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12:12 AM
'gnight y'all. shouldn't this code codepad.org/HEfUTNRz work to rewrite every link inside those <td> ?
12:25 AM
@LeviMorrison well okey. It might be due to, that I have 3.30 at night right about now :)
1:16 AM
fuck .. there is a lot of answers that i should update
just had to look through old post to find whether i have an existing code example
it's a huge mess ... ehhh
basically i would have to update at least 50% of my answers that are oldern then 6 month
1:42 AM
How does one return one column from a MYSQL statement?
I.e. I have a bunch of columns, id, name, description, etc.
How do I just return all the names?
@ShaquinTrifonoff i finaly figured it out. Thanks :) (paste.thezomg.com/4826/34827816 final code for $log++ reasons)
oh I'm really dumb
SELECT name from db
Is Perl a PHP?
1:54 AM
@user1690130 no , php has no direct relation to Perl
@tereško is there a chatroom where perl would fit in?
no in SO chat .. you will have better luck in FreeNode IRC server
for general info : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC
.. im gonna fund direct link to web-based IRC client
@tereško great! thanks!
there are also not-web IRC clients
things that you can install on your computer , @user1690130
( Xchat, mIRC, OperaIRC, irssi )
@tereško i am so confused
@tereško is this a room to chat in ?
2:02 AM
what exactly are you asking for ?
@user1690130 , what's confusing you ?
@tereško I figured it out. Thanks!
@tereško Do people help with Perl code like that would on this site, SO?
but do not expect it work as free code generator
@tereško Oh I have written code already!
basically people will help you , if you do not display signs of being "help vampire"
anyway , it's 5AM .. i need some sleep
@tereško What is vampire?
2:14 AM
there was a link
i hope you knwo how links work
@tereško oh i see! ok, i will try not to be vampire! :)
2:29 AM
@tereško you don't use perl, however?
3 hours later…
5:44 AM
i ran into a weird issue with a xml containing a character that I cannot catch. I understand it has to do with utf, but I still can't figure out how to delete it from the strings I parse. Please respond if you are willing to help me look into it, I will then walk you through the problem. thank you
6:01 AM
@draconis good morning
@UnoMeinAme are you trying to parse xml with DOM or regex(or any kind string functions)
@morning user169013
hi draconis
i'm mostly using simplexml_load_file
@draconis I am a novice perl user, a struggling one :(
i kind of got everything working the way i want (even though i'm complete n00b with xml)
the only problem is this silly character that gets in the way
the encoding is set to utf
and then it is not visible
but in ansi I get the  character every now and then
take a look here, it may help you: stackoverflow.com/questions/8218230/…
6:12 AM
draconis - now sure if it does.
let me try to explain
so i start with scrapping the xml of a 3rd party website
then i go through it with simplexml
process it to generate a txt file on my server
in utf the file looks fine
in ansi it adds the  every now and then
in HTML after the txt file is processed through yet another script, it shows as chr(208)
when i generate the txt file from xml, i tried to do str_replace for both chr(208) and  but it doesn't catch it
it's the only character that gives me hell
is there a way to figure out what it is?
i think i got it!
ah you are trying to replace Â
with str_replace but can't right?
caught the line, looped it and displayed all ord($s[$i])'s
so the codes that were causing the problem were consecutively chr(194).chr(160)
i str_replace them with a space - and everything is fine
any idea what the hell chr(194).chr(160) is?
i think it is not about chr(194).chr(160)
are sure sure that your encodings are matching?
6:28 AM
yes, everything else is working fine
then ask a question with your codes on SO, will help you much then i can.
well, i already found the solution. actually when i google "chr(194).chr(160)" it does come up with it being some weird processing of &nbsp;
the hard part was to catch it, but as i was explaining the problem, i figured out how to catch it
thanks for you time
yw,sorry for cant help.
6:42 AM
I'm designing colour schemes for my site, and on one scheme, the body background-color is set to #FEE. :-)
Anyone want a #FEE for their background?
6:56 AM
@ShaquinTrifonoff send me the link to your site again
your IP image showed that I'm in Brazil
@Sam Can you see my website now?
@ShaquinTrifonoff yup
@ShaquinTrifonoff on your contact page, how did you create the error effect when a field isn't filled out?
@Sam Like an invalid email address?
7:08 AM
yup :-D
@Sam What do you want: the CSS or JavaScript? Both are in the source of the page.
