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11:00 AM
Good luck :-)
Thanks :)
how to remove heading of youtube video brightmeup.info/video.php
@DaveRandom Ohh, just got an idea...can I do it like that...I make a php function where sql query is run, and then inside this jquery functine we just made I call that php function, would that be possible and good?
11:03 AM
@NullPointer Dunno if it's possible. You mean like SO chat? Because they do it a little differently
read the link
@ShyamK thankyou ...
got it
@DaveRandom thankyou dave
11:05 AM
@user1914940 That's sort of the way you do it, yes. But remember, you can't literally call a PHP function from Javascript, you have to send a request to the server. So what you need to do is create a file called e.g. ajax.php which does the actually query and just outputs the results in e.g. JSON format.
Wow, that sounds complicated
@DaveRandom haha alright, thanks.
It's not too complicated, it just needs a little getting used to. The key point is that by the time your Javascript is executed, PHP has stopped executing. So you can pass data from PHP -> Javascript by just outputting the data in the right place, but in order to do it the other way you have to fire up PHP again, which means you need to make another HTTP request. That's precisely what ajax does for you.
so in ajax.php I put that jquery code we wrote before?
@Jimbo frameworks do not enable MVC
the bad ones just enforce their own vision of MVC , while the good ones provide the infrastructure
11:11 AM
@tereško hence enable
@user1914940 Think of it as two separate applications - the PHP side and the HTML/Javascript side. Also commonly referred to as server side and client side. Just like two processes on your computer, inter-application communication doesn't "just work", you have to design a proper mechanism for them to communicate with each other.
Also @NullPointer there seems to be an underline on hovering over Go to home page. It might be something that you forgot... or not... idk
Enable: To supply with the means, knowledge, or opportunity; make able
@user1914940 No, that stays where it is. I'm talking (for the sake of simplicity) about creating a whole new file who's only reason to exist is to make this database query and output the result.
11:12 AM
PHP runs on the server, Javascript runs on the browser, the interface between JS and PHP is HTTP
@DaveRandom Well I kinda understand (not really :D), so only a single query goes to another file?
@user1914940 you submit the data you want to a php file (namely ajax.php)
@user1914940 the ajax.php file processes the file (inserts into the database, validation what not)
then the ajax.php file returns a response (echo json)
i can not see underline ...
11:14 AM
then the ajax request from JS side receives this response, and you can decide what to do with it
@user1914940 Yes, along with all the associated connect to database, retrieve results etc stuff. But it doesn't need to process the results at all (so you don't need to create any HTML from it or anything like that) you just run the query, fetch results, and output them as raw data, and let the Javascript do something with it.
@NullPointer Maybe Chrome applies it...
@ShyamK Not for me
Wow, thats confusing (sorry guys -.-), I dont need to process it after it is displayed. I only need to make it change one number after button is pressed. Like this...now user see a list of items:

Milk - 1kg - white - 0 - solve it(button)

