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okay, need to grab some sleep. Have to go up really early and I hate that :/
@hakre Yes, I don't know how can people do that to themselves.
@webarto Well it's actually not that I hate it per-se, but right now I hate the idea.
@hakre Know that feel. I hope you get some rest and not look like zombie in teh morning.
@DemCodeLines ?
@webarto ->
8 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
are there any good image/photo filters tutorials out there?
8 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
in terms of programming
@NikiC ah
@DemCodeLines What do you mean, in terms of programming?
well, before someone pointed out a photoshop tutorial, i wanted to make it clear that i am looking for a tutorial to program such a filter.
@DaveRandom > implying I know what I'm doing...
@DemCodeLines Can you show an example of what filter would you like to achieve?
something similar to instagram
along the lines of it
@DemCodeLines github.com/webarto/instagraph I don't have an iPhone/Android to see actual filters, but it's a start...
hi guys, i wrote a action helper, but i cant make it to auto load, its ubicated inside the apllication folder in a folder called helpers, is this ubication ok, or i need to put in inside controllers?
its a good find, but if I use that, I am afraid I will get sued by Instagram/Facebook for being too similar.
@DemCodeLines I wasn't sued... nor anyone gives a crap...
So you're telling me, no matter how big the site is, or popular and in spotlight the site is, using that code and those filters which look similar to instagram will not get me sued?
Of course.
I don't believe it.
@webarto you are talking to yourself, it appears
@Lusitanian HAH, thanks for noticing :)
If Apple can sue Samsung for having a home button in Galaxy S3 just because iPhone does too, then anything can happen.
@webarto actually, not enough boostrapping
I suck.
would you scan a usb stick before using t if it was given to you as a promotion item?
Q: Using $.xml2Json return a complicated object

yoav barneaI have this code: $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: trgUrl, success: function (data) { var xml= $.parseXML(data); { var obj= $.xml2json(xml); //.... } }); and data can be somthing like: "<name> Mike </name>" ...

jquery has $.xml2json??
[01:27:19.297] $.xml2json
[01:27:19.298] undefined
I pop up and see
I woke up this morning, enlightened :)
any special reason @Jack?
A: Why is ~null === -1?

JackThat's because ~ is a numeric operator, so it casts null to 0 first: > ~0 -1 It would be equivalent to this expression: ~(+null) Likewise: > ~[] -1 > ~{} -1

That's the reason :)
what is this character called: `
? not a quote " or '
The grave accent ( ` ) ( or ) is a diacritical mark used in many written languages, including Breton, Catalan, Corsican, Dutch, French, Greek (until 1982; see polytonic orthography), Italian, Macedonian, Mohawk, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Ligurian, Scottish Gaelic, Vietnamese, Welsh, Romansh and Yoruba. Uses Pitch Greek The grave accent was first used in the polytonic orthography of Ancient Greek to mark a lower pitch than the high pitch of the acute accent. In modern practice, it is used to replace an acute accent in the last syllable of a word when the word is followed immed...
not a "prime" ?
The prime symbol ( ′ ), double prime symbol ( ″ ), and triple prime symbol (  ), etc., are used to designate several different units, and for various other purposes in mathematics, the sciences, linguistics and music. The prime symbol should not be confused with the apostrophe, single quotation mark, acute accent or grave accent; the double prime should not be confused with the double quotation mark, the ditto mark, or the letter double apostrophe. Designation of units The prime symbol ( ′ ) is commonly used to represent feet (ft), arcminut...
I don't think so, no.
Grave accent it is
The prime is used to represent feet and cm etc
like 5' 3"
@TheOptometrist In programming it's often called backtick.
a-ha! Levi you`re a winner!
yup, it's a tick on its back :) magnifier not included.
@orourkek Bugfix in Ardent for HashMap/BinarySearchTree: github.com/morrisonlevi/Ardent/commit/…
@Jack: I guess it can be called just a tick then/>?
@TheOptometrist No, it's a backtick.
that's settled, but where's the simple tick then?
Beats me; I didn't create the common names for these things.
@ircmaxell ended up just doing all crypto for password manager on the server-side
i trust my own server anyway, heh
@TheOptometrist The common "tick" would be '
@ircmaxell encryption key is transmitted via basic auth (so stateless) over SSL
so it shouldn't be stored as long as apache isn't configured to log requests in detail
@the A normal tick: ✓
how to force php not to display the scientific way of displaying large number?
I'm trying to have fun with number and I want to display the result of this:

