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@dragon112 ;)
@Happyninja Blegh ... it's a really annoying bug because you can simply not programmatically change offsetLeft or offsetTop without doing some magic shit.
Magic meaning "ugly hacks you don't want to do"
@Jack I am asking because the company I work with is bidding on a project for an all-in-one solution and we were planning of using android for dev because our research show it's cheaper.
Hey Psst, someone is @Incognito in this room!
Yeah, like changing overflow to hidden (i believe), then apply the move, then change it back to auto.
@Happyninja We were tasked to perform a feasibility study on HTML5 apps on Android. So far I can gladly say "don't try to do video"
@Jack I don't have experience with hardware based dev (if it make any sense) but my friend keep telling me windev is the shit
in fact he is so confident that it scare me a bit
Maybe, because we want html5 to be funky, dirty native.
I am always scare of people being confident about something new. Some people feel better, I don't
Some things are just worth the confidence :)
@Jack maybe our circumstance is different; there is a need to keep working even if the internet connexion stops working
You can have a local server in your building
@dragon112 yea maybe but my experience tell me there is always something that will go wrong, it's just the way technology is.
@dragon112 the application will be used both by people inside a building and by people on the road and both will update data on a frequently basis. You know when you order something and a guy come to you and make you sign on an electronic PDT?
@Happyninja That's also with old(er) technologies. Look at Java having lots of security issues.
@dragon112 yea, nothing is perfect
So in my opinion that's not really an argument.
Yeah, it's time the President hit the Undo Java button for realz ;-)
@dragon112 what is not really an argument?
@Jack So true, I'd like to see that shit :p
@Jack jack the changes made early this morning about a javascript function not starting with a number didn't fix the functionality problem. But I did appreciate the help. I've tried from a different approach but it still wont trigger the onclick event. mind if I post it here for others to look at?
@Swodahs Then you're doing something else wrong.
@Happyninja I think it's wrong to say I won't use <insert random 'new' technology> because it's new thus will have a lot of bugs/something might go wrong. Every technology has things that might go wrong and every piece of software has bugs.
@Jack well no doubt, but i don't see it.
<?php if (!$fnme > 0 OR $fnme=="") {$fnme=0;} else {$fnme=$fnme;}?>
<?php $prodadd = "prodadd" . ++$fnme; ?>
<form name="<?=$prodadd?>" method="post" action="data-process.php">
<input type="hidden" name="buyerid" value="<?=$_SESSION['cid']?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?=$_SESSION['name']?>" />
<img src="images/add-to-cart.png" width="143" height="45" onclick="document.getElementById('<?=$prodadd?>').submit();">
Sure post it: "Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will."
@Swodahs Well, how about you update the question with the output from your PHP.
This onclick simply wont fire - but the served source looks fine
i need to active php generated external image list tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration3x:external_image_list_url
<?=$prodadd?> you are not echoing
@dragon112 I understand your point but it wasn't my ;) I don't really have any argument but I do have facts. We did the research and every technology have their drawback is just that not all of them are documented yet.
@Jack can you help me ?
@Swodahs You're not giving the form an id attribute, but you're using getElementById() in the click handler.
ah. good point
was seeing Name and forgetting about id
@Swodahs Technically this.form.submit() should also work, but I'm not sure about the browser support, specifically IE.
@Jack screw IE xD
Well since the form is technically created for each item queried from the database, wasn't sure if the th.for.submit() would trigger the right form submission. But the ID worked, thank you - it was an obvious mistake i over looked
@NikiC man, GDB conditional breakpoints kill performance
@ircmaxell I usually find valgrind more useful for debugging
Stepping through code is more or less my last resort, because it's so damn complicated for code at PHP's complexity
really? I guess I just like the interactive debugger...
especially when I don't know what I'm looking for
@damien you just risk getting kidnapped by a three-headed evil chicken.
I hate OSX... This is farking rediculous
heh.. my comments trigger interesting comments ;p
mostly valgrind tells me a) where the incorrect use is and b) where it was freed. From there some staring at the code usually solves the problem ^^
@ircmaxell explain?
@NikiC but it doesn't tell you why it was an incorrect use
@bwoebi it sucks. what more do you want to know
@bwoebi I begin to regret to have written that regex _sigh_
@ircmaxell depends on what you do with it.
No, unless you're just browsing the internet, it sucks
I mean a global disk operation lock. Who thought that was a good idea?
@HamZa that's the problem with regex: it's never perfect. As much as you like it, there may be endless edge cases in big regexes :-P
@ircmaxell what?! what?!
@bwoebi Honestly I don't understand his point, I think my regex works fine ...
