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@ircmaxell Ahoy matey
how goes it?
I did two smart things in the past two days, so nicely.
((Well, more than two I suppose, but memorable two.))
posted on June 06, 2011 by Federico Cargnelutti

I’ve finally had a chance to read a book I bought a while ago called “97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know – Collective Wisdom from the Experts”. Not the shortest title for a book, but very descriptive. I bought this book at the OSCON Conference in Portland last year. It’s an interesting book and I’m sure anyone involved in software development would benefit from reading it. More tha

> "Yeah I typically wrap all jQuery code in closures (function($){})(jQuery); to avoid any possible conflict. jQuery is amazing."
Anyway, how does it go for you?
good, putting some final touches on tomorrow's presentation
2 hours later…
Q: help starting on setting up facebook application development environment

jaminatori wanted to make a facebook app that integrates fully into facebook, pings user every day for input and display results on users requests, and if user wants he/she can publish results, now i have filled the form on facebook. its showing a php page now as sample code, now my question is how will i...

3 hours later…
@teresko Sorry, badly formulated. I meant to say "typehints that do nothing". Typehints obviously are a good thing, but for some reason some strange people over at the PHP team thought it would be a nice joke to include typehints but not making them actually check the type (or cast appropriately)
1 hour later…
anyone knows how can i execute java code from my php code ?
i heard that we have to use php - java bridge
Hey There
How U doing
but i am not successful in running an example with it...

// get instance of Java class java.lang.System in PHP
$system = new Java('java.lang.System');

// demonstrate property access
echo 'Java version=' . $system->getProperty('java.version') . '<br />';
echo 'Java vendor=' . $system->getProperty('java.vendor') . '<br />';
echo 'OS=' . $system->getProperty('os.name') . ' ' .
             $system->getProperty('os.version') . ' on ' .
             $system->getProperty('os.arch') . ' <br />';

// java.util.Date example
I am facing problem in configuring my Apache for using the virtual host in other system for my localhost
can anyone help me..
@OMTheEternity Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question.
ohh grt idea
so here is my question
I have project in which i have to use three different urls to be directed to a same site
I have configured my hosts file in my system to make it happen
@dskanth what is the point of this perversion of yours ?
and configured my http.conf file for vitual host
@OMTheEternity , i would actually use a htaccess file to redirect them
doing this, I am successfully executing the desired link directing to my project
but My project folder is shared with my designer
he was previously abe to acces my machine usiong my IP in url followed by the project folder name
especially since you will be using analytics , and keeping stats for 3 different sites will be a mess .. not even talking about "untrustworthy"
@teresko hope someone can help me in configuring the php-java bridge properly
i am using php 5.3, Tomcat 6, but could not run java from my php code.
I placed JavaBridge.jar in my webapps
but as i configured the apache and hosts file of systemt for the desired url, the designer is not able to access it
now can some body help me in this
This is the complete question(scenario) I have project in which i have to use three different urls to be directed to a same site. I have configured my hosts file in my system to make it happen, and configured my http.conf file for vitual host, doing this, I am successfully executing the desired link directing to my project
but My project folder is shared with my designer
he was previously abe to acces my machine usiong my IP in url followed by the project folder name, but as i configured the apache and hosts file of systemt for the desired url, the designer is not able to access it
@OMTheEternity will you consider using htaccess as @teresko suggested?
it's basically the same solution as redirecting all traffic from both www.page.tld and page.tld to same domain name
My Htaccess is configured as:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress
you start from solution #4 , and work from there
I Have Configured my hosts file in my windows/system32/drivers/etc/ as wp1.communicationcrafts.com
and .. so .. .what ..
How could I Do that?
I am showing you what have i done to work it
the configuraton I Have done is working perfectly
for me
the configuration you have is strictly local and makes no sense
so how can i make it available to replicate to the one using my machine from remote area?
somehow, i am reminded of this:
Hi all
In my page, I have given table width as 760 px and height as 83%.It is working for some pages fine. But when I view one page it shows width as 810px and height as 100%.why?
There must me some class called in the table of the that page which is not same as the one u want to be called
I have checked and there is no css class called.How to solve this issue?
Do U Have Firebug in ur Browser
Use Firefox Browser
install the Firebug Plugin itno it
whether the firebug will show where the error is?
u will be very easily able to see the particular table's height width called in the page
and also the css
wnen u install the firebug
restart the browser
'and then go to ur page
thank you
and right click themouse and click n the option "Inspect elemnt"
U will b able to see all the html and css part in the task bar of browser
Mind it
Make the habit to use Firebug
posted on June 07, 2011 by Stefan Koopmanschap

I just want to give everyone a small heads-up that I got interviewed about Open Source and what I like about it for Canadian website Web Central Station. The interview got published yesterday.