		echo 1 / 998001;
i tried number_format
didn't work
I'm watching this video -> youtube.com/watch?v=daro6K6mym8 and I would like to write a php script which would permit me to generate irrational number with pattern inside it.
it would be fantastic
did the chat just die?
Yay, chat back up!
SO is doing updates so everything is being wacky right now.
If I wanted to unit test an object that has an external connection, like a simple cURL wrapper for instance, what would be the best way in testing it?
new close vote dialog is ridiculous
i dont know why close vote dialog need draggable
maybe to see the Q? dunno, i need another 2k for that...
-1'd it
@TheOptometrist try php or jquery
its if you want to hunt rep
Q: Disabling an element is not working

nrsharmaI want to disable am element. I tried this $('#imgSaveGoal').attr("disabled", true); but its not working. I wonder as I tried this for input field (type="submit") and its works on it. But why its not working for an image tag.

dumbest question of the day
seen dumber
@NullPointer: not hunting, but would not hurt to be @3k :D, guess that's a decent standpoint. Time wounds all heals :P
saw a lot of 5H!^ in PHP today, and the most RTFM Q's ever
@TheOptometrist well there are almost 60% question those are RTFM
maybe those are the ones who write code from the top of their head, without the use (or the need) of a manual
I'm scared to ask a dumb question now, because you'll all laugh at me =o(
@all Hey!
Hello All
come on @crypticツ, I thought you knew everything...
You are an optometrist? @TheOptometrist
@Korhan: nope
Not getting any reply there
@TheOptometrist well I was wondering how I would convert a binary string such as 1001000011011100111111110100... into raw binary.
I know of pack() but not sure what option to use.
depends on your string, fiddle with it
@crypticツ laughing is good :P xD
Well the string is a base32 string which can contain these chars ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567 I'm trying to convert it to raw binary for use in a function, that require it to be, but I've only got as far as converting it to a binary string. I'm sure there is a better way.
no i'm kidding.
apache server started...busy isshowingalways
@crypticツ so you want it stored as an integer?
or am i mis-reading what you mean? as that doesn't make much sense
apache server is not starting from the control panel
it says started but busy....
@DaveRandom I get the same pissing error even now. Seems something wrong at imagesize always. I kept on getting this only error previously too.
@Lusitanian idt int/doube. etc have that much length
@NullPointer (:
@Lusitanian :)
@Lusitanian the string for instance can be BTW5A3 I need to convert it to raw binary. Not a string of 1's and 0's but raw binary.
@crypticツ so you want an array of bytes?
err, what
this might, btw, be an XY problem so if you can show the function you're trying to pass it to that'd help!
@DaveRandom Below are the error messages.
<b>Notice</b>: getimagesize(): Read error! in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\MOB_PHP\image.php</b> on line <b>316</b><br />
Oh noes! Something went badly wrong: getimagesize() failed
@Korhan lol
@Lusitanian the function is hash_hmac() I know it accepts a string as the key argument, but I generating a TOTP and the key has to binary in this case as it won't properly generate the correct TOTP.
@NullPointer :P
You can't believe it. It's been a pain for 4-5 days by now.
@crypticツ hm, then you probably want to use pack
@crypticツ just for the record, the string you gave unpacks to
`array(6) {
@All Hello
so you can convert those values to binary, but i'm still really probably missing the point lol
@Lusitanian mate i need som clarificatiion in curl calls shal i proceed with my query ?
hi @ShaquinTrifonoff
yo folks of the world
i need to call java web service from php , i used the curl function to do it
never saw something like before
Q: How can I take an opposition for language battle? and Do you have?

freddiefujiwaraMy manager hate ruby language but I don't know why. I want to write a crontab code by Ruby. but he said write in PHP. How can I take an opposition for that? and What happens if you do it like that?

