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BTW @ircmaxell please please please remove the redundant line breaks at the eof of the lib. It has been bugging me for some time now, but I didn't want to be the nitpicker creating a PR for it :P
Well it zips but it creates a cpgz file wihtout my files :/
@PeeHaa埽 create a PR for it, and I'll merge it. Any other things you want to clean up while you're at it?
@ircmaxell Not really considering you already removed the part that really annoyed me. tabs eeeeh
no comment adjustments or anything?
Hi all.
@ircmaxell Well... now that you mention. I remember there was something else in there
@phpNoOb Waazup...
Yes. Now I remember. The inconsistent use of periods in docblocks. AFAIC I'll just remove them
I'll go through it later and send a PR. But first I'm going out and drink a beer while the weather isn't too bad for once
That works
@PeeHaa埽 always, this.
I knew I liked you for a reason PeeHaa :)
What is the attraction to rolling one's own crypto? Is it just daydreaming into a basement of monochromatic terminals and wires everywhere that gets them off, or are people so arrogant that they can't understand that they don't understand something?
Wait, don't drink and park, accidents cause people
@Bracketworks Schneier's Law: any person can invent a security system so clever that she or he can't think of how to break it.
@ircmaxell Of course, but is that the attraction?
I dunno. People want to think they are smart? Or that something is so simple that they understand it where others don't..
What kills me are the people who argue the same points consistently even though those points have been disproved
Ultimately that goes along with the quote (paraphrase) "Debugging requires more cleverness than coding, so if you code too cleverly you'll never debug it"
I'm starting to feel its arrogance (maybe I'm just becoming more cynical)
Yes, but where's that line
I'm arguing against these concepts, and is that arrogance? Does he have a point that I'm missing because of my experience / blinders towards the concept? I've done it before. And is that a bad thing, or a natural thing?
@ircmaxell I see what you mean; however I think we are satisfied in this case to nod in your direction.
In this case I think so as well (that sounds odd), but in general it's something that I struggle with every day
@ircmaxell You arrogant bastard ;)
I'm at a point where I feel like I wield a lot of responsibility in what I say. People have been quoting what I've said, and using me as a reference a lot lately. So I need to be careful to only authoritatatively speak about what I'm comfortable in my knowledge about. But even that's hard...
But really; in no other study have I seen it as rampant as cryptography, and more broadly, security.
hmm ... gonna read some Witchblade
And honestly, that's something I struggle with
@NikiC: I told you it would devolve into someone wanting a trait for it :-P
@ircmaxell Well, better that you struggle with it than concede and shout anything like so many people do.
I'd say that's a win, or much closer as far as the responsibility of it goes.
@ircmaxell hehe, you were right :)
@NikiC :-D
@Bracketworks It's good to hear
@ircmaxell If we're lucky the whole thing will now derail into a discussion on MI, traits and interfaces :P
I mean, that's what usually happens ^^
@ircmaxell The plus funny side of it, is we have people like panique; in all his troubled glory.
@Bracketworks eih, whatever. he's not that bad at all
@NikiC MI = Multiple inheritance?
@ircmaxell He's a funny fellow :P
I can't really understand how github works. What the hell are
Set Up Git, Create A Repo and Fork A Repo ?
Fork a Repo is a sexual act in certain circles.
Is there a name given to all tokens which can be understood as reference or values? Including both variables and literals?
@phpNoOb Do you understand what a Repo is?
$foo or "hello" or 42
@Bracketworks PHP's T_* token names?
@bwoebi I'm speaking more generally, but I guess I should have had a look there first.
Actually no; PHP wouldn't have gotten it right.
embarrassingly not! I am assuming it stands for repository, and by that must mean, start putting your codes, scripts ? @Pheagey
I could be wrong about this...
@Bracketworks I'm unsure if I have really understood what you want...
Nope thats correct 'repo' is short for repository. Think of it as a container for your project.
'Git' is the application that is used to control your source code (http://git-scm.com/). It has a steap learning curve but is 110% worth learning.
@bwoebi Ne'er mind, I'll just go with object
@phpNoOb 'Fork'ing is when someone bases code of you project, but makes there own changes. Then they 'can' submit a pull request to you to pull the changes they made back into your project.
@Pheagey ohh, So, the overall purpose of github is just to store your codes, and share them with other people?
am I missing something else?