I have checked with IE and with IE development toolbar to look the same you said. I identified that width is the issue
@OMTheEternity , firefox is ONLY browsers where you have to jump through hoops ,just to get a development tool
no we have the chrome with its default debugger integrater in it
but i dont feel it userfriendly
I checked that the table has no extra css class involved.I don't know how to solve this issue.
IE comes with built in too , and so does the opera and safari
is it live?
yes they does
but they are not smooth as Firebug
@Rekha , i really hope that you are not using that table for creating a page layout
I have table inside the div
use the div if u r following the div sturcture
ok i will try
do u have the site live
is the problem repeatable ? if so , you should make a testcase in webdevout.net/test or jsfiddle.net , then someone will be able to debug that issue of yours
@Rekha i would like to see your code
is it live?
yes .. the project manager is on it again
instead of doing real work, he wants me the make a "fake" for showing to client
@teresko "Just do It" Nike :P
23 hours ago, by Christian Sciberras
^ an example of why I had to use eval()
I just can't decided if he is serious or if that is a major trolling attempt
@edorian , he is honestly proud for that .. ehm .. framework
maybe i should just start looking for a different job
Still doing the same thing you complained about 2-3 weeks ago?
Yeah.. then it might be time. The job market is way to good to be constantly annoyed for a month
well , right now i am annoyed about a different thing
@teresko all the best for your search of a new job
hope you rock well in your new job
before it was about "blind choice" of a horrible framework (Yii) , and right now it's about how the project manager expects things to be done
PM's tend to be clueless. just yesterday i had to remove an "important feature" that was eventually scrapped, all thanks to him.
the page i am working on was late month before i begun writing it
i had to use a framework , with which neither i no anyone else in company has had any experience with
there is no "company CMS" so i had to make one , which works with said framework
read and decide wether to drop the gig or change it? :)
long pasty is long, sorry :)
i am reading that book
and right now , the project manager wants me to make it "look like it works"
instead of leaving me the f*ck alone to at last wire the cms together with frontend
he has managed to promise unreasonable things to client , while saying that "it will be easier to make"
well, show an estimate of how long it will take to have a working prototype, and tell him to deal with it. you'll show it when it's functional
and because of this "easier changes" i have had to rewrite almost 1/4 of css ( which in a finished css takes more time then writing it all again )
and the page structure has changes completly
and now i have to do the job of designer , because he promised some stupid crap to client
working prototype would take 2 ( optimistic ) - 4 ( realistic ) weeks to make
with most of the work being done in the CMS
his problem, not yours. if making a mockup shifts the schedule, he's the one paying more
.. oh .. and i just love the catch-phrase : "make it like joomla"
project managers making such fake or unrealistic promises can piss the employees off their enthusiasm to work... really hate such people
the best part of it is that he's repeating all the time that "client has no clue about websites" .. i have been holding my tong behind my teeth on that one .. at least for now
i wouldn't have.
but then that's probably not the best policy :)
@@OMTheEternity yes it is alive
.. that was not what he asked for
hi all
@rekha Hey! Richa here.. CAn I invite you for the new room ? I have to discuss something with you.
Come into the room named as Room for PHP and Rekha ..Please if you can
@teresko ?
what's so hard to understand here ?
i kid comes into channel , and first thing he does , is to invite someone to private chat
especially since the kids skills are insufficient to help with the problem in question
@teresko I have renamed myself.... i come here with the name Test as you remember
am not new at all
i rest my case
and I invited because she is from I need to talk about PHP dev condition in India
sorry about that previous remark. you can talk about that here too, i suppose, it's always interesting to know
@UniqueKey you can also join there
@UniqueKey.. this the place for queries as far as I know I don't want interrupt you all
@Rekha @PHP no prob, it was just to make things easier and clear up the misunderstanding
there is nothing to misunderstood in this knowledge chat
i'm a relatively fresh user here, but i don't think this chat is restricted to support requests. i've already seen a lot of people just talk normally
oh no problem.This is a wonderful discussion board. N o one is here to misuse it.
besides, the boards are probably a better place to post and look up questions, that's what they were designed for
@UniqueKey and SO provide us the facility for private chat too .. thats if you have any specific talk to can go with this
well, they aren't actually private. anyone can look in
well, as long as the tool gets the job done, right? :)
@php , can you explain to use the thought process that went into choosing nickname "test" and then changing it to "php" ?
that's an interesting question as well.
Hi all, anyone with cakephp knowledge?
@Jasiufila please just ask the question, anyone who can help you will help :)
@teresko.. I was with name test..when I was just testing how PHP work
as I know am PHP :)
next will be framework
and may be CMS too
Ok, So I have one model wich connected with other with has many relationship
@PHP can't you just stick with your own name? :P
when i execute find all on first model then i have results from both models, how to apply sorting conditions only for this secound model?
PHP gets more interesting after having watched Clean Code videos. I feel like fixing stuff.
@Jasiufila the best way is to use the Containable behavior : book.cakephp.org/view/1323/Containable
@UniqueKey... will be for sure :) actually am waiting when you get stick with your name ? :P
you could also pass in the sorting options in your find call, IIRC. something like
$opts = array();
$opts['DependentModel']['sort'] = 'key DESC';
Not sure about the second method however
Ive tried second method, and cake tries to sort all data. Thank you for containable behavior, Im reading now :D
Make sure you apply the sorting only to the dependent model. Notice I've added the model name first
$conditions['order'] = array('AmazonAttribute.sort_order DESC'); I was trying like that, The correct version will be $conditions[AmazonAttribute][sort] = sort_order DESC ?
@PHP , i think you might have suffered some childhood trauma
something that affects cognitive functions
@teresko it's not my place to say this, but please don't be rude Oo this is such a nice chat, i don't think it needs bad blood.
@teresko.. yeah thats why I came here ..I think my seniors' company make me mature
@Unique_Key i know , but this kinda calls for exception
@UniqueKey..its ok.. after all he is my senior and I respect him
nah, this is neither IRC nor the C++ room <.< ahem
let's keep it friendly :P
@teresko... I think Yii make you annoying :) well good luck
hey ;)
I have a unique question. I have a mysql table having numeric primary key. This numeric primary key will be manually auto increamented. All is well, except an issue. When i delete something among the record i want to swap record one step down to maintain autoincreamented primary key.
@xcoder common approach is to not step down... (you're probably misusing primary key)
@Kamil, But I want to do that
@Kamil, let's suppose its not primary key.
@kamil, come out of the box
for what do you want that?
anybody answer my question/
@xcoder basically you want to "update xxx set id = id - 1 where id > deleted_id

