files created in the system tmp directory have permissions of 0600 rather than the umask of the user creating them. So I should just use my own tmp dir to download stuff into rather than using the system tmp dir ?
@sectus I'm downloading stuff from Amazon S3. I'm currently downloading to a tmp file before moving to where it should be, so that if the download gets interupted I don't have incomplete files in the final directory.
Downloading to the correct directory straight away has the correct file permissions. Downloading to tmp dir and then moving has incorrect permissions.
yes - but I'd prefer that the file was just created with the umask of the user that PHP is running as, rather than fannying about with file permissions.
Yes. But that's currently the final permissions of the file after it's downloaded to the tmp dir then moved to the correct dir. Although that works, I'm then serving the file up through Nginx's x-accel directive, so the file has to be readable by the www-data group.
As I said, I could chmod it, but it seems odd that it's not created with the umask permissions in the first place.
if I'm only looking for speed, is m_r_e_s faster than prepare->execute?
@helpinghand nope. On mine I'm using two directories. .com/something/somethingElse therefore not directing to a directory with this rewriterule in .htaccess. So it doesn't end up redirecting over and over.
@DaveChen You would almost definitely gain more of a performance advantage by implementing some caching scheme then worrying about the performance of one db library over another.
@DaveChen for 1 - 2 queries per page you won't notice any difference for one vs the other.
If you are reissuing the same query over and over again with only the parameters changed then that is where prepared statements will shine
by using prepared statements to dodge the overhead of having mysql parse the sql query and run it through the query planner at each iteration. If you are doing a lot of db activity the difference will be measurable.
I would only prepare then if you know you are going to need them but basically yes.
With mysql the query planner is pretty simplistic so the difference isn't as much as it would be in other database engines, but it should be measurable.
@m59 just so you know custom exception can contain anything you want... they are just classes that extend Exception. You can add whatever methods or properties you want to them so your exception could in fact return request specific information.
@Orangepill No, I still can't remember. One thing, though, is that I'll be adding a kind of map to my output, and I imagine that will be a service, also.
So, if you just did it would tell you what all collections are available, and api/somecollection then it would tell you what your options are there
So, to set that up, I'll need to access some array from a lot of different places in the app
I think what I'm getting at is the nature of a service versus the nature of an exception.
I have this data that needs to be modified by a few different things... sounds like a service to me :)
We might be talking about different things. The "map" is part of the output, so that the api is self-documenting. Whatever you request, you are given directions about "where you can go"
I want to show waves animation of loud speaker. There are 3 waves coming from a loudspeaker. I want to show like this :-
1st wave will be shown in 1 sec,
2nd wave will be shown in 2 sec,
3rd wave will be shown in 3 sec,
and then all waves will be disappear and it will start again.
I have t...
it is only there so that tests can be run in an HTTP environment, it is not indented or prepared to be exposed to the outside world as part of a public service ... don't do it, and don't try to develop with it, because it will be more trouble than it is worth ...
PHP comes with thousands of tests ( that nobody ever runs ) ... a lot of these tests are testing bugs reported in, and regression in, the SAPI environment; having a test server allows us to run tests as if in a SAPI ....
@Duikboot Suppose I have something like this in a variable $content = "This is simple comment for [@Rajeev]";, I need a function which can find [@Rajeev] & give me 'Rajeev'
@Mr.Alien - Yes you are right. Linking with real name is being done with another system which find the realname associated with username/uid & do that. I am working on sending message to that user.
@samitha cookies are set with a expiration time, some browsers will clear cookies on restarting the app (or pc), some will clear session cookies (that's anything with an expiration even if it has not passed) ...
I am not able to clear the screen in MySQL command line prompt.
My screen is filled with tables, data and queries.I want to clear it up.
I searched on the web but couldn't find the satisfactory answer.
Do you know your website’s carbon footprint? Or how to lower it? Emissions standards have been set for the automotive, construction, and telecommunications industries, yet the internet’s carbon footprint is growing out of control: a whopping 830 million tons of CO2 annually—larger than that of the entire aviation industry.
if you want to do it from php, then it depends on what tables you have, what data they contain and what they are being used for at the time you are backing them up ...
you should likely use some export functionality, but your tables may not lend themselves to it, if you end up traversing the table you can dump the rows to csv with
Good lord.. collegue's girlfriend made cheesecake for his birthday.. he brought it to work. Had one little slice and it feels as if I ate the whole damn cake ..
Just grabbing all links numerics. PHP
This isn't my regex. It's regex that exists in the system from people who know more about regex than I. So I am wondering if I am missing something as to why this should work with preg_match()
@Fabien you have your own choice of delimiters. If you use "/" as a delimiter.. you will have to escape it in the regexp. But often people also use "#" as a regex delimiter
@AlmaDoMundo heh, that's all I wanted to know. I don't do regex often. Wasn't sure there's some setting or something because there is a LOT of failed regex in here. makes me question whether it's wrong or I am.
@JoeWatkins I think the main reason of declining was that use case was not clear enough. @rdlowrey has/had better use-case than it's in RFC. So it worth to propose patch again, imho. However, it's up to you.
@Leri the very fact that I need to provide a use case is exactly the thing that wastes time ... a use case doesn't make sense for everything... this is one of those times, any use case you put forward I can write another way, ergo any use case put forward just invokes pointless argument concerning an area that deserves no focus at all ...
@Leri there's always the possibility that it really shouldn't be there ... we have a vote to get a consensus and it does do that, it's not a useful one, it doesn't come with reason, an opinion without reason doesn't usually warrant listening too, but in this case we have no choice, the community has spoken ... I just don't have the time to argue on internals about things that deserve no attention ...
Off-topic: Do you know any good resources about language design? More likely, I'll develop programming language as my final year project (or whatever it's called) so I don't want to make bad decisions and fail.
I'm doing a json_decode() on a var that may or may not be valid json. Manual says invalid json returns null, so I'm expecting to be doing an is_null($json) check. What about just a !$json check instead? Is that equally valid?
@Fabien Thats the fun thing about stock. If a big company says: buy now because its easy money.. its a self forfilling prophecy.. People will buy, so the stock will go up.