I don't think that it mainly use JS; I disabled JS, and it still works
let me try again
.field-neutral {
	border: 1px solid #888
.field-valid {
	border: 1px solid #888;
	background: #8f8;
	box-shadow: 0 0 4px #4f4;
	-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #4f4;
	-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #4f4;
.field-invalid {
	border: 1px solid #888;
	background: #f88;
	box-shadow: 0 0 4px red;
	-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 4px red;
	-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px red;
That's the CSS.
oh yeah......I just looked at it closer, and saw it
@ShaquinTrifonoff did you use any image at all for it? the arrow part?
@Sam What arrow part?
Are you talking about 'Please fill out this field'? That is added by browsers because I put required="required" :D
7:22 AM
the error dialog thing....the top right arrow part; usually, I use a background image with it
yeah....I understand all that part
@Sam That is from Chromium.
I don't use Chromium though....I use Firefox, and still see it
@Sam Firefox does it too.
gotta step up on my images and css :-P
@Sam Although, I did make this without any images:
Sep 17 at 4:50, by Shaquin Trifonoff
user image
7:33 AM
ok....how is the left arrow part created?
@Sam Hmm, should I give away my secret? :D
@ShaquinTrifonoff sharing is fun :-P
@Sam I just uploaded shaquin.tk/experiments/infobox.html, but it's not finished yet.
@DaveRandom I've just about given up on trying to get into your VM :-)
8:47 AM
The room has gone quiet again :-)
9:19 AM
hey Shaq, with your hacking pictures
@cyril :D
I don't even try to click them ;)
@cyril I like posting the URL to the animated loading picture.
o fine that's just plain picture this time
@cyril You might not realize it, but sites do that all the time. Usually it is called pixel.gif. For example: http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel.gif‌​, which is used on Stack Overflow.
9:36 AM
so clicking the picture do many things, get your IP, it's more efficient than html5 geolocation lol
@cyril Um... you don't have to click the picture.
how does it work?
@cyril When I post a picture, all of the currently online users' browsers download the picture. When they download it, they send headers (e.g. User-Agent). They have to send the IP address so that the server knows where to send the result to. Therefore, I can record the IP address and user-agent of everyone on this chat simply by posting an image.
hi everybody.
@ShaquinTrifonoff the picture has to be on your server?
9:42 AM
@cyril It has to be to record details.
@cyril If it's on your server, you have control over it
You send appropriate headers, and write whatever PHP code you want, and when a user visits a page with that image embedded in it, browser will automatically request it, and whatever PHP script you've used will be executed.
Also, you need the following line in your server config/.htaccess:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .png .gif
And pixel.gif:
$info = array();
$info[] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$info[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
file_put_contents('visitors.txt', implode("\t\t", $info) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
$image = imagecreate(1, 1);
$trans = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
imagecolortransparent($image, $trans);
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
or use a rewrite rule in your .htaccess file :-D
9:55 AM
so the .gif is a .php
@cyril Yes.
@cyril Yes
I used to like PHP storm
But now that they've added LiveEdit, I think I'm in love.
I'm using Eclipse useful for switching between languages, or netbeans
10:29 AM
Good morning
@MadaraUchiha You can get something like LiveEdit on any editor quite easily, for example, with guard and guard-livereload
10:58 AM
@Filipe Probably, but it's more comfortable when it's built in the IDE
Well, it's easier to get started, I've built it into Sublime Text 2 for use with my projects :)
11:36 AM
any idea why codepad.viper-7.com/nGvUd4 gives me two exceptions?
That's odd
Morning everyone
@Gordon new Foo()
@cyril and? why would that throw twice?
11:43 AM
Parens are optional in argument-less instantiation, and execution should've stopped at the first exception
line 29
@Filipe yes, that's why I am puzzled that it shows twice
Quick question of terminology here; is cardinality the most appropriate term to describe the characters that denote repetition in expression (a 'la regex) such as *, +, or ?
@cyril that is perfectly fine
@Gordon The only semi-logical reason that I can think off the top of my head is an exception handler doing something weird with the first exception, even then it doesn't make a whole lot of sense
11:45 AM
sorry it works but with public attributes codepad.viper-7.com/D53tPq
@Bracketworks sounds good to me.
@cyril no, it's supposed to throw an exception. It's just not supposed to throw two of them. making the properties public defeats the purpose of the example. it uses an attribute reader trait. see the included file.
I mean just public $baz = 'baz'; codepad.viper-7.com/GQKUF6
o ok sorry
Have any of you ever used phpenv, or some other alternative for version management?
