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had a issue, post it and lost connectivity to SO
and can't find the transcript
hey, hope you are all well, just wondering if anyone knows about OpenCart PHP files in here? :)
@Charles var $use = 'me';
github.com/php/web-people/pull/2 merge this (whoever can), I'm going nuts with Gravatar.
@TRiG Bwa?
@NikiC it means big white apples, clearly
Why does Arch Linux does not let me pacman php-fpm for nginx server ?
CSS Question: How would I put position: fixed on body css without messing up margin: 0 auto for the div?
no one?
@DaveRandom evening, btw, you didn't look into my issue on your barcode repo
Never mind, i got it
@NikiC It's a noise I make when I'm confused.
@DemCodeLines position: fixed; on the body doesn't make sense (does it?) You'll lose content if the body is longer, you'll never be able to scroll
@Lusitanian Oooooh exciting, looking now
new phpStorm EAP today :D
@DaveRandom don't get too excited ;) I can actually review the code tonight if you're interest in people looking at it though
Merged pull request in 22:59.59, second before working hours are finished
@webarto lol
@Lusitanian simultaneous laughter jinx.
@rdlowrey you owe me a soda
I demand a recount on the basis of unusually high network latency in the southeastern US @ 17:00 EST.
@Lusitanian Always interested in an opinion, I'm planning to expand to do various other barcode symbologies and QR codes, I've had a look round and all available open implementations suck, badly.
As far as I can tell, that is the only code 39 implementation that actually copes with encoding characters outside the basic 39 literals
What's the latest doctype?
I know mine is definitely old since messed up characters are showing up instead of "&" and other things
@DemCodeLines It's not about the "latest" doctype (you want the correct one for the type of document you are producing), that's a character set problem.
Or possibly malformed entities
I am guessing the following is wrong: ?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<title>Games & Schedule</title>
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
Nothing wrong with that, as long as you document really is strict XHTML 1.0 and it really is encoded as UTF-8
Just doesn't show up properly
Personal preference, when I write XHTML I prefer to put a <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8" ?> instead of declaring the charset in a <meta> tag, but that's not a requirement.
@DemCodeLines That's because you should write &amp; in order to get a literal ampersand
document type does not allow element "div" here; assuming missing "object" start-tag
<div class="head">
what does that error mean?
@DaveRandom htmlspecialchars(http_build_query(...));
is this OK?
@Both of you: context pls
But @webarto probably yes
(unless you're trolling me, which wouldn't surprise me)
$feedbackQuery = http_build_query(['id' => $ticket->mask, 'email' => $ticket->Contacts->email, 'staff_id' => $post->staff_id]) . '&amp;happy=1'
something like this :)
IDK, switch in http_build_query would be nice :)
@webarto I've though that before, but actually it wouldn't, it would be combining two types of escaping into one function.
It wouldn't be far off the "Escape All The Things" routines we take the piss out of all the time
You can write your own sugar for it, but putting it in the core lang would be a mistake imo
Exactly :) Yeah, would be nice, but not needed at all, few lines of code to make it.
But the short answer is yes, wrap the http_build_query() in htmlspecialchars() for that. Why is that last arg a string literal and not in the array?
(also, you totally already knew that, I really don't know why I'm telling you)
@DaveRandom also you don't seem to have any unit tests
@Lusitanian No that is true, I'm going to sort that out over the w/e. I really don't have an acceptable excuse for that.
@DaveRandom I'll set up a phpunit config/bootstrap for ya, and maybe a few tests too
> clicks "fork"
also, nice license :D
@Lusitanian Feel free. There's some rather nasty tight coupling in there, which I was kind of 50/50 about but I was starting to get lazy.
@DaveRandom Variable is passed to template and &amp;happy=1|0 is appended there :)
@DaveRandom It's a reflex :P
@DaveRandom i am disappoint
@Lusitanian Yes, it's my version of the DBAD license
keep getting:
start tag was here
	<div class="container">
< is highlighted
@DaveRandom /*** Returns TRUE if bar is black....
Thank you...for that insightful comment.
@DemCodeLines Yeh, it's XHTML, you have use a proper XML self closing tag <br />
@Lusitanian It's a docblock. You have to put something.
no ya don't :D
You mean I've been stating the obvious for ages?
you can just leave @return bool or no docblock at all, lol
PHPDocumentor is, ironically, really badly documented.
i use sami over phpdocumentor, simpler
10 days till salary, I'm not going to survive...
"&" keeps showing up like this:
in Trebuchet MS font
I just put @author so everyone knows I wrote that awesomeness.
@DemCodeLines fiddle please
@DaveRandom what's your compat target, 5.3 or 5.4?
I only ask because I want to know if I can use short array syntax in the tests I'm writing :p
@Lusitanian 5.3, I'd have used it myself in the code otherwise
@DaveRandom kk
lol didn't really look
I'm really not happy about the huge maps here, but as far as I can work out there's no logic to the code 39 codepoints that would allow you to calculate those things dynamically :-(
Yeah I was wondering about that
also I'm correcting some of your docblocks to make them enable as much IDE intelligence as possible
i.e. @return array --> @return Bar[]|array
@Lusitanian Why the |array?
