I can assure you that the YOLO code base does not contain a single docblock. I have established a strict no-docblock policy, which will ensure that docblocks will remain absent in the future.
more often than not they're about something that has been bugging me over a period of time and at some point it hits me. or I just have that sudden moment of clarity and before I know it, it's 6AM and I have published a new post.
This is my app\etc\modules\Amar_Address.xml
This is app\code\local\Amar\Address\etc\config.xml
and this is the app\code\local\Amar\Address\sql\address_setup\mysql4-install-0.1.0.php
the app\code\local\Amar\Address\Model\Entity\School.php
it gets stuck when i try to flush the magento c...
Hey everyone. Is it possible to run bash script from PHP which executes not on server but on client machine? For example, get active programs on client PC?
@PeeHaa Hey hey. I realised what it is that's been bugging me about the whole EventHandler setup, it needs a more Javascript-y ->addEventHandler()-type thing with named events. The Handler interface works but really it needs more of an EventEmitter on the Server/Client-style approach (IMO) - thoughts?
@DaveRandom You mean for client events send to the server? Like client -> server sends {event: "login", data: {username: "peehaa", password: "mypassword"}}?
I was thinking about passing an "event register" and a "message parser" to the current even handler. the message parser parses xml /json / whatever coming from the client and the event register is basically the actual event handler for the client events.
@PeeHaa No I mean the way the application communicates with the library. Like at the moment you define an EventHandler implements Handler class and pass it in to the server, I'm suggesting you do it the other way round, Server implements EventEmitter and pass it in to the EventHandler, which then has to do $server->addEventListener('newclient', function() {});. Think of it like the DOM, you have to explicitly observe an event rather than the DOM requiring that you define a handler.
That way you can do stuff like register multiple handlers for one event, and leave events you don't care about unhandled. It also makes it generally easier to handle, because you don't have to modify the Handler interface every time you add a new type of event, potentially breaking existing apps because they don't implement the new method.
Also I plan to move to support stream_socket_* (more widely available than socket_*) and non-blocking sockets at some point if that's good with you.
@webarto Name registry is such a racket anyway, there are so many sheisters operating, it's just not nearly well regulated enough considering how important it is to many businesses.
@DaveRandom Hey. I trust your judgement. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. If I see anything I don't agree with I come back to you / just change it. E.g. I saw some pass by reference thing in your PR yesterday.
I think I will create a more real chatapplication tonight. That way it is easier for me to see what parts suck and I can use it to test new features / rewrites / changes regarding usablity
@PeeHaa Yeh I'm not hugely happy with that, when I first wrote that method out it seemed like a good option but I subsequently broke it up into smaller pieces and it now could just as easily return the modified data. That logic doesn't belong in that class anyway, the decode (and possibly also encode) routines should be in intermediaries. The main thing I wanted to do was create the Frame class and scrap that slightly odd caching mechanism.
...which, by the way, would you care to explain? I really couldn't work out why you did that
There are no built-in properties in SimpleXMLElement which would allow you to tell these apart.
As others have suggested dom_import_simplexml can be appropriate, however, that function can change nodes on the fly sometimes, for example, if you pass in a list of childnodes or named childnodes, it...
@DaveRandom Not sure it is indeed needed, but I thought lets just put it in so that it can be replaced with a real cahcing mechanism later IF it is needed
@PeeHaa kk well I might rewrite the event stuff the way I think it should be later on (possibly do the non-blocking/stream stuff as well) but not PR it so you can see what I'm thinking and potentially have a play around with both mechanisms.
@DaveRandom Someone I knew up to recently still had their domain name with NetworkSolutions. I was shocked to see how much they were charging for registering/renewal.
@PeeHaa The way I see it that doesn't belong in the lib itself, if you wanted to cache frames you'd do it in app-land. Although that's now easy because the event gets passed an instance of Frame instead of just the data string. You potentially need to "cache" a single frame per client inside the lib because of the fragmentation mechanism but I would view storing refs to anything more than that as a waste of memory. YMMV.
The lib should be as low-footprint as possible IMO.
(Not pretty like fairyphp - that's a different type of 'pretty')
php wanted to be xml-compatible, but people continued to use things like this for years <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"> which isn't xml compatible, so forcing them to write <?php .... ?> did not result in any actual xml compatibility
@AnkurSaxena @Anukar you can save a single variable for user in session like $_SESSION['user_id']. And then you can get the further user details from database on your required page.