@Gordon Alright, so reasonable to say that when seeing <foo cardinality="?" /><bar cardinality="*" /> it's reasonably obvious that (in the context of which it is occurring) "there can be zero or one foo and zero or more bars"
11:49 AM
@Bracketworks yes. and seems supported in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinality_%28data_modeling%29
@Gordon Oh snap, I found the cardinality page, but not the disambiguated one. Thanks :)
@Bracketworks in XML Schema they denote cardinality with minOccurs and maxOccurs so that would be another option
@Gordon Yea, I'm trying to get away from that in what I'm doing though; I'd rather a single character be used to denote it for brevity.
(I'm writing a wacky little lexer)
@Gordon what is the problem with codepad.viper-7.com/7uPFYp ?
it throws the exception for the property not accessible
11:56 AM
@cyril that's fine. you are catching the exception for $foo->baz and then printing it in the catch block
but what did you want to do?
@cyril i was just testing the trait and was surprised it gave two exceptions
yes with try/catch only one exception is catched through
Requoting my previous question: Have any of you ever used phpenv, or some other alternative for version management?

I've poked around phpenv and php-version, ideally I wanted something like Ruby's RVM
it may be a php5.4 parser error like you said
12:03 PM
@cyril i get the impression its just printed twice for some reason
Maybe try getting it through a profiler or VLD to see what's up
assuming VLD works on 5.4
@Filipe nah, not that much interested in it. i just coded it up for fun. dont intend to use it in production anyway.
What's AttributeReader, btw?
Looked around the docs but couldn't find any reference to it
@Filipe it's a Trait I wrote. Check the URL for the include file on top
Oh! Didn't notice that part!
12:14 PM
@Gordon why not using get_class_vars(__CLASS__) for that stuff?
o I discovered bold command by mistake ;)
@cyril because then I wouldnt be able to make properties readable selectively
selectively on private/ public?
@cyril public is not covered by the attribute reader at all since it works through __get
__get is "->" ?
12:19 PM
@cyril the idea is to just include the attribute reader and then define which properties you want accessible through it. when you try to access an otherwise inaccessible property (non-public or non-existant) the magic get method gets triggered. the trait will then check whether there is a getter for the property and call it. else it will check whether there is a non-public property and return that
think attr_reader in Rails
those syntaxes are nasty in php: "get$property"
@cyril the entire concept is nasty ;)
ruby I don't know it, but python might be little cleaner ;)
python's a total bore
Ruby, that I like :)
@Gordon: I know who PHP.cc is. That's why I was so surprised about it ;-)
I hold them to a higher standard
12:32 PM
@ircmaxell! Maybe you can give me some pointers...PHP version management, got any suggestions?
generic question is generic
Very much so...do you have a favorite tool for managing multiple php versions in the same environment?
@ircmaxell btw did the message look fubar? it does in firefox. the hashtag is broken
@Gordon Which message?
yours? No, looked fine
@ircmaxell on twitter
12:34 PM
> thephp.cc = { arne blankerts, stefan priebsch, sebastian bergmanfyi#125; #fyi ;)
@ircmaxell yup. broken. interesting
yeah, looked fine on my android tablet...
@ircmaxell i didnt type bergmanfyi#125; but bergmann #fyi
@ircmaxell when i click the Direct Messages link on Twitter it gives me the overview of people I have exchanged DMs with. There it shows fine. But when I click onto the message to get the conversation list with that person, it shows broken.
12:37 PM
@ircmaxell yeah, but I'm not interested enough to investigate :)
You going to PHPNW?
@ircmaxell nope, but I think edorian will be there giving a talk or two
Yeah, meeting him there on Friday
Morning @Gordon, @ircmaxell
12:40 PM
Good morning
@NikiC its not morning, but better than last time ;)
@Gordon :P
@NikiC @ircmaxell any of you at phpconference.com?
No, not planning on it
So much jealousy...all I get in Lisbon is bloody Wordcamp
12:47 PM
I got no good conferences in my home today, oddly enough
@ircmaxell ask your employer to host one :)
I've been thinking about putting one togehter
Oh wait, my employer is a partner at that conference..
Maybe I can smooch some tickets
@Filipe who's that?
I'd rather not share, sorry
I prefer to keep things seperate :P
12:52 PM
How would you call this in english?
This mute speech thing, does it have an english proper name?
@MadaraUchiha silent movie?