Yes, OSX uses a global filesystem lock. It only allows one operation at a time. And it blocks other operations
which is part of the reason OSX responds to a SSD so significantly
@ircmaxell my MBP retina has only SSD… but I cannot see any slowdown there?
I just now that it boots in less than 10 secs and that it generally is very fast?
or what are you doing?
my desktop boots in 3 seconds
@ircmaxell until which point? until where you can enter your username/password?
@bwoebi no, until it's fully usable
@ircmaxell never seen such a fast thing…
once POST finishes, I get my password screen in about 1.5 seconds. Then after login, another 1.5 seconds until it's up and running
@ircmaxell that cannot be cold-boot
@tereško yes it is
@ircmaxell I only know POST requests… what do you mean with POST?
Power-On Self-Test (POST) refers to routines which run immediately after many digital electronic devices are powered on. Perhaps the most widely known usage pertains to computing devices (personal computers, PDAs, networking devices such as routers, switches, intrusion detection systems and other monitoring devices). Other devices include kitchen appliances, avionics, medical equipment, laboratory test equipment—all embedded devices. The routines are part of a device's pre-boot sequence. Once POST completes successfully, bootstrap loader code is invoked. POST includes routines to...
@ircmaxell yeah, until it finishes this POST it takes already 2-3 seconds
and then you can say: I need ± 6 seconds when you need 3-4
is this such a big difference?
@ircmaxell You turn off your computer?
0 brian@bg:~ 1> uptime
10:51AM  up 195 days,  1:27, 13 users, load averages: 0.35, 0.23, 0.16
@Incognito Hibernate ?
@Incognito fucking OS X wants to restart for system updates (new OS X 10.n.m)
@bwoebi Sounds like you should use a real OS.
and I somehow never manage it to prevent memory to 100% and make the computer unresponsive
@Incognito because OS X is fake?
@bwoebi do you use Xcode?
@CarrieKendall yes sometimes, but it isn't XCode's fault.
b (1) : occurring or existing in actuality <saw a real live celebrity> <a story of real life> (2) : of or relating to practical or everyday concerns or activities <left school to live in the real world> (3) : existing as a physical entity and having properties that deviate from an ideal, law, or standard <a real gas> — compare ideal 3b
@bwoebi i never run out of memory but to be fair i have 16gb and mac ships with crap for memory
@Incognito such as dos? =D
Guy just got abusive on comments, must've been flagged by multiple people as it was deleted a few seconds later
@CarrieKendall I have 16 GB too.
@bwoebi what is eating your memory?
I have to use a mac at work. I'd much rather be using debian :(
@CarrieKendall my firefox usually because I have about 50-150 tabs open
@ircmaxell What? No iris and finger scan? No voice verification? :)
@bwoebi yeah, i actually just switched from firefox to chrome for that reason. firefox is a big memory leaking boil of a browser
@dragon112 The voice behind animated shaggy?
@CarrieKendall I don't like the Chrome-look ^^
@bwoebi Then stop looking at it =p
@bwoebi looks < memory consumption
And here go, 25 times formatted my phone in a week... silver jubilee
@Mr.Alien No the name of the character inside the series :)
Claps Claps
@dragon112 :O no I didn't
@CarrieKendall restart the computer? sudo kill -9 1 and finished? takes max. 10-15 seconds and all memory is reset.
@CarrieKendall I really don't have problems with reboots as long as they're fast
@bwoebi get a chromebook if you want fast reboots :P
oh wait, you won't like the look :P
@CarrieKendall haha.
@CarrieKendall How you pronounce your name, Carrie Candle or Carrie Can-Dell
like kindle (tm) registered trademark of amazon :P
$foo = $bar || 'baz';
can something like that be done in php?
$foo = $bar ?: 'baz';
@tereško did you do it?
@CarrieKendall He did.
@Jack thanks, the || returned 1 lol
I don't know why I answered like this:
A: Approximate in PHP with 2 decimals

BracketworksAs an alternative to the others, integer truncation works too: $o = 100; $d = 14.5161; $d = ((int) ($d * $o)) / $o;

@Bracketworks well the answer is not that long ago, so probably you should check with a doctor if you don't yet remember any longer why you answered :)
@Bracketworks why will you want to do that?
@hakre lol
@iroegbu I don't know, everyone screamed "floor()!!", so I screamed "integer trucation!!"
@Bracketworks looool
I can't spell today.
and on numbers > PHP_INT_MAX? xD
@bwoebi OP's problem, not mine ;)
Oh yeah, well my desktop boots in 2 seconds*
I just did a naive benchmark; it's not even that much faster, lol
* After selecting which OS at grub loader.
