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Does anyone know anything about encrypting content and storing it in a database using PHP &MySQL?
Note: I am not asking about a one-way cipher. I am looking into using two way encryption.
base64 ?
sorry .. stupid answer
Did you look at the crypt library in PHP?
@Stewie - np :)
A friend mentioned the two way thing a s a good way to deal with security, in addition to SSL and user accounts etc.
@Stewie - np :)
@ircmaxell - nope
@ircmaxell - please tell me about it.
wait, why do you want to encrypt the data in MySQL?
why do you want to save encrypted data in database ?
I am doing a client sandbox system for a client.
I mean .. saving encrypted info won't do you any good ..
they want their clients to store information
It's for a CPA
@Stewie - why not?
stewie what do you mean it wont
unless your database is comprmomised and your decryption logic i(which is in the application logic) isn't
what if its one way encryption
He want the clients to be able to upload files and fill out online forms so that he has the data online.
So he can pull it up on demand.
what if the decryption logic is stored on a portable device
Its better (much better) to secure database access than to save encrypted data, unless its crazy "classified" info like plans for the next space program
@Stewie - People's tax information is sensitive.
normally "passwords" are encrypted.. that is due to "legal" reasons, as most of the systems have legal clause that it "wont store" the password in plaintext.
sometimes you have to encrypt data
hmm.. right
compliance issues
If you are looking for a low level encryption / decryption.. you can write your own character obfuscation function
I think it's a better idea, if possible and not completely crazy to implement.
Just use a premade function and add a salt
@Stewie - interesting - how so?
@Darren .. right .. salt !
hold on Let me write one
I'll be here :-)
The problem with obfuscation is its just that... obfuscation
@Darren - what do you mean?
Look at it like this
Is a user written function more secure than say a sha1 function that is based on a complex alorithym?
I use to write my own ecnryption functions when I was starting out
but I learned it was a nono
@Darren - Why?
Right, but here's the thing. You don't typically encrypt things at the database level
you normally encrypt at the filesystem level under the database server
@ircmaxell : thats what I was trying to explain ..
yeah im talking about social security numbers, credit cards, and passwords
OK, so how would you (collective "you") go about putting this together?
function string_encoder($string, $key ='+41sThe7@*3')
$result = '';
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
$char = substr($string, $i, 1);
$keychar = substr($key, ($i % strlen($key))-1, 1);
$char = chr(ord($char) + ord($keychar));
$result .= $char;
return base64_encode($result);

function string_decoder($string, $key ='+41sThe7@*3')
$result = '';
$string = base64_decode($string);
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
$char = substr($string, $i, 1);
$keychar = substr($key, ($i % strlen($key))-1, 1);
for instance with PCI compliance a lot of ecommerce systems use the blowfish algorthym
HUH? wtf is that?
@Josh mentioned a PHP template. How does that work?
@ircmaxell : He wanted an example of string obfuscator
no, he wanted an encryption routine, not an obfuscator...
I am trying to build a secure website sandbox system.
5 mins ago, by Stewie
If you are looking for a low level encryption / decryption.. you can write your own character obfuscation function
I'm having trouble with login and with backend security.
Do you have root access to the server in question?
I want to do as much as possible from scratch,
@ircmaxell - I think will. I have a local server to mess with. I plan on hosting on a shared hosting acct witha major provider.
Then it's quite simple... Simply encrypt the filesystem as a whole. Then ensure that the only access that's allowed to the server (HTTP or MySQL) is under SSL
Shared hosting? rotfl...
@ircmaxell - Why?
@ircmaxell - Why?
You're concerned about security, and you want to host on a shared host? that's all I can say: ROTFL...
@ircmaxell - I hear.
Look, I'm not arguing, but hosting aside, what can I do to protect this information?
You guys think too hard about stuff
I'm concerned about the code.
why the hell would you host something that needs security on a shared host?
@Moshe .. @ircmaxell is showing you the picture from the top level ..
@Darren - The client has a budget. Not my problem. I will suggest it though.
your concern is security..
Should a CPA have to worry that much?
tell them to look into compliance
if they are storing client details
Well they aren't yet, but they want to.
Is that illegal if the client consents?
First rule of security. It's not as weak as the weakest link. It's as weak as the product of all of the weak links combined. No matter what you do, it's not possible to have a secure system that runs. Literally not possible...
is this a low budget project?