I meant the speech only
I want to search examples of it on Google
@madara Naruto freak,huh
You up to date?
left it long back
fascinated with one piece :D
1:01 PM
@BhuvanRikka Meh, watched the first 20 or so, didn't really catch my eye
the first 80 are bit uncool
give it a try mate
i swear you'll like it for sure
That's genius
@Gordon One is HTML, the other plain text, see codepad.viper-7.com/EdvZQI - also this happens with parse-errors, too. Yesterday I noticed that viper did some either rather wired stuff.
@hakra thanks :)
1:36 PM
hey @hakra :)
how's it going?
@NikiC I have a hard time today. It's so cold in germany, I'm tired. I think I need to take a shower.
@hakra I like looking out the window when it's cold and windy :D Like now.
if (false == preg_match(
)) {
    throw new \DomainException('Host name does not conform to RFC 1123');
anyone know if this is correct?
no, I don't know :P
Let me take a look
1:49 PM
Anyone recognizes this font?:
Good morning.
Would anyone who's a SEO fancy mind reviewing my site for how it'll appear on google? I'm not doing any blackhat, however I want to achieve the highest google ranking I can for the search "periodic table".
@Gordon You are not dealing with length constraints.
> Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters and SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.
2:05 PM
@hakra those rfc people should simply put the regexes into their rfcs
@Gordon how do you start building a website,i mean by writing all the entities involved in the system and their relationship etc or something else.
@Tarun by thinking about the content and what i want to achieve with it, e.g. the usecases
@Gordon i read the article about domain driven design , after reading i started thinking about entities involved in my system
and their relationship
@Tarun which article about DDD?
@Gordon it was posted by you in SO
2:16 PM
@Tarun ah, that one. yeah. well, like I said, I start by thinking about the Use Cases. Then I usually go and build the domain Model and then I put some sort of presentation layer on top.
@Gordon got it , in that article Spindle_Model_User class is responsible for modelling the user behavior and its state right?
i want to know what if my user can also like post,submit post,comment on post
since all these activities also represent the user behavior
so should all these functionality encapsulated with in Spindle_Model_User class
@Tarun you dont have to do it that way. you could just as well have a dumb User object that just has the properties. Then create Roles objects with the desired user behavior. It's a bit more granular and separates what the system is from what the system does.
@Gordon different roles like log-in user,admin and then their corresponding classes will reflect their behavior like 'submit post' ,comment on post right?
@Gordon i want to read about them more and practice it,can you suggest some other good links or any good book
@Tarun No, Roles regarding the enacted UseCase, like when you want to add a comment, this is the CommentOnABlogPostUseCase class. It takes a User object and a BlogPost object. The user is given the Role CommentingUser and the blog post the Role CommentableBlogPost. Those two Roles then encapsulate all the logic pertaining to that specific UseCase.
@Tarun well, the best book on DDD is the DDD book by Eric Evans himself. For the stuff on Roles buy Lean Architecture by James Coplien.
Is there any non-ambiguous way to express ( A | B | A B ) +
I'm fooling with an XSD and my brain checked out, so it's just me, my fingers, and a keyboard.
2:32 PM
Well, that expression is valid regex; however I'm trying to implement it as a sequence in XML schema
how do you express this kind of sequence in xml?
I'm going for "one or more of {elements} in any order"
        <xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:element name="Terminal" type="Terminal" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
                <xs:element name="NonTerminal" type="NonTerminal" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
            <xs:element name="NonTerminal" type="NonTerminal" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
But it's ambiguous
2:53 PM
Actually, that was the wrong snippet; here's the version synonymous with ( A | B | A B ) +
<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element name="Terminal" type="Terminal" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
        <xs:element name="NonTerminal" type="NonTerminal" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
    <xs:element name="NonTerminal" type="NonTerminal" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
Again, ambiguous.
a very intelligent persons down-vote
Heh.. Well apparently the solution was elusively simple; solved.
<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="Terminal" type="Terminal" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
    <xs:element name="NonTerminal" type="NonTerminal" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
Hi, everybody!
@Bracketworks I need to have output of json_encode of associative array as JSON array, any idea pls?
@Zane Well, associative arrays AFAIK must transform to JS objects.
So, are you looking to discard the keys and the result be an ordered array of the values?
json_encode(['foo' => 'hello', 'bar' => 'world']); results in an object: {"foo":"hello","bar":"world"}
Whereas json_encode(array_values(['foo' => 'hello', 'bar' => 'world'])); results in an array: ["hello","world"]
through my associative array, i want to have the output as [{'foo'=>'hello','bar'=>'world'}] @Bracketworks
3:09 PM
Wrap it? json_encode([['foo' => 'hello', 'bar' => 'world']]); produces [{"foo":"hello","bar":"world"}]
You'd just be wrapping an associative array in an ordered array and encoding that.