Now, I need to change that 0 to 1 after they press solve it button. That zero is true/false bool var from table
@NullPointer Do you need help, support or advise? - should be "advice". "advice" is a thing, "advise" is an action. You give someone advice, or you advise them. One of the most common mistakes among people who's first language is not English, kind of unreasonably bugs me a bit.
11:17 AM
@DaveRandom weird... then never mind... I see it crossed out in the dev tools... and text-decoration:none; un-crossed... lemme check
@user1914940 process means changing any input to something different
changing 0 to 1 is also a process
@ShyamK i am also using chore also checked after clear cache
@DaveRandom disabling text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); in bootstrap.css line 5278 removes it...
@user1914940 Yep, I know what you mean - by "processing the data" I mean actually updating the display on the page. I tell you what, go away and write a PHP script that does a database query based on $_GET['input'], and at the end just creates an array that looks like array('result' => $result), where $result is the boolean true/false value you mentioned. Once you have that working, come back and we'll go through how to make that work with your jQ code.
@DaveRandom thankyou ..
and quick solution .. with new iframe ... just add ?autohide=1&showinfo=0
11:20 AM
@ShyamK Chrome version? Have you modified any of the browser default style sheets?
2 mins ago, by NullPointer
@ShyamK i am also using chore also checked after clear cache
and its working fine
@DaveRandom Ok I see, you want me to write a query that gets true/false values from my db?
@DaveRandom Chrome 20.0.1132.47. And no, I have not changed any style sheets... Applied a Tiesto theme though... that won't affect a site, right?
@user1914940 Yes, make sure you write it so that's based on the value from the input, so you can run it like ?input=somevalue and the result will change.
@DaveRandom Well they actually dont input anything (like 0 or 1), they just press button, and when they do the 0 goes to 1, thats it, or am I missing something, sorry?
11:26 AM
@ShyamK You should update, I'm on the release branch here and I'm on 23, Canary is now 25 I think...
@user1914940 Well yes, but it's based on the ID from the database isn't it? Because you have a bunch of separate items, and you want to get the result for that specific item when you press the button. So you need to send that id back to the server to be used in the query.
Don't forget to escape your use input as well ;-)
@DaveRandom Ohh yes an item id, I get it. But it cant be done that way as there is no form or something.
@user1914940 It can, don't worry. Just make the script that does the database query work first ;-)
Can anyone tell me about the load/unload routines (specifically differences) between an apache module, fastcgi, and fpm (if any) - Curious about how often / when PHP is loaded/unloaded and MINIT functions are called. My gut tells me that Apache might do it per request, while fcgi does it once, and fpm maybe once per worker?
@Leigh Pretty sure mod_php is more intelligent than per-request, I'm sure there's a config option, let me find it
@DaveRandom Im interested in how often internal global variables are reset
11:32 AM
@DaveRandom Ohh I see, I already have that. I have displayed items with solved 0 (false) and solved 1 (true) separately, if thats what you mean? Sorry, Im just not really getting it right now the best.
@DaveRandom Version 24.0.1312.52 and the underline is no more...
since some contain an accumulated state.
@DaveRandom Lets say I am sending a $_POST with a "score" obtained from a game, now the user gets directed to a form.php page. Will it populate the field called $_POST['score'] automatically, or do I have to use HTTP_POST_VARS and then put it in the $_POST['score'] field in form.php
I'm sorry I am bugging you a lot today but I prefer you over google Dave :P
@Leigh There's an article somewhere on the www that goes into exactly how mod_php works in some depth, I can't find it atm, will ping you if I do.
@user1914940 Well, what exactly is the query you want to run now going to do? Change the database or just get the current state?
@DaveRandom The query I want to run will just change 0 to 1
in database
11:44 AM
@MarioS You mean you are redirecting the form submission, or handling the form submission and redirecting to the results?
@DaveRandom , yes , my mistake ... it is not stored as a string , but returned (by default) as such
@user1914940 Oh right, well that's kind of easier then. What database extension are you using? (what function do you call to run a query?)
Planet PHP
quick wordpress tip: how to get all tags with the number of posts
Hasin Hayder
@tereško MySQL + dates and times = f*cking stupid behaviour in some cases IMO
11:45 AM
hmmm no, I am trying to obtain data thats been sent WITH the user once they come to my form.php page
@Feeds Onebox fail
@DaveRandom Umm mysql_query();
^^ tyt
@Feeds pannekoek!
We have a swear jar for one of our devs in the office... whitebored.co.uk/?p=239
11:59 AM
@DaveRandom It seems HTTP_GET_VARS is deprecated, didn't work untill i switched to get :)
@Jimbo hm, the best I can do is £1.03 without just being silly. Scrap that, I think I have a £1.06 that works
OMG dompdf sucksssssssssssssssssssss
Anyone knows why this isnt working?

function funct() {
mysql_query("UPDATE complaints SET solved='1' WHERE id=$id") or die(mysql_error());
@user1914940 what is the error message?
12:11 PM
No error at all, but when I manually insert next line in sql it works:

UPDATE complaints SET solved='1' WHERE id=1
And where does $id come from? it doesn't seem to have a value
It comes from a list of item and when they click on this button next to item
no it doesn't, since it is not a parameter of your function
(or you are not showing the complete code of funct())
Ohh totally forgot on that, now as I added it still doesnt work.
try printing out the value of $id within the function. Does it receive the value within the function?
12:14 PM
github.com/airbnb/javascript - Quite nice for JS retards like me.
@user1914940 Please just enable error reporting beforeasking questions
@ShyamK Well nothing is printed, but there must be Id..
@PeeHaa Have all enabled
@user1914940 No you have not
Otherwise PHP would have screamed about undefined variables
@user1914940 if nothing is printed out... its not receiving it. So do as @PeeHaa says. Enable your error reporting.
ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(~0);, right?
12:16 PM
I have that at the top of my website
second line right after <?php
Ohh also this function doesnt echo anything even if I do echo 'asd'; and its beeing called onclick
being called onclick?
how would you do that?!
<input type="button" class="solveit-button" value="Solved" onclick="funct();" />
@user1914940 wut?
12:19 PM
so you are mixing PHP and Javascript?
Well thats where the function gets called
@user1914940 ajax... u have to use ajax... @DaveRandom already mentioned this
Please read up on Ajax...
you can't simply call php from javascript...
Ok I see, never really worked with ajax
1 hour ago, by DaveRandom
@user1914940 Think of it as two separate applications - the PHP side and the HTML/Javascript side. Also commonly referred to as server side and client side. Just like two processes on your computer, inter-application communication doesn't "just work", you have to design a proper mechanism for them to communicate with each other.
@NullPointer You once had a nice image explaining client/serverside. Please link :)
12:21 PM
> you have to design a proper mechanism for them to communicate with each other.
^ This can be done by ajax
Ok cool, thanks. Can someone just tell me a skeleton of how do I do that
@PeeHaa here you go..
@NullPointer Nice :)
@user1914940 I googled 'simple ajax example in php' and got this as the first link. I suggest that you at least go through that. It seemed simple enough.
Also Google is your friend, use it.
in JavaScript, 34 mins ago, by GNi33
Q: How should I deal with an employee who has slept with my wife?