I know our CFO would never do something like that and shes a CPA
@Darren - Not sure about the budget. I don't know what a standard budget is.
So, if there's no budget to get a dedicated server for the project, there's no possible way to reach an even sane level of "security" enough for the storage of financial records...
Any help there?
I know what they budgeted.
Are you a 1 man operation or do you work for a firm?
@Darren - I'm a student. 1-man and I occasionally work with a friend or two.
I would suggest you try to get an internship man
You wont have to deal with this stuff
When I was going to school I had a reasonable paid internship at a firm
@Darren - What kind of budget is normal for a project like this?
Or individually
if it needs a custom cms
@Moshe: You've told us nothing about the project other than it needs to be secure and store financial data
@ircmaxwell - I thought I did.
It's got three parts
Thats what I would charge if I was a solo
1. Information about the firm - easy. Static HTML would work there.
my apologies, I see the online form system now that I read back
2. A sandbox for clients to upload files so they can have the files easily accessible. - Partially done.
3. The online form so they can eliminate their yearly mailing.
I suppose creating a database and figuring out the structure is the least of my troubles
you using a framework?
@Darren - for what?
the site
Honestly, I would charge between about $75,000 and $150,000 for the initial creation, and an additional $10,000 to $20,000 per year for maintenance...
@Darren - I haven't started yet. My login is for my own sandbox - mobydiv.com
ircmaxell for a cpa'ssite?
I was planing on adding a username/pwd auth and an upload script and calling it a day with the file manager.
your thinking in terms of an enterprise app
form what he says i can assume this is a small low-staffed cpa firm
@Derren - Yes it is.
A family owned operation, I believe.
Yup... I don't like doing freelance stuff at all. So I bid at least 5 to 10x what it would go for on the free market. If someone wants to pay it, I'll grin and do it for them. Otherwise, I don't want to be bothered...
@ircmaxell - I see.
You work for a firm Maxell?
Because if you are doing stuff by yourself you are either contracting or freelancing
@ircmaxell .. maybe not everyone starts on the tenth floor
I'm a full-time on-staff dev
Well, actually mainly administration lately...
Bottom line - I need some help with PHP concepts.
@Josh was helping me, but I haven't seen him around lately.
I've got the concepts in my head, but I'm not sure how to implement them.
@Moshe Try to get a small VPS, I would reccomend Viviotech or A2Hosting
You can get a VPS nowadays for the same price as a shared
Virtual Private Server
I wasn't sure what the S was, sadly enough.
@Stewie: I know not everyone starts on the tenth floor (Most don't, I didn't). My point is that taking a project that's JUST beyond your abilities is a great way to learn. But taking one that's well past your abilities is a great way to get yourself into hot water...
something to think about...
(and sorry for being brutally honest)...
You need to let them know how important it is to have a dedicated environment for financial data
@ircmaxell - true. NP.
@Darren - Ok.
@ircmaxell I agree especially when its financial
@Darren - Same here, that's why I asked.
@ircmaxell ... I agree with you, (especially when it comes to legal application)
You dont want to be a liability
And you don't want to take on legal liability...
@ircmaxell - true.
@ircmaxell - So it sounds like I have to get back in touch with them and find out if they are still ok with this.
I most certainly don't want to be a liability.
The worst case scenario is that someone breaks in and steals everything, and the firm turns around and sues you... Experts get called into court and they analyze every line of code that you wrote (Far fetched scenario, but it's possible)...
You need to be able justify your decisions. And if you implement something because they said to (cough, cough: shared hosting), make sure it's in writing that you explained the liabilities and they they wanted to proceed anyway
But that's JMHO...
I wuld think there would be insurance for that
@darren - I have no insurance for that.
@ircmaxell - Stop apologizing. You're correct.
Ok, then the insurance company goes after him in arbitration since he's a contractor and not on staff...
If you use a domain server you shouldn't have to worry about the code
Lockup the network closet
@Darren - explain please
I can tell youthis
When I was contracting Ididnt care
@Moshe: Fair enough, but I feel bad cause it feels like I'm just tearing down everything and coming across as "don't do this"...
@ircmaxell - Thanks. I appreciate the concern. Honestly, I do.
Most software projects I've been involved in could've used someone saying "don't do this" to at least part of the project.