but you're probably doing it wrong - and that's why I was curious about use-case
@xcoder just imagine what would happen: users/(1|2|3|4) - now you delete user 2, and url "users/2 will show user 3 - users/3 will show user 4 and users/4 won't show anything (which is pretty WTF for active users)
@xcoder just mind your language first.. commenting for "chup bethod yar"
@PHP what does it mean, anyway? :)
@KamilTomšík..this is the slang language ..kind of abusive language.. so I request don't work for his nonsense post or question
@PHP :) yes, thx, but what's meaning of that? (I'd like to know)
@KamilTomšík.. hmmm ok its like... (shut up... leave it)..
@xcoder , why would you need that ?
@PHP :-/ thx
actually this is somehow more generous what I wrote@KamilTomšík.he is actually more rude
that's... sad :-/
@KamilTomšík don't be.. please .. thats why I was avoiding to tell
@PHP no, I'm not, I mean - rude people are "stuck" they are close-minded, they can't improve their skills, that's sad. (for them, not for me)
@KamilTomšík exactly ..
well leave they don't deserve our consolation even :) be chill :)
@xcoder what about taking some php&db lessons instead of insulting people?
@xcoder php.net you need this :)
@xcoder language please.
Mod alert @ircmaxell @Gordon
red alert ;)
@xcoder - comments flagged
no need to get mad
@xcoder what's your problem.
BTW: this is interesting reading (in the sense of link-paradise) - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaheuristic
he has used such language previous also for @KamilTomšík..I just stopped him thats why he is abusing me too
and how can we help? and can you please remove the swearing from your chat message
@KamilTomšík that is an interesting read!
@KamilTomšík I have no idea how to digest it though.. any programming examples?
@SkippyChalmers well, it's mostly theory, and it's not probably suited for anything you're working or will be working on. but at least for me, it's always refreshing to read about such things.
just-like reading about history of computer worms - surprise! they were invented in xerox parc too :-)
if interested - have a look on malware.wikia.com/wiki/Xerparc and follow that paper - nice reading.
it's one of "aha" papers, when you realize how "bad" thing can be actually "good" one.
@xcoder your website is down...
@SkippyChalmers good work :-P ... just kidding ;)
@KamilTomšík hehe. Don't quite have the resources to effect a DoS, and would never be bothered enough to try and exploit sql injection... those are the only two vulnerabilities I'm really aware of these days :P
and XSS is a pain in the buttocks
@KamilTomšík that is another interesting article. I see what you mean... very much an 'aha' moment :)
@SkippyChalmers I guess the most dangerous attack is social one - you nearly can't defend against dumb-users...
@SkippyChalmers another one, if you don't already know - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta-circular_evaluator