Waiter JohnI'm the owner of a business with about 30-40 employees. Recently, I found out that one of my employees has been having an affair with my wife. The employee has worked for me for 4 years. I felt like I was his mentor, since I recruited straight from university, taught him the ropes, and promoted h...

Hello guys, is it illegal to get an image from a link an store it on my site? eg $image = file_get_html('http://www.example.com/image2'), the url can be from any site. Is it ok to scrap it?
12:33 PM
@ShyamK Ok, thanks. Took a look at it, can you just please tell me how shoulds I use it now to do what I would like to
@SaffronHarris depends .. if image is copyrighted you should not use at all ...
otherwise it will be problem
@OlegOrlov why you posted this here ?looks like it aint related to php
@user1914940 What did you understand from that? Please explain.
@ShyamK That you can use ajax to get data from server without refreshing a website
@NullPointer In my site, user's would be able to post links with their content so i woudn't know if it was copyrighted or not. What kind of problem though, can they actually sue you?
@user1914940 onclick='MakeRequest();' is first called, yes? similar to your button click event.
12:39 PM
@ShyamK Umm yes..
@user1914940 which then does a couple of things ... and then you see a line xmlHttp.open("GET", "ajax.php", true);
that calls your php page.
And in that php page is query?
Ohh ok thanks, let me try and will see how it goes ok?
that only user who posted content is responsible .. company has no matter with it .. if anyone complain than you have to take relevant action
@SaffronHarris you can make term and policy ..
12:43 PM
posted on January 11, 2013 by Soenke Ruempler


@Feeds what????
@Feeds lol....feed gone mad ... stupid feed
@NullPointer: Thanks so much for that :)
@user1914940 understand the page I linked you... read it a couple of times... get how it works... its like riding a bike, difficult at first... but once you get it... it becomes second nature :) All the best
@SaffronHarris yours welcome ... every website doing same ..
12:45 PM
@ShyamK Ok, got it set up like this:

function MakeRequest()
var xmlHttp = getXMLHttp();

xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4)

xmlHttp.open("GET", "ajax.php", true);

My button:

<input type="button" class="solveit-button" value="Solved" onclick="MakeRequest();" />

My ajax.php

echo 'asd';

And its not working
format your code...
It is, but when I paste here it goes all to the left
post code only and then press Ctrl+K
you can edit the above post
Cant edit it
nevermind then
12:48 PM
function MakeRequest()
  var xmlHttp = getXMLHttp();

  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4)

  xmlHttp.open("GET", "ajax.php", true);
O ok now it is :)
ajax.php will return something to this javascript... That is handled by HandleResponse(xmlHttp.responseText);
Well yes, it is supposed to run that query.
ajax.php runs the query and return html to HandleResponse()
now check what HandleResponse() does.
it changes the html inside the html element with an id ResponseDiv
It takes response and put it in div?
12:54 PM
I dont really need that
I just want to run a query after a button is pressed (the query will change one value inside database)
31 mins ago, by NullPointer
user image
@user1914940 then don't use HandleResponse() to change the content... But won't you have to show some message that it worked or something?
Well thats good idea, I could display something like successfully updated or something
So I put this below the code I sent you before?