I've always just substituted "don't do this" with "that'll cost you $10,000" and then either I get $10,000 or they back off. And either way that's a win for me.
So, in any case, I need some help with a login system.
Why is shared hosting less secure?
Hey all
was busy
We are getting a new office building tomorrow and we are throwing away a lot of junk
@Moshe what are you going to school for?
Here's an article that talks about some of the issues (and some ways to solve them, but mostly for hosters not sites): shiflett.org/articles/shared-hosting
Host Gator has a good VPS but to get a contorl panel you have to spend at least $50
@Darren -I'm not in college yet. I'm in a religious school. I plan on starting undergrad within the year.
I'm on GoDaddy.
get of GoDaddy
Another reason to skip on shared: webhostinggeeks.com/blog/2010/06/28/…
Moshe a good shared hosting site is MediaTemple
I cannot agree more with @Darren: GoDaddy is one of the worst hosts I've had the displeasure of dealing with (they are #2 on my list of those to avoid)
@ircmaxell - I've found customer support to be great.
who do you recommend?
I use VivioTech.net because I do PHP and ColdFusion sites
Personally, I don't recommend shared hosting for anyone. Ever. Considering that you can get an entry-level VPS for $7 per month (vpslink.com - no affiliation, just a happy former-customer), there's absolutely 0 reason to go with a shared host...
I pay $35 a month for 1 core, 40gb space, 1000gb bandwidth and 512 ram
@ircmaxell exactly
I've also had VERY good luck with managed VPS solutions from spry.com/spry/hosting.bml (a bit more expensive, but well worth it IMHO)
the only reason shared hosting still exists is because people dont know how to manage a vps
Godaddy wants 30 a month for VPS
Personally, I don't use a host anymore. I have a number of servers that I personally own colocated in a few datacenters across the US. But then again, I have traffic levels to warrant that...
$10 a month, fastest service, unmanaged.
Seriously, get off Godaddy... Quick story: I had a trial account with them to test a bug for an open source project I was involved with. I didn't even give them a credit card number (it was arranged for a 30 day free site). Two years later, I started getting collection calls saying I owed something like $800 for the service (which I never actually signed up for). They tried to take me to court, but when my lawyer sent them a nice letter, they finally backed off...
lol damn irc
@ircmaxell - I just got off of the phone with GoDaddy.
Their servers are overloaded beyond belief... From the security attacks that I investigated, 99% of them were directly the fault of their staff. And more which I don't want to publicly disclose...
@Darren - No. Service and Support
I hear people complaining all the time that they'll check if a domain is available on GoDaddy and a week later GoDaddy squats it.
@ircmaxell - true, they are overloaded.
@GabrielEvans - Really?
@Gabriel that is tru
Plus their commercials are stupid. lol
But that means more work for us since people are suckered into buying domain names then have no clue what to do with them after that.
And if you want GOOD support, there's only one host to chose based on my experience, Rackspace... But it's not cheap (but worth every penny if you want good support and great service)...
I moved all my important domains away
I'm looking for a switch.
AWS* :)
But It's hard to avoid GoDaddy.
cPanel on the cloud
I don't know how to find a reliable host.
Amazon Web Services. Hosting in the cloud.
AWS is great as long as you can afford to have enough machines running at once to avoid the inevitable failure...
If they are anything like Yahoo...
You really can't go wrong. There are tons of great hosts but what keeps you is a good experience. That's why we all have a name we throw out any time someone mentions hosting.
I need a hosting service that manages everything but lets me do my thing. Pretty much a LAMP host.
What you need is a managed VPS...
@Moshe try Mediatemple, they've been reliable for me
where they can do everything for you, but you still have the power to do what you need...
@GabrielEvans - That's why I know about GoDaddy. Their service has always been good.
If money is a problem, go unmanaged and learn2Linux.
wth is p with the name GoDaddy?
Go Daddy go!!!!
I know linux.
Then why are you going for managed?
godaddy founder looks like a douche
gets all the "godaddy girls"
i mean.. i like his earrings
@GabrielEvans - I'm not an expert and I have no interest in learning specifics.
"I wanna be the Hugh Hefner of hosting."