further googling provides better links and one of cool (but non-obvious) things is ability to run such programs completely anywhere - example of this is lively kernel - http://www.lively-kernel.org/ and example: http://www.lively-kernel.org/repository/lively-wiki/index.xhtml
lost me with the meta circulator eval.
don't worry, it's hard reading - among other things "writing language in itself" has one significant "practical" advantage - developers are forced to "eat their own dog food" - they're motivated to provide enough powerful language for even being able to write another languages on top of it.
@KamilTomšík That argument didn't work well for things like future-maintenance of your own code.
@Zirak when language developers are forced to implement interpreter in their own language, they will realize what's wrong and how to do it in better way - after all, interpreter is also long-process thing - with a lot of future maintenance.
I just have to insert one word into the beginning of your sentence: "When good language developers [...]". Crappy ones will either run like hell or continue being stupid.
hi. are whitespaces important when php executable is parsing the php script assuming all the conditionals are opened and closed with { and }
@Zirak yes, but I'm not sure if any crappy developer would even be able to implement it.
@develroot Whitespace is only important to know when one command begins and another ends.
@KamilTomšík You'd be amazed to know on how many large-scale projects crappy developers work on, and "succeed".
@Zirak yes, however every bad developer can change, I wrote tons of bad code in past - and I'm pretty sure I'll consider current code as bad one in future.
posted on June 07, 2011 by Lorna Mitchell

We might still be in the thick of the summer conference season, but there's an event coming up this autumn which has me very excited: PHP North West 2011. This is a regional PHP conference based in Manchester, UK, and I've been involved with it since it began (I'm surprised to find this is our fourth edition, it still feels like a shiny new adventure!). This year the dates are 8th and

Of course, it's the "five years ago I was so stupid now I'm less (but still stupid)". However, you knowing that you write bad code makes you cautious and a better programmer. People shouting that their giant constructor functions and functions called g and a are examples of their great code, however...
@develroot no.
@Zirak agree
Howdy everyone
Good time!
yesss ... project's codebase has been destroyed
@OmeidHerat Howdy ho
@teresko Congrats
howdy @Zirak
@teresko destrojed ?
The mere concept that these chat rooms are for "support requests" upsets me deeply
@Raynos O.o what is wrong with that ?
They are not for support requests. That's just what we have done with them. They are for conversation...
@Raynos , i hope your day is as fcuked up as my
btw , greetings ...
What can we chat about?