function HandleResponse(response)
  document.getElementById('ResponseDiv').innerHTML = response;
1:03 PM
yes... you must since it calls that function...
I suggest that you read up on ajax...
I got to go...
Tried that but it doesnt work...I will read I just need to get this done now
Night fellas and happy weekend :D
Good night
Sunset in 2 hours.
At least here :p
Drinking in 2.5 hours you mean :)
1:09 PM
I know it's a little bit old now, but I hope everyone read about theregister.co.uk/2013/01/10/ruby_on_rails_security_vuln and cackled
@PeeHaa: Meh, I already grabbed a Mate.
Already? Damn you!
I don't drink alcohol. This is the next best thing :-P
Yay, caffeine.
It doesn't look that nice tbh though :P
It's a hacker's drink ;-)
Club-Mate is een cafeïne en koolzuur houdende frisdrank, met maté extract, gebrouwen in de Loscher Brouwerij vlak bij Münchsteinach, Duitsland. Hoewel de frisdrank origineel vooral bekend was onder Duitse hackers, groeit de bekendheid. Een van de redenen voor de populariteit is de relatief grote hoeveelheid cafeïne (20 mg per 100 ml) en lage hoeveelheid suiker, vergeleken met andere frisdranken, koffie en energiedrank. Geschiedenis Het recept van Club-Mate is sinds 1994 in handen van de firma Loscher. Oorspronkelijk werd onder de naam Sekt-Bronte geproduceerd door Geola Getränke in Die...
Club-Mate () is a caffeinated carbonated mate-extract beverage made by the Loscher Brewery (Brauerei Loscher) near Münchsteinach, Germany, which originated in 1924. Club-Mate has a relatively high caffeine content (20 mg per 100 ml), low sugar content (50 g/kg), and low calories (100 per 0.5 liter beverage), compared to other beverages such as cola and other energy drinks. Club-Mate is available in 0.33 and 0.5 litre bottles. History Geola Beverages of Dietenhofen, Germany originally formulated and marketed Club-Mate under the name Sekt-Bronte. The drink was only known regionally unt...
1:15 PM
Can someone help me please finish my button thing? Right now in my index.php I have:

<script type="text/javascript">
function MakeRequest()
  var xmlHttp = getXMLHttp();

  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4)

  xmlHttp.open("GET", "ajax.php", true);

And in my ajaxp.php I justn run a query. Also a button is onclick="MakeRequest();"
"mate-extract" .. what
Mate plant, or Yerba mate (; also spelled in English as maté, from the , ), binomial name Ilex paraguariensis, is a species of holly (family Aquifoliaceae), well known as the source of the mate beverage. Though the plant is called ' in Spanish ("herb" in English), it is a tree and not an herbaceous plant. It is native to subtropical South America in northeastern Argentina, Bolivia, southern Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. It was first used and cultivated by the Guaraní people, and also in some Tupí communities in southern Brazil, prior to the European colonization. It was scientifically c...
@user1914940: What have you tried, and what are you trying to do? :-)
@NiekBergman I am trying to run a query after a button is clicked
I assume the functions getXMLHttp and HandleResponse are defined at some other place?
@NiekBergman They are in ajax.php, and they look like:

function getXMLHttp()
  var xmlHttp

    //Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
    xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    //Internet Explorer
      xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!")
        return false;
1:21 PM
This is where clippy pops up and says: It looks like you're trying to make an ajax request - you should use jquery
@user1914940 just use jQuery since you are using it already. $.ajax() is what you want, removes all that complication.
(hello again)
That meeting was epic
@DaveRandom O hey welcome back :) Can you tell me again please? I tried so many things in that time I got even more confused
OK, can you show the code from ajax.php please?
(in a pastebin if it's long)
@user1914940 Right, you don't need any JS in that file, all it should do is connect to the database and run the MySQL query. It shouldn't have any HTML or Javascript in it at all.
Also you don't seem to have connected to the database or given a value to the $id variable anywhere in it.
1:27 PM
Wooow I totally forgot connect file includes :S Now here is how it looks:



mysql_query("UPDATE complaints SET solved='1' WHERE id=$id");

$id is item's id beside which they click solved button
Ah Bobby, we meet again.
OK, that's better, but you need to assign a value to $id in that script, remember that the previous script that generates the page has finished by this point, none of it's variables exist any more. Here's what I suggest:
(unless you're making sure to cast that to an int first :P)
@NiekBergman (I'm coming to that)
stupid keyboard

  // Connect to database

  // Fetch and sanitise the data
  $id = (int) $_POST['id'];

  // Run the query
  $success = mysql_query("
    UPDATE complaints
    SET solved = 1
    WHERE id = $id

  // Prepare the result object
  $result = new stdClass;
  $result->success = $success;
  if (!$success) {
    $result->error = mysql_error();