I actually agree with going managed... It lets you forget about all of the nitty-gritty day to day that you need to do, but still allows you to do what you need directly (most managed VPS's I've seen still allow root access)
Leave system administration to professional administrators (so long as they are competent and you can afford it)
@tpae - I don't agree with GoDaddy's mentality.
intovps is out
I just chatted with.
Only unmanaged.
Yeah, it's unmanaged.
ONce again, anyone wanna suggest?
I don't do that, but that's because the amount I'm saving is worth it to me (I pay $50 per month for a 2xDual Core Xeon, 8 GB RAM, 2x300gb SAS drives RAID 1 array on a dual 1gbps uplink)... And yes, I do use that server to its limit regularly...
@Moshe: There are tons of suggestions up there. Rackspace, MediaTemple, Spry, VivoTech, AWS, etc...
reminisces the good old days of Geocities
Just spoke to the client again
Heres in your price range
and AngelFire (At least that's what I think it was)
128-bit SSL sounds like minimum security requirement.
@ircmaxell, everyone but me had an AngelFire.
@GabrielEvans - Nope. I never did either.
@Darren - I don't know what the price range is.
Hosting is a monthly fee.
I got a project budget.
$15 month
Is it a plus cost budget?
Anyone use Firehost? I am thinking of using them for a HIPPA compliant app
never heard of them...
Never heard of them.
Ha, jinx.
@ircmaxell - Not sure.
Its $800 a month for the HIPPA compliant server
but we'll see if the client understands
@GabrielEvans - Nope, you didn't say "..." at the end.
@Darren - HIPPA? Like Hippo?
Alright... It's time to go home...
Extending on Hippo, can you submerge the server in water?
Good night and good luck
See ya
@ircmaxell - Thanks.
@GabrielEvans - Sounds like good water cooling.
I gotta get some stuff done here too before I go. Night all.
you from the UK?
everyone from the UK?
@Darren - No.
im still at work and its 2pm
You from California?
Las Vegas.
Ok, There are some of us on the East Coast.
Ugh, why are hosting companies all so shady?!
Because every business wants your money. Hosting companies just happen to have more control.
"Look at me, I'm empowered by ICANN to sell you something you'll never actually see and I'm going to take advantage of you!"
Hosting company has nothing to do with ICANN
Who elected ICANN anyway?
@Darren - Domain names and hosting are tightly integrated.
Anyone had the displeasure of dealing with 1and1?
@Moshe, Ugh, my company mail is hosted by them.
yes Moshe I know but ICANN doesn't have anything to do with hosting
I hate web development sometimes.
reason I know is I was researching starting a registration company
Why is that?
@Darren - The reason I know is because I just know.
I think we should start the internet over.
Like, going back to BBS's?
Make Google, Facebook, ICANN et al prove their intrinsic value.
@GabrielEvans - No.
@Gabriel some people and I are going to start a domain registration site for owners of large domain portfolios
My old business partner had 10,000 domains
and we bought a really good domain registration name
@Darren Nice.
What do you think of
@Darren - and then GoDaddy sued you over it?
Just the name there is nothing there now
in the future we will use it
@ircmaxell Oh my goodness! I just had a heart attack when I saw those numbers. (sorry for the off-topic)
Dark Matter chocolate eLiquid?
thats why i said dont go to it now
i own partof that company
@Darren - Thanks for your time today. I really appreciate it.
i need to work on something else now. Something that's nice and won't make my blood pressure rise exponentially.
What are the stats for people that get to domainable.com searching for Dark Matter chocolate eLiquid?
have a good one @Moshe
See ya, @Moshe
Calm down. :P
yea :-)
I h8 hosting.
whats veryone doin
im adding content for a site
@Adriana: I gave you a heart attack? that's not good!
me too
Yay, SO chat ! Like I wasn't wasting enough time on SO already ... hahah
Hey, anyone active here?
how good is your regex for preg_replace?
I have a string that looks like "my name is {your name here} and I am from {country}." I am trying to use preg_replace to remove the {content} so the string ends up as "my name is and I am from ."

But I can not work out the regex for the pattern.
Saying that my regex sucks would be an overstatement :) Sorry ...
#My name is (.*) and I am from (.*)# ???
@DanGrossman Cheers, The My name is is actually just a sample string.
that's a valid expression that matches what you wanted...
@FreekOne Would you not mean an understatement?
@Hailwood no, I wouldn't. It's so bad, saying it sucks would be bragging, lol.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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