@NullPointer epic question
A complete troll
Gooooooooood Morning
my examiner says give answer in php but i wanna give in c# ... How can I take an opposition for that? please help me — NullPointer 33 secs ago
i have login athentication for my web services , so i created the login call first then second to my web service which i need to use , On login it get success and on second call it gets HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0; JBossAS-6 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0CE8FC7D765D4C5D9A219AE660610E4E; Path=/testweb; Secure Content-Length: 9 Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 05:24:31 GMTDENIED
@All can any one respond me
stuck with this prob
@NullPointer Don't take the Risk, better go with Php
@wes here you go another dumb question stackoverflow.com/questions/14722327/…
@ScoRpion... :P:P i want to oppose i am free man of free country ..so this is my right :P:P
@theunlucky, Re - name and everything go with u .. lucky U
lol @ScoRpion...
Any ideas ? @ScoRpion...
starred messages in this chat are always hilarious
@All is this room only for experts ?
check this new feature added by so stackoverflow.com/questions/14722327/…
@theunlucky: hope not
what's the feature @NullPointer ?
@theunlucky seems that the session cookie expires but this is the php room, not the java one.... Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0CE8FC7D765D4C5D9A219AE660610E4E; Path=/testweb; Secure Content-Length: 9 Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 05:24:31 GMTDENIED
@TheOptometrist show possible dup on top
@TheOptometrist okies :) i felt as such thx for the reply
who want to help me build a function?
@wes okies will check it
anybody home?
> You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
- from room description
@LeviMorrison how to show message like this ?
@NullPointer Surely you know how to do simple quoting?
@NullPointer use a > at the begining (:
> test
    > Like this, minus the code indent.
you need a space
> lalalalala
> Yey ..i know how to quoting .. thankyou :D
i have these two files pastebin.com/tZqMd1rH pastebin.com/9m8PyhXH, and they almost the same, my question is how do i avoid repeating myself?
anybody knows how to pass a variable from bootstrap to PHPUnit test classes?
besides using global or superglobals
the meaning of life is
i wanna use a function if possible, any idea?
@rickchristie abstract class that creates the variable?
@rickchristie . . . for what purpose?
abstract class? I don't understand what you mean there
@CheJug Separate the code sections into functions and pass the differences as variables.
@LeviMorrison I am writing a simple curl wrapper, I figured to really test it I need to really run it against an actual server
@CheJug wrap everything in a function and what differs should become a function parameter for example function($targetpage, $page...)
@LeviMorrison I need to tell the PHPUnit test class the URL of the helper script I use for testing
there is lot of troll attack on meta meta.stackoverflow.com/q/166426/176320
@rickchristie Why does this need to come from bootstrap?
And why does PHPUnit need to know?
@LeviMorrison I meant the SimpleCurlTest class, not PHPUnit
@NullPointer: question that 'should' have been asked on SO on meta? looks like someone left the Meta doors open.
@LeviMorrison I figured I can use shell arguments but I would like the test to run just by calling the script. I wanted the script to be able to guess the location of the test server (it would be localhost).
Of course I could be doing it wrong
what the hack is that 11000 upvote
@NullPointer the user is just overly positive about life =o)
@crypticツ actually that smells fishy
@TheOptometrist it does, but I would hope something like that didn't get past the mods and the system checks for over a year and up to 11k votes.
by the way... profile views of my account 95, profile views of @crypticツ 1379
look at my avatar's silhouette.. i'm perfectly fit too, and sexy
this is so unfair
@wes: actually it's because of the special smiley in the nickname ;)
@wes show some cleavage to make it sexier