@phpNoOb that's basically it.
'social coding'
@phpNoOb yea it is.
lots of good projects and knowledgeable people.
overapi.com/git to help you with Git
code.google.com/p/gitextensions is also a solid GUI for Git on Windows.
what do you think about your domain objects depending on another object that is not itself a domain object
or a or a database handle or a config object
Not sure if it's because I'm from Israel, but I've noticed a large spurt in the numbers of Arabic web developers, am I the only one who noticed that? :o
Nope - I've got the favourited as it seems to have lots of interesting UTf8 questions.
aka things I can learn from other peoples mistakes.
@ircmaxell What's that?
anybody here who has experiences with using joomla as standalone application??
@PeeHaa埽 howdy
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial. — Madara Uchiha 13 secs ago
lulz :P
Wrong comment :D
My duplicate please! Not the famous quesiton
tl;dr :P
@MadaraUchiha shall I downvote the first answer so that there's a tiny bit more balance between these two?
There should exist a default-comment-box for comments about the mysql ones, xml-regex parsing etc...
@bwoebi there is a plugin
Q: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

Benjol No more re-typing the same comments over and over! This script adds a little 'auto' link next to all comments boxes. When you click the link, you see a popup with 6 configurable auto-comments, which you can easily click to insert. This script was inspired by answers to this question on meta....

@MadaraUchiha installed, thx
i got a local server and time to time when i refresh the page it takes too damn long.. any idea why? like even a freakin vanilla html page with an hello world sometime take too long
local server is easyphp bundle
@Happyninja I used to have that sometimes with apache
I just blamed the thing and moved on :)
@MadaraUchiha and where is the list with the default comments (mysql, regex, ...)?
@PeeHaa埽 meh .. it runs on a quad with more ram than our main server...
That's the mysql one
Yay, getting closer:
Jan 11 at 17:27, by Madara Uchiha
Here are some other good ones I use
How much abuse do you think a reference to an internal __scope__ object would receive in a given language?
I'm guessing way too much.
anyone know why apache is sometime slow for no reason?
@Bracketworks I would say much
Depending on the language really don't
hey where do you think is the best place to validate a form in a in a MVC application? I am not talking about the form data, i validate that in the model layer but check the referrer of the form, check the token to stop CSRF etc
@PeeHaa埽 That's what I was thinking. Would you consider it a useful in-language-tool in debugging though?
@Bracketworks Debugging might be something else yeah.
I guess a third-party debugger could easily hook into it; provided it was available.
@PeeHaa埽 Yea; I'm thinking I'll leave it in for that reason.
@MadaraUchiha perfect. More than I wanted :-P
@Bracketworks Wait are you writing the debugger or are you going to leave it in for possible debuggers?
@PeeHaa埽 Ehhh, if I ever get to lib tools; yea, I'll write a debugger. Otherwise I'm thinking config with production flag.
And I'm changing __scope__ to __here__.
I think that fits the self and this convention.
All my primitives are immutable reference types :S
Are you designing your own language or something?
@cspray Yea, it's a toy, and will be for a long time, but I dream big ;)
Right now I'm supporting only the "dereference" and "new" operators.
Message passing, so everything's a method so to speak
Once I have a v0.1, I'mma push it to github.
Sounds interesting
It's neat; I'm doing alot of reading. I'd say you gain a profound understanding of how much you never understood ;) (and in my case, very much still don't)
I've vaguely thought about creating my own language for shits and giggles
But I don't have enough low level knowledge for that really
I've actually been getting a little bit more into "code that writes code"
And languages other than PHP :P
@cspray Yea! I always found that neat; .NET's T4 templates are kinda nifty, though poorly supported :(
What is your github username?
@Bracketworks That's ok. I'm more interested when you push your language :P
It's in C#; I'm writing it using VS, but I'm staying away from anything proprietary to MS so I can port it to Mono after.
So, learn C# and give me a hand after I push it ;)
I've actually been tempted to do that
Not just your project but just in general
I rather like it; it has support for a lot of syntactic niceties, generics are powerful (don't know how they compare to Java) and so on
Yea, I've been messing around with Java recently
I've always been tempted to learn, especially now having grasped C# considerably; what's your take on it?