  // Output the result as JSON
  echo json_encode($result);
@user1914940 ^^ that
Note that I have left the final ?> out intentionally - it is not required in this case and it can be harmful, it's a good habit to omit it where it is not needed.
Ok, thanks :) Now my ajax.php looks like this (please let me know its all right):

ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(~0);

// Fetch and sanitise the data
  $id = (int) $_POST['id'];

  // Run the query
  $success = mysql_query("UPDATE complaints SET solved='1' WHERE id=$id");

  // Prepare the result object
  $result = new stdClass;
  $result->success = $success;
  if (!$success) {
    $result->error = mysql_error();

  // Output the result as JSON
1:38 PM
@user1914940 OK - now you should find that if you put /ajax.php?id=<some database id> into the address bar in your browser, the database will be updated and the result will be displayed. Obvious use the full url to the file when you do it and replace <some database id>with an actual id from the database
Oh wait no it wont
because I used $_POST
Which is the correct semantic method for this, but not very test friendly
Just while we make sure it works, change $_POST to $_REQUEST
(or $_GET)
Ok, got it on REQUEST
Which function should I now use on buttons onclick?
First just try calling it in the browser and make sure the database gets updated and you see valid JSON output (and you don't see any PHP errors/warnings)
Well, I put index.php/ajax.php?id=1 and nothing happened
@user1914940 Right, but it should just be ajax.php?id=1 - it's not part of index.php, it's a totally separate file.
1:44 PM
Ohh yes yes I get Success:true and db updated
hi Dave from UK
@wes hey hey
@user1914940 Excellent, that's a great start
OK, so now lets go back to the .click() code that we started with a couple of hours ago, the one that currently just gives you an alert.
What we need to do now is get that to make an ajax request to the page you just created
Ok yes, it looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('.solveit-button').click(function() {
OK, the first thing we need to do is get the database id for the item in Javascript.
@DaveRandom You ought to let him think on his own... You're spoiling him.
1:47 PM
Can you show the code that generates the item HTML (with the button on it)? Show the query code that gets the data from the database as well.
@user1914940 pick a username at least
I'd imagine it's too long to post here, so create a pastebin
@DaveRandom Ok, this is a code that generates a list of items:

<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="background-color:#FFC" >
while( $array = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryRun) ) {
	<td><?php echo $id = $array['id'].'<br />';?></td>
	<td><?php echo $text = $array['text'].'<br />';?></td>
	<td><?php echo $solved = $array['solved'].'<br />';?></td>
    <td><input type="button" class="solveit-button" value="Solved" /></td>
@DaveRandom didn't slept because of @user1914940 ? xD
@ShyamK The first foray into ajax is daunting, and I'm trying to explain why we do everything like we do as well as showing him how to do it. I know what you mean, I don't want to write people's code for them, but this is introducing a lot of new concepts all at once and it's hard to pick that up properly without a little hand holding. I will try to keep myself in check though.
1:51 PM
I know you mean well... And I was just fooling with ya... As you may notice, I too tried to help him... in JS and not jQuery though...
@user1914940 OK, great. So what I suggest you do is add id="solveit-button-<?php echo $id; ?>" to the <input>, this will make it nice and easy to get the right id in JS
brb 2 mins smoke
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial. — NullPointer Jan 7 at 6:15
15 hours ago, by DaveRandom
user image
15 hours ago, by DaveRandom
(are you smoking yet?)
1:52 PM
@DaveRandom Tyt :) Also if I add -<?php echo $id; ?>, will the javascript then work when it is set to work on solveit-button?
2 mins smoke... you really don't taste those cigs
@user1914940 Yes, you are using id for this instead of class. The reason we used class before is because it's an easy way to get all the buttons at once so you can apply the same routine to all of them without having to write the code out for each button. Now we are using id, because we already have a reference to the button that was clicked (we'll see how shortly) and we need to know the id of the database record it relates to.
Classes are a convenient way to group related things together, IDs uniquely identify things. So there can only ever be one element with a given ID on the page.
@wes 5 mins then :-P
@DaveRandom Aha ok sure, just noticed it a little before :)
1:59 PM
@user1914940 can you pastebin the totality of your code? i want to help too, so @DaveRandom can have a 5 mins cigarette... i'm serious. no jokes
@user1914940 Don't remove the class though, obviously you still need that - you're giving it an ID as well
@DaveRandom we're making heavy use of lambdas, so not having to do $that = $this; would be nice. short array syntax yay! generally better perf without having to ask. and a couple other minor annoyances. nothing I couldn't live with. :)
@wes Already been :P

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