda nice; you start off with all those closures in your app.php and when it comes to the time to clean them up you can group them together into a controller service and use mount() ... I'm not really using the DIC much though.
@tereško Well one should always be open to new things.
@Jack not a single line
@Gordon not a single line. r u sure?
like include "stdio.h"; maybe?
@hakre It's appreciation day. Not praise them day
@Gordon Okay, let's declare praise day in one week.
@MadaraUchiha Seems like link-only answer. Should not it be a comment?
@Gordon Well, you're never too old to start learning C =D
@PLB Not really. The answer itself is that eregi is deprecated and that preg should be used instead.
The link is supplementary to help him move.
@MadaraUchiha Fair enough. Anyway, I'd post it as comment.
A small question... how can i configure an xml url in my site as a feedburner url ?
Good morning!
@dragon112 Goodmorning sir.
morning all
@deacs Morning ;-)
Your supervisor is an idiot if he expects you to persist data without actually saving it anywhere. — Martin Bean 1 min ago
LOL ^^^
is there anyone who use xdebugger with notepad++ ?
@Mr.Alien OP can write down on paper. Why waste memory?
i follow the tuts here : thecancerus.com/debugging-php-using-xdebug-and-notepad-part-i but i couldn't found DBgp plugin on my np++
@PLB To be precise, his supervisor hehe and that was funny, you can comment there
@Mr.Alien Nope, it does not worth. That question is off-topic and should be deleted altogether.
@PLB It's a fun spot currently and nah, I don't think it's off topic, it's just that the person who is trying to do this is perhaps stupid
@Mr.Alien There's a question: How can I store data without storing it? don't you think it's quite unclear?
without storing it on the server is basically cookies, i.e. you can't escape some form of storage, but you have control over where.
@PLB Ya that was confusing, but he also mentions neither databases nor files off to lunch peeps.. cya soon
@Jack well .. there are other options too
mostly - cloud and related
That's true ... so that's controlling the where.
I don't feel like doing stuff today
Any tips?
Recompile your kernel, that should be fun.
Reread old code, write docs, read docs, read book. There are other options as well.
@Mr.Alien I know, let's store data inside window.name =D
Doesn't persist very well though.
But that is doing stuff =/
@SabilValdano I know how to get myself to do stuff, but I don't feel like it now haha
Listening to the Louis CK Radio on Pandora :D
It's funny!
@dragon112 =D
Q: Avoiding unproductive days

PLBSometimes (usually once or twice a month) I have days when I'm in the mood to do nothing. When I feel like this, my work is sloppy and it takes 1-2 hours to clean it up the next day. This is really annoying and, more importantly, not good for my career. I am pretty sure I am not the only one wit...

@dragon112 Technically, breathing is also doing stuff ... so you should be more specific when you say you don't want to do stuff ;-)
Maybe you can find few options here.
@Jack Alright BRB Not breathing and shit
Let me know how that works out for you ;-)
@PLB But I don't want to avoid an unproductive day, I want to have an unproductive day!
I'm trying to achieve that!
@Jack Yea not so well, I sort of gave up halfway through
Hanging around here could be considered unproductive ;-)
@dragon112 well maybe try to sleep all day =D and wake up till you want to productive again =D
Why do you think I'm being so active on SO right now? :p
@dragon112 stare at screen and try not to forget breathing.
@SabilValdano Yea, not going to happen. It's 10000 degrees now
@PLB That's something I would considder
Good all :)
hi all
hey in any hours i could see sunset, btw morning all!!
i want to ask your recommendation , i wanna make a website with php based, better to do from scratch or use wordpress ?
I personally don't like Wordpress, but it really depends on what you are trying to achieve.
@dragon112 nah, actually i never touch wordpress to develop something. what's the cons ?
@SabilValdano morning :)
@SabilValdano wordpress has it's limitations when it comes to design
@deacs good evening from here !
ah :)
@SabilValdano wordpress is cool if the functionality you need is basic/standard
@deacs but now i wanna make a simple blog website, which there's some contributor and admin, i thought wordpress could help me
@Jimbo new rickroll ? :p
@SabilValdano wordpress is meant for a simple blog website
so it'll save you alot of time compared to developing your own
@Jimbo I bet it's rebecca black
I won't be clicking it you person
(didn't want to call you bad names :< )
@deacs ahhhhh thnks for your suggestion , maybe right now i should learn to develop wordpress with xampp and the others things :)
@Jack In short, the whole concept was dirty
@dragon112 @deacs It is an imporant link (should be starred)
@jimbo :)))))
Not enough chins.
Friday, perfect day for a new php function
friday is the day I download tutorials and books to read on weekends
@Jimbo I'll star it, but I will never click it
@Mr.Alien , I call : bullshit
Friday , the last day in week to see code
@tereško Seriously
Somehow I can only read books during the week.
@tereško BTW I screwed your overflow: hidden; idea
Friday, the day to try and not breath and get light headed multiple times in a row:p
@dragon112 That was really my hand, I uploaded on the net to prove my love
yay you love me
<3 :D
Now marry me! Here is your ring
LOL, I will bring a real dragon and will tell him for a spit fire on u
200 days of @github \o/ https://github.com/Ocramius - ok, now back to work...
@Gordon btw, heard there's a giant star wars meeting in essen today :O
@Mr.Alien <3
@dragon112 :D
btw friday is the day we can repwhore, weekends are pretty dry
esp. sundays.
Yea ^^
@Ocramius yes. at the fair IIRC
:envy: :D
nice guest list
I was like eating my fingers away when I heard it at the radio this morning >.<
I sometimes don't understand people.
A: Using if and else statements error

Madara Uchihaisset() will return a boolean (whether or not the variable is set). You're comparing a boolean to a string, a string will always be converted into TRUE (unless the string is "false" or similar), so basically, if the variable is set, the first condition will always match. You want if (isset($_GE...