firefox is not only worse than any of its competitors of the moment, but it has become worse than all of its competitors of the past, including IE7... hero to zero
If you say you are a girl, you'll get free upvotes too. Don't ask me why.
@PHPNooB true, i'd to change my nick
freezes on every site
when images are loading freezes, when i scroll, it frezees, if i open the html5 spec literally explodes
is on linux the same?
@wes I agree, Firefox has really fallen behind. Keeps crashing for me. They dropped the x64 version for Windows and also stopped development for Thunderbird. Either Google isn't paying Mozilla enough for making it the default search engine now that Chrome is in the game or they have some serious management issues.
I second that, FF got worse and IE is... 'not open-source'
@crypticツ afaik google is paying more mozilla nowadays than it was before... i don't know what mozilla want to do or if they know what they are doing.. they are just starting randomly new projects that will probably die, instead of continuing to keep their browser market share
they planned the multi-process architecture about 10 years ago... and still isn't there
@TheOptometrist whoa whoa .. FF worse than ie ? really
@NullPointer i didn't compare FF with IE, just placed both in the same (dislike) basket
they invested time improving the javascript engine, but rendering still sucks... that means that you can calculate prime numbers faster than the others but you can't run a smooth animation! silly
why @TheOptometrist , @crypticツ FF is fast , charming as chrome .. :(
@NullPointer 1st: IE doesn't run on *nix :)), 2nd: FF is slower than before
FF is fast? in which parallel world? @NullPointer do you live near a black hole?
@wes nice one about prime numbers :)
@wes it takes time in only launching ..
where chrome start on start up of os
@wes Mozilla Corporation has gone the way of other corporations, the board takes over who only has one goal, make as much money in the short-term to fill their wallets at the expense of creating crap products and running the company down. I mean their board of directors include former CEO of LinkedIn and former VP of PayPal who is worth $1.8 billion, another member who is worth an estimated $275 million, and the chair of the board is paid $500K in salary/benefits. That's just what I think =oP
FF started to suck when they switched the renderer... don't remember which was.. cairo or azure.. around firefox 3.5
@crypticツ in theory mozilla isn't a business company, but an open source community... in theory...
@crypticツ: a company's #1 purpose is to make money, that doesn't mean it needs to do it in the short-term, but add some greed and you get there...
@NullPointer I don't know how is on linux, but trust me, on windows firefox is become worse than IE7... yes sure it has a perfect standard support... but it is simply unusable, hangs every ***** moment... not only on my computer
As long as FF UI updates block on page renders, it'll always be hangy.
It's suffered from this problem for literally more than a decade.
I was a Mozilla early adopter. :p
@Charles not really, or partially, the problem (at least on windows) is the layers renderer... because with our tests firefox hangs even on a simple xul browser environment
I'd still recommend FF over IE, just can't trust a closed can when there are plenty of alternatives out there that run on any platform
chrome is slightly better than FF .. not a big difference ..
or i love Firefox firebug tool
IE9 isn't bad at all... people have to be honest.. now IE isn't sucking anymore... chrome is better of course, but ie is now really close to it
@TheOptometrist nice companies always fail...
well IE is nothing more than piece of crap ... whenever i think about IE ..first though about it is (imo)
user image
@NullPointer because you are an open source fanboy :P
who cares , i use Opera
Nobody uses Opera... :P
morning, btw
@PeeHaa nobody is perfect
i am nobody
@PeeHaa morning ...
@tereško :D
now IE is better rather far far far far far far far ...far+1.... better than opera :D[
they're all good.... for something
A: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