Unfortunately SimpleXMLElement does not offer anything to bring two elements together. As @nickf wrote, it's more fitting for reading than for manipulation. However, the sister extension DOMDocument is for editing and you can bring both together via dom_import_simplexml().
The following shows ho...
@DaveRandom Not necessarily, but it's magic is hard to grasp and it's more a read-only interface. In 99.9% of the cases (not only) for DOM manipulation in DOMDocument is a better choice.
@hakre I hate it with a passion. Even for reading, I would rather use DOM with its sane (if verbose) API. For some reason XPath never works properly for me in SimpleXML either.
posted on February 12, 2013 by Matthew Weier O'Phinney
RESTful APIs have been an interest of mine for a couple of years, but due to circumstances, I've not had much chance to work with them in any meaningful fashion until recently. Rob Allen and I proposed a workshop for PHP Benelux 2013 covering RESTful APIs with ZF2. When it was accepted, it gave me the perfect opportunity to dive in and start putting the various pieces together. Backgr…
@Alexei A 500 Internal Sever Error is always an invitation to look into the servers error log. It contains more information. As this is PHP, it's also highly likely that it is because of a Fatal Error in PHP, so ensuring that PHP error logging is enabled and looking into the PHP error log is very useful, too. More about the 500 Internal Server Error
If I have a repo on github, and I merge in changes from other non-github users locally, before pushing to github, how are commits from those users displayed?
@b01 Well it should, the Dreamhost way is the expected behaviour. What version of PHP are you running on Windows? Also, you should use spl_autoload_register() instead of __autoload()
@DaveRandom So yea, picked a random branch github.com/php/php-src/tree/PHP-4.2.0 Names are not linked, but a one guy is, wonder if it's just a username match, or an email match, or... dunno (could end up with false matches)
@Leigh According to stackoverflow.com/a/9419842/889949 it's on the email, which I think must be true because my email on my new machine was configured with a different address to my GitHub account.
On linux I did not need to have the namespace in the same file and the __autoload function, it just used the namespace of the file it was required in, whereas Windows did not.
@b01 That really should make no difference (doesn't for me), but maybe it's an affectation of __autoload(), try using spl_autoload_register() instead and see if that fixes it.
@jeevankumar Scripts are programs written for a software environment that automate the execution of tasks which could alternatively be executed one-by-one by a human operator.
@Leigh I'm just adding the email my last few commits have been done with to my account (GitHub are dragging their heels with the confirmation email) to see if it picks them up dynamically or whether it's only done at push-time, I'll report back.
@DaveRandom when I added use spl_autoload_register, and remove the namespace from the file with the autoload method, I get the same experience, the class is passed without the namespace.
I changed: function __autoload( $p_className ) to: function ksautoload( $p_className ) then called it like so, in the same file: spl_autoload_register( 'ksautoload' ); it output: BattleNetDqi
@DaveRandom, so on windows, if I don't put the autoload function in the namespace, I will not get the namespace prefixed to the class in the autoload method.
But on Linux the method seems to get put into the namespace because I used require_once on the file with the autoload method, that did have the namespace.
@DaveRandom From :http://windows.php.net/download/#php-5.4
Yes I agree, the whole time I thought that when I required the files into a script that had a namespace that it was also placing those methods in that namespace.
But is that the way it is supposed to work?
Just because you require/include a file, should it make classes or methods part of that namespace?
@b01 No, included files don't inherit the parent namespace, they are root unless you declare them otherwise. I am really confused by this, because not only should you not need to declare a namespace in your file with the __autoload(), it should actually break it if you do. Although obviously this is not true of spl_autoload_register() because you are calling a function, not declaring it.
@DaveRandom Just so I am clear, Windows is doing it wrong because the "d3\BattleNetModel" is part of the d3 namespace, but in the autoload method windows just passes "BattleNetModel"?
@b01 Yes, your autoloaders should be passed the full path to the requested class, including namespaces, excluding leading backslash. I have never known it to behave any differently. Bit of a stretch, but I would try a different PHP build (e.g. 5.4.10) on that machine and see if you have the same problem, sounds like something is wrong with that one. Not that this would make a difference to this issue, but are you using TS or NTS build?
@b01 Go and get a TS build and just try and make a simple test script you can run from the command line, I'm thinking this must be an issue in the NTS builds that no-one has spotted, unbelievable as that would be.