@HamZa thanks, I take it you upped me some rep :)
i want to make it json object, how? — abu albara 6 mins ago
morning all
If PHP had its own notation, the PHP Object Notation, would people also ask for PON objects?
javascript object notation object
PHON objects lol
@LeviMorrison not minding the OS you pick?
@CarrieKendall LOL
Quick, someone figure out how to make them into PONY objects!
I prefer showMeTheRainbow() - wait, that's unicorns
what the heck ... i was downvoted? curse them nitwits!
PHPON [f-pon, fpon] PHP Object Notation -- A literal object notation in PHP; see also Arrays.
So, no.. rainbows.. :'(
turn that rainbow upside down
Oh @Jack - array_filter with keys param is your baby?
@Leigh Yeah, but I haven't had time to write it up in rfc =/
Just looked at the PR and saw a familiar name.
Also just asked on internals why you didn't go for array_filter_keys
@Leigh Hmm ... I suppose :)
But I would take that to mean only keys.
Sure, but $array[$key] == $value
@Jack If strlen can't properly accept extra parameters then that is a problem.
@LeviMorrison Ehh, does not compute ...
Not sure about array_filter_keys . . .
Well, it's a discussion, feel free to discuss with what you feel
Let me open up the mail client :)
Having extra parameters is harmless in PHP. If strlen does not honor that design decision then I consider that to be a bug.
@LeviMorrison Hmm, what if one day we wanted to give strlen an extra parameter
and it was happily ignoring $key before, but now.. it wants a boolean there, and BC all over the place
if built in functions ignored extra parameter's, we'd never be able to safely give them extra parameters
. . . and I don't give a crap?
hey there
how are ou doing guys
I don't think we should just add new parameters to existing functions.
Doing that is a BC break in the most general sense because you broke the function signature.
Also, I no longer encounter these kinds of issues because I just use Ardent.
Guys I need your help. Some of my friends invited me to web conference. I need to select some interesting subject and make presentation about it. What you'd suggest?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Features of PHP 5.5
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev jQuery
/me snickers
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Tell them about your ideas for a new awesome social media site that will be bigger than facebook, but is based on wordpress.
@Leigh ahahaha;)) you're funny
jQuery is an awesome programming language
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Easier to pick subjects if we know your background, interests, etc.
@CarrieKendall Like md5 is awesome encryption
@Leigh exactly, good example, both awesome!
@Leigh PHP, JS, HTML, CSS, MySQL generally web based things
@Leigh yeah, we encrypt with md5 and decrypt with brute-force :-)
i have no doubt that i will die from a bridge collapse in true troll fashion
"Implementing secure md5 encryption with the jQuery language" - There's the title of your talk.
I have a column in my db that needs to be unique, so I'm trying to set UNIQUE, but it isn't happy about it being TEXT...
@Leigh omg. MD5 is not secure at all:)
@Leigh Not just any md5 encryption, but you have to md5 your md5
@Leigh can we edit to language/framework?
Do you really need it to be text?
The column has a very variable size..
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev "Generally web based things" like world of warcraft and pornography?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Course it is. Just loop through md5 6 / 7 times..
could be one 5 chars or hundreds.
@Jimbo yo dawg
Then it becomes md7
@Jimbo 6 to 8 times, the additional 1 entropy matters.
@Jimbo shhh, if you do it enough times, you can increment the d all the way up to mi5
@Leigh ROFL :)) Web based programming I meant
Can you just make collumn that represents its md5 and make it unique? Also you can add and unique-index for it.
@Leigh :O That's like.. top of the top british encryption
what the heck are you people discussing?
@ircmaxell maybe you can help me,friend:)
@ircmaxell "Ask a stupid question..."
@ircmaxell How if you md5 something enough, it becomes incredibly secure and beats any other form of encryption easily
/me turns around and walks away
lol, he didn't take the bait :(
@ircmaxell Some of my friends invited me to web conference. I need to select some interesting subject and make presentation about it. Subject must be something about PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML... What you'd suggest?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev How about frameworks, that's always interesting.. dependency injection, SOLID
@Jimbo His google glass told him not to. By doing an analysis of everything that had been said before, it was able to summarise the conversation for him.
actually, that would be a pretty neat app.
impossible to answer question is impossible to answer
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev I'd talk about PHP 5.5 . . .
@ircmaxell impossibruuuuuu
@ircmaxell get busy, app that can OCR text on a page and summarise it in your little prism. go go
Ok guys. Frameworks, PHP 5.5 what else? Also, about exact framework or all frameworks common things?
