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composer allows developers to specify how their libraries should be 'autoloaded' by those who use them.
@andho and how would we know abt the provided functions because it doesnt show suggestion list developing in texteditor
currently there is a standard PSR-0 which is used by most new PHP libraries for autoloading. PSR-0 specified a file structure much like Java packages which helps autoloaders to find the correct file to load
@samir use an IDE
i hear PHPStorm is the best
I've used Zend Studio and Eclipse and both works fine for me
@andho i have eclipse juno but for android
can that be used???
@samir PDT (PHP Development Tools) for Eclipse has not been developed for long time now :(
@andho ok
Netbeans is also good
@andho i have netbeans too but i use that for j2ee
6.9 i have
Paypal is using StackOverflow as its "developer support forum"
isn't that very outdated?
not much
Links here right from their developer area.\
current version is 7.1.2
@andho can u tell me how to pass parameter using a post
and it's free, so you don't have a reason not to update
@igorw i r da best:
function add($a, $b) {
    return $a + $b;

function reduce(array $array, callable $function, $carry) {
    if (empty($array)) {
        return $carry;
    $head = array_shift($array);
    return reduce($array, $function, $function($carry, $head));

var_dump(reduce(range(1, 9), 'add', 5));
what i m doing is
<td><a href="admintransaction.php?Edit=<?php echo $row['item_id']; ?>">Edit</a>
but my method of form is post
i m getting null value in the block i have written for edit
@LeviMorrison now add Tail Call Optimization to PHP
@samir: not using a templating system? :<
@andho :]
@samir if you want ur form to post to admintransaction.php?Edit=<?php $row['item_id']; ?>". you need to add it to the Forms action attribute
@Hiroto dont knw wht that is
even a basic one like templates/header.php with <?= $var ?> inserts
@andho like?
@samir what does ur form tag look like now?
@Hiroto no dear actually i made a template prepared from a designer
but u knw wht
he prepared it
but made it difficult for me
he used js and all that
from the sounds of it, he didnt
JS, HTML and CSS are pretty much prerequisites for PHP work with any complexity
then comes security.
well, they're hand in hand, but still.
@Hiroto agreed but then thats tempting for people like ur experience
for beginners like me
they are the nightmares
@andho check this
@andho trampoline ftw :)
@andho check from line 154
@LeviMorrison awesum
@samir DOCTYPE should be capitalised or some browsers will be in quirks mode, not HTML5
@Hiroto thanks
will do it immediately
<form method="POST" action="admintransaction.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
to this:
<form method="POST" action="admintransaction.php?Edit=<?php $row['item_id']; ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
dont use mysql_* functions :<
@andho u must have notices am also using a delete hyperlink
they might be all over tutorials on the internet, but it's officially deprecated in the next php release
@Hiroto almost all my wellwishers have told me already
will change it later after i finish with functionality part
@igorw I see what you did there.
then learn objects and start building an easily maintained system that you wont hate when you go back to change it
if you leave that until later, you will regret it
it'll take much much longer to redo
@Hiroto yeah but right now i m nearing deadline for functionality
@andho u there bro ?
@samir i gtg
@andho but tell me the workaround
for that edit and delete both
because i can place either edit or delete in action
wht do i do to handle both
@samir use a separate url for delete.
@samir use the link for delete
@andho u mean i prepare one more pag e
who uses html2pdf lib?
@samir, researching and finding out things for yourself (and debugging, testing) is 95% of learning programming (without formal education...). asking others every tiny question is called being a help vampire~
@samir yes, it's a principle called SoP (Separation of Concern). That page has enough in it's hands already
@Hiroto oops sorry
you opened my eyes dude
i think i should leave now
irritated u enough here ;)
@Hiroto i prefer the term "help zombie"
@andho the second one is bad
Hi all,

I have a loop that displays a number of variables if an array is set. What I now want to do is add an elseif statement (I think) to display a default message if the array is empty
@BenjaminGruenbaum missing echo statement? well I hope he finds out
Currently I have this

<?php if (isset($resultstwo)): ?>

<?php foreach ($resultstwo as $result): ?>


<h1><?php htmlout($result['conheading']); ?></h1>
<li><?php htmlout($result['conheader']); ?></li>
<li><?php htmlout($result['condescription']); ?></li>