Yuhong BaoThe WHATWG HTML spec has the exact algorithm for parsing a legacy color value: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#rules-for-parsing-a-legacy-color-value The code Netscape Classic used for parsing color strings is open source: http://mxr.mozilla....

opera? ppl actually use opera?
you mean nobody is perfect
nobody == tereško
tereško is perfect
or black color
> ChuCknorris translates to CC0000, which is red.
@NullPointer you are missing this one from the chain of logic
5 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Nobody uses Opera... :P
the color of blood
@tereško lol
we was having a nice conversation about browsers, then @PeeHaa arrived.
@NullPointer different celebrities get different colors?
basically , PeeHaa has proven that everyone who uses opera is perfect
@ShyamK lol .. its on the basis of the behavior .. if you are honest than .. bla color :P
/me used to love opera mini
@NullPointer michealJackson was green... so by your definition he is?
@ShyamK wasn't michael jackson white?
@ShyamK he has got a zoo he was a animal loving person so green
@tereško maybe its cos if it works on Opera it works everywhere else? or something on those lines?
@NullPointer lol
@tereško there might be a bug in the nobody is perfect statement
@wes don't know... black then white... and now green (maybe since he's in the ground)
:P:P thats was naughty :P:P:P
like @PeeHaa has a dontknowname color jsfiddle.net/DUxmc .. since no one know peehaa avatar
I am the same color as the @ping color :D
@NullPointer turquoise... blue green... or aqua... I'd choose one of those...
@NullPointer and you are blue apparently...
its looks like we discovered new color name ...
new invention of the 2013 :D
lol... thinking up a new color is very tough...
anyway the only thing i miss from firefox... is the awesome url bar... chrome one really sucks
@wes, what's so awesome about the url bar?
@ShyamK , naah , as a developer i think that operas JS debugging tools are superior (they are clearly better then chromes and firefox still has a tendency to freeze on breakpoints)
color="crap" is useful :))))
hey guys
as a user i think that their UI is better then for any other current browser (more responsive, with better feature set)
the searching of opened urls in history, chrome one sucks... if you search something it will suggest you a "google search"
would you say it's a good idea to also write integration tests besies unit tests
@TheOptometrist whats up doc? you really an eye doc?
@tereško you mean chrome or opera?
I figureda return value changes for a method someone might change tests for that method but not change other tests
@tereško the UI is better... but the last time I used it... I found its performance shitty for some reason... guess I'll give it another shot...
@NullPointer I don't agree :P i mean... for me gui is equivalent... but firefox hangs, chrome don't... it is just simple as that
@Dracony yes. in fact, I find integration tests more valuable because they will assure your components work outside isolation
that's what I though, i started writing unit tests yesterday and they seem really stupid in the context
@TheOptometrist works perfectly also :P
e.g. when testing query builder it seems better to tests the whole query building process by passing different parameters and asserting resulting queries
@ShyamK, not an 'eye' doc :) changed my nick one night after torturing my eyes at the pc
rather then tasting methods like ->table() etc that arebasically just setters
@Dracony nah, they are not stupid. think of unit tests like testing a musical instrument, like checking a guitar for the right tuning. think of integration tests as testing how the band plays together. both is valuable.
k thanks
@wes: true! forgot about that... but you can get there in chrome by typing words from the url an title
@TheOptometrist yes but results aren't sorted properly as they are in firefox... also sometimes i have to write a complete word (instead a substring as in ff) to get the result i want
Microsoft bought Dell
Dell bought Dell
@Petah yellow
@Petah hiya
whats happening?
@wes they didnt buy them. They invested a huge stake
any one wanna look at this question, its tagged as JS, but its not specific to JS (as I converted the code to JS to ask the question)...
Q: Prevent touching corners (JS Game)

PetahHow can I prevent this map generator from creating touching corners like this: -X X- Or X- -X Here is a simplified example of the generator: http://jsfiddle.net/fDv9C/2/

Jo Bitch!
@Gordon yes I just read... wired italy wrote literally that "microsoft has bought dell"
Sup Dawg
@DaveRandom Nothing much. Just waking up.
'morning folks :)
Waking up you say? Not a fan.
@NiekBergman morning
evening @NiekBergman
@DaveRandom We're on the same side man :(
bloody morning @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom yo
Hey guys.
some one say something interesting...
@Korhan Firstly, how large is the file you are uploading? And also, if you save the image to disk without re-rendering it (call $image->save('/path/to/file', FALSE);) what happens? Is the uploaded file still a valid image? Either the uploaded file is corrupted or you have a memory problem, I doubt it's a permissions issue, which is the other possibility
something interesting...
get the conversation flowing...
iOS hacked ^^^
something interesting...
@wes @NullPointer mornings
Q: Automatic insertion of dupe-banner after just one close vote is vulnerable to abuse

Lightness Races in OrbitI see that the "close as duplicate" feature continues to undergo changes. Unfortunately, I must report negatively on this newest one. This time, it's that a banner is added to a question as soon as the very first dup-vote is cast: This just seems: Ripe for Abuse: you can vote for absolutely...

new buggy close vote thing ..
Q: How to write form validation rules for text filed boxes which are using arrays for field names?

VenkatI am facing a problem in setting form validation rules in codeIgniter. Where in my view i am creating a dynamic text filed box in for each loop. So i am assigning a field name called <input type="text" name = "post_cost[<?php echo $product_id; ?>]" id = "<?php echo $product_id; ?>...

It's not a bug :)
@Jack but its worst than a bug
But I agree that it may lead to no-brainer voting.
@Venkat Respect validation can handle that: github.com/Respect/Validation
I have it on good authority that the entire cv system is undergoing some major changes, we should hang fire for a couple of months before complaining.
The decision was probably made in an attempt to reduce the CV queue.
My major concern with the cv/delv process (not just ours, the site in general) is that questions by first-time users get deleted too quickly, and it may not be immediately obvious to them what happened. Also too many questions are burninated without comment - that's the fault of the users, not the site.
Perhaps this will cause the copy editor badges to increase, because the only way to dispute a dupe-vote is to edit the question and pull it out :)

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