@m59 btw what this collumn stores? what kind of data and why it has to be unique?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Evangelism things are always welcome. Something that would encourage people to leave PHP 5.3 behind and upgrade is a winner in my book
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev why don't you pick..
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Well, how about you look at why frameworks exist. A lot of people jump into them because "it's the best way", not because they've been without them for a long time and realise the value of them
(just an idea)
@Jimbo i would think most people do it because it speeds up production (for common tasks)
Good point, a talk on when not to use a framework might be good.
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev as someone who speaks a lot, the best advice I can give you is for you to speak on what you're comfortable and passionate about
@CarrieKendall Yes, but until they do it without a framework, newbies don't realise the value of what they're doing
Did already try asking for interests, we got PHP, MySQL, PHP, WoW and naked internet girls.
@ircmaxell thx very much for advice
@Jimbo mmm, reread, i get your point
Maybe, well here's me throwing ideas out, and @ircmaxell is all mature and gives a very nicely put answer /me hangs head
@CarrieKendall It's only because I wrote an application, then wrote a basic framework for it, then kept adding to the framework, got to things like breadcrumbs, ORM and I was like.. you know what, I'm at the level to try Symfony - and I did, and it was awesome ;) (and I never went back)
It's nice to know the value of them
@Jimbo Gillera? Aprilia? None?
@Jimbo thx you too
@webarto The bike? Is a Honda
@Jimbo i went through something similar but i instead tried all of the crap frameworks first (in spite of their reputation) so i could truly understand what made symfony so awesome
@CarrieKendall You tried CI, Cake etc?
@Jimbo Cool
@Jimbo yup, read all of the documentation, built some test projects that implemented modules that i use on a regular basis
IMO developing your own framework and CMS are very efficent way to gain a lot of knowledge about mechanisms that sites use. But its contrproductive to use end result of such development in commercial projects.
^ Exactly, good for learning, but use something that's updated regularly and by hundreds of devs for production :)
For commercial products I'd use third-party software as a means of shifting some liability.
"Not my fault you picked Rails."
Not sure how 3 months ago is today?
"Last updated: 14th February 2013, 09:25AM CET"
@webarto see the last updated
I think only updating it on days when Rails does have a security flaw is kind of misleading.
@Danack yes, it did today
The "see why" link goes to "by tenderlove, March 18, 2013 @ 12:00 am"
Today is 18th of march ?
@Danack yes. did nobody tell you?
@Danack see the disclaimer, it will clear things up
echo strtotime('3 months ago') >= strtotime('today') ? 'yep' : 'nope';
hey @NikiC, I know you like regex, wanna have a go at stackoverflow.com/questions/17039670/… ? :p
I like killing machines: make -j16 when it only has 2 cores allocated to it :-P
I need an american to go to the Navy Seals website and see if there is a magazine to download there.
@Gordon there's a pdf if that's your question
@Gordon not that I can see
@Gordon There's a PDf for BUD/S but no mag
argh, I just hit rep cap again… I answer too much… or am I just upvoted too much?
so no Ethos magazine?
yes, but not avail to download
it's a flash thing
@webarto thanks. that worked. for some reasons navy seals and usmc sites give me problems accessing their content
thanks everyone else, too
So I just found out that with Composer you can tell it to look at local directories for dependencies, so you can develop a library and something that uses that library in parallel without having to push to git to update all the time, which is awesome.
However I just almost checked in my composer.json with that set - which is obviously not going to work on anyone elses machine.
Is there anyway to tell composer to use a different file than composer.json, or other way to be able to tell composer to use local directories safely without the possibility of committing a broken version of composer.
is mccdc.usmc.mil accessible? It says Invalid Server Cert for me and no way to accept it
Invalid cert but it works after
Cert is fine but "However, this page includes other resources which are not secure."
@Gordon typical of the military to have invalid certs =oP
With a $600 billion budget, they have no excuse
I need the latest publicly available Navy Seal and USMC doctrines. That's just a fair and square deal for stealing my social graph
@Gordon Fine for me.
@LeviMorrison hm. let me try another browser
@Gordon Ethos No 19?
hmpf. It "works" in IE
@LeviMorrison not sure what I need yet
It 'works' in Chrome for me (the page is horribly broken in layout)
> 2,400px × 3,000px (scaled to 147px × 190px)
@gordon There is a tool for that - downforeveryoneorjustme.com
And it appears down.
isup.me is shorter.
It uses site5.com/about/server-locations and more to check if website is available.
@webarto i wonder if the internet generation nowadays knows that it's from Citizen Kane

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