<?php endforeach; ?>

<?php endif; ?>
this works fine
but I'm not having any luck with displaying the 'default' message for an empty array
that code reminds me of every Magento template ever
so it should be something like

<?php elseif (!isset($resultstwo)) :?>

<p>Default message</p>

<?php endif; ?>
but that is not working
any ideas?
function add($a, $b) {
    return $a + $b;

function foldl($initial, array $array, callable $function) {
    if (empty($array)) {
        return $initial;
    return call_user_func(__FUNCTION__, $function($head, $initial), $array, $function);

var_dump(foldl(5, range(1, 9), 'add'));
> Segmentation fault
The code is not correct; I hadn't seen a segfault from userland PHP in a while so I thought I would share.
@LeviMorrison You should check out our CI server.. random segfaults galore
on a related note: Does anyone run a CI server that takes several hundred minutes to build code coverage and doesn't deal with random segfaults?
Solution: don't run a CI server >.<
I don't mean to imply it's the CI server causing the segfaults. Rather more likely the combination of php, phpunit, and xdebug
@andho that's a good point, thanks for mentioning that.
Thousands of tests take ~10 minutes to run flawlessly.. but when you kick in the code coverage flag it takes hours and passes maybe ~50% of the time.. other 50% you get exit code 139 segfault
4 hours ago, by andho
not that the definition changes in application context
yep, saw that. :)
@MikeB did you consider parallelizing the tests?
@MikeB ant can do that for you :)
@Ocramius is OcraHopHop possible for ZF1?
@Ocramius We break up our tests by modules and run those concurrently. After they all pass in minutes we run the "big build" which runs them all back-to-back with code coverage.
@webarto no idea. I mean... I have an idea, and it is: good luck with the front controller
If there was a way to break up the "big build" but keep the code coverage I'd love to hear more :)
@MikeB wow :\
@Ocramius Yup, that's why I'm asking :) Thanks
@MikeB coverage is a big xml after all... can't you merge it?
@Everyone: Can you guys run this performance test of foldl and foldr functions? It's effectively array_shift vs array_pop but I'd like to see what numbers you guys get.
@Ocramius hmmm, possibly. Each module will inevitably cover parts of the shared libraries but it's worth looking into
@MikeB coverage for modules should only happen on module code, no? :|
@LeviMorrison don't forget to disable xdebug. for two reasons this time.
~$ php foo.php
Algorithm foldl took 8.408769 seconds.
Algorithm foldr took 8.269009 seconds.
~$ php -v
PHP 5.4.12 (cli) (built: Mar 27 2013 15:57:48)
Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies
@Ocramius I'm not a big proponent of "this test covers exactly this method(s) and nothing else" so no. Our coverage bleeds beyond exactly what's being tested into the shared parts of the site.
php ~/bench.php
Algorithm foldl took 7.545311 seconds.
Algorithm foldr took 6.821199 seconds.
@MikeB I tend to keep coverage tests separate from all other tests
php -v
PHP 5.4.11 (cli) (built: Jan 16 2013 17:29:30)
@MikeB it's like having two test suites: one for the sake of it, one that just says yay or nay
Also, good morning all.
:] Good morning.
@Ocramius I can see how that would be helpful
actually, I should write an @group Coverage
@rdlowrey and @igorw I updated the gist. You should be interested in rerunning the results :]
php ~/bench.php
Algorithm foldl took 5.400558 seconds.
Algorithm foldr took 4.752620 seconds.
Algorithm reduce took 0.028459 seconds.
Algorithm array_reduce took 0.024642 seconds.
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!
~$ php foo.php
Algorithm foldl took 6.219676 seconds.
Algorithm foldr took 5.621481 seconds.
Algorithm reduce took 0.030263 seconds.
Algorithm array_reduce took 0.030729 seconds.
@webarto . . . that's a low setting. Try a smaller array.
@webarto disable xdebug for benchmarks ;-)
Mutability for the win!
Long live performance!
For reference, here are my results:
$ php --version
PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Oct 24 2011 08:35:41)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies

$ php tmp.php
Algorithm foldl took 5.435876 seconds.
Algorithm foldr took 4.478002 seconds.
Algorithm array_reduce took 0.028185 seconds.
Algorithm reduce took 0.035520 seconds.
PHP 5.4.10 (cli) (built: Dec 19 2012 20:33:34)
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies
    with XCache v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2012, by mOo
    with XCache Cacher v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2012, by mOo
    with XCache Coverager v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2012, by mOo