I really need to learn how to do docblocks properly.
@NikiC in case eclipse or netbeans bitches @ Bar[], which I think one of them does
otherwise I'd drop "array" entirely lol
@Lusitanian Solution is not ugly docblock, solution is not use eclipse/whatever
@NikiC :D
Come to that, I really need to learn proper OOP (although that is a million times better than stuff I was writing a year ago) and I've only recently started unit testing, which I guess is why I'm not in the habit of writing tests as I go along.
it's a good habit to be in if you do really large projects where a change over here can break something over -----------------------------> there
@DaveRandom most of people don't
Where do I view my recently starred questions on stackoverflow?
@DavidEugenePeterson You mean favourites tab on your profile page?
the real workflow is : write some code , then write some tests that you think that should work , then fix your damned code
@DaveRandom yes
Well, there then :-P
very few are using tests-first approach
@DaveRandom I started doing better OOP only few months ago. Currently doing like @tereško said, code, test, fix...
@tereško I think my planning isn't good enough for that. I have a nasty habit of making APIs up as I go along, which I know is a horrible thing to do.
well .. most of us here are new to the "proper OOP"
I still have real problems relating OOP to web architecture tbh, at least in the context of PHP where the idea is to get a response out the door asap. I've been doing a lot of reading on MVC recently, a lot of people (not just people in here) have told me adamantly that MVC is the way to get around this mental block but if anything it's just confusing the matter.
@tereško ...?
@tereško for sample data?
wow, i feel like an idiot for not knowing that feature existed
> smacks self over head with book that says RTFM
though , i'm honestly unsure if that's even ball-park of "how it should be used"
@DaveRandom Hey If I'm the only one not too pussy to smoke with - real degrees I log in
@DaveRandom Still very interested. NIce!
@Leigh good morning :)
The cavalry have arrived!
Yeah, 12 minutes past midnight, morning...
@hakre looooooool
How is everybody doing this wonderful crappy terrible fucking cold caturday morning?
No longer Friday 4 u? NO MORE TOLERANCE 4 U!
oh there is more tolerance on friday? hmm, then I need to wait for another week.
hehe crap. What if I told you I moved a timezone? :)
@PeeHaa next WE is party-time.
Still Friday for me! I can still do this:
Damn you @DaveRandom I want in :(
You really don't. It's snowing in a really crap way that's only just not rain here.
Ice rain.
Oh, and the cat ate something weird before and keeps throwing up.
@DaveRandom I hate snow (even when it disguising itself as lame snowwy rain thingy)
Ice rain, perfect for ɹɐɔ insurance fraud.
@DaveRandom I love driving in the snow, especially with low visibility at high speed
@Lusitanian I like that. You might want to get on my passengers seat every morning
@PeeHaa lol
Lot of ice rain here too.
@webarto Yeah you eastern people sure like your insurance fraud
@DaveRandom github.com/DaveRandom/Code39/pull/3 there i use a dataprovider now, much cleaner
end of attention span so done for now so you can accept that
and i won't bombard you with 8 more PRs over the next hour
@PeeHaa It's rated at 30.000 (hole in regulations) but brand new it was 16.000, and I paid 6.000 for it, so that would (with deductions), profit me about 15k.
@Lusitanian +1
@DavidEugenePeterson First time I ever seen error suppression on explode() ;) Well played sire.
* I have ever
github.com/php/web-people/pull/2 @NikiC (I see you have karma for it but probably not on gh) :P
@PeeHaa The array->string notice was annoying me.
@webarto We don't use gh merges ;)
The problem with using your real name for stuff on teh internetz is it makes it easily possible for people to find things like this
PRs are merged into the main repo (manually) and then github is updated from there
@NikiC :O :)
Better name yourself like piss on the web :)
@webarto In any case, I don't have a checkout of web and I certainly don't have the infrastructure to run it set up. So no :P
Ask @LeviMorrison :P
@DaveRandom i'm cute, what of it? the embarrassing thing about that photo is that I was using a mac.
Yes you are
That's why we love you :)\
Who's David Desberg? Is that you @DaveRandom?
That and your upside down smilies
@NikiC No probs, mate, I'll hack ask for it on IRC :P
@Lusitanian :cute:
@DavidEugenePeterson who knows?
@webarto What assistance do you require?
I googled @Lusitanian when he first joined SO, I failed to believe that is him.
What kind of control is it over here: nba.com/gameline/20130125
i still basically look like that but i'm less chubby now
The calendar, a horizontal one?
@Lusitanian You were young and foolish. We forgive you ;)
@DemCodeLines Drunk idiot stupid wtf are you talking about control
@NikiC thank you. also, that was actually running windows
@LeviMorrison Ah, Levi, mate, github.com/webarto/web-people/commit/… Gravatars are not showing (tested few), when you add .jpg. I mean default is shown (i.imgur.com/y8jS6rf.png) :superping:
The thing that gets me about it is that you were so obviously told to smile. It looks like the person behind the camera is threatening you if you don't.
