I know, he regularly bites his toe nails. I can't get my foot within a foot (ha!) of my mouth. And yes, I tried when I saw him doing it, out of interest. You know you would all do it.
Right I'm going to get a beer and possibly a sandwich, then I'm going to track this bug down with edited cv requests if it is the last thing I ever do.
I just don't fucking get it all hits on SO also say do either .call() or .apply() and it should work. But it doesn't. Some feeling creeps up now that I have screwed up somewhere.
I just don't fucking get it all hits on SO also say do either .call() or .apply() and it should work. But it doesn't. Some feeling creeps up now that I have screwed up somewhere.
@DaveRandom Nopez. I'm afraid that's not it. Nice to see another error though :). this.userMediaObject contains navigator.webkitGetUserMedia() which is a native function. I.e. part of window so as far as my JS skills don't fail me it should contain window. Might just be a lack of JS skills though.
Hmmmm. Although it is throwing another error. Suspicious...
@PeeHaa Does seem to be required that you invoke in the context of navigator as well though, doesn't work with window. I'd guess NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR came because you were effectively passing two lots of undefined and either is casts to false and borks at the fact you asked it to do nothing, or doesn't type cast and just generally throws up
I am making an application that will contain a lot of questions. The application will possible contain many different question from different domains. Would you create a separate database for each domain, or associate a "domain" to each question? Such as questions about cats, dogs, football and so on...
right, so I have finished making a webpage where the user can register with all information and I insert all that information into my table. Now the last thing I have left to do is have the user be able to login into his/her account, manage his/her account (change passwords, upload files, etc). I want to display one page when the user isn't logged in and another when they are
@test1604 I suspect you are suffering from the same misconception that many seem to some how glean from (not reading?) the docs - static does not mean that the variable will persist between page loads
I really don't understand where people get that idea from
@PeeHaa I am creating a web application. The application will gather questions (and answers etc) that will belong to different domains in the real world. Question about cars, cats, boats and so on. The administrator will be able to create these domains and the user can submit questions to those domains. Would you create a new database for each domain or would you associate each question with a domaintype table?
@DaveRandom i..didn't even know that existed...will be able to do all the things I need: user has to be able to login into his/her account, manage his/her account (change passwords, upload files, etc)
@JohnBernal I highly recommend, since you are obviously new to auth, that you start simple. Digest auth is quite secure and quite simple to implement in PHP (hell, the manual section I linked basically gives you the code). The main reason you won't be happy with it is that logout handling is a PITA and cosmetically it's not that nice. But it is easy.
@PeeHaa The administrator will be able to create the domains and the user will choose from a dropdown box when submitting the question which domain it should be posted in.
@JohnBernal I'd suggest you start with the easy stuff so you can evaluate what it is about the easy stuff you don't like. You will learn quite a bit along the way, and you'll have a much better grounding when you come to replace it with something more complex. IMHO.
@tereško which can be accessible to the other users, I want to realize a long polling chat, and do not check every new message in database, because it'll waste connections, so I need a class to detect if new message was sent
@JohnBernal I would start there yes. I would also suggest that you start with Basic auth and work your way up to Digest (which is what you should use in production if you are going to use HTTP auth). I would also join here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication
@PeeHaa Bloody good point my good man. I'll let you take over from here as I have to go eat something before I expire.
also , @test1604 , php would really suck for implementing a socket-based chat ... you would be better off with javacsript ( node.js ) for the serverside code
@PeeHaa Just a quick note to throw in here: hashed password storage on the server is incompatible with Digest auth because you have to be able to hash the raw password to compare with the string the client send.
@JohnBernal You could use @ircmaxell's password compat lib to make it easy to hash and verify the passwords. That way you only have to check the username yourself in the query which should be pretty easy to do.
Just don't know whether it is already production ready. @ircmaxell?
posted a lot of questions :P. I basically dove head first into this whole webpage programming without any prior knowledge whatsoever. For something that should have taken a week (tops), I've spent 3 developing a user registration page T.T
@JohnBernal Well if you just started out that's ok. You did not only develop a user registration for but at the same time also picked up some good practices. Which is something that is pretty rare with all the stupidity one find on the internet.
