it seems like true polymorphism without a "switch" or "if" statement in some factory class can only come from naming conventions and instantiating classes at run time like
$className = 'some_class_prefix_'.$variable; $c = new $className;
ok i think im starting to get it. so lets say you want to add another subclass that you want to be able to instantiate. you have to add that subclass and also add a case in the switch, or elseif in the if statement of the factory
im just curious if there is any other way besides naming conventions to not have to add that extra conditional statement in the factory
@cHao I think the only two places I've used global variables were both written in C. One was for the MSP 430 and the other was my intro to threading project. The latter is not really a valid use-case, by the way.
What I mean is: It is okay (in my eyes) to have variables like $dbHost, $dbUser etc defined somewhere (in the global scope) and passed into a class. But it is not okay to define DB_HOST, DB_USER etc constants and just access them from everywhere (without passing)
@AndyPerlitch A good rule of thumb of whether or nor to use constants is: Is it really constant? E.g. PI is a good constant. PI will never, ever change. But DB_USER is not a good constant as it can and will change (e.g. different users in dev and production)
@NikiC my little workaround for that was just have a config file that defines constants with a big if statement of whether the site was live, in testing, local, etc.. ay yay yay
i used them for holding paths to particular folders, as well as versions of js files and stuff like that. despite what i am starting to realize about globals and constants, it was nice to be able to just go into the config file and change main.1.1.js to main.1.2.js
it's not so much traveling , as experiencing mild panic while you try to make your box responsive again ( and not restart it because you have an unsaved 10 page text document )
get_class_vars requires a string, and i pass it the object. so get_class_vars will call __toString on the object because of the string context and that send it to the endless loop because __toString calls get_class_vars again with $this and goto 10