The worst two answers were the ones upvoted -_-
A: Using if and else statements error

Yogesh Sutharif(isset($_GET['filter']) == 'Action') should be if(isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == 'Action') Also <a href="index.php?filter='Action'>Action</a> ^ ^ ^ // here you started " but not ended and remove the single quotes around Action should be <a hr...

@MadaraUchiha The first thing that struck me, was the guy using AND instead of &&
what about my @MadaraUchiha
@Ocramius it's the whole weekend, so book the Motel 1 and attend ;)
@Gordon can't, will be working all weekend
Who here is using dependency injection containers?
so much for the isset() :D
@Ocramius I guess I am not enough of star wars fan to go. I mean, I the original movies and the memes but I dont think I want to walk that fair.
@MadaraUchiha Bullshit. — rightfold 1 min ago
@Mr.Alien The re-what?
You're on the booze again?
@Jimbo Not me, read the question, it was edited by @PLB
@Leigh @rdlowrey and @LeviMorrison wrote one but I've never seen anything written by either that actually uses it. Having said that there's been a lot of activity on it recently so maybe someone is using it for something.
Ahh, my bad :)
Ive used Auryn
@Leigh I've tried multiple, namely Pimple, and then Auryn - Read this long post :D
@DaveRandom That's because we wrote it mostly for our own use. It's gotten some use lately by a couple of people, not sure who or for what exactly.
@MadaraUchiha this? youtube.com/…
And by "we" it was entirely written by rdlowrey; I just helped a bit with API design and feedback (as most of our projects have gone, lately)
@DaveRandom Well, I've never used one. Done a bit of googling, seems pretty anti-pattern if you use it incorrectly (and by that I mean, if you pass the container itself into a constructor, then calling container->getObject, that feels bad to me)
No no no
That's the service locator anti pattern
Read my post, it explains all!
@Jimbo that sequence there seems quite off
@Gordon :D
I assume you would use it to handle the dependencies of object construction, and pass the result of that into the constructors
starting with bootstrap / frontcontroller thing ... and it gets stranger
@Jimbo , you should replace it with a proper diagram
@tereško You should work backwards, I know, lot's changed I need to update it
So: $a = new Something($container->getDep()); rather than $a = new Something($container);
Or am I way off
@Leigh new controller(new service(), new view/template())
@Leigh That sounds about right :)
@tereško You really need to write a big post (if not already) about views / templates, how to correctly differentiate and use correctly etc :)
If I remember correctly, you hadn't yet found the best way of doing it
@LeviMorrison ...we wrote it mostly for our own use - have you got anything open source that uses it? I'd also be interested in seeing some wild code that makes use of it, examples are all well and good but I like hacking my way through existing applications :-)
@Jimbo Better yet, write a book :)
@DaveRandom Hmm . . . I personally don't but I think rdlowrey may have some examples in Artax or Aerys using it.
Yeah, just confirmed that he has some examples in Aerys. It's a private repository at the moment, though.
I'm using Aerys, Auryn, Artax and Amp -.- too many A's
@LeviMorrison ...which I have access to ;-)
@Jimbo It's on purpose >.<
So they're at the top of the list? :D
It's just a convention we fell into, actually.
There's no real reason for naming them that way.
Well, it works at least because they are really cool names
Apart from Amp, too simple
I'm reasonably certain @rdlowrey is unhealthily obsessed with The Neverending Story
@DaveRandom trash movies ftw
after all, I'm a SW fan :D
@DaveRandom . . . are you not scarred from when Artax died in the Swamp of Sadness?
I'm not saying it's a bad thing
I only remember that freaky dog ;-)
The most upsetting perhaps was the fact that the neverending story ended, because otherwise it wouldn't fit on the VHS tape.
@Jimbo yeah .. I'm still poking at that problem
@Jimbo Read your thing - I guess it sums up a lot of it, but the thing I said felt like an anti-pattern is kind of what you're doing with public function dispatch($injector) - why don't you dispatch($injector->make($controller)) instead, so the router doesn't have to know how to make controllers.
@Leigh That's probably the right way to do it :P
This was before code was added for method based injection, not just class based, so I assumed I had to inject everything into the class constructor, even if only one method (action) needed it. I think I was too over enthusiastic and amazed, going from pimple to Auryn and it's recursive auto dependency injection
@Jack Yeh it's a misnomer. Much like Final Destination > 1
Just like the Final PHP Version :)
public final $destination;
Hmm, that's not possible yet, isn't it?
@Leigh i would just leave the dispatching to the bootstrap file
final properties doesn't really make sense anyway
@Jimbo About the runtime reflection stuff. Why not write a cache of dependencies to bypass reflection at all.
You can't re-implement a variable, it's just a variable
@DaveRandom I've seen those used in Java though.
> Additionally, each reflection offers the opportunity to cache the results if you're worried about speed. Auryn caches any reflections it generates to minimize the potential performance impact. [It performs the reflection once, then caches it as you say]
It's used like how const char *s is used in C
@DaveRandom can you really write public final $variable ?

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