11 messages moved to bin
@Gordon Wtf was all that anyhow?
@Bracketworks no clue. spam.
it all was about the reputation .. my reputation seem different here from my userpanel
3:13 PM
and for that i need to enter at least 4 line to see the reputation here
@RegisteredUser Use the sandbox room for that kind of thing.
It is saying syntax error, $response = array([["tag" => $tag, "success" => 0, "error" => 0]]); @Bracketworks
@Gordon sorry for late reply,but that was just a short and wow explanation given by you,Thank you
@Tarun you're welcome.
@Zane You're mixing PHP array syntaxes...
hello, is it true that php is less secure than asp ??
yeah, I need to convert the associative array(php array) to JSON array using json_encode, @Bracketworks
@Gordon do you have any open source project(in php) to get better understanding about roles,use cases and their representation
@RegisteredUser No. It is true that your application, in whichever language you choose, is only as secure and you make it.
3:26 PM
I need to convert this array ('a'=>1,'b'=>2,'c'=>3,'d'=>4,'e'=>5) into [{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5}], any idea ?@Bracketworks
@Zane Yep, I already told you :)
> There are a lot of students and hobbyists who started coding in PHP and have absolutely no idea of what code security means. Please remember that this affects their code, not yours.
...to quote the accepted answer
@Zane json_encode( array( (object) $theArray ) );
It is nothing to do with PHP itself, but to do with the lack of understanding of security in many of the people who use PHP.
Like I said
6 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@RegisteredUser No. It is true that your application, in whichever language you choose, is only as secure and you make it.
> There are equal opportunity to shoot yourself in the foot in ASP.NET than in PHP.
3:31 PM
what is this world coming to when people cannot distinguish between frameworks and languages
@tereško A Microsoft world. Plus there's the whole ASP classic thing that heavily clouds the issue.
most of people use asp.net with c#
@DaveRandom also check the performance
and MS sales department has been causing confusion with MS products for ages
the asp is far more better than php
3:35 PM
@tereško A disturbing number use VB. Arguably the most hateful language still in common usage. I would certainly argue it.
maybe it's job security ...
people know that asp.net is a framework not a programming languages
@DaveRandom I hate VB!! 10 years ago I developed an app using access and VBA and I still have to maintain the bloody thing! I hope to be able to rewrite it in PHP soon, but finding the time isn't easy :( When I look at the code I wrote then it makes me sick.
@RegisteredUser That graph is pretty much meaningless. And if it surprises you that a compiled program runs faster than an interpreted one I suggest you go an do some more research into what the differences are. Speed isn't everything.
@vascowhite Something large?
3:38 PM
@vascowhite VBA is not VB. VBA is a fate worse than death. Although I do sympathise, as we were discussing yesterday I have had VBA forced upon me of late, and I feel your pain.
@DaveRandom why are you talking to the little people ?
@DaveRandom sorry if you i wasnt clear i am all time talking about asp.net
I'm out. I'm going for a shower.
@MadaraUchiha Not too large, but not well coded. I probably need a couple of weeks to rewrite it. It's still in use, so I'll have to do regular exports of the data.
3:41 PM
@DaveRandom thanks for your help
@vascowhite Nah, export current data once, and when it's done, export again.
That way you have some material to work with.
@DaveRandom They're close enough for my hate of one to stretch to the other :)
@tereško Downvote it as well, it takes the delete votes required count down.
It'll take 8 more votes (total of 10), so I doubt it'll happen soon.
@RegisteredUser are you really so gullible to use marketing materials from company which uses ASP as "proof" ?
Also, there's a very good answer on that thread, so I'm not sure it'll be deleted.
@tereško ASP is a compiled language, it will be faster than PHP
3:43 PM
@tereško What do you mean by "little people"?
However, that's about where its main advantages end.
I'd rather code a server with C++ and not with ASP.NET.
@tereško actually the one who putting result/ prose the ...completely make me speechless since i am a php developer so the thing he is telling me was all better than php
@MadaraUchiha Some of the data is date sensitive and I need the current stuff to make sure everything is working. However, when I say regular, I mean about once a week, so it isn't too arduous.
3:58 PM
@LeviMorrison you've been right about my pagination issue. But it still doesn't work as I would like it to.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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