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is there an easy solution for inverse lookup in assoc arrays ['foo'=>'bar'] get the key for 'bar'
how goes life
Fine. Yours?
Im doing ok
Pretty good
wtf. now bad. disney bought lucasfilm and they're making another star wars movie
augh. the prequels were bad enough.
Some say the end is near
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
Can this statement be re-factored? $elem = array_key_exists( 2, $arr ) ? $arr[2] : '';
So, if $arr contains an index 2, assign its value to $elem; otherwise assign an empty string.
yes , you can turn it in:
$element = '';
if ( array_key_exists( 2, $arr ) )
     $element = $arr[2];
$elem = @$arr[2];
@tereško I was hoping to make the statement shorter, like $elem = $arr[2] || ''; (which doesn't work)
@tereško +1 Although I don't like all those spaces
@MadaraUchiha What does the @ do?
@ŠimeVidas It makes god kill a kitten
@ŠimeVidas Error suppression. Any error (warning, notice, fatal, whatever) will not be displayed.
So the potential "Undefined Index" notice will not be displayed regardless
Don't use it for real, it was a joke. As @PeeHaa stated. It makes God kill kittens.
actually you CAN do this :
@MadaraUchiha what does it return when fail? null, false ....
$arr = $arr + [ 2 => ''];
$element = $arr[2];
@cyril Nothing.
null I think.
It's stunning that up until now that question didn't have a single downvote.
@MadaraUchiha So, what will be the value of $elem after $elem = @$arr[2]; if $arr doesn't have an index 2?
@ŠimeVidas TIAS.
$element = '';
$element = @$arr[2];
should't work
@cyril Define "work"
why would you even do something this ugly ?
just trying out @@@@
@cyril $element = @$arr[2]; would be null when it is not defined so that first line doesn't does anything
muhahaha 3 pings
@PeeHaa Wouldn't then $elem = @$arr[2] || ''; work?
(null coerces to false right?)
Or wait, maybe this: $elem = @$arr[2] ?: '';
@ŠimeVidas That would mean $elem conatins false
Btw, is there a web-site where one can evaluate PHP code live?
@ŠimeVidas That would work, but you are missing the point here
do not do that
this might works $elem = @$arr[2] ?: ''; but you would be stupid to use it
> "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." -- Brian Kernighan
Well, I have a JSON structure with a bunch of arrays, which may or may not contain a 3. "flags" element whose value is a string. I would like to grab that string, but have it fallback to an empty string if it doesn't exist in a particular array (so that I can safely do strpos on it do query specific flags).
11 mins ago, by tereško
$element = '';
if ( array_key_exists( 2, $arr ) )
     $element = $arr[2];
@PeeHaa $element = isset($arr[2]) ? $arr[2] : '';
@PeeHaa I can see that @ can make the code error-prone, but $value = @$arr[$n] ?: 'default value'; seems like fine pattern to me.
@ŠimeVidas But why would you use it when there is a cleaner and intuitive approach?
@Christian I was comparing it to $elem = array_key_exists( 2, $arr ) ? $arr[2] : '';
Well, that is even more readable than the @whatever abomination.
Error suppression operator has its uses. This is definitely not one of those.
@Christian Notice how both that statement, and your proposal, repeat the name $arr. I tend to try to remove repetition.
@ŠimeVidas You will have to use $arr later on anyway.
And to the compiler/interpreter, it doesn't matter one bit (ie, so there is no excuse for speed).
@Christian But in that statement $arr has to be written twice.
@ŠimeVidas And?
if you're really nuts about it, write a function, like this:
@Christian That's repetition. I try to minimize repetition.
function array_value($array, $key, $default){
    return isset($array) ? $array[$key] : $default;

$element = array_value($arr, 2, '');
@ŠimeVidas Well, that says a lot about your code.
@Christian ...that my code doesn't contain much repetition? I'm not sure I follow you.
Also, the keyword is minimize, not remove repetition.
Nevermind, I don't have enough time.
If you insist :)
The point is that you can't minimize more than that.
Unless you are planning on writing messy code which no one will be maintaining (nor even planning to).
You can remove the repetition via @ as we've established. I don't see how this very simple statement is that problematical for you guys....
Q: Error Suppression Operator (@) as a shortcut for isset(). Bad Practice?

JakobudI've read a lot that using the error suppression operator (@) in production PHP code is a bad practice or a sign of poor or inefficient coding. I've recently come across a set of code that uses the error suppression sort of as a shortcut for determining if a variable is set or not (isset()). Tak...

@ŠimeVidas It's not damn repetition.
Man, read what I wrote above.
I don't follow.
do .. not .. uses .. error .. suppression
which word seems confusing to you ?
The use of @ is to suppress errors, not what you want to do.
Just because you can write your program in 35 characters doesn't mean you're doing it write. You need to document it correctly, ensure it is simple to the untrained eye and readable.
@Christian @$arr[$n] ?: $default is not readable?
no , it isn't
Well, if it's that, then OK.
Think of it like this "yeah, I'm getting an array value using error suppression". Error what?!
Now compare that with "I'm using isset to get a value from an array"
Isn't it clear which error is meant in $arr[$n]?
@ŠimeVidas No, not really. Javascript, for instance, does not cause errors.
Other languages, for instance, tend to ignore the problem there and cause issues with memory later on.
Well, it does. But just not in this case.
It all depends on the language.
I'm going with isset($arr[2]) ? $arr[2] : ''.
There's an important lesson though.
Keep your code simple, not simpler. Simpler is subjective...you can easily get it wrong.
sorry wanted to posr this stackoverflow.com/questions/9435888/… not the question, amazing from a 50k user
@rdlowrey: @mysql_connect(...) or die("Friendly error for the user"); - that way you can clearly explain to the user that you have a connection problem with the database, rather than throwing an ugly mess of PHP errors in their face. — Kolink Feb 24 at 18:21
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