This site is an extension of Stack Overflow, so discussion should more or less revolve around the same topics you'd find at Stack Overflow — but in an interactive, less strictly Q&A focused way. Do have fun, but please keep it professional and always be respectful of your fellow community members.
and greeting to you too , @ircmaxell
@zirak: whitespace is also important for determining block structure and overall structure. It makes code readable...
@ircmaxell Yeah, but compilers don't care about readable. I assumed he asked for minification purposes
OK, g2g finish tonight's presentation
Cyas, gluck
@teresko punch your PM
@OmeidHerat it's the mentality that chat.SO is free tech support
It's general chatroom about languages and technology
with the added bonus that most people are kind enough to care about your problems and attempt to solve them
@Raynos yeah true
@ircmaxell I know that fact, its just frustration when people think they are for support. (mainly people from the indias and that region, no offence)
I think its a cultur thing over there
@Raynos did the flag area get an upgrade on SO? I'm starting to see 100s of flags in that section now :S
@Raynos will I am not indian but what just you said is a bit hard to swallow.
what do you mean by cultur thing that they think people are for support ?
@JohnP did you just hit 10k?
@OmeidHerat or a culture thing that they dont think its polite to come here for general chit chat
no, but the number of flags increased from yesterday. I notice that that UI has been redone. But a lot more flags as well
@JohnP maybe your right. I've been clicking my flags away
@OmeidHerat it's an observation rather then me being stereotypical or racist.
@Raynos alright my bad, I thought you said, its a cultur thing that they expect people to support them.
@Raynos Nah I get you.
I don't think it's a culture thing. More that they are new users. IIRC the region accounts for a lot of users. Number two on the list I think
@JohnP When I was a new user (probably still new by your terms) it never occured to me that this is a replacement for SO...it's a chat - real questions go on the site.
@Raynos Well am from India.. and I totally disagree with this culture thing
@Zirak exactly. People just see that questions are answered here. Real time more often than not, and just automatically assume it's ok to do that here
its not in our culture to behave offensive @Raynos
@PHP he didn't mean it that way
I don't know, but it says PHP room :D I don't expect people to come here only for chitchat, meanwhile this is the best place for PHP developers to have a chitchat.
@Zirak I've only been active since Feb this year :P
@JohnP.. am just discussing ..don't worry no hard feeling for him
and I love this community as well :)
@OmeidHerat Not really chit-chat, but mostly chat stuff, discussions about the subject.
@PHP it was a comment in passing. Your not offensive. It might just be that a disproportionate low amount of people from your region stay regulars and I notice that most of the newbies coming in here for questions / support are from your region
chit-chat is the wrong word.
But were not solving anyones problems atm.
@Raynos will we are humans, it can't be just all the time PHP based, there will be some chitchat somehow.
@Raynos will chitchat is the right word as long its a developer chitchat :D
I don't see that as a problem as such though. It's a question more about etiquette rather than whether to ask or not.
Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question.
@Raynos.. may be you are right.. but how can you say only for India/culture base..
We just need a guideline on etiquette. Multiple pings are bad. Politeness is good and so on
@JohnP Don't say anything you don't want your mother to see? :P
lol, yeah, something like that. Doesn't cost you anything to polite after all
Posted by Jeff Atwood on December 15th, 2010

As we approach the end of the year, I thought I’d roll up some statistics that people occasionally ask about.

As a baseline — per Quantcast, the Stack Exchange Network is ranked #364 in overall USA network traffic, and Stack Overflow itself is ranked #598.

These numbers are from Google Analytics for the period of January 1, 2010 to December 14, 2010.

Compared to last year’s numbers, the trend here is basic globalization 101 — more and more traffic from outside the USA over time, where the US dropped from 36% to just 30% of the total in a single year. The top 10 countries only account for 66% of traffic overall, down from 71% last year.  …

@Raynos the main reason behind this may be SO is not as much popular here in India .. so when people look for the answer they generally post here.. and yeah I accept there are less number of exp. user from India who can solve problems
posted on June 07, 2011

Latest PECL Releases: yaz 1.1.1 pecl_http 2.0.0dev1 pdo_sqlsrv 2.0.1 sqlsrv 2.0.1 solr 1.0.1

@PHP its just observation. I didn't mean anything rude.
@Raynos..Its absolutely fine :) no hard feeling for you..
believe me :)
anyone want to weigh in?
Q: Questions asking for plugin/script recommendations

JohnPWhat's the general SO stance on questions that ask for script recommendations? Be it jquery plugin recommendations, like this one, or those that involve other programming languages or criteria. I think the question that I linked to is too localized, but what if it was more generalized? Do these...

anybody knows how to extract all the <p> tags from html document using regex?
you'd be better of using a dom parser
I did but that's very slow
I am trying to fetch URL's like digg, and dom parser takes 13 sec, while regex takes 3 seconds, don't know why
that's unlikely. maybe it's a connection issue
A: Best methods to parse HTML with PHP