I like it for the most part. Coming from PHP as my primary language there's some things about it that I dislike/haven't gotten used to
I actually like the static typing and more object oriented
But I haven't really delved too deep into it yet to have a really knowledgeable grasp of the language
I really like Java's method overloading
I realize why you can't do it really in a dynamically typed language
But I wish you could
Well, I'm sure it could be handled; types are comparable, finding a best match among a handful of overloads isn't something I would think is of huge overhead.
Besides (if we're talking about PHP) people monkey patch it in with switches all the time anyway
@Bracketworks Eh, I've thought about that but it just seems too hacky for actual use and seems like it would be hard maintenance wise. You have to either implement something robust enough to handle all types or every time you add a new method signature you have to go alter this huge switch statement?
I don't know. Just seems like you're trying to make PHP do too much that it wasn't intended to do. I think you can take that only so far before it just doesn't make sense anymore.
@cspray Oh for sure; I wouldn't advocate trying to patch it in with userland code; it's too big of a pain.
Visitor pattern? Just name all the damn methods differently ;)
Oh well. Really just proof that you can't just blindly apply all programming language paradigms to all programming languages.
@Bracketworks Yes, naming the damn methods differently is the answer here :P
Unfortunately I suck at naming things
I only wanna do it once :P
Oh certainly, but PHP (as I'm sure many will attest to here) does certainly need to have certain features common among other languages fitted properly. OO still seems glued on from 5.X. The parsing process burps on too many structures. The list goes on ;)
Oh, yea I definitely agree with you there
Gotta fucking data-entry nonsense.
is there a way to retrieve a document, edit it and save the modification, let say a docx document back to the server without having to download the file and upload the updated version? (if it makes any sense)
@Happyninja doesn't make sense to me ...
@Happyninja but if you have a txt file, and you just want to "add" something instead of editing, then that would be possible ...
@Happyninja Use Google Docs
You're basically looking at inline document editing. That's a hugely complex task
I mean, if it was just a plain text file that's one thing
And might not be that difficult
my boss asked me this
basically we have an in-house tracking system (a big word for something simple, tracking event) and there is a need to attach document to client
i would prefer not having to write some machine native code to connect to a ftp, i prefer to stay web
my first option would be to convert documentation into a wiki with some wysiwyg. But it still would be a big task
What he's asking for is a big task. There's no magical "easy solution" here unless you go with "big boy" document editor
With all the hard part of true document editing in the browser taken care of for you
And you just spend your time figuring out how to associate the client to the documents
If you're really going to implement an in-the-browser Word document editor in-house...well, good luck.
i'm glad i asked because i'm pretty new to all this and it happen i got myself in trouble for beginning a task that was to big for my knowledge
This is definitely too big for your knowledge
thanks @cspray you saved me from a lot of pain
google "online document editing"
It'll give you some already built solutions for some of what you're asking for
the other thing is the "system" need to work without internet access as internet is not reliable..
I don't really know anything about that other than if you're wanting something in browser you'll probably need to do some kind of local storage when you can't connect
And then send what you store when you do get a connection
But local storage can be finicky
Especially if you're needing to support multiple browsers
i tried google docs and had some issue with word 2010 docx document not rendering properly, so i guess if google god can't do it it's better if i move to my next target.
You might could see about Office365
I don't have any experience using their service
for the browser it's not a problem, we already have something that is not running properly in all browser so it will stay in the same lane
But it is by Microsoft so you'd think if anybody could render a Word document in the browser than they could
yea, i've been checking some stuff to render excel template online. it's faisable but the document need to be converted a certain way. we have document from as far as 97 ...
With fire
woof, that is some truly awful PHP code
@Pekka웃 fire started
I use the term "code" here very loosely
it's a way to get hacked :o
Sometimes I wonder if some of these PHP questions are for reals or is it just somebody trolling SO.
@cspray i feel you
@cspray hahaha
and those question like "could you fix my code" like they don't know basic operation but keep chaining them like if they were thinking a magic glue will appear after 15 lines of gribish
see you later (time to go home)
@cheesemacfly you're welcome :] congrats
@ircmaxell catch you there \o/
@Ocramius please make sure to introduce yourself to me in a way that I'd know who you are. You'd be surprised how many people dont do that (I know their handle, but not their name or anything make the leap between the name and how I'd know them)...

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