    Algorithm foldl took 4.726570 seconds.
    Algorithm foldr took 4.422785 seconds.
    Algorithm reduce took 0.043794 seconds.
    Algorithm array_reduce took 0.040218 seconds.
$ php --version
PHP 5.4.11 (cli) (built: Mar 24 2013 22:20:09)
Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

$ php tmp.php
Algorithm foldl took 4.945978 seconds.
Algorithm foldr took 3.933976 seconds.
Algorithm array_reduce took 0.023407 seconds.
Algorithm reduce took 0.030192 seconds.
@igorw :)
@LeviMorrison Let me express a personal preference for more readability in your function names ... i.e. foldLeft() and foldRight()
@rdlowrey Hey, I'm going to add some foldl and foldr implementations with goto.
lol the goto T-rex cannot be stopped!
@rdlowrey Hey man, I'm just borrowing from Scala! You know I jive with readability mantra!
hey guys, anybody knows how to hide querystring parameters? like index.php/123
let's change all well-established names. who cares about array_pluck? array_column ftw!
is pluck some kind of illness?
I get the well established names argument, but "we've always done it this way" is generally the poorest argument for the status quo.
fair enough. all I'm saying is that there's a trade-off there.
IMHO, abbreviated names are the stale leftover crumbs of a time when good CPU speed meant solar-cell calculators.
@rdlowrey OMG
php.net/manual/en/function.array-column.php shouldn't this be added by now?
You are going to love the goto versions!
@LeviMorrison Of course I am!
function foldRight(array $array, $function, $initial) {
    if (empty($array) {
        return $initial;
    $initial = $function($initial, array_pop($array));
    goto start;
@igorw But there's a lot of truth to your argument, I will admit that :)
obviously not
(car (cdr l)) => (first (rest list))
@confeng Dude, no one answered your question because it's not one question. There are myriad ways to accomplish what you're asking and none of them can be distilled down to a single answer.
@rdlowrey Admit that you don't know :P
@rdlowrey at least that's an answer, thanks
though I guess it's something about htaccess, just there is no room for htaccess
I don't use Apache for anything so @webarto is right -- I don't know :)
@rdlowrey Check out my performance:
Algorithm foldl took 4.934197 seconds.
Algorithm foldLeft took 0.544385 seconds.
Algorithm foldr took 3.753232 seconds.
Algorithm foldRight took 0.039987 seconds.
Algorithm array_reduce took 0.023224 seconds.
Algorithm reduce took 0.030186 seconds.
@LeviMorrison And that's with the goto T-Rex?
@rdlowrey foldLeft and foldRight use goto :]
See, there are times in a language like PHP where the crazy performance improvement you can get from goto in certain situations justifies its inclusion in the language.
The performance mojo boost is really from eliminating the the unnecessary copy-on-writes every function call; it only needs to do it once. But yeah, we'll say it was the goto.
Well yeah, but how else are you going to get that in PHP without the goto.
Use reduce or array_reduce :]
* in userland
But in general, tail-end recursion can be improved in both performance and stack size via goto, yes.
@rdlowrey This reminds me: I should re-implement my binary search tree algorithms with goto.
Compare performance :]
> Expert: Have you considered never using PHP again?
Oh no, I've created a monster!
Hey man, if it's faster it's faster.
I can see the writing on the wall. Everyone's going to know me as "that crazy guy in the php room who loves goto."
@rdlowrey Who's the one still using it?
persistent data structures might be able to help with that. an append-only tree structure where you only update the head pointers, like git.
that might help with the copy-on-write problem, that is.
my knowledge on the topic is very limited though. :)
@LeviMorrison Still, the userland performance increases you got are pretty hard to argue against.
@rdlowrey Indeed. Of course, that goto could be replaced with a while statement.
And it's pretty hard to justify a goto when a while statement will do
But the finite state machine is still a great use-case.
Yes. That's the only situation where I actually use it.
I would only use goto in generated code.
in general, it should be the job of the compiler to optimize that shit. :P
Yeah, the PHP compiler should optimize it, right?
Oh wait, we don't have one. *
^ that
Q: Using html2pdf to generate a report using php and mvc pattern

Joey Salac HipolitoI have setup an application that somehow uses a front-controller. And I came across a library called html2pdf. This library converts html to pdf. Like this: <?php $content = " <page> <h1>Exemple d'utilisation</h1> <br> Ceci est un <b>e...