GordonI prefer using one of the native XML extensions, like DOM or XMLReader. If you prefer a 3rd party lib, I'd suggest not to use SimpleHtmlDom, but a lib that actually uses DOM/libxml underneath instead of String Parsing: phpQuery, Zend_Dom, QueryPath, FluentDom or fDOMDocument You c...

is there a reason why everyone is discouraging parsing html using regex?
BTW thanks JohnP
no problem
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

@JohnP what is wrong with this answer?
boo, I accidentally answered an old question :(
@salathe the one I posted here? :S
@Architact nothing's wrong. He was being funny :) But he's explained why it's a bad idea to do it as well
Q: [PHP] filter array for values starting with custom selected character

Adam KissI have a quickie :) I have null-based array consisting of string values: array 0 => string 'Message 1' (length=9) 1 => string '%company' (length=8) 2 => string 'Message 2' (length=9) 3 => string '%name' (length=5) I need to pick all values starting with % and ideally put t...

A: [PHP] filter array for values starting with custom selected character

salatheApologies for resurrecting the question, but simple filtering like this is super simple with preg_grep(). $subject = array('Message 1', '%company', 'Message 2', '%name'); $percents = preg_grep('/^%/', $subject); $others = preg_grep('/^%/', $subject, PREG_GREP_INVERT); var_dump($percents, $...

bumped :)
annoying when that happens, because the better answer will never get pushed up no matter how sucky the others are
that's a losing battle. best to just focus your energies on new questions
@ChristianSciberras , that framework you linked to yesterday is awful
posted on June 07, 2011 by Michael Kimsal

Yeah, you read that right. Kids, don’t try this sort of security in your own web apps.  This is reserved for high-end financial institutions only.

i'm talking about this thing : github.com/uuf6429/K2F
posted on June 07, 2011

Continuing on in his Flex and PHP series Kevin Schroeder has a new post to his blog today looking at how to send typed ActionScript objects to Flex so he could pass PHP objects and their structure directly back to the waiting frontend. What I wanted to do was use the sales notification mechanism to pass PHP objects to Flex using the message queue. But I could not get the unserialization me

does anybody know whether SPLs recursive array iterator is implemented iteratively?
is that a trick question?
salathe, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
7k 1 8 25
7000 exactly, I might stop here for a while :)
@salathe I really really want to upvote/downvote an answer/question of yours.
@Zirak feel free, I'll have to go on a mad downvoting spree to counteract
But what if I downvote? How will you react?
posted on June 07, 2011

Lorna Mitchell has a new post today about this year's PHP North West conference happening October 7th through 9th in Manchester, UK. She talks some about the current status of the event and how it'll be structured. e might still be in the thick of the summer conference season, but there's an event coming up this autumn which has me very excited: PHP North West 2011. This is a regional PHP

posted on June 07, 2011

On the RandomBugs blog today there's a new post looking at some of the considerations made when setting up Apache and PHP for dynamic virtual hosting. It's been a while since I configured the latest Dynamic Mass Virtual Hosting Server. Last time I used mod_vhost_alias to create a dynamic virtual hosting and it worked without any problem for what we need in that time. [...] Now, the problem

@Zirak I'll cry a little, then run away.
@salathe Not really. I need a child-first tree traverser which doesn't hit xdebugs recursion depth limit to quickly (100 leaves pretty little space when doing node traversal).
@salathe But from what I see when looking at the code it looks like the recursive iterator is indeed recursive :(
.. now the marvelous project manager is pixel-fucking (its a term ) the css of of the fake website that i made
i guess he wants the "leave his mark in the process of development"
@nikic yes it is
Good to know
if this drags on , i will accidentally crush my mouse .. its already making suspicious creaks every time i receive another useful task for more hours of "throw-away work"
@teresko If it makes you feel any better, I was requested to make a hip, cool refreshing design.
only tiny bit
puts Sisters of Mercy in the playlist
@teresko what is he doing? Fire him.
i'm on the trial period ( or what's the name of 1-3 month in new company )
@Raynos i am on a project which was "late" at least 2 weeks before i was hired
i have been on it for 2 1/2 weeks , the design is constantly changing
and so are the requirements
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