@DaveRandom I am so bad at smiling for photos...you have no idea.
I've never figured out how to make it look natural
@Lusitanian I thought everyone had that
You can't, it's not possible. The only way to make it look natural is if it is natural.
I know people who can and it always mindfucks me
@Lusitanian Shoot at sight
I am not on the first 10 pages of Google :-(
Well, looks like party started... :beer: :scotch: :chips:
Also, I don't have web-people access, just web.
(not that I'm surprised, I've met 4 other Chris Wrights myself, god knows how many there are)
@DaveRandom WAT!>?!?!?!?!?! You're not a black basketball player?!?!?
@DaveRandom I still can't figure out why Dave is your nickname if your name is Chris
like wat
@PeeHaa ya he is
Neither can I
@LeviMorrison Go to mine people.php.net/user.php?username=dm inspect element, just remove .jpg, and see. Just sayin' :)
@DaveRandom is that why "Random" follows it?
© Intarmationel petants pandieg All imitetians will be prasecutad
@Lusitanian That was (c)@DaveRandom :P
I've looked at his SO profile before, that code snippet makes no sense
@webarto Don't attribute that to @DaveRandom or he will be prasecutad
foreach (array($friends, $romans, $countrymen) as $people) {

@DaveRandom ^^ wat.
@DemCodeLines 42
@PeeHaa +1
Maybe it was from that "time of his life".
@Lusitanian Philistine.
@DaveRandom I only know that word thanks to a "word of the day" in English class once
@webarto Removed .jpg. Nothing happened. What's your point?
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears is the first line of a famous and often-quoted speech by Mark Antony in the play Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare. It is taken from Act III, scene II. About the speech Setting In Antony's funeral oration, he makes an agreement with Brutus not to place blame on the conspirators. However, he manages to turn the mob against the conspirators. Antony persuades the people of Rome to follow him and Caesar instead of Brutus. Brutus is a respectable man and is himself honourable, but most importantly he has mastered the art of rhetoric. Anto...
@DaveRandom You have seen Chelsea couple of days ago?
I lolled
Wait, let me find it
@LeviMorrison Do you see default gravatar picture or my ugly face?
@webarto The latter.
Sep 23 '12 at 23:44, by DaveRandom
@vascowhite Honestly, I have searched high and low, I cannot find less of a sh*t to give. I will check again though.
@DaveRandom Regarding sports, presumably?
@DaveRandom ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
not one of the shakespeare works i've read
@LeviMorrison Ok, f* me then... i.imgur.com/e6sdqgY.png i.imgur.com/gqdQzqN.png ... thanks :)
Ball boy schwalbe
What type of hash do they use for the gravatar email hash?
nvm it's an md5
hm, I wonder what they odds are of a collision between two emails
@LeviMorrison Yes, my ugly face, if you add .jpg, it hides it.
@DemCodeLines It's a website. Some HTML, some javascript and some CSS - and I guess also some images.
@webarto looks cute to me
@PeeHaa Harsh. But funny.
@webarto Does not happen for me.
> By default, only 'G' rated images are displayed unless you indicate that you would like to see higher ratings.
Well this is odd
yes it is
I'm gettintg an sql trying to find something a database that has a < and a > in the string
an sql error*
sql needs to be more clear about keywords that need to be in `s in queries
@LeviMorrison Yes, I set it to G, if .jpg?r=pg is specified, it's shown, oh, nevermind, probably some gravatar wtf :)
@VoidWhisperer It's not Clairvoyant Saturday for me yet, you're going to need to be a little more specific...
i fixed it
@VoidWhisperer Yeah. SQL needs to advertise on tv the keywords besides havnig the keywords in the documentation of every engine / rdbms out there
I think
@peehaa Nvm
it was me being stupid
Your words ;)
@PeeHaa lohl
god damnit
I'm trying to write a pop3 server
it's alot harder than it sounds
@VoidWhisperer uhhhm no not really
apparently the email client I'm attempting to hook it up to is sending 'null' at one point
I would puke only by thinking about having to create one so I doubt it's harder than what it dounds to me
good evening.
Guys how to call anonymous function from within the function?
@Eugene Recursion on an anonymous function, you mean?
Y-combinator: ever heard of it?
The fight, apple or Microsoft? Answered here.

And with that fun I;m going to troll my shower and after that my bed
@PeeHaa 'tis early
@LeviMorrison applying for it this summer (: [I know that's not what you meant]
@PeeHaa That poor shower. What did it ever do to you?
@DaveRandom the wrath of a @PeeHaa troll...I only shudder to think
@Lusitanian I know :( But I cannot keep my eyes open
@DaveRandom Nothing. I'm just like that. Eat your heart out stupid shower
tomorrows all!
well, i'm going out...laters/evenings/tomorrows
@Lusitanian What will you be applying with?
@NikiC A startup which I don't want to disclose atm :p
but i'm out

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