PHP has a opcode* compiler.
The finite state machine goto scenarios might as well be generated code in the use cases we're talking about.
who do have an idea?
Good Afternoon ....
@Baba hola
@rdlowrey hey .. how are you doing ?
@Baba I'm well, thank you. How about you?
Did any of you chat with an expert ??
@rdlowrey not bad ... everyone loves holiday ...
Until the day after the holiday when you have to work :)
@rdlowrey why do you have to remind me ......
They say no man needs a holiday more than the man who just had one.
@rdlowrey that is holiday recursion
hello normal people, does anyone know where i can find the JAVASCRIPT chat room TODAY?
One reason people argue for functional programming is that it allows for easier parallelization because there is no shared state. I contend that parallelizing certain structures in that manner will never be faster than the shared-state mutable one.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
@LeviMorrison but... you know... side effects
@LeviMorrison so you don't think that multicore will replace moore's law?
both has it's place
@igorw moore's law already broken ...
since '08
@andho There is a certain appeal, yes.
@igorw Certain algorithms in parallel are slower than optimized serial versions.
Too much data replication or communication between workers, etc.
@LeviMorrison in almost every case this can be resolved by increasing chunk size. but it depends on the amount of data you are processing and the size of the individual elements as well.
@igorw in almost every case in some cases.
is it against the rules to ask questions in chat?
@Connor No, but there is no guarantee that it will be answered.
question, can I bind variables to a template and save it as a file without outputting it php?
do you have a link, or how?
but instead of saving a HTML file you should be just binding variables to PDF and rendering that
oh, that'll be simpler, okies.. gotta read that.. thank you!!
yey warez-bb.org back again
ah, okay. Thank you, I'll try what I have imagined ..
@LeviMorrison ive just been told that it is against the rules by some CATCAT and i told them to read the description the PHP page, and they want to remove the php room for GOOD LMAO they can go to hell, got nothing better to do but practice authority
@tereško . . hahaha, I can't do it... haha.. for example i have the template in variable, and contents in a variable, haha.. how do I do it with those output controls...
how would you render it as HTML ?
the ob_* functions let you capture the output
i'll use using the ob_get_contents ?
i want Mime type for msword
i used the file_put_contents
@tereško oh my. did you have to say that? cannot be unseen :(
I've heard about Google Glasses but not Google Nose
that's the part that he is looking for
and i have no patience to make a proper explanation
can i know mime type of msword7 ?
@Michel06 can you use google ?
why did the javascript room changed?
@tereško i just realized that ob is also a hygiene article that is indeed used to capture output.
@teresko i search bt i found for 2003 and 2007 both are different if i use for 7 i cant get file of 2003
@Gordon rofl
@phpNoOb It's funny; I thought out a system a while ago that would allow computer-controlled incense burning for scent-enhanced interactions in games.
@tereško am i on the right track? haah
@Happyninja might have been something to do with the today's date
@Gordon feeling silly now
@BeshoyGirgis thanks i got both .doc and .docx both for different bt i want to show both file in one
I can't believe people buy this crap. What this @ShotgunNinja
@Happyninja so is lounge<c++> changed
@phpNoOb lol
@tereško @BeshoyGirgis <input type="file" onchange="file_selected1=true;" name="doc" accept="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document">
now if i want here for .doc how can i use?
@JoeySalacHipolito instead of relaying on some html2pdf magic snake oil , i would use something like FPDF-based templates , so that your view can choose tempalte based on type of output that is required
fpdf has been useful to me
waaah.. okay.. I'll do what you said.. T_T . . .
im frustrated
frinedsssss i have this

<input type="file" onchange="file_selected1=true;" name="doc" accept="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document">

and in this i want to add mime type for .doc who can help???
@MadaraUchiha here you go ... :P
@NullPonyPointer Thanks :) You've really helped
Can anyone please help me with this bootstrap typeahead problem? stackoverflow.com/questions/15743808/…
i guess noone here inteligent to give my answer
is the "chat with an expert" the april fools?
@Hiroto no its not
he is balpha♦ who is taking like this
@Hiroto ya its true its april fools its machine
@Michel06 i think you dont know :P

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