I just want to practice good coding techniques, don't really like using outdated stuff. But then again i really don't know what is outdated (was about to start using pear)
@JohnBernal A quick look at the blog tells me that yes, they are shifting the codebase to github - but it doesn't look like they are altering the stupid framework - tbh I don't pay much attention to PEAR because there is so much bad stuff on it and I've been burned a couple of times. Also the whole design of the PEAR framework is flawed.
@JohnBernal The login part of you application should be pretty easy if you now how to hash and how to query, Just query the databse to get the user based on the username and verify the hashed password against the inputted password by the user
@JohnBernal I write most of my own code :-P Just about the only third party library I ever use is SwiftMailer, obviously I pinch bits and pieces off blogs and the like, but it is very very rare I use someone else's code unmodified. I wouldn't discourage you from using PEAR completely, but I would suggest that you know what every single line of code in <insert third party library here> does before you even consider using it.
@DaveRandom ah i see, should probably start writing my own code from scratch rather than depend on someone else's
can you tell me if this query statement to check username and password is correct: "SELECT Username, Password FROM table WHERE Username = $un AND Password = $pwd LIMIT 1"
@JohnBernal You should run the query @DaveRandom gave you without the AND .... After that you got the hashed password and can verify it with the password
Yeh I'm slightly ashamed to admit I've never used it ever. I saw some people discussing some pretty neat sounding features in here the other day (you may have been one of them) and "check out PGSQL" is on my list of things to do.
@tereško Imho postgres doesn't get the attention it deserves
@DaveRandom Just found out I could have also simply overridden the global thing `navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;`, but that looks fucking wrong :)
On another topic, is there a good reason for pluginSettings being that complex, seems like an object map of the settings and their default values would be more maintainable, but I don't want to do it if there's a good reason not to.
class myPDO extends PDO {
public function __construct($dsn, $user, $pass) {
parent::__construct($dsn, $user, $pass);
$this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, FALSE); // always set me for MySQL!
@DaveRandom Sure. (I have no idea what you people are talking about right now. Just wanted to point out that extending isn't always the solution; I'd even say that most people who try to extend PDO actually want to wrap it.)
Your question as-is does not leave any sign what exactly goes wrong.
However I can see that there is not much error checking. I suggest - as it is common for well written code - that you add some tests for return values first. Also you might need to enable error reporting and track the error log...
@PeeHaa: That signing might be interesting for you, too.
> If the last SQL statement executed by the associated PDOStatement was a SELECT statement, some databases may return the number of rows returned by that statement. However, this behaviour is not guaranteed for all databases and should not be relied on for portable applications.
@PeeHaa yah so it didn't output the desired result, it should have said username already taken. I inputted user and there is already a user in the database
> If the last SQL statement executed by the associated PDOStatement was a SELECT statement, some databases may return the number of rows returned by that statement. However, this behaviour is not guaranteed for all databases and should not be relied on for portable applications.
@JohnBernal same results if you fetch? like this: $result = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($result) { if (empty($result['user_id'])) { return true; } } return false;
@hakra you know DI, i saw a circular refernce, recently. A Logger depends on DB, and the DB Class uses Logger to log queries (which uses the DB ... ). Is that ok?
@pce What does the logger do if the database does not work? I mean logging is probably more important than the database, right?
@TheWebs sure.
@JohnBernal It's likely you have a fatal error in your script. Let me guess, probably something like you treat some variable as an object (e.g. you call a method on that variable) but it ain't one.
@JohnBernal Well, it's just that I assume one because of "500 Internal Server Error". You actually must first look into the error log of your webserver for more information. 500 server errors are logged by your webserver. However I smell this is an error in your PHP file then. But sure, first look in the webservers error log and do not trust me.
@hakra right that's what i'm wondering though, do you mean there's an error in Available.php or an error in main page where the validator calls Available?
Using github.com/webtechnick/CakePHP-Facebook-Plugin to connect #Facebook with #CakePHP but the requirement is that it uses no Javascript for this process... anyone knows how to handle this?
@JohnBernal No idea. But you could create yourself some simple test-files that include your php-called-by-ajax scripts, setting $_POST vars upfront and then you could easily test. Also you can enable error display for these specific tests, so you would get actual error messages. That might make everything more visible to you and helps you debugging things.